…is sunshine that is too bright due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is American Elephants, with a post on mindless, purposeless riots just for fun.

…is sunshine that is too bright due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is American Elephants, with a post on mindless, purposeless riots just for fun.
Too good to keep.
Trump said he and Gropin’ Joe ought to be tested for drugs before the debates.
Now Pelosi Galore is saying she doesn’t think there should be any debates.
Some people have wondered if Shotgun Joe was on something that enabled him to stay on message last week.
Looks like we know.
12 More Years.
“Some people” wonder a lot of things. Some people wonder what sedative Rapin’ Don is on most of the time.
Funny how these “coordinated” riots occur after a Black man is shot by the police.
Although Martin Luther King preached non-violent resistance, he recognized the causes of civil unrest saying, “A riot is the language of the unheard.”
James Baldwin wrote, “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.†That applies to endemic institutional racism in American. It’s no accident, no natural occurrence that Black Americans are last in wealth and wages, last in life expectancy, last in home ownership, last in healthcare, first in incarceration, first in being killed by police…
The protests and riots you see, from both white and Black Americans, are cries to be heard. Cries from the poor and oppressed.
Also from MLK, America “has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality, and humanity”.
tRumpists crave “tranquility and the status quo” either because their status quo is comfortable or their their hatred toward others swamps all humanity.
Oppressors always feel attacked when the oppressed complain.
“Some people†wonder a lot of things. Some people wonder what sedative Trump is on most of the time.
They do? Who would that be?
Although Martin Luther King preached non-violent resistance, he recognized the causes of civil unrest saying, “A riot is the language of the unheard.â€
Still waiting for a citation on that.
Funny how these “coordinated†riots occur after a black man is shot by the police.
And it turns out the cops had cause, too. But the Left has Rent-A-Mobs to spare.
James Baldwin wrote, “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.†That applies to endemic institutional racism in American. It’s no accident, no natural occurrence that black Americans are last in wealth and wages, last in life expectancy, last in home ownership, last in healthcare, first in incarceration, first in being killed by police…
Maybe the problem is blacks think staying in school, getting an education, staying out of trouble, delaying sex is acting white. Maybe if they acted white instead of black, they’d do better.
And I do believe more whits are killed by cops than blacks.
Also from MLK, America “has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality, and humanityâ€.
Need a citation on that one, too. Or is this from when all the “radicals” were calling him an Uncle Tom because he didn;’t start a riot everywhere he went like Stokeley Carmichael.
tRumpists crave “tranquility and the status quo†either because their status quo is comfortable or their their hatred toward others swamps all humanity.
Funny how most blacks seem to crave “tranquility and the status quoâ€, too.
Trump’s black support just keeps growing.
Oppressors always feel attacked when the oppressed complain.
They do? Not any oppressors I ever read about. Which oppressors do you have in mind?
Jeffery is just mad because the Rs had a very good convention and the Demos’ was a mess.
Now, after Trump has suggested he and Gropin’ Joe be drug tested before each debate, the demos think it’s a bad idea.
If I was stuck with Gropin’ Joe and the Ho, I would, too.
Porter’s Puffer, Sibley, thinks the FNC Convention was good. Did he not see Xanax Don’s speech last night? America prefers a president who can read.
Indeed, drug test the candidates daily.
Did he not see Trump’s speech last night?
Saw it streamed on C-Span, switched over to Fox. Much better on Fox. Good and conversational
America prefers a President who can read.
Well, it sure wasn’t Zippy, and Gropin’ Joe needs the words whispered in his ear.
And President is capitalized. You must have flunked out of Karl Marx Tech.
Funny how these riots never occur when a White person is shot by the police…as in the Minneapolis case a few yrs ago when a white woman was shot by a black policeman. And she wasn’t resisting arrest and wasn’t armed. Amazingly, without any riots, burning or looting, the process played out and the cop was convicted of 2nd degree murder..
Like I tried to tell Elwood when he channeled the spirit of the great MLK, sometimes riots are just riots. But this isn’t one of those times. These are coordinated riots meant to panic the people and silence the political opposition. These are all 100% Democrats, fascists and communists, not a Republican or conservative among them. They are there to shake the country and turn an election to tyranny.
They are the same type of Democrats we had in 1860. They want their way or they want war. I say giv’em war.
Trump 2020 The reluctant war time leader.
The Dem minions in action. Want to vote for more of this shit?
Biden addresses Kenosha violence as media outlets suggest ongoing unrest boosts Trump
NY Times, Axios and Politico publish stories warning Kenosha violence could push voters to GOP
Will be fun to watch this Elwood chap switch positions and become a defender of law and order while Blaming Trump for all the violence. Its already emerging today that Trump is rooting for violence says Biden.
In a day or two Elwood will be lamblasting the riots and the violence and saying the right is encouraging them and want them to continue.
Stand by for news! As Paul Harvey would say. Will be fun watching Elwood piviot 180 in the next day or two and he pushes more lies from the lying left.
Good news, troops.
Go Fund Me shut down Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense fund, so Nick Sandmann’s lawyer is going to represent him pro bono.
The Lefties are in trouble now.
tRump2020: To stop the American carnage of his first term, vote for tRump!
180,000 dead Americans from COVID-19.
Economic collapse.
Cities burning.
Inequality and division.
International respect in the toilet.
So sure, four more years of this shitshow…
Great comment commie. The fear, hate and panic just jump off the page. We are now at Trump 53% the child molester and his whore partner 44%. You’re gonna get creamed unless all your fraud works. Hahaha. Just like last time you think spouting hate a vile lies will work. Dope!
Trump 2020 Twelve more years, twelve more years.
450 from Kung Flu, no collapse except in those Blue Zone states, plenty of respect (just ask the Arabs and Israelis (or the Norks)) (get it right, doofus).
Cities burning.
Inequality and division.
All your doing.
12 More Years!!!!!
And the bear suit is coming out again. It must have been a very good speech.