Have you enjoyed your climate cult test drive? Did you like being locked up, and, even if not, there being nowhere to go because everything else was locked up? No beach, mountains, lakes, parks, museums, etc? Economic activity collapsing? Unemployment spiking? Etc and so on?
The pandemic shows us how to tackle the climate crisis
Researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) are describing how tough lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic could be used to tackle climate change and slow global warming.
“The corona crisis is a test case for global emergency prevention and management in general,†said study lead author Kira Vinke. “The pandemic has shown that when reaction time is kept to a minimum, a larger public health crisis can be averted. In fact, we should take this very lesson to heart and apply it to managing the climate emergency.â€
The analysis was focused on four dimensions of risk management: diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, and rehabilitation.
“The risks and causes of both the coronavirus and the climate crisis have to be scientifically assessed and quantified,†explained study co-author Johan Rockström.
Would you enjoy doing what we’ve been through, and still continues in many areas, for the long term?
“Countries like New Zealand and Germany were able to predict the outbreak’s possible effects and moreover had the ability of immediate action. In the same vein, the global community must integrate climate risks assessments into decision making and act accordingly.â€
Must? Who’s going to force private entities to do this? Rather smacks of authoritarianism.
“Both the corona and the climate crisis are the result of increasing human pressure on the planet,†said study co-author Sabine Gabrysch. “But the good news is that the pandemic has demonstrated that with a combination of government action and individual lifestyle changes, it is possible to prevent damages. If there is a will, there is a way.â€
Apparently, we never had pandemics before. There never was a Black Death (75 million to 200 million killed). Further, who makes those lifestyle changes? Warmists won’t do it now for themselves. Will Government force those changes? What kind of government is that called, again?
The researchers have created a climate corona contract that is designed to unite the younger and older generations on the principle of social justice.
“Younger generations would agree to protect the elderly from COVID-19 by adhering to social distancing measures, while the older generations would push for measures to keep global warming in line with the Paris Agreement,†explained study co-author Hans Joachim Schellnhuber.
This is a win-win for the older generations, who won’t pay the price for the increased taxation, increased cost of living, and loss of freedom, liberty, and choice. That younger generation would. Let this young climate cultists be forced to practice what they preach.

Before this “pandemic”, all of my staff, myself as a manager excluded, worked from home 4 out of 5 days of the week. Thus cutting their CO2 emissions and fossil fuel use by 80% from a normal work week WITHOUT punitively high taxes or job killing regulations or strangling needed energy production for electrical use. Now that we are all WFH 100% of the time, our whole company’s CO2 emissions and fossil fuel use is down 100% of what we used on commuting and with the extra time, we have more time for family obigations, exercise, etc.
However, the idiotic shutdowns to “flatten the curve”, which have done nothing but kill 60% of small businesses, (or as The Media used to call them, “The Job Engine”), seems to be mostly punishment as these small business owners overwhelmingly vote for less regulations and barriers, (“R”). In fact, NY’s own AOC started out trying to run a small publishing company in NYC, and at the time was a staunch opponent of the very taxes she’s now in favor of imposing on others.
So although we may very well see a big reduction in Fossil Fuel use and emissions, I have no doubt that for The Left, this won’t be any good because it did NOT increase their control or profit from this reduction, so I predict their predictions will become even more shrill and insane.
After six f*cking months and who knows how many deaths…
Science right???
Politics, right? Governors deal with politics, scientists with science.
6 mos and how many deaths? > 170,000 The US didn’t do so well.
Dr. Risch (in Newsweek, no less) has been pushing his unsubstantiated belief that hydroxychloroquine is effective for some time now. Blinded, randomized, placebo controlled trials do not support that belief.
Although Dr. Hatfill was previously exonerated as the anthrax killer, the investigation did uncover that he forged his PhD degree.
Blinded, randomized, placebo controlled trials do not support that belief hydroxychloroquine is efficacious against Covd-19, no matter how many anecdotes are described. Data is not the plural of anecdote.
Understand that physicians are rarely scientists, nor do they think scientifically. An acute care physician may treat 30 putative Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine with only 2 progressing to the ICU and one death, concluding that the drug was effective. Is that proof?
UNC Chapel Hill just shut down after 1 week and nearly 150 new Covid-19 cases.
J-maybe not get your medical news from the back of a box of Cheerios https://c19study.com/
Since Dr Fauci told Trump the death toll would be 2 mil+, I’d say Trump did quite well, since less than 340 actually died from the Walz Whipworm, but governors seem to be taking on the role of faux scientists since they’re locking down states for no real reason except to try to stall the economy so voters will blame Trump (which ain’t happenin’).
Dr. Risch (in Newsweek, no less) has been pushing his unsubstantiated belief that hydroxychloroquine is effective for some time now. Blinded, randomized, placebo controlled trials do not support that belief.
Too bad actual results do. but who cares about results when we can fake the data, right? This how your side operates.
Blinded, randomized, placebo controlled trials do not support that belief hydroxychloroquine is efficacious against Covd-19, no matter how many anecdotes are described. Data is not the plural of anecdote.
But scam is.
Understand that physicians are rarely scientists, nor do they think scientifically.
Then what exactly are they? What do they study in medical school? Is not their subject medical science?
An acute care physician may treat 30 putative Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine with only 2 progressing to the ICU and one death, concluding that the drug was effective. Is that proof?
Better proof than that jackass nonsense about doctors aren’t scientists is.
This is even more stupid than your blather about science runs on consensus, rather than proof.
Only a complete idiot calls 71 studies (42 peer reviewed) that found HCQ an effective preventative and/or early treatment as “anecdotal” evidence.
But look who I’m talking to.
71 uncontrolled studies are still uncontrolled studies. Case reports are not enough. 100 physicians claiming their “experience” shows that hydroxychloroquine “works” is not enough. Properly controlled studies have not confirmed the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine for preventing or treating Covid-19. Standard of care (SOC) vs SOC + HCQ has not demonstrated statistically significant differences.
Interest in hydroxychloroquine in combo with other drugs (e.g., Zn, zithromax) has rebounded. See article in Life News by a Heritage Foundation writer.
The US FDA doesn’t require 71 small uncontrolled studies to approve a new drug, they require 2 well-controlled studies reaching statistically relevant results.
Only a more complete idiot turns up his nose at the record of hundreds of thousands of actual cases from all over the world.
You mean with faked data?
“Physicians who have been using these medications in the face of widespread skepticism have been “truly heroic,†Risch wrote in Newsweek, adding that a full review of the COVID literature on the drug shows “clear-cut and significant benefits.â€
Prescribing hydroxychloroquine in the early stages of the virus is key, Risch said, and others agree. Steven Hatfill, a veteran virologist and adjunct assistant professor at the George Washington University Medical Center, says the literature supporting hydroxychloroquine is overwhelming.
“There are now 53 studies that show positive results of hydroxychloroquine in COVID infections,†Hatfill wrote in RealClearPolitics. “There are 14 global studies that show neutral or negative results — and 10 of them were of patients in very late stages of COVID-19, where no antiviral drug can be expected to have much effect.â€
The evidence is clear. Early treatment is key. Always has been. China was the first to use this drug and it was very beneficial. Countries that have malaria problems also have very little deaths from Covid-19.
Once again Trump was right and the Powerful DRUG LOBBY WHICH THE LEFT NOW SEEMS TO BE SUPPORTING after trashing them for decades was wrong. They trashed a drug for profits. 1000’s of people around the world have died needlessly because drug companies want to get paid trillions to develop drugs affecting the whole world.
We need to open up and go back to work and let people live again.
This is the most comprehensive article about your so called “experts” who BTW Trump has been listening to. If Elwood has the balls to read it.
Come on, man.
We read it. RedState is not well-regarded as a medical journal.
That’s your response you closed minded ignorant (insert name of female genitalia)? You really are a fool’s fool. Perfect little closed minded commie robot. You haven’t had an original thought on your life.
Trump 2020 Time to sweep out the Nazis and commies. Cannons life mattered….except to a black man.
No, but there a lot of doctors and a lot of cases disagreeing with the Deep State Dwarf, who BTW stands to make a fortune if HCQ isn’t used and we have to wait for his miracle vaccine.
The fact his track record shows a lot of wrong decisions does not instill confidence, whereas Dr Raoult’s does.
PS How many medical journals have you read?
The failed federal government that watched New York get ambushed by their negligence, and then watched New York suffer, but all through it learned nothing.”
Gov. Cuomo last night at the DNC Spectacle of lies. Calls Covid-19 the European virus and says Trump was and is so focused on China that he let the virus slip into America from Europe.
Some facts:
2020-03-12 · All travel and trade shipments from Europe are being suspended as of Friday, Trump said — closely mirroring a ban he previously placed on China to slow the spread of the virus in January
MARCH 1 – First coronavirus case in NY. 1 total cases, 0 total deaths in New York.
MARCH 7 – State of Emergency declared. 76 total cases, 0 total deaths in New York.
MARCH 14 – First NY coronavirus-related death. 613 total cases, 2 total deaths in New York.
Trump also tweeted a clip of Cuomo saying the White House’s team has “been on it, been responsive, late at night, early in the mornings.”
“Cuomo, just like his brother Fredo, has not got a very good memory!” he wrote.
Whoops! We couldn’t access this Tweet.
Whoops! We couldn’t access this Tweet.
Whoops! We couldn’t access this Tweet.
Twitter should be banned from the USA like Tik Tok. There is after all the 1st amendment and because you are a private company or a corporation you cannot ignore the constitution for your political purposes. Exxon, cannot walk on to your property and say there is oil here. GET OFF!
Twitter cannot read your post and say GET OUT!
Band of Liars! That is Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Google and the MSM, all in bed with communist china. You are watching lies. Nothing but lies and twisted truths.