Democrats can’t win on the issues, hence the content free opening night of their convention. So, why not push conspiracies that are easily proven false, except that the Credentialed Media mostly won’t bother?
Stolen Mailboxes? Don’t Fall for Dems’ Latest Conspiracy Theory
Democrats and the media are meddling in our elections again. But this is getting absurd.
Joe Biden peddles fake stories of “tractor trailers picking up mailboxes.†Members of Congress threaten to throw the postmaster general in jail. Soviet-style propaganda posters of mailboxes propagate on social media. Prominent Democrats share grainy photos tweeted by has-been actresses with crackpot theories of MAGA-hat wearing postmen out to steal the election.
Never mind every major Postal Service union has endorsed Biden, including the American Postal Workers Union and the National Association of Letter Carriers, which together represent 520,000 active and retired USPS employees. The APWU recently said 2020 is “shaping up to be a major election for our Union,†and view President Trump as a “serious threat.â€
Details. But it can’t be a vast conspiracy theory without Hillary Clinton’s projection. “Nothing stops the mail,†the Chardonnay enthusiast tweeted. Except when USPS partnered with unions to allow mail carriers to take time off to try to get Clinton elected, in “systematic violation†of the law.
There was no Russia collusion in 2016. There were no Julie Swetnick “train rapes†in 2018. And there are no disappearing post boxes in 2020. KATU, the local ABC affiliate in Portland, discovered the bombshell reason mailboxes were on that truck: “To replace them because they’re old.†Whoops.
The rest of the article is well worth the read, but, Liz forgets one thing: one of the main reasons the Democrats are doing this is so they can spend 4 years claiming Trump stole the 2020 election. If they hold the House and/or retake the Senate, they’ll have hearing after hearing, investigation after investigation, trot out their impeachment garbage.

I thought the Russia conspiracy theory was a hoax right off the bat because it was too stupid not to be. Now they tell us Trump is sneaking around like a fukin ninja stealing mailboxes to stop Dems from stuffing them with fake ballots. It says more about them than Trump. It’s just so stupid and so obvious that they are trying every trick they can think of to keep Americans from seeing what their Brownshirts are doing to BLUE cities with their blessing!@
Trump 2020 Stop the destruction of America by the Democrat/Nazis.
The Postal Service and its chief are the targets of the latest Democrat media tantrum. I’ll skip over the scandal narrative and cut to the chase.
The mail system is running at a deficit and it was never intended as a massive voting service.
The Constitution does grant Congress the power to “establish Post Offices and post Roads” (oh for the days when Congress had to be granted the power to create an entire institution by the Constitution, when it was assumed that it did not have the power to do so wholesale), but it’s not its responsibility to provide for elections.
States and municipalities have the option of bringing into being their own delivery system for the job. And if you think I’m being facetious, Amazon built its own delivery system, built on the Fed-Ex model, by using contractors and subcontractors, within a vanishingly short time. Uber, Lyft, and multiple food delivery services operate on a nationwide basis. If there are apps for mobile dog grooming and car washing, how hard would it be to arrange mass delivery and pickup of voting materials?
Surely even the Democrat states and cities that… sorry. Right. They couldn’t be expected to manage what a bunch of Stanford dropouts do on a regular basis.
Not that such a system would be remotely trustworthy, but states like Nevada signing off on ballot harvesting obviously don’t care about trustworthy.
It’s 2020. You can safely and reliably order everything from burgers to luxury cars to your home. And yet we vote the way we used to a century ago because for all the Dem prattle about accessibility, they want control of the process, and they don’t want to take the simple step of verifying the legitimacy of who may be voting.
So instead we have a train wreck of their own making in which Democrats make unrealistic demands of the Postal Service and then throw a tantrum.
We agree on something. Why not also have online voting?
For the same reason you buy an anti-virus app.
Come on man!!
I like The Democrats version better. Trump is secretly going around in the middle of the night with a flat bed truck stealing mail boxes.
Or Nancy Pelosi calling back congress because the little old Ladies that Trump wants to kill wont get their social security check.
News flash America. Social Security stopped delivering checks in 2010. So fear not. Trump can steal all the mail boxes and you will still get paid from SSI.
This however is still more evidence that the Democrats want to lose in 2020, are planning on losing in 2020 and have all their Revolution stories in place for the day he wins the landslide.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Tuesday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.
Let us not forget the secret trumpian who will NOT say who they are voting for, refuse to answer the phone and are silent because the Tyranny of the left has them carefully keeping their mouths shut.
I bet it is more like 55 percent Trump and 45 percent Biden. Bold prediction. Now I believe Trump even wins the popular vote.
Liz Harrington is the national spokesperson for the Republican National Committee.
Oh yeah, that.
Does that make her point invalid.
Did you know your boy Zippy uprooted 12,000 mailboxes while he was in office?