These would be the same people who mostly won’t live the life they want Everyone Else to be forced to live
A new Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (CEE Bill) demanding the UK government act with emergency measures on the twin crises has been written and will be put before parliament if it receives enough support.
A campaign was launched on Wednesday and supporters have high hopes that the Bill will be introduced in the House of Commons when it reconvenes on 1 September.
The CEE Bill comes a year after the British parliament declared a climate emergency. If passed, it would substantially amend the Climate Change Act 2008, tightening the framework and accelerating the speed in which the UK has to act.
For the most part, the article attempts to avoid mentioning that this is being pushed strongly by the insane climate cultists in Extinction Rebellion. But, what does it do?
- – Create a plan to completely reduce its carbon emissions in real terms with immediate effect;
- – Calculate the entire carbon footprint of the UK, including emissions caused internationally through import and export;
- – Actively conserve and restore nature here in the UK with focus both on biodiversity and soils’ protection and produce ways to evaluate how effectively this action is implemented;
- – Actively mitigate the damage to nature along the UK’s supply chains – both in the UK and internationally. The bill calls for accountability on the impact on the natural world as a consequence of our consumption;
- – Reduce reliance on speculative future carbon capture technologies, and to actively restore natural carbon sinks, such as the conservation of woodlands, and restoring peat bogs and the overall vital function of soils that act as a natural reservoir for carbon and keeping it out of the atmosphere;
- – And create a “Citizens Assembly†so the people can have a real say in the way forward, bringing social equity into decision making.
So, not so much a plan, but a plan to create a plan to come up with a plan to Do Something. While giving Government all sorts of power, along with yet another un-elected, unaccountable group which can tell Other People how to live their lives.
The new campaign comes after a report by the government’s Climate Change Committee (CCC) which revealed that the UK’s net zero by 2050 target gives only a “greater than 50%†chance of averting climate catastrophe. Their most recent report released in June recommends preparing for a 2-4 degree increase in global temperatures.
You know what? I think they should pass this. Like I’ve said before, there needs to be experimental groups to show people the outcomes. Let’s see how fast the people of the U.K., including the hardcore Warmists once they realize that all the Bad Stuff applies in their own lives, rebel and vote the government nutters out and get rid of the climate change scam laws and rules and regulations.