Why bother arresting law breakers when you know that prosecutors will ignore the law and not prosecute?
Oregon State Police leaving Portland over lack of prosecutions
Oregon State Police on Thursday said they were withdrawing protection from Portland’s federal courthouse over frustration at a prosecutor’s decision not to indict many people arrested in protests there.
The state police were deployed to Portland two weeks ago under an agreement between Oregon Governor Kate Brown and Vice President Mike Pence to withdraw federal agents after weeks of clashes with protesters. President Donald Trump threatened to send National Guard troops to Portland, if requested by Oregon authorities, if local law enforcement was unable to protect the federal courthouse.
Oregon State Police are “continually reassessing our resources and the needs of our partner agencies, and at this time we are inclined to move those resources back to counties where prosecution of criminal conduct is still a priority,” spokesman Timothy Fox said in a statement.
The police force is angry at Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt’s decision not to prosecute many people arrested during weeks of protests at the courthouse, Fox said.
Schmidt on Tuesday said he would only press charges against protesters arrested for assault, theft or property damage in Portland protests that began in late May after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Schmidt signaled he would be dropping lesser charges such as rioting and disorderly conduct.
Reuters is gaslighting a bit on this
Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, leaning on a group of community representatives he called his transition team, announced Tuesday that his office will drop most of the charges filed against protesters in Portland.
His prosecutors won’t pursue demonstrators accused of interfering with police, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, escape or harassment if the allegations don’t involve “deliberate’’ property damage, theft or force against another person or threats of force, Schmidt said.
Further, what surely was the proverbial straw is that “Charges of assault of officer will be subject to “high scrutiny.”” Meaning that charges will surely be dropped in almost every case.
Anyhow, what happens when the state police leave and the BLM/Antifa “protesters” start attacking the federal building again? Do federal troops come back? I say, let it burn. Let the whole city burn, showing what happens in Democratic Party run areas. Then stick the city of Portland with a bill for the building, which can be enforced by garnishing federal appropriations.

Coming soon to a Democrat city near you.
The question is – Did they make the decision on their own or did Governor Brown make them withdraw?