Can someone explain why 50 people are OK, but not 175? Especially if they all wear masks?
New York blocked a wedding with 175 expected guests from being held this weekend
A federal appeals court Friday granted New York’s attempts to block weddings from having more than 50 people.
The ruling thwarted efforts by at least one couple to have a large wedding this weekend and leaves in doubt any other weddings that exceed more than 50 attendees.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on June 24 loosened restrictions on gatherings to allow as many as 50 people to congregate as he slowly reopened the economy due to coronavirus.
Two western New York couples sued, arguing in part that the executive order is inconsistent with other orders that allows restaurants to have up to 50% of capacity.
On Aug. 7, the Buffalo-area couples successfully won a preliminary injunction blocking Cuomo’s order, and on Wednesday, a district court judge denied the state’s motion for a stay of the preliminary injunction.
So the state took its case to the federal appeals court in Manhattan and won an emergency stay Friday of the lower court’s ruling so the case can be heard.
The move blocked a couple who sued from being married Saturday in Erie County with 175 people expected to attend, the court papers said.
The couple’s attorney, Anthony Rupp, told the Times Union the wedding will be moved to a later date.
“We had won every stage of this thing, but the judge in the 2nd Circuit just cavalierly postponed it until Tuesday,” Rupp said. “So we’re very unhappy about this decision.”
At what point do people fight back? There comes a point where the government restrictions are burdensome and arbitrary, especially when the government does nothing about “protests” done by BLM/Antifa. And when the government punishes people and restricts their movement despite breaking no criminal laws. There is a 5th Amendment, you know, and it applies to all government in the U.S. Sadly, there aren’t enough judicial branch judges who believe in liberty and freedom, who believe in the Constitution.

This is why a lot of people are leaving. The hassle is no longer worth it. Businesses are failing, crime is rising to ’70s levels.
In a sane world it’s the sick people who are quarantined and the well can go about their business. In the dystopic world of the leftist tyrant all must be locked up because of the few. All must be “equal” (except of course their chosen exceptions).
Trump 2020 Stop these animals before the insanity becomes policy!!!!
Kindly join us for the
John and Jane Smith
August 31, 2020
at 3 Oclock in the afternoon
We shall protest with both alcohol and inappropriate distancing requirements to music.
I don’t see how their government can issue a license to marry and then block that same marriage. It seems that if they didn’t want gatherings at weddings, they should stop issuing licenses. Ah, but then the masses might decide that they don’t really need a license, and they never did.