The Warmists at the NY Times are super excited, but, as usual, fail to actually do their jobs as journalists
Climate Is Taking On a Growing Role for Voters, Research Suggests
The number of Americans who feel passionately about climate change is rising sharply, and the issue appears likely to play a more important role in this year’s election than ever before, a new survey shows.
What’s more, despite the turmoil caused by overlapping national and global crises, support for action to curb climate change has not diminished. Backing for government to do more to deal with global warming, at 68 percent in May of 2018, was at the same level in 2020, according to the survey, issued Monday.
“People can walk and chew gum at the same time,†said Jon A. Krosnick, a professor of communication, political science and psychology at Stanford University and the leader of the project. (snip)
The most striking part of the survey, Dr. Krosnick said, is the growth of a group he called the “issue public†around climate change.
An issue public is a community that feels an issue is extremely important to them personally. “They are the people who make things happen on the issue,†Dr. Krosnick said. That means, for example, making donations to lobbying groups, sending emails to lawmakers, attending rallies — and voting.
Democratic candidates appear to be reaping the benefits of that shift. For instance, a wave of climate donors has flocked to former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. That’s a departure from 11 years ago, when some party leaders discouraged fund-raising based on climate change.
But, as you look at the report, Figure 13, “Percentage of Americans who think global warming is extremely personally important (the global warming “issue public)”, the number may be the highest ever, but, it’s still only 25% of the small number who were polled.
Figure 15 is on who should do what to “solve” Hotcoldwetdry, and there was a big dip after 2012, and, unsurprisingly, Warmists want Someone Else to bear the burden, meaning the US Government, businesses, and other country governments. Average people practicing what they preach always ranks the lowest.
Of course, interest in an issue doesn’t necessarily translate into votes. That’s why environmental groups have been at the forefront of efforts to raise voter turnout and ensure the integrity of the election, said Myrna Pérez, director of the voting rights and elections program at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU law school.
“Environmental groups are acutely aware of the fact that their agendas are not going to be accomplished if the vote is not free, fair and accessible,†Ms. Pérez said. “Reform generally is not going to happen unless our democracy is representative and robust and participatory — and the environmental groups are getting it.â€
Yeah, what they mean by this is getting rid of all opposition. It is cute how they are now claiming that they can’t get Climate Cult legislation through because there are problems with voting.
Of course, at the end of the day, it is easy to say they Care, but, it is still mostly theoretical, not real world, for Doing Something. Remember, most people refuse to pay more than $10 a month for this stuff.

They should live so long.