…is a desert created by fossil fueled carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Kamala Harris covering up clergy sex abuse of children.
Doubleshot below the post, check out The Other McCain, with a post on New Yorkers fleeing the city

Watching the Democrats for the last 4 years.
There is nothing they wont do to destroy your lives, your livelyhood, your hopes and dreams all for power.
there is no step they are not willing to take and right now their are riots, looting and food lines because the democrats want it so.
They want America to burn. They hate this country and everyone in it. They are filled with hate for dispicable conservatives who pray and go to work, mow their lawns and have BBQ’s and take their kids to baseball or softball practice.
You see they don’t have those things in Big cities. There is only heat generated from a 1000 square miles of asphalt and concrete. No lawns to mow, no BBQ’s to enjoy, no softball for the kiddos.
They will pretend to be moderates while running. ALL OF THEM. House, Senate, Prez. but when they get elected they will goose step their way into DC and start dictating to everyone how happy or sad they can be based upon Social Justice, Cancel culture and METOO.
8 years of democratic rule and every man in America will be in jail because they have all be cancled by women and metoo and our homes will be handed over to Black people and the homeless.
That is what Joe Biden has in store for America. I love it. How am I not wanting to vote for this???/ I must be crazy!!!!
It’s also deadly.
DJ Jazzy tRump and his lackey D’Joy of the USPS are doing all they can to suppress the vote in Nov, advocating in-person voting at the risk of making the tRump Plague even worse.
This is America. 170,000 dead Americans as of this week as a result of tRump’s sloth and incompetence.
This is America. Following the longest period of economic growth, tRump’s incompetence has crippled the US economy. American families are being evicted from their homes, lining up at food banks and losing hope.
America had problems before tRump was “elected”. Income and wealth inequality. Dwindling middle class. Working class at a standstill. Global warming. Healthcare inflation. And tRump and the GOPhers made it all worse. Now, much worse. It’s not enough to rid ourselves of tRump but we need to excise the cancerous growth, the NuGOP, from the body politic. This is America’s only chance for a cure.
We know how to tighten income and wealth inequality. We know how to strengthen our capitalistic economic system so that it serves all Americans, not just the wealthiest.
As has the GOP for decades, tRump has capitalized on the inherent racism of conservatives to divert white conservative attention from the flaws in America’s economic system to hatred of Black, brown, hispanic, Muslim, gay and immigrant Americans.
“3 states account for 42% of all COVID deathsâ€. And gee, they’re all heavily Democratic-run states. Sometimes I think J’s just a conservative plant to make liberals look stupid..l https://fee.org/articles/3-states-account-for-42-percent-of-all-covid-19-deaths-in-america-why/
Don’t add links like that Jl. It makes Elwood The Red apoplectic as his bony fingers dash across his Cyrillic keyboard and his spittle settles on his Chinese screen. The poor bastard already sounds like his hero and mentor Biden The Rapist and he stands behind Kameltoe just like Willie did. America haters all.
Trump 2020 Eradicate America haters and anti white racists at the polls.
J-where have you been? From the CDC- ‘only 7% of deaths list COVID-19 as the sole cause†https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2020/06/how-many-covid-deaths-are-there-really.php
[…] York: ‘I Don’t Want to Leave, But I Don’t Feel Like I Have a Choice Now’ 357 Magnum The Pirate’s Cove Gregor Mendel Blog […]