Hmm, is Excitable Bill McKibben saying that Barack Obama’s 2 terms were a waste?
On Climate Change, We’ve Run Out of Presidential Terms to Waste
(a couple paragraphs blaming The Weather on people living modern lives)
Here’s what this means: if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take over the White House, in January, they’re going to be dealing with an immediate and overwhelming climate crisis, not just the prospective dilemma that other Administrations have faced. It’s not coming; it’s here. The luxury of moving slowly, the margin for zigging and zagging to accommodate various interests, has disappeared. So, if the Democrats win, they will have to address the pandemic and the resulting economic dislocation, and tackle the climate mess all at the same time. Any climate plan must be, in some way or another, the solution to the current widespread loss of jobs. (snip)
The point is clear: as Biden and Harris campaign for the future of our democracy this fall, they also have to lay the groundwork to fight for the future of our planet. That message can be communicated to voters: Biden showed how to do it with a commercial that linked his love of his vintage Corvette to the future of electric vehicles. No, electric sports cars and industrial pea cutlets will not save the climate; but it’s crucial, right now, on the campaign trail, for politicians to help Americans understand the rapid and unsettling transition that physics implacably demands. We’re out of Presidential terms to waste. If there’s going to be effective American action on climate, it’s going to have to come from Joe Biden.
Can anyone point to what Joe Biden or Kamala Harris have actually done regarding their belief in anthropogenic climate change? Talking is meaningless. What Bill fails to acknowledge is that actually doing something is not popular in reality. But, hey, good luck, Joe, as you patronize these climakooks.

Live: RNC Day 4 | Featuring President Trump, Ivanka Trump, Rudy Giuliani and others Â
Our curious host asked:
By hiding in his basement for months, former Vice President Biden has reduced his carbon footprint by not traveling.
That’s personal action!
Let Joe and Kam have the White House, it will become the powerless office it has become since Braky weaponized many of the agencies (FBI, DOJ, IRS). Like Hitler’s last days, the deluded tyrant was issuing non existing German foces as their enemies were closing in on Berlin.