The one thing I cannot seem to find is data that shows exactly where these 1st time buyers live, as in which city. I would suspect, though, that a goodly chunk are in Democratic Party run cities seeing lots of violence
First-time gun buyers are fueled by fears over the pandemic, the economy, and nationwide protests
Michael Braunlin bought his first gun in March, as fears of the coronavirus pandemic were taking hold in the US.
“A lot of it was around not knowing what was happening and not having a lot of assurance from my government that we were going to be kept safe and protected,” Braunlin told Business Insider Today.
During a record-breaking year of firearm background checks across the country, he wasn’t the only one to make that decision.
“As I was watching more and more people panic-buy, I said, OK, I think I need to be purchasing a firearm just in case something happens,” Braunlin said.
So far in 2020, gun background checks have already reached monthly all-time highs twice.
In March, the FBI conducted 3.7 million checks — the most since the bureau started keeping track in 1998.
Remember, people were scared as to what was going to happen, and concerned with Government slapping this restriction and that restriction on citizens without any Constitutional, state or federal, considerations. Nobody really knew how bad it could get, but we had seen the obliteration of Italy, right?
Then in June, that record was broken with 3.9 million. All four weeks of the month made the list of top 10 weeks with the most firearm background checks ever.
And people were seeing the violence in the streets from the BLM/Antifa folks, along with lots and lots of young, white Democratic Party voters who self-style themselves as revolutionaries but have nothing better to do with the schools closed, missing their classes to obtain a worthless degree with $75k in student loans debt. Plus, seeing that Democratic Party mayors and governors were not only doing nothing, but, often enticing the rioters, as the Credentialed Media did the same.
Combine that with all the Dem calls to defund the police.
The biggest surge of recent sales here has been with handguns and shotguns — not for hunting, but for self-protection.
“I don’t feel safe right now, so I need to make sure I’m safe,” customer Victoria Legato said.
“People are scouring,” Randy Quick, another customer, added. “They’re emptying the shelves, you know? So it’s a different time.”
Again, how many are Dem voters who were always anti-private gun ownership and scoffed at the notion of someone, especially a woman, having a gun for protection?
But these shops aren’t free of their critics — especially from groups that advocate against gun violence.
“They care about sales, not about the people who own those guns,” Kris Brown, president of the nonprofit Brady: United Against Gun Violence, told Business Insider Today. “And I’m concerned that the rush to buy guns is going to increase fatalities and injuries of the very people that the gun owners are seeking to protect.”
Yeah, let these people go live in Seattle, Portland, NYC, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Oakland, Detroit, and even Kenosha. See what they feel about the chance of violence.
“I do feel I have to be, like, extra responsible because I am a person of color,” Braunlin said. “I’ve actually started researching what to do if the police stop you. And I have to think about the prejudice of other people. You know, I can’t control it.”
As someone whose own perspective on guns has shifted since buying one, he says that there’s nuance behind it all.
“I come from a very liberal family and I would consider myself pretty liberal,” Braunlin said. “Now being a gun owner, I’m like, OK, I get it. If they did away with the Second Amendment tomorrow, I’d be like, no, you can’t take my gun. I’m sorry, no.”
Welcome to the club, pal! Your fellow 2nd Amendment supporters do not care about your skin color in the least. See you at the range!
One stat I’d love to see is how many concealed carry permits have been applied for, especially in Dem run areas.

But it was a 17 yr old tRump supporter and right-wing terrorist Kyle Rittenhouse who drove to Kenosha from out of state to shoot protesters. He’ll likely die in prison. At least he had a few moments of excitement in his life and the accolades of other far-rightists.
Did you watch the video. The antifa thugs chased him down the street. He RAN away, tried to escape with a loaded weapon in his hands. It was only when a thug threw his skate board at him, knocked him down and then other Antifa thugs began to assault him that he fired. He was fixing to be killed.
He did nothing wrong but be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You may be right. He might die in prison since he made the stupid mistake of going to a leftist state and choosing to make his stand where people that lock police in a building and try to burn it down are released and those that use a weapon to defend themselves against at least a dozen attackers is Put to death.
The anger is boiling on both sides. I wonder Elwood what your new position will be when the left begins condemning this violence? Will it then be Trumps fault for not stopping it. For not sending in the national guard.
Yesterday Biden finally condemned this stuff and CNN is now telling us the riots need to stop because???
Its showing up in the polls and focus groups.
Elwood always gets giddy like a little girl when people die. Especially people who support Trump. If you commies and Nazis continue to burn the cities and put people out of business and out of work more of you will get shot. Normal Patriotic Americans will only take so much Elwood then your cold insurrection, your non-declared civil war 2.0 will be a full blown debacle.
There must be something in Democrat DNA that requires them to lord over blacks and commit sedition against our government. What is it that drives you commies to desire the destruction of America when there are so many commie shitholes you could move to already?
You will fundamentally change nothing you pinko.
Trump 2020 If civil war comes he will win it.
This is your country if the Elwoods win:
He fired in self defense, as the video clearly shows.
He will only see the inside of a prison cell if he is the unfortunate victim of a politically motivated and biased jury; any decent attorney will get him off.
He was armed, but he did his legal duty and retreated. The Antifa scum chased him down, and he responded appropriately.
As usual, Jeffery forgoes the right of a trial and pronounces both verdict and sentence.
How un-American can you get? Sounds like he wants to lynch a white kid.
The real message, along with the Rooftop Koreans and all the other rooftop vigilantes (and, no, that’s not a dirty word if you know your history), is that people are fed up with these Lefty rioters and are going to quiet them down if the cops can’t.
Or won’t.
Our esteemed host quoted:
Since the left aren’t going to protect people from the rioters, people will try to protect themselves . . . and the leftist Brady group doesn’t want that!
In war, though we try to minimize casualties, some soldiers will be sacrificed. The left see ordinary civilians as the sacrificial soldiers in their war against common sense and decency, and don’t really care if some ordinary civilians are put in greater danger.
I have several friends that are leftists. They are not unhinged leftists but they do not like Trump for sure and they do not like the democratic party either since they have lost their minds. I am paraphrasing what I hear from these Quote Friends/Acquaintances.
They are buying guns. Multiple guns. I mean some have bought 4 or 5. Loaded up on Ammo too. Are taking training courses to use them.
I would surmised based upon anecdotal evidence that the left is arming themselves. For what reason? I think two fold they are afraid of the de-fund the police, and feel they might need to defend their own property. Secondly they know the right is well armed. Will the right come for them?
I would encourage you all to look at what is happening in Belarus and then explain to me how a squad of rangers is going to stop 200/300,000 people who are armed and ready to get it on.
I would surmised based upon anecdotal evidence that the left is arming themselves.
Maybe to keep the hoodla out of their gated communities. Just like the McCloskeys. Civil rights lawyer, remember?
I would encourage you all to look at what is happening in Belarus and then explain to me how a squad of Rangers is going to stop 200/300,000 people who are armed and ready to get it on.
Full auto, expert marksmen, body armor, fire support vs bullies who are bravest when attacking from behind, going after old people, women, or guys that are alone. Sturgis didn’t even have to raise a hand against these clowns; one look and they went running to the cops.
And I’ll see your Byelorussia and raise you Beerhall Putsch.
Jeffery, this is you, right? I thought so.
And Rangers is capitalized. Where did you go to school, Karl Marx Tech?
So your idea of quelling 300k American marching is to drop smart bombs on them from B-1’s or B-52s?
I might have Graduated from Karl Marx Tech but it sounds like you were the headmaster.
When you can find 300,000 of these morons in one place, be sure and let the world know. You’re sounding just like Jeffery.
All I said was fire support. That can just mean tear gas. You’re the one talking about dropping smart bombs from B-1’s or B-52s. Shows where your mind is.
And no apostrophes in singular possessive.
Tou’re Jeffery.
Well, lookee here: the three guys shot, two fatally, in Kenosha, were all criminals!