Another Cult of Climastrology meme down the drain
As with polar bears in the Arctic, emperor penguins are thriving in Antarctica. 10% increase in past 10 yrs. yet computer models have them extinct by 2100. Hopefully computer models will be extinct before 2100. Earth is greening, life is thriving.
— Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) August 10, 2020
From the link
A new study of emperor penguins (Aptenodytes fosteri) populations in 2019 found that it had grown by up to 10% since 2009. The largest of all penguin species in the Antarctic, emperors now number as many as 282,150 breeding pairs (up from about 256,500) out of a total population of over 600,000 birds. This growth occurred despite a loss of thousands of chicks in 2016 when one of the Antarctic ice shelves they were huddled upon collapsed. The latest IUCN Red List assessment, completed in 2018, classified emperors as ‘Near Threatened’, a small step up from ‘Least Concern’. In their justification for this classification, the authors concluded:
This species is listed as Near Threatened because it is projected to undergo a moderately rapid population decline over the next three generations owing to the projected effects of climate change. However, it should be noted that there is considerable uncertainty over future climatic changes and how these will impact the species.
Oddly, however, other biologists studying this species are currently petitioning the IUCN to upgrade emperor penguins to ‘Vulnerable’ (a classification equivalent to ‘Threatened’ in the US system) based on survival models that predict the species could be close to extinction by 2100 using the RCP8.5 ‘worse case’ climate change scenario that polar bear biologists have so far found irresistible. As polar bear biologists have also done, they insist that if we reduce CO2 emissions via global political policy, the penguins will be saved.
Funny how they always predict doom despite actual facts showing something different, eh? Hence the reason they always trot out 2100 for the doom date. The vast majority of people won’t be around to fact check them.
(Good News Network) A new study using satellite mapping technology reveals there are nearly 20% more emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica than was previously thought.
Researchers reported this week how they used images from the European Commission’s Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite mission to locate the birds.
They found 11 new breeding colonies, three of which were previously identified but never confirmed. That takes the global census to 61 colonies around the continent.
Sorry, don’t have the time to do a new graphic for the penguins.

And grandpa Don thinks VP Biden has dementia…
Trump, on Hannity to talk Harris, is talking windmills: “If you see a windmill and you hear a windmill, your home goes down by half, or less than half. It kills all the birds.”
Breaking News! tRump called Senator Harris, Phony Kamala! He’s not even trying anymore.
That’s kind of disappointing, isn’t it? He had so much to choose from. She’s half Black, half Indian, a woman, a prosecutor, she dated a Black man in the 90s, is from California, is a Democrat, her mom from India, her dad from Jamaica, she’s Baptist and married to a Jewish man, has a foreign middle name – Devi, went to Howard University… target rich for gross pig like tRump. He won’t even force her to show her birth certificate?
This is what real black people think of CS’ing Kameltoe herASS:
President Micropenis is afraid of women who fight back, or that he can’t buy.
Here’s what real whites think of Stumpy. Approval 41%.
Micro? It’s big enough to drive all the Lefties nuts (not so much a drive as a short putt). Jeffery’s obsessed with size and stuff. Willie, with his kink must have been kinky.
Typical of homosexuals and other mental defectives.
According to whom.
That’s what one Black woman thinks of Senator Harris.
She’s more popular that Stumpy’s stripper wife.
Entertainment Weekly reported, “Maya Rudolph, who played Harris during the Democratic Presidential debates on Saturday Night Live, has some thoughts.”
Rudolph said when told the news, “Oh shit. Ruh-roh.”
Picking Harris may put California in play.
It’s called pandering. It’s also called desperation.
Say what you will, Rice and Faucahontas had some actual policy-making experience. This broad’s experience was all on her back.
So now it’s dementia to tell the truth??
Now real studies have been done on the effects of wind turbines on property values, I wonder why not, but real estate experts say that they see a 25% to 55% drop in property values located near wind turbines when compared to similar homes located elsewhere. Oh, and they do kill birds along with bats, insects and cause health problems among people living near them.
Stumpy claimed that windmills cause cancer!! But supplies no evidence.
Housecats/feral cats kill more birds than do windmills. More birds are killed running into high-rise building windows. Wind turbines kill a tiny fraction compared to the other causes.
Stumpy claimed that wind turbines reduce property values by half or more! There’s precious little data (if any) to support this fib.
Stumpy claimed that windmills cause cancer!! But supplies no evidence.
Housecats/feral cats kill more birds than do windmills. More birds are killed running into high-rise building windows. Wind turbines kill a tiny fraction compared to the other causes.
Stumpy claimed that wind turbines reduce property values by half or more! There’s precious little data (if any) to support this fib.
Jeffery’s desperate to get kissy points with Troll Central. Quoting Commie News Net ain’t the way.
PS Teach check the comment widget. Looks like the comments aren’t getting placed correctly.
And grandpa Don thinks VP Biden has dementia…
So do most Democrats.
Trump, on Hannity to talk Harris, is talking windmills: “If you see a windmill and you hear a windmill, your home goes down by half, or less than half. It kills all the birds.â€
You notice the Kennedys did want any near Hyannispawt.