This reminds of that that old joke from the Blues Brothers
Except here we have alarmists and cultists
Climate crisis demands diverse leadership
With California Sen. Kamala Harris as the Democratic pick for vice president, and Rep. Ilhan Omar winning her Minnesota primary on Tuesday, there is new reason to be optimistic about transformative national action on climate and energy. These pioneering women will work to shift priorities to ensure climate and energy policy is fair, just and inclusive.
Today, it is anything but.
Low-income communities and people of color suffer the most from our current fossil fueled energy system and from the climate disruptions that this system has caused. The fossil fuel industry, mostly led by white men, generates huge profits while strategically dismissing and denying the dangers.
Black Americans are more likely to live in the shadow of oil refineries and coal-fired power plants, and to get sick and die from breathing polluted air. Lacking parks and green space, many low-income neighborhoods bake during heat waves, the deadliest impact of climate change.
I’ll mention yet again that this mostly occurs in Democratic Party run areas, where they like to keep blacks on the Modern Plantation via their Modern Jim Crow policies
For too long, concerns of vulnerable communities have gone unheard in the halls of power. Without diverse leadership, the United States has invested in sustaining corporate profits and supporting the powerful fossil fuel industry rather than prioritizing the basic needs of people and communities.
Can someone point out what either Kamala or Ilhan has actually done for black people? How they have made their lives better? Think things will get better for low income (and no income) blacks when the cost of living skyrockets from climate cult policies?
Even well-meaning renewable energy incentives have disproportionately benefited white, well-off communities — and further exacerbated racial and economic disparities. This lack of representation has led to inadequate policies that widen inequities instead of leverage opportunities for job creation and advancing social justice.
Huh, so the Cult of Climastrology is pretty much racist?
With more diverse leadership, there is hope for innovative climate and energy policy that places social, economic and racial justice at its core. When women and people of color show up in leadership spaces where they have historically been excluded, their lived experiences provide powerfully different perspectives on social justice.
I’m starting to get the idea that this has nothing to do with science nor the climate.
Those perspectives are shaping a new policy agenda. Both Omar and Harris have been avid supporters of the Green New Deal, and both have resisted the influence of the oil and gas industry.
This would be the same GND that AOC refuses to demand a vote on, and the Democratic Party run House refuses to vote on. Since they won’t doesn’t that mean they’re racists? That’s how this works, right?

TEACH typed: this mostly occurs in Democratic Party run areas, where they like to keep blacks on the Modern Plantation via their Modern Jim Crow policies
What might those local Democratic policies be?
Why do you think Black Americans tend to support the Democrats? Could it be their recognition of conservative racism and white nationalism?
Welfare state, EBT, lousy education. worse law enforcement.
Like a lot of Democrats, they support them cause Grandaddy voted for Franklin Roosevelt, who made a lot of noise about The Negro, but worked hand in glove with the segregationists.
Just like Gropin’ Joe and every Democrat since.
Could it be their recognition of conservative racism and white nationalism?
No, because your average black doesn’t give a damn about illegals coming in from Mexico.
Edward typed: your average black doesn’t give a damn about illegals coming in from Mexico
Yet, according to DJ Jazzy Don and his alt-right followers this was the greatest threat to America in all of history. Did Black Americans recognize this as the lie it was? Are you saying Black Americans aren’t as easily fooled as white GOPhers?
I’m saying all your blathering about how blacks are concerned with seeing illegals get into this country is a crock.
Illegals only take jobs from blacks as much as whites.
Edward is not making sense, being either mentally ill or intentionally obtuse to change the subject.
Why do you think Black Americans tend to support the Democrats? Could it be their recognition of conservative racism and white nationalism?
More lies. Why do blacks support Democrats? Great question.
First ask yourself a few questions.
Do blacks believe that the police should be defunded? Democrats do.
Do blacks believe that white men are killing black men? Democrats do.
Do blacks believe that they must live in hopelessness and abject poverty? Democrats do.
Do blacks believe that the government is the only solution to their plight? Democrats do.
Do blacks believe that their only hope is the government and that they cannot possibly get a job or go to college? Democrats do.
Do blacks believe In God and are basically christian? Republicans do.
Do blacks want their families to be stronger and not torn apart? Republicans do.
Do blacks want to work and feel good about themselves? Republicans do.
Do blacks want the American dream? Republicans do.
Do blacks want the communist dream? Democrats do.
The solution? Vote Democrat because the right and conservatives ARE NOT RACIST. DEMOCRATS ARE!!!!!
My answer was better. Black Americans recognize that American conservatism is linked to white nationalism, racism, anti-immigration, bigotry, and the support of policies that harm all minorities.
American conservatives support the old confederacy and the symbols celebrating slavery.
American conservatives believe that Black Lives Don’t Matter.
American conservatives defend and make excuses for police killing Black Americans.
American conservatives claim that Black Americans are poorer because they’re lazy, stupid and make “bad decisions”.
Do you think Black Americans are blind to American conservatism, the alt-right, the white supremacy movement?
American Conservatives believe that All Lives Matter Or None Do.
My answer was better.
No, it was just full of lies.
Black Americans don’t give a damn about white nationalism, anti-immigration, and the support of policies that harm all minorities. They’re more concerned about them than illegals.
American Conservatives know the history of this country and honor good men and women regardless of the side they were on. The symbols celebrating slavery are alive and well in the Democrat party. Consider Jim Clyburn who gets to play Stepin Fetchit when the Demos hold a majority in the House.
American Conservatives defend law enforcement. What they don’t do is make heroes out of thugs and suppress the facts when one dies.
American Conservatives recognize people who are poorer are often lazy, stupid and make “bad decisionsâ€.
Do you think black Americans are blind to American Conservatism, the alt-right, the white supremacy movement?
White supremacy is your thing and your average black doesn’t know the first thing
As I said. I was right.
No, you just lie your face off.
Oh, my-J with a bunch of baseless assertions again. “American conservatives support the old confederacy (is there a new one?) and symbols celebrating slaveryâ€. Well, at least you don’t makes over-generalized statements….
American conservatives support the old confederacy and the symbols celebrating slavery.
Democrats hate God. The symbol of Christianity. They love Muslims because they have convinced Muslims to support the Democratic party by convincing them that Conservatives oppose RADICAL MUDERERS who use an ideology of genocide. Black people by and large are Christian. Why they would support a party who hates GOD. Who hates Christians and Jews but loves their enemies aka radical muslims is mind blowing and the black man/woman is not paying attention to the party of hate. The real party of hate is the Democrats. Who hate independent thought, GOD, whites, and anyone who would dare to make a living without depending upon a hand out and the government dictating to them what to think and believe.
American conservatives believe that Black Lives Don’t Matter.
Wrong. Black lives are very important to American culture. Conservatives are trying hard to embrace Black lives and black people. We just refuse to sell our souls for one subset of people. We have opened the tent and invited them to come on in and join ALL OF US. Hispanics with their culture, Blacks with theirs, whites with theirs. Christians with theirs, Jews with theirs and so on and so on. We believe that you do not have to give up who you are to be a conservative unlike the democratic party who demands your allegiance to Authoritarianism in order to enter the tent.
American conservatives defend and make excuses for police killing Black Americans.
No we do not. We believe that the world is full of bad people which includes bad cops. 99.9 percent of all killings by cops are justified. that 1/10th of 1 percent is not. This is just a plain and outright lie on your behalf because you got nothing but lies. Your world is falling apart as more and more people flee your communist party filled with fascists and little hitlers that would destroy a life if they disagree with the leftists talking points.
American conservatives claim that Black Americans are poorer because they’re lazy, stupid and make “bad decisionsâ€.
No we claim they have BEEN MADE POOR BY THE DEMOCRATS who have made them lazy. The bill passed by republicans and SIGNED BY CLINTON tore the black family apart. Both parties are Guilty of trying to destroy the black culture in America. Joe Biden then passed laws to throw black men in jail and make sure that there were no black fathers in the black community.
This one thing more than any other is a horrible result of BOTH parties trashing the blacks. The left use that as a talking point but have done NOTHING TO FIX IT. Trump has tried. The left refuses. Hell why would the left want to do anything to rock the boat of a group that voted 90 percent democrat?
The right is trying to fix it. Open their arms and invite blacks into the tent. Just accept everyones culture and we will accept yours.
The left is nothing but little Nazi’s with a napoleon complex and they show it every day in every post. Especially you.
Democrats hate God.
We don’t claim to speak for Democrats, but as agnostic, we recognize there is no evidence to support gods, angels, demons, or any other supernatural “beings”. But we may be wrong, there may be a supernatural “world” that we don’t understand. In general, Democrats rely on the constitution for guidance on the interface between governance and religion. The USA is not obligated to prefer one religion over another, therefore Islam is as protected as Christianity. Your claim that Muslims are MUDERERS (sic) is untrue. Most Americans are murdered by Christians. It’s also interesting that you claim Democrats hate God but in the same breath recognize that Black Americans are Christians. Yet, most Black Americans vote for Democrats. Black Americans may be wiser than the typical NuGOPher believes.
Conservatives are trying hard to embrace Black lives and black people.
The GOP understandably wants Black Americans to vote for Republicans. The outreach is not working for some reason. One reason may be that the president supports the white nationalist movement. Another is that the GOP has a long history of not listening to Black Americans, as even before the trump phenomenon Black Americans rejected the GOP.
99.9 percent of all killings by cops are justified.
Even is true, this doesn’t address that conservatives defend and excuse the killings of Black Americans by the police and whites in general. Every Black American killed by police is vilified by right-wing blogs and FOX “News”. Amaud Arbery was on video looking around a construction site before he was gunned down!! George Floyd had drugs in his system!! Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend fired at unidentified men in their apartment!!
You are correct that neither party has addressed the issues facing not only Black Americans, but all poor and working class Americans. The objective of our plutocratic leadership over the past several decades has been to succor the wealthy and corporations while ignoring the working classes and elderly, whites and blacks. The same plutocrats from Reagan through Clinton through Bush through Obama and now Trump, with the enthusiastic support of Congress have cut taxes on the rich and corporations and buggered policies, e.g., labor, healthcare, patent, trade, worker safety, criminal justice, fiscal, monetary, bankruptcy, all to benefit the wealthy.
Lots of evidence to support the existence of God, but the Lefties want to play God, so they can’t admit the existence of Anyone greater than the.
Also they’re that insecure. And more Moslems murder for religious reasons. Which makes the Lefties scared of them.
Conservatives tend to treat people on an individual basis. We don’t “outreach”. If you’re a good guy, we’ll remember. If you’re a bad guy, we’ll remember.
Jeffery, as always, lies his face off in terms of what Conservatives believe, especially since facts have generally come down on the side of the cops in cases like George Floyd’s. Facts are only to be treated as such if the support the agenda in the Lefty canon.
cut taxes on the rich and corporations and buggered policies, e.g., labor, healthcare, patent, trade, worker safety, criminal justice, fiscal, monetary, bankruptcy, all to benefit the wealthy.
clearly untrue as a great many working stiffs will vote Trump this Fall.
PS “buggered” Past tense of the verb for sodomy? Odd choice since it really doesn’t apply. Jeffery is certainly obsessed with all things homosexual, but what the Hell else did you expect?
Sibley typed: Lots of evidence to support the existence of God,
Do tell! As we said, we can be wrong. Might you? Agnostics/atheists have had to learn to tiptoe around religious snowflakes who are very defensive of their “faith”.
And many Dems/liberals are Christians.
Edward typed: And more Moslems murder for religious reasons. Which makes the Lefties scared of them.
Muslims in America don’t commit many homicides based on their religion. And it’s conservatives who are piss-their-panties terrified of Muslims. It’s connies that want to ban and/or deport Muslims, remember?
working stiffs will vote for tRump
That’s true. Non-college white males still favor tRump. They value his assaults on Black Americans, Muslims, women, Hispanics even more than they value America and their families. They admire tRump’s bullying and his validation of their own style of “manliness”.
The Eminent Mr Surber strikes again. Jeffery whines people don’t like The Donald. The Eminent Mr Surber proves in this election year, it’s irrelevant.
“I voted Johnson but was on the fence about Trump until the impeachment. He was doing pretty well as POTUS prior and I thought he earned another term, but the ENDLESS tantrum of the resist crowd made up my mind. It really is a choice of ANTIFA or Trump.”
“The three month plus national mask mandate pushed me over the edge.”
“I think a lot of liberals (let me choose my own life myself), are being forced in that direction by leftists (get rid of the nuclear family and adhere to rigid state controls on every aspect of life)” (this also happened in the 60s).
“The Ninth Circuit’s gun decision yesterday may have pushed me – I want more decisions like that.”
“Yeah, mask mandate, take away your health insurance, defund the police, riots do is fine but church gatherings are not is making this election really simple and easy.”
“Oh, and to be clear, destroying 1500 buildings in Minneapolis is not peaceful protest. It’s a blitzkrieg”.
Every one of them a Democrat or Whig. Anecdotal, sure, but how many blog posts get that kind of reaction?
People are fed up with the Lefties.
You heard it here first.
So tRump rescinded EPA methane release regulations even though Exxon, BP and Shell opposed tRump’s stupid move.
But they’re corporations in their corporation offices and they’re all corporationy.
So Trump is going against the rich. How can this be?
Take your pick:
I Exxon, BP etc have a corporate policy for us rubes, i.e., As good corporate and world citizens we want to protect the environment!, while they work with tRump to dismantle it all.
II tRump is getting paid off by smaller fracking operators.
III DJ hates the world.
IV Don CH4 tRump thinks his ignorant minions will love him even more for it.
The second is most likely, small time grifter that DJ is.
Most of his minions really don’t care.
The only one to whom it matters seems to be you and whatever he does, you’ll find a reason to dislike it.
So who cares?
He rescinded Obama’s 2015 methane restrictions-here’s why. Methane admissions had already fallen 17% as gas production increased 37% 1990-2104. Admissions from fracking had already been reduced 73% 2011-2014. And methane isn’t a problem, anyway, as almost all of it is absorbed by water vapor in the infrared spectrum. Read, and learn
You mean, black Americans live close to the places in which they work, right?
As the warmunists try to close down oil refineries and coal-fired power plants, they are trying to close down facilities which tend to have a higher percentage of black workers.
“Black Americans are more likely to live in the shadow of oil refineries and coal-fired power plants, and to get sick and die from breathing polluted air.”
Bullshit! Black Americans are more likely to live in Blue cities by 10:1 than anywhere else and that’s because the Slaver Democrats have created a generational institution of interrelated benefits to stay close to their means of support: the taxpayer. As Bush called it “the soft bigotry of low expectations” IT can be seen here every time Elwood types his racist tripe blaming Trump/Republicans/conservatives/ The GOP for the failed policies of the left and the failed “leadership” in decades run Blue Cites.
Trump 2020 Democrats have morphed into the enemy. You know what Americans do with enemies?
Here’s a look at one of those Blue Cities:
Kye typed: Democrats have morphed into the enemy. You know what Americans do with enemies?
What do Americans do with enemies? Criticize them? Vote against them? Revoke their citizenship? Deport them? Hang them?
I like the last 3.
The inimitable Mr. Dana states: As the (slur for those who understand the evidence in support of global warming) try to close down oil refineries and coal-fired power plants, they are trying to close down facilities which tend to have a higher percentage of black workers.
Are those who understand the evidence in support of global warming trying to close down oil refineries or is the market because of the pandemic/recession?
Are those who understand the evidence in support of global warming trying to close down coal-fired power plants or is coal being cast aside because methane is cheaper (and burns cleaner)? Actually those who understand the evidence in support of global warming DO want to end coal burning but the market is what is killing King Koal.
Do oil refineries and coal-fired power plants actually employ a disproportionate percentage of Black Americans?
It should be easy to support that claim with evidence. Here’s one source. What is Mr. Dana’s?
The market is the same, even in the face of the Wolf Wobbies and the engineered attempt by the Demos to crash the markets.
But Jeffery, when met by an issue that throws his rhetoric out the window, does what is necessary and changes the subject.
Which raises the issue of what happens to all those “working classes” over which he weeps constantly when all these CO2-friendly industries are shuttered? And what of black people who work there?
Sounds like Potemkin tears Jeffery is crying.
Funny, no line in your “source” for energy workers. Care to tell us where it might be?
Sibley the Idiot once again responds without reading.
But Edward, when met by an issue that throws his rhetoric out the wind, changes the subject.
The thoughtful Mr. Dana claimed that liberals were trying to shut down oil refineries and coal fired power plants and that Black Americans are concentrated there. We asked for evidence.
Sounds like Potemkin tears Sibley is crying.
We asked Mr. Dana for his evidence. Are you volunteering to help him, Edward?
Your BL labor statistics are pretty normal.
Blacks are 12.3 percent of the population and 8 percent of the CEO’s. Sounds in line. As I read down your list pretty much every job coincided with the percent of people for each race having that profession. Good, bad or crummy jobs all seemed to be equally divyed up by percent of races population.
So not sure what your point is but one thing that is for sure.
JOE biden said LEARN TO CODE to coal miners. Somehow I think Coal miners are not going to be hired by Microsoft to develop engineering software to go to MARS.
Learn to code. Is a dog whistle for the poor to get ready for another shafting by the left.