…is a huge bowl of fried food which causes obesity which is bad for the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on a Biden rally in Kenosha.

…is a huge bowl of fried food which causes obesity which is bad for the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on a Biden rally in Kenosha.
Nice uniforms
WOW! I see six appetizers in the pic!
Awfully lot of white people in those riots. Every video I see its like 90 percent white and perhaps 5 percent black and 5 percent other.
This is not about black men getting shot. The FBI should be going after Moveon.Org and a dozen other organizations accepting outside money to riot in the streets and burn America down.
We have a lot of enemies that want Trump gone China, Russia, Iran, George Soros, Bill Gates, Never Trumpers, Ex McCain, Ex Romney never trumpers.
The swamp must remain in tact. Naafta must return. The TPP must be ratified. Free trade must return so Americans lose their jobs but billionaires get richer by the moment.
Civil war is coming. Its gonna take a massacre by one side or the other to really get peoples attention.
And guess what? Its coming. People are already toting guns and Idiots last night started chasing a guy with an ar-15, knocked him down and were fixing to perhaps kill him. HE did what he had to do to survive.
He shot 3 people. Tonight the anarchists will have their own guns.
This guy will not get up and walk away tonight. Someone will fill him full of holes and the war is on.
Great Job Washington DC. And all for money and power. You pukes make me sick.
Civil war is coming. Its gonna take a massacre by one side or the other to really get peoples attention.
The Hell it is. It’s going to get cold in a couple of months and the children will have to go back to school.
If necessary, Trump can invoke the Insurrection Act. 1 mob vs 1 Ranger squad and that will be the ball game.
Those look suspiciously like “Twin Peaks” outfits.
We made the mistake of stopping for lunch at one in the Detroit area after we had seen too many Panera’s and was surprised to see poorly done Hooters knock off.