See, it never got hot in Baghdad before the invention of the fossil fueled combustion engine
Baghdad’s record heat offers glimpse of world’s climate change future
This city roars in the summertime. You hear the generators on every street, shaking and shuddering to keep electric fans whirring as the air seems to shimmer in the heat.
Iraq isn’t just hot. It’s punishingly hot. Record-breakingly hot. When one of us returned here last week, the air outside felt like an oven. The suitcase crackled as it was unzipped. It turned out that the synthetic fibers of a headscarf had melted crispy and were now stuck to the top of the case. A cold bottle of water was suddenly warm to the lips. At our office, the door handle was so hot it left blisters at the touch.
Baghdad hit 125.2 degrees on July 28, blowing past the previous record of 123.8 degrees — which was set here five years ago — and topping 120 degrees for four days in a row. Sitting in one of the fastest warming parts of the globe, the city offers a troubling snapshot of the future that climate change might one day bring other parts of the world.
Experts say temperature records like the one seen in Baghdad will continue to fall as climate change advances.
Now, if you would just agree to pay taxes and give up your modern lifestyle, along with your freedom, liberty, and choice, we could fix this. If not, the world is doomed
If the world acts to dramatically limit climate change, such extremes of heat, with temperatures above 120 degrees, would probably be limited to parts of the Middle East, Northern Africa, and India, Lelieveld said.
But if not, temperatures in parts of the Persian Gulf region and South Asia could eventually exceed 130 degrees. Nor would the rest of the world be spared extreme spikes. Indeed, one recent study found that by the year 2050, the climate of Phoenix could closely resemble that of Baghdad.
Sorry, Phoenix, even the majority of high ranking members of the Cult of Climastrology refuse to modify their own lives, so, guess you’re just going to have to deal with it.
(Weather Atlas) The last month of the summer, August, is another extremely hot month in Baghdad, Iraq, with average temperature fluctuating between 25°C (77°F) and 43°C (109.4°F). In August, the average high-temperature is almost the same as in July – an extremely hot 43°C (109.4°F).
You know how averages occur, right? And that there are extreme records set all the time, right? That weather patterns change, and that long term warm periods have been occurring throughout the Holocene, right? Did you know that Tirat Tsvi, Israel, also recorded a high of 129.2 degrees on June 22, 1942? That was at the tail end of the massive warm spike which preceded the cooling that lasted till the late 1970’s.
Still, you need to be forced to pay taxes, give up burgers, and turn your AC up to 80, to solve this. We can also restrict all media outlets from using fossil fuels to travel to gather the news and deliver newspapers. Bet the Credentialed Media, like the above Washington Post, would give up their climate hysteria if they were forced to comply.

TEACH typed, mockingly: it never got hot in Baghdad before the invention of the fossil fueled combustion engine
It shouldn’t be surprising to find regions that were always hot getting even hotter with global warming. Teach doesn’t understand the concept of “records”.
It’s encouraging that global warming “skeptics” now accept that the Earth is warming.
The concept of “records” means you accept all of them, even the ones that show your phony theory is nothing but a scam.
It’s encouraging that global warming “skeptics†now accept that the Earth is warming.
when you find one, let us know.
TEACH started admitting that the Earth is warming, although he also claims all the data are fraudulent.
You can give us a link to this momentous statement.
It shouldn’t be surprising that nowhere in the article does it offer any proof of what allegedly caused the one record temp, because of course they can’t-the correlation/causation thing. One would have to know what the temp would have been absent a rise in CO2, which would be like pretending to know what the score of the football game would have been if player “X†had played. Impossible, of course. And if a record temp somehow proves gw, then a record low temp somewhere else would by that “logic†disprove it. They have a long, long way to go..
All global warming skeptics have always believed the earth is warming, and cooling too. We actually believe in the science you deny with a rigid “the science is settled” approach which is highly unscientific. We also have enough common sense not to put all our eggs in one giant faulty and continuously changing “model”. Similarly, we apply observation and experience as it applies both to the decades of misinformation and incorrect predictions the cultists have perpetrated on mostly the American people in the hopes of gettin’ that good ole fear money the morons who fall for it fork over. Good scam if you can be immoral and deceitful enough to pull it off which is why that field is full of Godless, hateful communists.
BTW, climate Deniers are the ones who refuse to accept the earth warms and cools. Skeptics have reservations about how much of that can be attributed to man made reasons. Get your nomenclature straight.
Brown Lives Matter!
Trump 2020 Let’s make all American lives matter not just the ones who vote for leftists.
This little white boy was murdered by this BLM supporter Democrat supporting racist for accidentally riding his bike onto his lawn. Don’t little white lives matter to you hateful Democonnies, Elwood?
Of course, they don’t. And Hispanic lives are getting cheaper by the day.
That’s what happens when you oppose the Left.
The little boys murder has nothing to do with global warming, but the killer should never see the outside of a cell until he dies.
Do only white kids matter to you? Little Black kids get shot more often, often caught in gang crossfire.
My nomenclature is fine. So-called “skeptics” deny that the Earth is currently warming from CO2. TEACH’s ignorant claim that this current period of rapid warming is just a natural, and common Holocene “warming period” is, well, ignorant.
Anyway, the Earth is warming from the CO2 we continue to add to the atmosphere, but that story has been largely supplanted by the immediacy of 170,000 or more Americans dying from Covid-19, the cratered economy and burgeoning debt.
It’s not clear that Kye understands science, data or evidence.
Does the desperate tRump have you terrified that Negroes want to move to your neighborhood and rape your women?
All trumpists have is hate.
The little boys murder has nothing to do with global warming, but the killer should never see the outside of a cell until he dies.
Always dreaming of little boys. It’s boy’s, singular possessive.
And you keep telling us everything is caused by global wahoo.
And why let this creep feed at the public trough? Execute him. Lynch him. String him up. Fry him.
That’s what he deserves.
Do only white kids matter to you? Little Black kids get shot more often, often caught in gang crossfire.
Apparently black kids only matter to you when you want one. We have yet to hear what a lot of white Conservatives have said, “If black lives matter, why aren’t they marching to stop the violence?”.
Oh, that’s right. Then you’d have to hold white Democrats responsible and they pay your salary.
So-called “skeptics†deny that the Earth is currently warming from CO2. TEACH’s ignorant claim that this current period of rapid warming is just a natural, and common Holocene “warming period†is, well, ignorant.
People may be ignorant, but anybody who pushes global wahoo is a liar.
Anyway, the Earth is warming from the CO2 we continue to add to the atmosphere, but that story has been largely supplanted by the immediacy of 170,000 or more Americans dying from Covid-19, the cratered economy and burgeoning debt.
Supplanted? Nobody buys it except morons like you.
There isn’t much immediacy of 340 people dying from a manufactured flu and the economic woes and burgeoning debt are all your doing.
It’s not clear that Kye understands science, data or evidence.
It’s clear you lie about it. Or have we stopped saying science is based on consensus and not proof?
Does the desperate tRump have you terrified that Negroes want to move to your neighborhood and rape your women?
Actually, it’s the white people moving out of the cities. Thanks to the Democrats.
All trumpists have is hate.
At least we have a ticket that doesn’t have to be hidden underground.
As Baghdad grows hotter, perhaps Oymyakon will see some relief from the most bone-chilling cold.
global warmingclimate change make some places on earth virtually uninhabitable due to the high temperatures? Possibly. But if the equatorial latitudes become warmer, we would also see the temperate latitudes expand further north and south.Would that mean that deserts which are already virtually uninhabitable and unable to grow food will get hotter while marginal areas will become more food growing productive? Hell, we can’t have that now can we. That would be as bad as America becoming the worlds largest energy producer. Insane!!!!
Polynesian Lives Matter!
But little white boys don’t.
Trump 2020. Let’s keep the gulags in Russia where they belong.
Soros’ son supports Kameltoe. Whooda thunk? (She’s probably doing him too)
Mr. Dana is correct again! Some hot places will get hotter, some cold places will warm. What all this means is major change in human societies. We can adjust to the changes, but it will be expensive and stressful.
What will humans do? It’s pretty clear we’ll largely ignore the issue and kick it down the road to let our descendants worry about it.
We have more immediate problems that can’t be ignored. 1000 Americans are dying daily from out of control Covid-19 and the tepid US response has led to a recession, high unemployment, record gov’t expenditures to prop up the economy (which is made of people), record debt and the greatest challenge since WWII.
In what numbers? Last I heard, deaths were way down. Even Fake News has conceded it.
We can adjust to the changes, but it will be expensive and stressful.
No, people are pretty good at adapting. It’s government that screws things up.
1000 Americans are dying daily from out of control Covid-19 and the tepid US response has led to a recession, high unemployment, record gov’t expenditures to prop up the economy (which is made of people), record debt and the greatest challenge since WWII.
No tepid, a lot of tyrannical, megalomaniacal Democrats have led to riots and economic hardship in their states. That will change in November when they’re voted out.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
If adjusting to the changes will be expensive and stressful, at least it will be something we do in response to known, existing conditions. But what the warmunists want to do is spend trillions of dollars, now, reducing our standards of living, to avert something which might never happen, and even if it does happen, might happen in ways we have not foreseen.
We have spent trillions in the last 6 months alone propping up tRump’s failing economy.
Where did those trillions come from?
And we’re still in a severe recession with 1000 Americans dying daily.
See where the Demos are mulling the idea of keeping Chlamydia under wraps just like Gropin’ Joe.
Fun stuff.
Speaking of VPs, where’s Mike Penis been lately?
You seem fascinated by male anatomy. Real men are fascinated by female anatomy.
You seem obsessed with venereal diseases and baffled by female anatomy. Like most connies you are obsessed with the sex lives of Dems.
Yet… the putative GOPher candidate has a decades long history of misogyny, sexual assaults, divorce, adultery and pussy grabbing. Don’t forget.