…is an inland sea created by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post noting that not all black lives matter.

…is an inland sea created by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post noting that not all black lives matter.
Click on the Recent Comments window and you’re teleported back to ’13.
And, yes, Jeffery’s rap hasn’t changed one iota.
Sibley the Idiot doesn’t understand that truth is eternal. LOL.
Only if it isn’t based on rigged data and lies.
Thanks for the link Teach!
The comments have been all screwy since yesterday. I usually use the comments to avoid the knucklehead racist Elwood so imagine my surprise when I was transported back to 2014 and he was still a shit head then. Not one inch of improvement or grain of knowledge. Amazing.
Australian Lives Matter!
Trump 2020 The Elwoods are now murdering white children they must be stopped.
DumpTrump2020: So far the Kyes have killed 170,000 Americans, white, Black, Hispanic, men, women and children, and they continue to kill 1000 Americans each day, and they must be stopped.
The increasingly desperate and sedated tRump now wants to shut down the US Post Office to help him win the election. Why has he become so desperate? He thinks he will lose the election.
The US has become a failed state. tRump is but a symptom of the feckless GOP.
All the trumpists have is hate, including hate for this nation.
For you Elwood.
“…So far the Kyes have killed 170,000 Americans, white, Black, Hispanic, men, women and children, and they continue to kill 1000 Americans each day…”
DAMN KYE! You’ve been really busy. That’s a lot of hard work. Are you taking requests or is this a Santa Clause Naughty-Nice list thing?
DumpTrump2020: So far the Kyes have killed 170,000 Americans, white, Black, Hispanic, men, women and children, and they continue to kill 1000 Americans each day, and they must be stopped.
Only about 340, so the Kyes aren’t the proble,
The increasingly desperate and sedated tRump now wants to shut down the US Post Office to help him win the election. Why has he become so desperate? He thinks he will lose the election.
No, he just wants to stop the mass fraud of mail in voting. Which is the only way the Demos think they’ll win. Even the Demos know they’re losing.
The US has become a failed state. tRump is but a symptom of the feckless GOP.
The only failed states are the ones governed by Demos.
All the trumpists have is hate, including hate for this nation.
Accuse them of what we do.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites numerous adverse events such as intentional self-harm, drownings and exposure to earthquakes as contributing factors in over 4,000 of its recorded Pritzker Palsy deaths.
There’s also gunshot wounds and car crashes.
Gee, how many darkies have been shot this year? Maybe that’s how there’s 170,000.
The racist birther DJ Trump is back! Once a racist birther, always a racist birther! DJT looks more desperate and deranged every day.
Trump told reporters Thursday that he heard a “highly qualified, very talented lawyer” opine that Harris didn’t qualify to serve as vice president but did not know if it were true or not. Trump was responding to a question and was referring to a Newsweek opinion piece by law professor John Eastman inaccurately calling into question Harris’ eligibility.
“I heard it today that she doesn’t meet the requirements,” Trump said. “I have no idea if that’s right. I would have assumed that the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for vice president.”
Actually, a lot of people have raised that issue. Her parents weren’t citizens, either.
And Trump was right about Zippy. His birth cert listed his race as African.
In ’61? Get real. He’s as phony as she is.
Since Donald “Shawshank” tRump thinks the US Postal Service has suddenly become obsolete, perhaps he will support internet voting. LOL.
Stick your LOL up your ass with all your penis envy.
Post Office is willing to support mail in voting So do the Demos. Too bad it’s been proven unworkable in several cases all over the country.
from former tRump “fixer” Michael Cohen’s book:
“From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump’s clandestine lovers, I wasn’t just a witness to the president’s rise — I was an active and eager participant.â€
So let’s add golden showers to tRump’s long list of perversions.
Is this a great election or what!?!
Maybe sex worker pee kills coronaviruses!!
Just like masks and social distancing.
Masks and social distancing reduce the transmission.
It is a great election, ya dog faced pony soldier. I’ve never seen so many self hating white leftist so boiled up because they know they’re losing. When you start blaming the Red Chinese Wuhan Joint Democrat plague on me then I know you’re going insane realizing YOU GUYS ARE LOSING BIG TIME. Hey Elwood, ya can’t burn down our cities, riot, murder people, take away their jobs, ruin their business and expect to win. You guys are scared and stupid. Your ONLY chance is massive voter fraud (you’re good at it) with mail in votes….all phony.
You’ve been ripping America apart since 1860 but this time we’ll exterminate your sick disease.
Irish Lives Matter!
Trump 2020 Kill the commies.
Jeffery takes the word of a convicted felon.
Cohen is ratting out his unindicted co-conspirator buddy, Shawshank Donnie.
VP Mike Penis: “We’re not gonna let Joe Biden and Kamala Harris cut America’s meat!!”