See, Democrats had no problem with Democratic voting BLM/Antifa folks committing acts of violence, including against women and senior citizens. They’ve called for defunding police. The amount of violence means police are spread thin, especially as the BLM/Antifa folks create issues away from the major area of the “protests”, and cannot protect homes and businesses. Someone has to
The Violence Could Get Much Worse
Unless police and political leaders begin to crack down on the armed vigilantes monitoring protests, more bloodshed could soon follow the killings in Kenosha.The killings in Kenosha, Wisconsin, represent an alarming escalation of the fight over police violence that has consumed the country this summer: It wasn’t an agent of the state who shot two Americans dead this week. Instead, an American man turned his weapon on other civilians during a protest—and law enforcement let him walk right by them and out of town. Police and political leaders have failed for years to take the actions necessary to prevent this kind of violence. Without serious, sustained intervention, more bloodshed could soon follow.
Not defending or slamming the shooter, but, his presence would not have been necessary if the Dem voting BLM/Antifa folks weren’t violent, and if Democrats and their Credentialed media hadn’t not only propped them up, but egged them on.
Seventeen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who has described himself as a militia member and appeared in videos that night next to other armed men linked to a local militia group known as the Kenosha Guard, has since been arrested and charged with killing two people. (He hasn’t yet entered a plea.) Rittenhouse and the other men, who claimed to be protecting local businesses, are not the first armed right-wing counterprotesters to evade police scrutiny this summer. In May and June, such extremists appeared on 187 occasions at protests around the country, according to the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, a left-leaning organization that tracks extremist groups. Vigilantes appeared to receive the support or approval of police in about two dozen of those instances, says Alexander Reid Ross, a researcher at the Center for Analysis of the Radical Right and the author of Against the Fascist Creep.
Strange that The Atlantic’s Elaine Godfrey forgot to mention
Seattle #antifa group @riotkitchen206 was arrested in Kenosha, Wisc. They drove all the way there with their van & stopped to fill multiple fuel cans with gasoline in what is believed for criminal purposes. The van attempted to escape from responding officers.
— Andy Ngô ?????????? (@MrAndyNgo) August 27, 2020
Because of that bust, Kenosha was a lot more peaceful Wednesday night
But deferential treatment of armed counterprotesters suggests that police are playing favorites. When law enforcement reacts leniently to far-right militant organizations, those groups tend to believe any violence on their part is authorized, says Michael German, a retired FBI agent who spent months in the early 1990s working undercover among white supremacists and right-wing militants. Consistent leniency, he told me, “has created a monster that’s going to be hard to contain.â€
However, this is the first time there has really been a shooting from these “far right militant groups”, and it may well have been fully in self defense. For all those times armed “right leaning folks” have shown up, are they shooting everyone? Committing arson, looting, assault? Most times there are fights the BLM/Antifa folks start it.
A guillotine has been put in front of the fencing near the White House.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) August 28, 2020
That’s not violent at all, right? Most of these “right wing militants” are there to protect property from the violent Democratic Party voters.

Funny, the Lefties have no problem with the Sydney Ducks, but now that Committees of vigilance are forming, a “crackdown” is needed.
Guess which side is cracked the most?
Around the NFL
Ravens call for arrest of police who killed Breonna Taylor, shot Jacob Blake in statement
The NFL is making the fatal mistake of getting chin deep in politics. HASHTAG WALKWAY, HASHTAG CANCEL the National Football League. Go run for congress.
I’m looking at all those stupid mindless immoral bitches on their knee and wondering how it came to be they ALL BELIEVE THE SAME THING? This is a combination of brainwashing and public humiliation as I haven’t seen since Pol Pot or Mao. In America this is criminal and revolting.
Now that the sports teams have become open operatives for the Marxists and Democrats there is no reason for any red blooded American to patronize them. Patronizing sports teams at this point is like joining the Bund in 1943.
Trump 2020 We MUST make America great again before these Marxists make America disappear.
Porter typed: his presence would not have been necessary
His presence wasn’t necessary, was it. Now he’ll die in prison. Maybe you big talkers should go yourselves rather than urge kids to go. Keyboard Kommandos like Porter always urge others to be brave. Afghanistan, Iraq, Kenosha…
Why is tRump’s America so messed up? Approaching 200,000 dying from a “hoax”. Record national debt and exploding. 10s of millions furloughed. Lines at food pantries. Hatred boiling over.
Regardless of the Covid risks, Americans will stand in line for hours to vote even with tRump Militia at the polls, even with the GOP closure of a thousand polling places.
Now he’ll die in prison.
Why would that happen?
And the actual narrative is even more interesting. The New York Times pointed out that there were two bursts of shooting, with video and photos. Rittenhouse was being chased and someone fired a handgun.
Someone, presumably Rittenhouse, returned fire, about 4 rounds. Rittenhouse tried to flee, but then he trips and falls to the ground. Then he is kicked in the head by the guy rolling on the right (after the kick), and he is hit in the head by Huber’s skateboard. Rittenhouse then shot Huber in the chest and the guy with the handgun.
That’s pretty clearly self-defense. And that pretty much trumps everything else. Can they charge him with a misdemeanor for carrying the gun underage? Sure, and I wouldn’t have a problem with that. Can they make a murder charge stick? I doubt it.
The law of self defense applies to this case.
Hatred boiling over.
Which is expected because all the left has is hate.
Christiaan Triebert, a member of the Visual Investigations team at the New York Times, posted the video on Twitter. He said Rittenhouse was being chased then turned toward the sound of the gunfire as another pursuer lunged toward him. The teen then fired an AR 15-style rifle four times and appeared to shoot the man in the head.
He said THE OTHER GUNMAN FIRED FIRST, pointing out Rittenhouse turned toward the sound of the firing.
The New York Times reported Rittenhouse was at a Kenosha car dealership earlier that evening where rioters had burned vehicles.
He told an interviewer he was there to protect the business. Rittenhouse remained there for an extended time, offering medical assistance to protesters.
At one point he visited with police officers in a patrol car while holding his rifle.
The report said he later left the dealership and police wouldn’t let him return.
Six minutes later, video shows Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away. While under pursuit, an unknown gunman fired into the air, the Times said.
The report said Rittenhouse then turned toward the gunfire and returned fire as another pursuer lunged at him.
Police were only a block away, and he walked with his hands up toward the vehicles, but officers drove by him without stopping.
The Gateway Pundit blog noted reports that the three shooting victims who attacked Rittenhouse have arrest records and possibly are felons. One was carrying a handgun, possibly illegally.
Rittenhouse supported causes such as Blue Lives Matter and other police advocacy organizations. He is not a white supremacist. reported Police Chief Daniel Miskinis said the violence happened because “some persons who were out after the curfew became engaged in some type of disturbance and persons were shot.”
“Had persons not been out involved in violation of that, perhaps the situation that unfolded would not have happened.”
Instead of saying the truth that rioters and “peaceful protesters” were burning businesses and assaulting people he chose the Ilian Omar approach to leftist crime: some people did some things.
So what would you do, sit there and be beaten or shot to death, Elwood?
His presence wasn’t necessary, was it. Now he’ll die in prison. Maybe you big talkers should go yourselves rather than urge kids to go. Keyboard Kommandos like Porter always urge others to be brave. Afghanistan, Iraq, Kenosha…
Talk about Keyboard Kommandos. Jeffery has spent the last 4 years telling us how the illegals and the blacks are coming for the whites.
One kid with an AR and they all scatter whining about how some whitey dared to fight back.
and, no, he’s going to die at home when he’s an old man. He’s got a great lawyer and it’s going to be tough to get a Kenosha jury to convict somebody who shot up a mob coming after him.
Why is tRump’s America so messed up?
In the Left’s backward view, they do not see America as the most free, just and exceptional nation on Earth. Instead, they see a wicked nation that must be punished for its sins. Our opponents say that redemption for you can only come from giving power to them. This is a tired anthem spoken by every repressive movement throughout history, but in this country, we don’t look to career politicians for salvation. In America, we do not turn to government to restore ourselves. We put our faith in almighty God.
IOW Democrats.
Approaching 200,000 dying from a “hoaxâ€.
Record national debt and exploding.
10s of millions furloughed.
Lines at food pantries.
There are? Where? Blue States?
Hatred boiling over.
Regardless of the Covid risks, Americans will stand in line for hours to vote even with tRump Militia at the polls, even with the GOP closure of a thousand polling places.
Yes, those are the ones who will make sure the Demos can’t steal it. And last I heard, it was the Demos who wanted to close the polling places.
The Demos have created a mess they thought would bring Trump down. Instead it’s going to sweep (and I do mean sweep) him to another term while the Demos sit in the wilderness.
12 More Years!!!!!
“Now he’ll die in prison..â€. Nope. In addition to it being self-defense, we have this…
The fear drips from your lips like vomit with every lie, exaggeration, fake data and Fake News rehash. It’s like you know you’re looing and just want to get it over with so now you just bark out bull shit lake one of Stalin’s propagandists hoping to cover the impending Trump landslide.
You Democommies just won’t learn. Being nasty bitches, vulgar pigs and anti American zealots won’t play when you are setting people’s livelihoods and homes on fire and destroying the economy we watched Trump build. Like we don’t know the power of our economy before you Nazis closed down the businesses. You fukin morons.
Now it’s Kristallnacht and you are going to make Americans pay for electing an America loving Patriot rather than that POS Hillary lying scum. It won’t work. Black lives matter won’t work. ALL American lives count, not just black.
Trump 2020 Or we go to war. Free Kyle
Every American should be concerned that tRump might be reelected. Look at the mayhem of just 4 years.
We get that connies view him as the savior to deliver them from the left-wing culture of America, and in the meantime he’s giving you bigger military budgets, connie judges, tax cuts, regulation cuts and criticism of Dems, libs, Blacks, gays, immigrants, women etc.
Right-wingers have become increasingly concerned that tRump is in trouble and are becoming increasingly violent in their actions and ideation. Look at sick Kye calling for the slaying of Dems and Libs and projecting his desires to others.
Decent Americans are sick of police assaults on Black men (and women). K-Y Dana claims that police killing Black men makes America a better place.
Every American should be concerned that Trump might be reelected. Look at the mayhem of just 4 years.
Yeah, them damned Democrats tried their best, but they couldn’t destroy this country enough to turn the people away from him.
We get that connies view him as the savior to deliver them from the left-wing culture of America, and in the meantime he’s giving you bigger military budgets, connie judges, tax cuts, regulation cuts and criticism of Dems, libs, blacks, gays, immigrants, women etc.
The only thing you get attention from the cops. And he’s never criticized anybody but Democrats and Lefties (I repeat myself).
what he’s given people is a better country than Zippy and Gropin’ Joe tried to impose on us.
Right-wingers have become increasingly concerned that Trump is in trouble and are becoming increasingly violent in their actions and ideation. Look at sick Kye calling for the slaying of Dems and Libs and projecting his desires to others.
how is he in trouble?
You’re stuck with Joe and the Ho. And, as always, you lie.
Kye never said what you say he did.
You’re the one in trouble.
Decent Americans are sick of police assaults on black men (and women). K-Y Dana claims that police killing Black men makes America a better place.
He does? Where?
And your use (especially your use) of the word decent is highly inappropriate. Americans seem to be in favor of police arresting criminals, regardless of race.
I guess you haven’t got the memo that the Demos realize the riots are not helping their cause and are pulling back.
As for K-Y, it KY and your homosexual obsession rears its ugly head (insert (only) punchline).
You really need help.
Look at the mayhem of just 4 years.
So it is Trump’s fault that the left is so full of hatred that they want to burn the country down?
Who was it that was President when the riots took place over the death of Michael Brown? Freddie Gray? Eric Garner?
All the left has is hate which allows them to project their hatred onto others without ever taking responsibility for their own actions.
That’s what hate will do to you.
The Eminent Mr Surber laid out how the Left has failed in its attempts to destroy the Trump Administration.
A couple of key insights:
Instead of hurting Donald Trump, Obama annealed Trump supporters to the new president. It takes a certain tone-deafness to turn a billionaire into an underdog but by golly, Obama was up to the task, wasn’t he?
But the riots have really turned things around by expanding President Trump’s base. I already had Colorado, Minnesota, and New Mexico flipping but the riots in Denver, Minneapolis, and Albuquerque seal the deal.
McGovern promised not to be Nixon, and carried only Massachusetts and DC.
Mondale promised not to be Reagan, and carried only Minnesota and DC.
Instead of help in the pandemic, we got riots as Democrats outsmarted themselves.
And a bonus one from another piece.
The signature line of President Trump’s RNC acceptance speech was, Joe Biden’s agenda is Made in China. My agenda is Made in the USA.
Connies want to deny it, but tRump has been president since January 2017. Americans are dying by the thousands. The growing economy is now in the toilet. Millions out of work. tRump has become the Unemployment President. Trillions from the Fed to Wall Street and trillions to corporations and unemployment benefits yield record debt.
tRump’s election strategy is to scare whites with Eek! Negroes! are a comin’. They want your suburbs! tRump and his minions are like Donnie Hatredseed, sowing hatred wherever they tread.
Hate is all a connie has.
Americans are dying by the thousands. The growing economy is now in the toilet. Millions out of work. Trump has become the Unemployment President. Trillions from the Fed to Wall Street and trillions to corporations and unemployment benefits yield record debt.
In order, happens every year; no, it’s not; thank the Demos; that was Zippy; typical Commie agitprop.
tRump’s election strategy is to scare whites with Eek! Negroes! are a comin’. They want your suburbs! Trump and his minions are like Donnie Hatredseed, sowing hatred wherever they tread.
No, that’s what the black frontmen keep saying. It’s what Gropin’ Joe keeps saying.
Accuse them of what we do.
And proof of the “hate†is what, J? What a clown…