In real life, on Twitter, and in comments, I’ll often ask Warmists if they are willing to give up their air conditioning when they start getting personal (which, like most Modern Socialists, they do, and quickly) after I’ve already recommended they give up their own use of fossil fuels. Maybe I should be asking them if they’re good with Government banning their own use of air conditioning
Air conditioning part of climate crisis issue
Air conditioning may be keeping man cool in warmer temperatures but it is heating the planet.
We fell into the trap that we deserve air conditioning.
The warmer it gets, the more we use A/C, and that leads to warmer temperatures since 60% of U.S. electricity is produced by fossil fuels.
Canada’s power generation is 60% hydro, 15 % nuclear, 19% fossil fuels, 7% renewables. (Natural Resources Canada 2017).
Increased heat waves push power demand up to blackout levels in large cities.
The biggest change since air conditioning arrived: windows sealed shut to keep cooler air in high office towers and buildings.
A small air conditioner uses more power than four fridges; a central home unit uses more power than 15 fridges.
It’s a very strange opinion piece by Gene Monin, one sentence per paragraph. You get his point, though, he dislikes Other People having AC
As the use of air conditioning spreads to every dwelling, it will use about 13% of all electricity, producing 2 billion tonnes of CO2 (Carbon dioxide) a year.
Air conditioning is part of the climate crisis, since it has been the biggest factor in growth of power usage.
Warmists hate modern stuff.
Homes are no longer built to allow for climate; the same style of home with air conditioning is everywhere.
I double dare Warmists to only live in homes with no AC.
Buildings for hot climates used to be designed to minimize heat; not any more.
Older building designs which dealt with heat through window screens, louvres, and porches to shut out direct sunlight were displaced by Western styles.
You’re up for that, right? If the Cult of Climastrology has their way, you won’t have a choice
Local Swiss government in Geneva, which has a warmer climate than much of the US, banned air conditioning except by special permission.
In Switzerland, air conditioning accounts for less than 2% of all electricity used. They have learned to do without.
Before, people adapted to the climate. Now comfort reigns, not the planet’s future.
Yes, they do want to ban the use of air conditioning. Have climate cultists considered that this would ban it for themseleves? Or are they thinking that they will be the ones who get special permission?

OMG, what a target-rich environment:
“The warmer it gets, the more we use A/C, and that leads to warmer temperatures since 60% of U.S. electricity is produced by fossil fuels.”
Glad to hear the author support nuclear power!
“The biggest change since air conditioning arrived: windows sealed shut to keep cooler air in high office towers and buildings.”
That’s because of the “stack effect”. Look it up. On the residential side, this is mandated by the energy conservation code in order to use LESS energy.
“Buildings for hot climates used to be designed to minimize heat; not any more.
Older building designs which dealt with heat through window screens, louvres, and porches to shut out direct sunlight were displaced by Western styles."
Horse crap. Newer buildings are “encouraged” – sometimes at the cost of not having your plans approved – to use all sorts of measures to minimize heat gain.
Switzerland has a warmer climate than the US? Not buying that w/o proof.
The average elevation in Switzerland is 4,429 feet. The lowest point in the country is Lake Maggiore, with a surface altitude of 633 feet.
There may be places in Switzerland which are warmer, year round, than Alaska and our northern plains states.
Windows in some high office towers are sealed shut? Well, I guess that nobody can jump out of them, right?