Day one of the GOP convention had many themes, but, this is the one that has made Kevin Johnson and the USA Today upset
As Trump hammers ‘law and order’ message at RNC, Barr’s DOJ takes ‘like it or not’ approach
The front page of the dead tree edition, the main article, has the headline “A ‘law and order’ strategy, with the subhead Theme likely to be amplified at this week’s convention. Yet, as usual, it fails to note that this is “analysis”, not reporting, meant to somehow protect the Democrats from their lawless behavior and allowing chaos in the streets of Democratic Party run cities
Four years ago, President Donald Trump’s law-and-order campaign became a part of his inaugural address when he vowed “this American carnage stops right here and right now.”
A similar, apocalyptic refrain echoed through the first night of the Republican National Convention and promises to be a recurring theme throughout the week.
“People of faith are under attack,” Donald Trump Jr. said. “You’re not allowed to go to church, but mass chaos in the streets gets a pass … Anarchists have been flooding our streets and Democrat mayors are ordering the police to stand down.”
“When you are in trouble and need police, don’t count on the Democrats,” Kimberly Guilfoyle, a lawyer and Trump Jr.’s girlfriend said in her RNC speech.
Rep. Jim Jordan said “crime, violence, mob rule†are happening in Democrat-controlled cities.
Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who made national news when they emerged from their home in St. Louis, Missouri, brandishing firearms to confront protesters, were also among the first night’s speakers.
“Whether it is the defunding of police … or encouraging anarchy on our streets, it seems as if the Democrats no longer view the government’s job as protecting honest citizens from criminals but rather protecting criminals from honest citizens,” Mark McCloskey said.
Well, yeah. We see it daily in the streets of Dem run cities, be it Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, NYC, and so many more. Now it’s Kenosha.
More than a month later, law enforcement authorities are crediting the federal deployment with assisting in the arrests of 17 local murder suspects, including a Kansas City man accused in the slaying of 4-year-old LeGend Taliferro, for whom the federal strategy is named. Nationwide, nearly 1,500 suspects have been swept up in recent weeks as part of Operation Legend, which now has a presence in Albuquerque, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Memphis and St. Louis.
Despite the encouraging numbers, uneasy local officials have refused to fully embrace the Trump administration strategy, fearing that their cities have been co-opted by a sagging presidential campaign in search of a popular law-and-order theme.
“The reason this has been rolled out on a national scale is because we are in an election year,” Lucas said. “The coronavirus response doesn’t seem to be polling well for them, so they have moved to something else (violent crime) that they can try to do something about. They are trying to make crime a partisan issue.”
See? It’s not that these Dem run cities are violent, it’s that it’s an election season! Kevin forgot to note that this wouldn’t be necessary if the Dem run cities weren’t imploding with violence.
Attorney General William Barr has been unapologetic in the government’s push into cities largely led by Democrats. Leading the Trump administration’s effort, the attorney general has cast it both as a strategy to fight violent crime and a move to boost local police who have been the targets of social justice demonstrations across the country after George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis officers.
“Led by Democrats.” Notice that Barr isn’t having to do this in areas run by Republicans.
From its start, the Justice Department’s law enforcement operation has been framed in starkly political terms by none other than the president.
“For decades, politicians running many of our nation’s major cities have put the interests of criminals above the rights of law-abiding citizens,” Trump said last month at a White House ceremony marking Operation Legend’s launch. “These same politicians have now embraced the far-left movement to break up our police departments, causing violent crime in their cities to spiral – and I mean spiral seriously out of control.”
This is written like it’s a Bad Idea to crack down on violence. I’m not sure who at the USA Today thought it was a good idea to try and dunk on Trump and the GOP for cracking down on violence, or that it was smart to highlight the difference between the party of law and order and the party of allowing riots.

50 years ago, you had mayors like Richard J Daley in Demo paradises. Yeah, crooked as a dog’s hind leg, but he knew a pack of Lefty hooligans raising Hell would not go with the voters.
So he sent in the cops. He also had Dan Blather busted (which only goes even crooked Democrats can have their uses). Too bad the idea the Demos couldn’t control their own Sturm Abteilung was engraved on the eyes of Mr and Mrs America and all the ships at sea.
This is why the Demos will lose bigly this Fall. The lockdown, the crashing of the markets, the phony impeachment, and the pure, unremitting stupidity will also help.
Democrats are not the party allowing riots. They are the party in revolt against the Republic. They are burning American cities with no end in sight. Dems have moved so far off the American reservation illegals have more love of America.
Like Elwood admitted, they want that fundamental change they were promised by their messiah. Kenosha burst into action by burning small businesses down, restaurants, C-stores and car dealerships. No problem. Remember how one of their founding communists in the Dem party once maintained they “must overwhelm the system”? That’s what they are doing and nothing will happen to stop it until some Patriots take to the streets armed and shoot them down like the commie dogs they are.
Then we need to get Trump in and every Republican no matter how weak-kneed to clean house. The Deep State, the Media and education(?) have been ruled by commies for decades just like the Blue states and cities. If we don’t start fighting now we will be either in gulags or dead in two years.
Trump 2020 White lives matter as much as black lives.
These are the guys the Dems, media and Elwood call “white supremacists”.
More fun and games.
Trump beats Gropin’ Joe by 10 points among Indies, according to Black Rock.
Don’t trust such a number this early, but, if this is what they admit, what’s the real numbers?
Same here.
2/3 of blacks and Hispanics don’t trust mail-in votes, off True the Vote.
This last, if it holds up, is a killer for the Demos. They were counting on getting at those mail-in ballots.
The poll sampled 36% conservatives, 30% liberals and 30% moderates.
A negative for tRump was that 98% of those asked had made up their mind.
71% of tRump voters love them some tRump.
It doesn’t look as if many minds will be changed from here on. The election will be about voter turnout, pure and simple.
Good luck on turnout with Joe and the Ho.
Good luck with Donnie and the Whore.
But they’ve been good for America.
All you’ve got are the Demos.
Porter typed: Notice that Barr isn’t having to do this in areas run by Republicans.
Republicans support the killing of Black Americans by the police.
Either Kye doesn’t understand the “fundamental changes” needed in America, or he’s a comfortable plutocrat that has his and the working class can go to hell, with the authorities to protect him.
Income and wealth inequality continues to increase. The middle class is shrinking. Many full-time workers can’t afford everyday expenses. Wouldn’t America be better and more stable if our working class (and working poor) had more resources to support their families?
We’ve never had “free” markets. They’ve always been rigged in favor of the wealthy. Check the new proposed rules from the Labor Dept for including high-fee private equity investments in 401Ks. Another way to transfer workers’ hard-earned money to the pockets of societal leeches that run hedge funds.
We get it. The tRumpists see an America where the urban “savages” are burning down cities, preparing now to invade lily white suburbs to steal your stuff and rape your women. Typical right-wing BS in an effort to keep the working class in their place – scrounging for scraps from the richest nation ever (for now). The tRumpist solution is to kill the protesters and rioters, using the US military if necessary. That’s certainly more direct than addressing the deficiencies of America today.
Police have always taken liberties with minorities. Today, those “liberties” end up on video.
Young people and minorities see an America that rewards some and oppresses others. A nation cannot exist with the level of income and wealth inequality we see in America today. One solution is a police state, another solution is to address the problems.
But our choice is not between an right-wing police state and anarchy. It’s between what we have today (which will surely worsen) and a life similar to that of Western European nations such as France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden…
Republicans support the killing of Black Americans by the police.
We do? Love to see the survey on that one.
Anywho, too bad most of the “Protesters” are white.
Would you be OK if we killed them?
Either Kye doesn’t understand the “fundamental changes†needed in America, or he’s a comfortable plutocrat that has his and the working class can go to hell, with the authorities to protect him.
You mean the “fundamental changes†Zippy tried to impose on the country, but the country didn’t want them?
Those changes?
And, last I looked, the “I got mine” attitude was the province of the union slugs until people got tired of paying extra for union perks.
Income and wealth inequality continues to increase. The middle class is shrinking. Many full-time workers can’t afford everyday expenses. Wouldn’t America be better and more stable if our working class (and working poor) had more resources to support their families?
And who’s locking down the big city states in the country? Who’s running small businesses out of being by letting rioters destroy them (Kenosha ring a bell?)? Who crashed the markets under the cover of Flu Manchu?
Your side, sweetie. And welfare doesn’t sup[port people. It supports government.
We’ve never had “free†markets. They’ve always been rigged in favor of the wealthy. Check the new proposed rules from the Labor Dept for including high-fee private equity investments in 401Ks. Another way to transfer workers’ hard-earned money to the pockets of societal leeches that run hedge funds.
God forbid people are allowed to save their own money.
We get it. The tRumpists see an America where the urban “savages†are burning down cities, preparing now to invade lily white suburbs to steal your stuff and rape your women. Typical right-wing BS in an effort to keep the working class in their place – scrounging for scraps from the richest nation ever (for now). The tRumpist solution is to kill the protesters and rioters, using the US military if necessary. That’s certainly more direct than addressing the deficiencies of America today.
You don’t even get Wu Flu.
And your racism is showing.
Police have always taken liberties with minorities. Today, those “liberties†end up on video.
You mean all those black cops are race traitors?
Just like you?
Young people and minorities see an America that rewards some and oppresses others. A nation cannot exist with the level of income and wealth inequality we see in America today. One solution is a police state, another solution is to address the problems.
With you, we’d get both.
But our choice is not between an right-wing police state and anarchy. It’s between what we have today (which will surely worsen) and a life similar to that of Western European nations such as France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden…
What we have today is the best in the world.
You wanna be a Euro? Don’t let the door hitcha.
“Republicans support the killing of Black Americans by the police.”
Really? Name ONE Republican who stated that, ONE. Liar. Can’t you ever make a point without lying or are you pathological?
“Either Kye doesn’t understand the “fundamental changes†needed in America, or he’s a comfortable plutocrat that has his and the working class can go to hell, with the authorities to protect him.”
I am working class you dick. I worked 20 hour days in the food business. Again must you lie? You know better.
I know there are no “fundamental changes” needed to make America great. If it needs to be cchanged so bad why are people from all over the world risking their lives to get here? Only dickhead American communists think it needs fundamental change. Real Americans believe we always change and hopefully for the better but burning down our cities is something an enemy does, not a Patriot.
“Income and wealth inequality continues to increase. The middle class is shrinking. Many full-time workers can’t afford everyday expenses. Wouldn’t America be better and more stable if our working class (and working poor) had more resources to support their families?”
You are envisioning a country without inequality and no such thing exists nor ever has. The only way to get where you want to go is with tyranny. Americans don’t do tyranny.
If you knew anything about America you’d know we don’t believe in equality. That’s a French Revolution belief. We believe in Justice under Law and that’s it. We believe all men are created equal by their creator (which you don’t believe in) and entitled to life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No where in our Founding documents does it suggest that all men are entitled to the same money, social status, house, land or anything material. Only Justice. And we can’t have Justice if commies like you can take something from me because you don’t like be having it and give it to another you do like. That is tyranny and that is equality but without Justice.
“Young people and minorities see an America that rewards some and oppresses others. A nation cannot exist with the level of income and wealth inequality we see in America today. One solution is a police state, another solution is to address the problems.”
Young people “see” exactly what they’ve been trained to see by their commie teachers and insane social platforms. You do realize when polled young people are against Freedom of Speech by a vast majority. What do you think the level of income and wealth inequality is in Red China, Cuba, N.Korea etc? The ONLY way to enforce income equality IS a police state! BTW, how much of YOUR money do you give away for income equality. You’re always bragging how rich you are with your own business and how the government considers you “essential”.
So how would YOU address the problem of income inequality? Just hand poor people OPM, or steal all the wealth of the rich? I’d love to hear you’r solution to Free Enterprise especially when it made YOU rich.
“We get it. The tRumpists see an America where the urban “savages†are burning down cities, preparing now to invade lily white suburbs to steal your stuff and rape your women.”
Are you telling us with a straight face these commies and fascists are NOT burning down cities, already invading “lily white” neighborhoods stealing or burning our stuff and raping our women? I suggest you look up the statistics on black on white crime and get back to us.
“Typical right-wing BS in an effort to keep the working class in their place – scrounging for scraps from the richest nation ever (for now). The tRumpist solution is to kill the protesters and rioters, using the US military if necessary. That’s certainly more direct than addressing the deficiencies of America today.”
Where are these Trumpists killing protesters and rioters? Show me. How many have been killed by the US military? And what would you have us do let them burn down the cities?
I assume destroying people’s livelihoods by the thousands and unemploying those working men and poor you love (but ignore yourself) is “addressing the deficiencies of America today in your book?
Boy, you are such a brainwashed idiot your mind only sees what Soros and Xi tells it.
Trump 2020 Let’s eliminate the commies before they eliminate us.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Don’t want to be subject to force when being arrested? Then don’t resist arrest.
You can look at every single one of these cases in which a black person was killed during an arrest and you will find not just resisting arrest, but resisting arrest by actual criminals, by drug-addled creeps who thought they could and should fight off the police. St George of Floyd? Convicted felon, multiple misdemeanor drug convictions and f(ornicated) up on meth and fentanyl. St George was supposed to be poor, poor, poor, having lost his job due to the COVID-19 shutdowns, but somehow, some way, he still had enough cash to have scored some drugs.
St Michael of Brown? Robbed a convenience store, was high on pot, and then tried to take a gun away from an officer.
St Freddie of Brown? A convicted felon.
St Breonna of Taylor? Former girlfriend of a notorious drug dealer, killed when her current boyfriend opened fire on the police.
St Jacob of Blake? Known domestic assailant and accused sex offender. He isn’t dead, but may be paralyzed from the waist down, the perfect result for a sex offender.
Some of these cases show the police having used excessive force, but in each case, force was justified. In every case, except perhaps Miss Taylor’s, the country is better off without them in it.
Are tRumpists colluding with police to shoot Black Americans to gin up more riots which they think helps tRump’s electoral chances?
Jacob Blake was breaking up a fight, tried to get in his car with his 3 children and was shot 7 times in the back by a police officer. Fortunately, Mr. Blake survived but may be paralyzed. His little children are likely traumatized.
We suspect that most Covidians are consistent GOP voters unless a neoNazi runs as an independent, yet we’ve yet to hear a single Covidian, including Porter, criticize the state shooting Black men. We hear excuses and whatabouts. “He had drugs in his system!” “The child’s toy gun looked real!” “Whatabout black on black crime?”
The point is, the truth is, that much of conservative white America views Black Americans as violent savages and that extends to many police officers. Did Ahmaud Arbery deserve to die? Breonna Taylor?
We get it. Cons WANT a police state, but a police state THEY control.
That great “Republican” Martin Luther King said: “A riot is the language of the unheard.”
…the truth is… something with which Rimjob is vaguely familiar.
Are tRumpists colluding with police to shoot black Americans to gin up more riots which they think helps tRump’s electoral chances?
Don’t need to. Demos are doing it all by themselves.
Jacob Blake was breaking up a fight, tried to get in his car with his 3 children and was shot 7 times in the back by a police officer. Fortunately, Mr. Blake survived but may be paralyzed. His little children are likely traumatized.
His wittle children? Oh, how compassionate of you?
Too bad there’s video.
How’s ’bout all these people terrorized by Democrat thugs?
We suspect that most Covidians are consistent GOP voters unless a neoNazi runs as an independent, yet we’ve yet to hear a single Covidian, including Porter, criticize the state shooting black men. We hear excuses and whatabouts. “He had drugs in his system!†“The child’s toy gun looked real!†“Whatabout black on black crime?â€
Which state are we talking? There are 50.
Or 60 if you’re an ignorant Negro with a couple of unearned Ivy League degrees who can’t even pronounce Corpsman.
And black men, much like white men (52%), get shot because they break the law. you don’t hear anybody bitching about that, now do you?
The point is, the truth is, that much of Conservative white America views black Americans as violent savages and that extends to many police officers. Did Ahmaud Arbery deserve to die? Breonna Taylor?
You wouldn’t know the truth if it peed on you.
How many of those cops are black?
We get it. Cons WANT a police state, but a police state THEY control.
Hewltt-Packard, please pick up the white courtesy telephone.
That great “Republican†Martin Luther King said: “A riot is the language of the unheard.â€
To my recollection, Dr King had no time for Commie cutthroats like Stokeley Carmichael and Rap Brown or the hooligans that followed them, so I’d like to see a link to that quote.
Anywho, too bad most of the “Protesters†are white.
Would you be OK if we killed them?
Would love to hear your answer Elwood.
ONCE AGAIN Elwood Typed:
Are tRumpists colluding with police to shoot black Americans to gin up more riots which they think helps tRump’s electoral chances?
The riots continue to be white ANTIFA COMMUNISTS ANARCHISTS using a valid black lives matter concept shattered and stomped on.
I agree with the sentiment. I do not support BLM because they are funded by leftist hate groups and have become a vessel by which the leftists of this world attempt to bring down America.
Elwood often asks why the right refuses to crush the White supremicists. I would ask the same question of them when it comes to ANTIFA.
The reason is pure and simple.
I would rather face the problem of a few 1000 white supremicists than an entire party of communist tin pot dictators willing to burn America to the ground, grind up the constitituion and instill total Authoritarian lock down on a country founded on Freedoms.
In this there is no choice. I rejected Nazi’s and white spremicists but they are not the real problem. The real problem is with a communist out of control democratic party willing to burn America to the ground emulating 1916 Russia to FUNDAMENTALLY BECOME CHINA 2.0.
Go Fuk yourselves. They will have to pay a price with lives when they come for my house. I will fight communism until I am a cold corpse on the ground. There is no battle for hearts and minds now.
We are in the WHOS SIDE ARE YOU ONE PHASE. I think I have made my side clear. I welcome the entire black, hispanic and asian community and any other ethnic group I might have missed to join me in saving the greatest country ever to exist on this planet.
Warts and all.
Good job, J-now prove that the shooting was racially motivated. In fact, there’s absolutely no proof the Minneapolis incident was racially motivated, either. At the present time no one can show that either of these two incidents would have turned out differently if two white men had been involved. The Dems campaign slogan-Burn, Loot and Murder 2020.
GOPhers always run on “law and order” (i.e., anti-Black) platforms. They’re strategy is to frighten white suburbanites to the polls to protect their 3BR ranch home from urban savages.
Pence claims there will be riots and violence in the streets with Mr. Biden as President, without noting the irony of riots and violence in the streets with tRump as president.