You remember Willie Brown, right? He was the married man Kamala Harris had an affair with, right before she got the San Fran AG position. Now he’s advising
Willie Brown urges Kamala Harris to decline offer to be Joe Biden’s VP
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown has advised senator Kamala Harris to “politely decline†if Joe Biden makes her an offer to be his presidential running mate.
The former mayor wrote in an opinion article for The San Fransisco Chronicle that the vice presidency is a “dead end†and “not the job she should go forâ€.
“Historically, the vice presidency has often ended up being a dead end. For every George HW Bush, who ascended from the job to the presidency, there’s an Al Gore, who never got there,†he wrote on Saturday.
Mr Brown recommended that Sen Harris should ask for the position of attorney general instead, saying that the position has “legitimate powerâ€.
“From atop the Justice Department, the boss can make a real mark on everything from police reform to racial justice to prosecuting corporate misdeeds,†he wrote.
“And the attorney general gets to name every US attorney in the country. That’s power.â€
Mr Brown, who served as mayor in San Francisco from 1996 to 2004, has previously appointed Sen Harris to positions on the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission.
No mention that he had an affair with her.
Mr Brown continued in his editorial to warn Sen Harris against accepting the position on the basis that the administration would face a tough term in the midst of a pandemic and an economic downturn.
Well, sure, and since Biden is losing his marbles, she’ll be the one making the decisions. Unfortunately, Willie published this prior to Kamala accepting.
Some headlines from Breitbart
- Most Liberal Senator: Backed ‘Medicare for All’…
- …Supports Defunding Pentagon…
- …Radical Green New Deal Vision…
- …Urged Donations to Group Pushing Defunding Police…
- …Extreme Gun Control Positions
- …Final Poll Number in Home State of California: 7%
- Kamala Harris Jailed Nearly 2,000 People for Marijuana Offenses
- …Flashback: ‘I Believe’ Biden Accusers
- Harris to Biden at Primary Debate: You Opposed Busing Students Like Me to School
That’s just a smattering of her brand of Modern Socialist crazy.

“Slept with” is too delicate and inaccurate. Try banged or blew instead. I have no doubt she didn’t sleep all the time.
Willie also said Trump would kill her face to face.
Well, sure, and since Biden is losing his marbles, she’ll be the one making the decisions.
Over Dr Jill’s outstretched corpse.
Is it OK that the MARRIED tRump cheated on all his wives? Sometimes with a porn star, whom described his penis as a stubby mushroom. “Cheated” implies something like having others take tests for you, or not paying contractors.
Maybe CHEATED is too polite a word. He likely licked, sucked, rimmed, got spanked, pounded from behind, pulled hair, got pissed on etc. Is that better?
I think Kameltoe is he very best Biden and the Commiecrats could do. I thoroughly endorse her as their VP pick.
That’s great, because she’ll be your VP, you putz.
Will Pence have the balls to bring up her sex life in a debate? She hopes so.
Will Pence have the balls to bring up her sex life in a debate? She hopes so.
Why? Does she want to blow a white guy?
And it begins… The racist, sexist shenanigans of the desperate and grotesque right-wingers such as TEACH starts. Connies love to talk about the sex lives of Democrats. They were obsessed with President Clinton’s penis for years. They claimed President Obama was gay, First Lady Obama was transgendered, and on and on. NuConnies are like a bunch of 12 year boys playing with their dicks.
Willie Brown had been legally separated (1982) from his estranged wife for at least 8 years before he and Senator Harris started dating. So TEACH is full of shit, again.
Here’s why the Trump “campaign” will have to hide behind bottom feeders such as TEACH:
Note that the most honorable of men, Donald J. Trump, cheated on his first wife, his second wife and his third wife, and at least twice barebacked sex workers to whom he later paid hush money. But he’s an “honorable” man. His third wife had a career of selling her nude photos before the most honorable DJ Trump married her. Senator Harris has never been accused (yet, but TEACH will get around to it) of sexual assault, but the most honorable DJ Trump has been accused by at least 20 women, one of whom was a 13 yr old girl, a victim of Trump friend Ghislaine Maxwell (whom DJ “wished well” after she was arrested for sexually assaulting children). DJ’s trail of sexcapades is a mile long.
TEACH then shits his bed by claiming that Senator Harris became the SF Attorney General by sleeping with Mr. Brown. First, there is no such position as SF AG. Second, then CA Speaker Brown named Senator Harris to two boards, California Medical Assistance Commission and Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Senator Harris WON elections to become the SF District Attorney and the California Attorney General. This all according to TEACH’s own citation!
TEACH is as bad as TRUMP when it comes to lying. But the “truth” is just a commodity to the NuConnies.
If the trumpists are so certain of victory, why are they so sleazy?
Just doing to her what you did to Sarah Palin.
And, in this case, there is sooooo much material to work with.
Like tRump, Palin was in over her head, unfit for the Presidency. Senator McCain made a huge mistake in his choice and, along with the Bush II housing meltdown, it cost him the election.
The rumor regarding half-governor Palin’s sex life was that she hooked up with U of Michigan B-Ball star, the 6’8″ Glen Rice, when the team was in Anchorage for the 1987 Great Alaska Shootout. Both were single, so no big deal. It seemed to only bother teabaggers and white nationalists.
From an interview: Glen Rice remembers the weekend. When I spoke to him by telephone in March 2011, he said, “I remember it as if it was yesterday. She was a sweetheart. I met her almost as soon as we got out there.”
“We hung out mostly at the hotel where the team was staying,” he told me. “We just hit it off. In a short time, we got to know a lot about one another. It was all done in a respectful way, nothing hurried.”
“So you never had the feeling she felt bad about having sex with a black guy?” I asked.
“No, no, no, nothing like that,” Rice said. “Even after I left Alaska, we talked a lot on the phone. I think right up until the time she got married. She was a gorgeous woman. Super nice. I was blown away by her. Afterward, she was a big crush that I had. I talked about her for a long time. Only good things. She was a well-rounded young lady. It’s amazing the way that’s stayed with me. I think the utmost of her and I felt that way from the start.”
Do you think it appropriate to speculate if she blew him? Swallowed? Rode him cowgirl?
You do realize, the housing collapse was the work of the Democrats, Zippy and the Hildabeast chief among them.
And Miss Sarah boosted St John of Hanoi. Don’t you remember those Palin/Mccain signs?
Harris’s weakness of sleeping her way up isn’t her most fatal flaw, though it does put a funny light on the #metoo movement.
Her support of giving medical care to the whole world (which is what open borders and free medical care to illegals amounts to) and some of her other California-whacky policy positions will doom her anywhere but with the coastal elites.
By all accounts, Senator Harris’ relationship with Mr. Brown in the early 90s was entirely consensual. He was not her boss.
So not related to #metoo.
So was Rose McGowan’s to Weinstein.
Both wanted a job, so they gave one.
Only an idiot would claim Senator Harris (or VP Biden) intends to give free medical care to the entire world.
Are you an idiot?
No, but you must be.
All those primary debates. Remember when the moderator asked who was for Medicare For All and both idiots (Hell, the whole room) held up their hands?
No? Don’t worry, you’ll be seeing it for the next 2 1/2 months.
We know you’re an idiot.
Medicare for All is not Medicare for the Entire World, idiot.
Medicare is good for you but not for others? Hypocrite much?
When know body knew who you were….
Speaking of kneelers…
tRump’s sucking is treason.
You have yet to prove it, hotshot.
The 2020 election will be different for the VP spot under Biden. He’ll be gone in 6 months, with dementia/senility/Alzheimers. The 25th Amendment will catapult Harris into the POTUS job.
Everyone knows it. The Dems are just playing dumb and pretending, because they don’t think Harris could win directly against Trump. But slip her in the backdoor via Biden? Easy. This may have been their plan all along. Everything else has been puppet theater.
If tRump can last 4 years with his increasing senility, so can President Biden.
That said, whomever President Biden appoints to the Cabinet will be an order of magnitude more patriotic than tRump’s Cabinet of sycophants and fools, so if President Biden would be incapacitated his Cabinet might actually invoke the 25th Amendment for the good of the nation.
GOPhers and tRumpists care not for America, except for their own personal benefit.
His increasing senility has beat you guys every time.
And Gropin’ Joe is like Notorious. It’s gonna be a miracle if they can last to Labor Day.
That said, whomever President Biden appoints to the Cabinet will be an order of magnitude more patriotic than tRump’s Cabinet of sycophants and fools, so if President Biden would be incapacitated his Cabinet might actually invoke the 25th Amendment for the good of the nation.
You mean like the syncophants and fools Zippy appointed? The ones who couldn’t bring him any recommendations more complicated than a checklist where he could only check one box?
If you mean Democrats do, how does that translate to shutting down 15 states for a phony disease and letting a crowd of savages burn down their major cities?
Well dems do like them some “kneelers”.
There is really no need to bring up Ms Harris’s personal life or how she climbed the ladder of success. This election should be decided on the issues and on every issue of importance, Ms Harris is unfit for public office at any level. Being honest, I see the entire democratic party as a bunch of hard left radicals trying to destroy everything good about America. And Harris is a Democrat. If you need to go hunting for dirt of any sort on Harris, you just aren’t paying attention to what is important. Whether you like or loathe Trump,at least you can say it is a distinct benefit that he never held public office before and after 4 more years, he never will again. We are going to be stuck with Harris and thousands of people just like her for the foreseeable future, unless being a thief becomes unfashionable.
Part of that unfit for public office at any level is how she got where she is.
Trump’s private life was on display for years.
Chlamydia’s is Epstein quality.
Chlamydia was Donnie’s honeymoon gift to Melania.
I don’t think Melania’s into threesomes.
Stumpy is a proud man-whore, handsy with his own daughter, and accused of multiple sexual assaults.
I wasn’t aware Gropin’ Joe had a daughter.
Do you believe the rumors about Roy Cohn and young Donald? Cohn, mob lawyer and fixer, mentored the young dandies, Donald tRump and Roger Stone.
Stone claimed Cohn wasn’t gay, but just liked having sex with only men.
Which rumors are these?
You criticize everyone else’s comments, but yours are the sort found on a bathroom wall.
Formwiz. I accept your position but I disagree. The problem of democrats in power is not how they got it. It’s what they will do with it. Democrats currently are trying to destroy America. They should be opposed for that alone. There is no need to look deeper. There are no “moderate democrats”. The democratic party line is harmful to Americans at every level.
See your point, but, if they have no qualifications other than she’s able to suck a golf ball through a 100 ft (detumescent) Bullet Hose, then that’s an issue.
And, yeah, what she’d do in power is more Zippy.
And tRump’s qualifications to be president?
$419 million from daddy, Fred?
At least 4 bankrupted companies?
Trump U?
TV game show host?
Admitted pussy grabber?
Marriage expert?
Here’s the skinny: White nationalists wouldn’t vote for Mr. Biden even if Don Jr was his running mate. So whom are you trying to influence with your misogynistic obsessions?
At least she admits it.
“Harris … will work her backside off.”
—Willie Brown
tRump Putin…
This seems to be an obsession with you, the old rusty trombone.
Is this why there are rumors you only like it this way?
Maybe it’s why your wife looks the way she does.
Bwaha! They keep coming.
She’ll be spitting mad when they lose in November.
tRump called Senator Harris “nasty”. Buy the “man” a thesaurus. (For connies: A thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms. Old joke: What’s another word for thesaurus?)
The nastiest “man” in America calls women he fears “nasty” whenever they humiliate him. It’s his “tell”. Meghan Markle, Carmen Cruz (San Juan, PR mayor), Secretary Clinton, Mette Frederiksen (PM of Denmark), Speaker of the House Pelosi and now Senator Harris.
Stumpy will be scared when he loses in November.
tRump called Senator Harris “nastyâ€. Buy the “man†a thesaurus. (For connies: A thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms. Old joke: What’s another word for thesaurus?)
Apparently, a lot of other people see it Trump’s way.
Senator Ma’am has said Chlamydia may want to apologize to all those black men she railroaded just so she could have a record as a prosecutor.
So, it begins.
The nastiest “man†in America calls women he fears “nasty†whenever they humiliate him. It’s his “tellâ€. Meghan Markle, Carmen Cruz (San Juan, PR mayor), Secretary Clinton, Mette Frederiksen (PM of Denmark), Speaker of the House Pelosi and now Senator Harris.
The consensus again backs up the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne. Arkancide wasn’t originate for Mike Huckabee.
Stumpy will be scared when he loses in November.
No, he’ll just go back to his basement in DE and sniff hair.
(For Jeffery: obviously, Conservatives are more familiar with thesauri than you because we don’t usually draw our comments from bathroom walls)
For Sibley: We’ve seen better prose on bathroom walls than anything you’ve typed.
for example, “Dyslexics Untie!!” or “I thought Cunnilingus was an Irish king!”
Only African American DNA in Kamala came from Willie Brown….
From where do you idiots think the Black people of Jamaica originated?