Shannon Watts, as you may know, is the founder of Mom’s Demand Action, and has never found someone who wanted to debate her than she won’t block. You know how they say politics is a veneer of civilized discussion over a reality over being a dirty, nasty business? What Mom’s Demand is a veneer of common sense, easily accessible gun control measures over a reality of gun grabbing and banning, disarming law abiding citizens. And, Shannon thinks Joe and Kamala would be perfect to make it happen, writing in Marie Claire, a magazine of fashion and stuff (yes, you can wear glitter nail polish!)
A Gun Sense Presidential Ticket Matters Now More Than Ever
America is mired in two deadly public health crises: COVID-19 has claimed the lives of more than 165,000 people and, at the same time, gun violence continues to kill more than 100 Americans on average per day, wounding hundreds more. Sadly, our country’s gun violence epidemic didn’t end when the pandemic began (gun sales have surged, and our country has seen an uptick in deadly gun violence), and both crises are disproportionately devastating communities of color: Black Americans are 10 times more likely than white Americans to die by gun homicide, and Black Americans are dying at 2.5 times the rate of white Americans from COVID-19.
Recent polling shows the vast majority of Americans believe gun safety measures are growing more important in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Gun safety has become one of the defining issues of this election—one that moves people to get out and vote, especially women voters who will play a decisive role in electing our next president. I am part of an army of women who have made gun violence prevention the fight of our lives, and we’re proud to fight like hell to elect Vice President Biden and Senator Harris. We need a gun sense presidential ticket now more than ever before.
It’s cute how she’s joining Bat Soup Virus with gun grabbing, isn’t it? The weird part is that the majority of this happens in cities and areas run by Democrats. It’s not white Republicans running Chicago who see blacks shooting each other constantly. Most of the shootings in Chicago, Baltimore, NYC, Los Angeles, and other Dem run cities are done by blacks against blacks. I don’t think the guns are to blame. Marie Claire just gave me a popup about exfoliating face mask. Roughly around 50% of all shootings are committed by blacks.
In addition to Senator Harris’ impressive credentials as a senator, state attorney general, and district attorney, and her longtime “F†rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA), Harris has spent her career voting for and enforcing the very laws that we know keep our communities safe. During her time in Congress, Senator Harris co-sponsored life-saving gun violence prevention legislation, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, and regulating assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and 3D-printed guns. She’s also worked to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them, including abusive romantic partners and stalkers, people convicted of violent hate crimes, and those who pose an extreme risk to themselves or others. She fought to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act and called out the NRA for its eagerness to put women’s lives on the line to sell more guns.
Women are buying guns more than ever, as are law abiding blacks, because they see the the violence rising in Democratic Party run cities and areas. But, what Shannon and Mom’s Demand want, what Democrats want, is women disarmed. A gun is an equalizer when a much bigger man wants to attack them. Democrats want all citizens disarmed, meaning those who have firearms will be criminals and Government.
Of course, for most citizens, “common sense gun control” is about as important as ‘climate change’, meaning not. You go ahead and push this stuff, Dems. Why does it seem that Democrats are constantly attempting to take away citizen’s rights.

Gov. Cuomo last night at the DNC Spectacle of lies. Calls Covid-19 the European virus and says Trump was and is so focused on China that he let the virus slip into America from Europe.
Some facts:
2020-03-12 · All travel and trade shipments from Europe are being suspended as of Friday, Trump said — closely mirroring a ban he previously placed on China to slow the spread of the virus in January
MARCH 1 – First coronavirus case in NY. 1 total cases, 0 total deaths in New York.
MARCH 7 – State of Emergency declared. 76 total cases, 0 total deaths in New York.
MARCH 14 – First NY coronavirus-related death. 613 total cases, 2 total deaths in New York.
Trump also tweeted a clip of Cuomo saying the White House’s team has “been on it, been responsive, late at night, early in the mornings.â€
“Cuomo, just like his brother Fredo, has not got a very good memory!†he wrote.
Whoops! We couldn’t access this Tweet.
Whoops! We couldn’t access this Tweet.
Whoops! We couldn’t access this Tweet.
The Democrats want your GUNS. They want your life. They want everything you have. The land of the free and home of the brave is now a brave new world of 1984 Orwell.
The MSM, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, NBA, MLB, NHL, NFL is no longer even apologetic. They simply collapse under pressure from a few.
What? A million? Two million? Out of 325,000,000 people in the USA?
Lets Remember what Saul Alinsky says about this tactic:
“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.â€
In this case the MSM and Social Media is leading us to believe they have power. Corporations, businesses and such are falling for it.
One great example of this is one of the #WalkAway stories of a leftist Uber driver who simply said Maybe Trump won’t be so bad. The leftist in the car got all their friends to write nasty reviews about the woman and got her fired from UBER.
HashTag walk away from the left, from SJW, from Cancel culture, from BLM from Antifa. From the Fascist liars that make up the left.
Another GAY #WalkAway story who went to the most conservative site he could and declared himself gay and wanted to walk away from the democrats and out of 1000 responses not a single negative, hate filled response after he was unfriended by 500 on facebook for saying something positive about Trump and his own LEFTIST FAMILY DISOWNED HIM.
Where is the hate?
In LEFTISTVILLE which is WHY they want your guns. So they can come for all that you own making you believe they have more power then they actually do.
#STAND UP AMERICA against the TYRANNY OF THE LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The anti-America right (tRumpists) want you to believe that violent “urbanites” are coming for your suburban stuff and women. Your guns are all you have to stop “them”!
tRump et al are stoking the primal fear of the “other”.
How do the Democrats intend to oppress uneducated white men? With subsidized universal healthcare? Progressive taxation? Protecting Social Security? Universal background checks on gun applicants?
Are you better off today than four years ago? Is America?
The Con mantra of a hands-off gov’t (make it small enough to drown in the bathtub) and balanced budgets had the unintended consequence of mounting debt and crony capitalism (OK, that was intended by connies). Trillions of US dollar payouts to corporations and individuals is all that kept the economy from collapsing from the Covid-19 pandemic. Millions of laid-off workers were depending on $2400 a month from the federal gov’t to get by but that has been cut off.
Are you better off today than four years ago? Is America?
The anti-America right (tRumpists) want you to believe that violent “urbanites†are coming for your suburban stuff and women. Your guns are all you have to stop “themâ€!
Actually, the violent “urbanites†have promised us that in no uncertain terms. And just ask the McCloskeys about holding off the hoodla.
tRump et al are stoking the primal fear of the “otherâ€.
Chicago BLM Mob Lead Off Weekend March with “Loot It All Back†Banner
Keep telling yourself that because nobody else believes it.
How do the Democrats intend to oppress uneducated white men? With subsidized universal healthcare? Progressive taxation? Protecting Social Security? Universal background checks on gun applicants?
Protecting Social Security? Shirley, you jest. Lefties have been looting Social Security for better than 50 years.
Minimum. As for universal healthcare, just talk to Italy.
And we already have “progressive” taxation.
Are you better off today than four years ago? Is America?
To ask the question is to answer it.
The Con mantra of a hands-off gov’t (make it small enough to drown in the bathtub) and balanced budgets had the unintended consequence of mounting debt and crony capitalism (OK, that was intended by connies). Trillions of US dollar payouts to corporations and individuals is all that kept the economy from collapsing from the Covid-19 pandemic.
when you make a truthful statement, let us know.
Millions of laid-off workers were depending on $2400 a month from the federal gov’t to get by but that has been cut off.
By Pelosi Galore who wanted to hold the country for ransom.
Besides, that would result in more debt. I thought you were against all that.
Are you better off today than four years ago? Is America?
If the Commie News Net poll is any indication, yes.
Trump aint stoking nothing fool…Think of Mr. T when you read those words Elwood.
We are watching the news. We don’t need Trump to stoke our fears. There is no fear. People around the country are arming themselves.
Unlike the Democratic voter, we understand what Defund the police means. We see what happens when democratic mayors tell the police not to enforce the law.
Only Fools and SJW’s like Elwood would try to pass the buck onto Trump. The right could have elected Mother Teresea and if she was a Republican she would have been impeached for colluding with God, the Russians or little green men from mars.
And Trump didn’t put his knee on Claustrophobic Floyd’s neck. A cop did. The other 3 cops with him were all minorities that the left pretends to care about. But you want them hanged too.
the real lynch mob is the Tyranny of the left.
Your words are hollow. We know whats going on, unlike the sheeple on the left. I was watching a gay man talk about his walk away story and all his gay friends said that Trump was going to lock gays up.
Cept they had it backwards. its now Democratic governors and Mayors locking up people to keep them from working and the Democrats in Congress refuse to give them food or money but they damn sure can run back to congress to vote on mail boxes.
LOLOLOLOLOL….get your facts straight. We aren’t afraid of your little crowd of sissy Antifa and black thugs. They will be the ones running when the real fighting starts.
I’m better off than I was four years ago but then I’m not dependent on government handouts. The state ruined my business and now I’m making them pay me back for it. Out of Elwood’s tax dollars. Hahahaha.
“The anti-America right (tRumpists) (PROJECTION, ELWOOD!) want you to believe that violent “urbanites†are coming for your suburban stuff and women. Your guns are all you have to stop “themâ€!
Elwood, you’re a lyin’ mother fuker. In their own words you commie piece of shit:
“John Thompson, a Democrat campaigning for State House in Minnesota, launched into a fiery diatribe during a Black Lives Matter protest outside the home of Minneapolis Police Federation President Bob Kroll on Saturday. During the vitriolic tirade, Thompson hinted that the town of Hugo be burned down, which is where Kroll lives.
Hugo is a 98% white town of 13,000, 21 miles north of downtown St Paul.
The people of suburbs like Hugo are unlikely to sincerely embrace the trendy view of the police as the bad guys. They live out there because they want a safe, sane place to raise their kids. Thompson’s antics are unlikely to resonate.
Thompson, who is trying to represent the constituents of Eastside of St. Paul, set a hostile tone by stating, “I didn’t come here to be peaceful.â€
Thompson has already won his primary in St Paul. He isn’t worried about alienating voters in Hugo.
“Why the f*** is we so peaceful in this [homophobic slur removed] neighborhood,†Thompson shouted. “F*** your motherfing peace, white racist motherfers!†…
Thompson suggested to the crowd that the entire town should be burned down. “This whole godn state burned down for $20 goddamn dollars, you think we give a f about burning Hugo down?â€
Even the New York Times would have a hard time spinning Thompson as a “pragmatic moderate.†But he is not outside the Democrat establishment.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) endorsed Thompson in June.
Hugo isn’t the only residential area that has come under siege by leftist shock troops. Andrea Widburg does not see this helping Democrats:
Americans accept non-violent free speech in public spaces. Democrats even seem willing to tolerate violence and looting in commercial areas. It’s inconceivable, though, that any Americans, especially those college-educated suburban moms who have looked askance at Trump, will accept threatening protests on their children’s doorsteps.
She gives numerous examples of leftist mobs attacking nice neighborhoods, noting that local Democrat officials have outrageously sided with the mob. Democrat members of Congress continue to openly encourage rioting.
Mostly peaceful protesters are learning to avoid Republican neighborhoods, not relishing the reception they got in Fort Collins. Better to aim their soft terror campaign at Democrat-leaning suburban communities, where there will be sympathy or at least ambivalence toward their cause. However, as Widburg observes,
No matter how far left suburban moms are, they love their children and will protect them. Faced with leftist enemy action, they’ll buy guns and it’s just possible that they might vote for Trump.
Even if top Democrats understand this, it is doubtful they can get their Frankenstein monster under control.”
Keep lyin’ fool. Nobody, not even lyin’ Democrats believe their own propaganda now.
You boys are building up to a big fight when Trump is reelected and I aim to participate. I love killin’ commies. And I’m fukin’ good at it. Elwood it must be hard being as stupid as you are in a world of mass information. You must deliberately cut off all ability to receive info and use reason. What a maroon!
Trump 2020 Make them come and take it!
For the past three months (on top of the past five or more decades), the Democrats have not only demonized America as founded and all of us as evil, illegitimate and irredeemably racist, they’ve committed acts of violence, terrorism and insurrection to destroy it and take it over. They’ve extolled the virtues of communism and demonized freedom and free market capitalism, turned criminals into victims and vice versa, attempted to muzzle all opposition as our history is erased, monuments are toppled, Jews and Christians are persecuted and those who burn our flag and kneel when our National Anthem is played are venerated.
Yet, look at how they opened their convention – the Pledge of Allegiance, the playing of the Star Spangled Banner and a priest with an opening prayer in Jesus’ name. In the face of the aforementioned, one has to wonder how they are going to square that circle with their base of true believers?the crazy convention!
Yet, look at how they opened their convention – the Pledge of Allegiance, the playing of the Star Spangled Banner and a priest with an opening prayer in Jesus’ name. In the face of the aforementioned, one has to wonder how they are going to square that circle with their base of true believers?the crazy convention!
Sir. The left base understands that the Batshit crazy leftist they nominate have to play a game with America. They know they have to do these things to deceive the independents to vote for them, but once they win.
They know biden will be George Floyd with the Antifa/SJW crazy knee on his throat telling him what to do. If Biden/Harris and ANY democrat to the house or senate is to survive they have to run as love america moderates and then become batshit crazy leftist the day they win.
That is why all the democrats have is LIES…..Even their convention started with lies. They hate God, the Flag and the Country. It is a lie to pretend otherwise.
I thought that this issue is common on 1st world countries, but I then realized that Japan and South Korea along with some of other first world countries doesn’t seem to have the issue.
Wondering why??
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