Seriously, who saw this coming? Well, pretty much everyone, since the mayor of Raleigh declared a 10pm curfew for Friday and Saturday nights, interfering with the rights of law abiding citizens who weren’t going to be involved
Protesters gathered in downtown Raleigh on Friday night to speak out against police shootings and violence. Overnight, 14 people were arrested for violating a curfew and one person was arrested for assault on a law enforcement officer.
The protests started out peaceful, but as the night went on, people vandalized a memorial and a Wake County government building. People smashed the windows of the Wake County Justice Center, threw red paint on the building and sprayed graffiti. A memorial to fallen deputies was also vandalized in protest against the police.
The protests began escalating at about 9 p.m., when people pulled down barricades that had been put up outside the Wake County Justice Center and threw them in nearby bushes and streets. After that, according to Raleigh police, someone started a fire in the middle of Salisbury Street and set off fireworks.
At around 9:45 p.m., Raleigh police tweeted that the protest was “no longer peaceful.”  The vandalism at the Wake County building occurred right around 10 p.m.,  and Raleigh police started ordering the crowd to disperse as the curfew approached.
Some people also burned an American flag early on. Because reasons, you know. And because a whole bunch of young, lily white liberals who should be in college classes are playing at being revolutionaries. Of the 14 arrested, only 4 were black, as you can see at the link.
“The thing that concerns us as law enforcement are those individuals who blend into the peaceful protests and marches and their sole intent and their sole purpose is to come down and cause damage and be unlawful,” Wake County Sheriff Gerald Baker said.
There were reports, unconfirmed, of big bricks being present. And reports from the police of frozen bottles being handed out, which wisely were not thrown, either at officers or thru windows.
Waiting for @WRAL , @ABC11_WTVD , and @WNCN to note the lack of social distancing.
Oh, and the burning of an American flag
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 29, 2020
None of the stations mentioned that lack of social distancing in their reports (WRAL’s is the one I am using), nor did the News and Observer. And it is a pretty darned white crowd, eh?
A look at some of the vandalism at the Wake County Jail in Downtown Raleigh. #ABC11
— Elaina Athans (@ElainaAthans1) August 29, 2020
In all fairness, it wasn’t as bad is it could have been. We’re no Minneapolis, Oakland, Portland, or Seattle.

Sounds as if Porter is pro-racism. Why is that?
Sounds as if Porter is pro-racism.
Sounds as if Jeffery can’t read.
There are people who are for racism, including yourself. However, what does “racism” have to do with violence, looting, and destruction of property? (Which was the point of the post.)
Almost seems as if your hatred has spilled over into support of those who don’t protest peacefully and are only interested in destroying other people’s property.
So much hatred from the left.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
As I pointed out before around 40-50% of these BLM/Antifa commies are white women. I guess that’s because communism is an emotion based religion. There is no thought, logic, intellect that goes into a belief system that claims they want total equality let alone believes such anti human nature that idea is. Only women or beta males like Elwood could buy that sack of shit.
I am really sick of the biggest racists in American history, the Democrat slavers insist on stirring up racial animosity today. America today is the least racist it’s ever been (except for Democrats who still harbor that old KKK mentality) and a great deal less racist than most other countries.
Last year about 14 unarmed blacks and 29 whites were killed by cops. At the same time 72% of all crime in America was committed by black males age 14-45 if you throw in black females that number goes to 84%. Black males are about 7% of our population therefore, knowing only 7% cause over 70% of our crime that to me sounds like the real problem.
When black lives stop committing all the crime maybe they’ll matter. Till then they are just a bunch of animals being all fired up by the communist left as one more arrow in their quiver to take over America.
Trump 2020 Keep the animals away from the levers of power. All they have is hate.
Porter typed: None of the stations mentioned that lack of social distancing
The video that Porter supplied shows nearly all protesters were wearing masks – certainly much safer than one of tRump’s Klan Rallies, such as at the former White House (now Trump Palace) or in NH.
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, doesn’t understand that opposing “anti-racism” is pro-racism. White nationalists such as Porter and Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, want to equate the worst in a group (rioters amongst the protesters) with the BLM movement in toto. By that criterion, Porter and Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, are murderers like Kyle Rittenhouse. (BTW – if Kenosha police had checked Rittenhouse’s ID they’d have found he was underage and his rampage killings could have been prevented). But Kyle is white.
How do connies feel about the anti-American fascistic “curfews”? Aren’t these gov’t actions limiting civil rights?
Kye typed: When black lives stop committing all the crime maybe they’ll matter. Till then they are just a bunch of animals being all fired up by the communist left…
By that criterion, both Porter and Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, are virulent racists. Unless they object to Kye’s characterization of Black Americans as a “bunch of animals”.
We sympathize with today’s white racists. In your private klaverns amongst friends you can still talk about jigaboos and jungle bunnies, but that’s no longer acceptable in decent society. You’re buoyed by tRump, who gives you permission to be racist as a way to garner your support and votes. Not all tRump supporters are racist. Some are driven by greed. Some by anti-abortion religious views. But you’ve all come together to support a man whose understanding of America and American values is absent. He is incompetent and unfit to be president.
The video that Porter supplied shows nearly all protesters were wearing masks – certainly much safer than one of tRump’s Klan Rallies, such as at the former White House (now Trump Palace) or in NH.
Doing it so the cops couldn’t nail ’em.
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, doesn’t understand that opposing “anti-racism†is pro-racism. White nationalists such as Porter and Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, want to equate the worst in a group (rioters amongst the protesters) with the BLM movement in toto. By that criterion, Porter and Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, are murderers like Kyle Rittenhouse. (BTW – if Kenosha police had checked Rittenhouse’s ID they’d have found he was underage and his rampage killings could have been prevented). But Kyle is white.
No, he was jumped by thugs and defended himself.
And opposing “anti-racism†is merely opposing lying Lefties, who are racist by nature
want to equate the worst in a group (rioters amongst the protesters) with the BLM movement in toto.
Funny none of the “peaceful” protesters try to stop the rioters.
How do connies feel about the anti-American fascistic “curfews� Aren’t these gov’t actions limiting civil rights?
Usually first thing done during a riot. That, and looters shot on sight.
Turns out the kid had a summer job in Kenosha and other uncomfortable for Jeffery facts.
Unless they object to Kye’s characterization of black Americans as a “bunch of animalsâ€.
Actually most are white. They just have front men.
We sympathize with today’s white racists. In your private klaverns amongst friends you can still talk about jigaboos and jungle bunnies, but that’s no longer acceptable in decent society. You’re buoyed by Trump, who gives you permission to be racist as a way to garner your support and votes. Not all Trump supporters are racist. Some are driven by greed. Some by anti-abortion religious views. But you’ve all come together to support a man whose understanding of America and American values is absent. He is incompetent and unfit to be president.
Sounds more like your white Demos. Did you know DE was the last state to abolish slavery?
Not all Trump supporters are racist.
That’s mighty white of you.
This man demonstrates why the 1st amendment has been suspended in the United States. There is no longer anything close to free speech anymore. It is accepted speech or bare the consequences.
Brian Urlacher Hall of Fame LB for the Bears Tweeted his opinion:
His opinion is invalid. It does not fit a narrative. He is a racist. He will be canceled. Perhaps even the NFL will take back his hall of fame jacket.
HashTAG Cancled. The revocation of your first amendment right to free speech is here. It is why everyone posts anonymously and those that do not, find themselves without a job, home and life. Everything they have is taken away if they do not obey Elwood.
That’s because people like Elwood can’t abide by any opinion but their own. This guy has known for at least three years that my first wife was Jewish, my current wife is a Korean naturalized American and I have two black foster boys from my first marriage and he still insists on calling me a racist or a white supremacist at least twice a week. Nobody can be that dumb but there it is. I guess a person can be that full of hate though.
Trump 2020 Because the Elwoods are just too full of hate.
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, doesn’t understand that opposing “anti-racism†is pro-racism.
Our resident trolling rapist doesn’t understand that being against racism is not the same as supporting violence and destruction.
White nationalists such as Porter and Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, want to equate the worst in a group (rioters amongst the protesters) with the BLM movement in toto.
Our resident trolling raping racist makes another unsupported statement. I have always supported the right to peaceful protest. In my neck of the woods, there are protests which I have attended (unlike Jeffery who sits at home) that are peaceful and produce conversations. Luckily, we have not had any violence from rioters and looters. I guess Jeffery’s statements and false accusations are what come out of so much hatred.
(BTW – if Kenosha police had checked Rittenhouse’s ID they’d have found he was underage and his rampage killings could have been prevented).
(BTW – if Kenosha police had checked Rittenhouse’s ID they’d have found he was underage and his justifiable use of force in self defense could have been prevented).
There. Fixed that for you.
(BTW – if Kenosha police weren’t so busy trying to stop rioters and looters, they might have been able to address Rittenhouse. Jeffery seems to have forgotten that the first shot in the Rittenhouse’s self defense was fired by one of the rioters and looters.)
The left projects their hatred and racism onto others, intellectually and morally unable to do what they demand others do. Jeffery is a great example of this. He has campaigned on this blog for the confiscation of all weapons and making all weapons illegal, while saying he wants to be armed and has armed at least one of his children.
Just more and more hate.
It is all the left has.
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, is, as always, a liar. It’s what connies do. Lie. And hate.
Some say that Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, is a pedophile rapist, much like his Messiah, tRump. We don’t have evidence one way or another, but some say.
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, has a symbiotic relationship with Porter. They massage each other’s egos by referencing the other’s “blog”.
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, has become increasingly hateful over the years, undoubtedly frustrated first by the Obama Presidency and then by tRump’s broken promises. He has now gone full righty – his anti-abortion verbiage now one with Porter’s hatred and racism. This is the power of Savior such as tRump, bringing together all America’s haters under one tent!
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, a pro-birther, would force all women, from 12 year old incest victims to 48 year old rape victims to carry to term. Once born, mothers and babies are of no concern to pro-birther connies.
Funny how Rimjob accuses others of being pedophile rapists.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, is, as always, a liar. It’s what connies do. Lie. And hate.
Projecting again?
Some say that Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, is a pedophile rapist, much like his Messiah, Trump. We don’t have evidence one way or another, but some say.
I’ll bet git has a lwayer, so I wouldn’t push that.
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, has a symbiotic relationship with Porter. They massage each other’s egos by referencing the other’s “blogâ€.
they do? Where?
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, has become increasingly hateful over the years, undoubtedly frustrated first by the Obama Presidency and then by Trump’s broken promises. He has now gone full righty – his anti-abortion verbiage now one with Porter’s hatred and racism. This is the power of Savior such as Trump, bringing together all America’s haters under one tent!
Which promises were broken? Funny how a lot of Demos who say they are going Trump list all his kept promises.
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, a pro-birther, would force all women, from 12 year old incest victims to 48 year old rape victims to carry to term.
a pro-birther? You’re against motherhood. I’ll bet yours was a mother.
And, see you didn’t get the memo, < 1% of all abortions are for rape or incest.
Once born, mothers and babies are of no concern to pro-birther connies.
I don’t see Lefties caring for them.
s/b lawyer.
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, is, as always, a liar.
You can’t name one lie I have ever told. With the hateful left, it is always projection.
We don’t have evidence one way or another, but some say.
Some may say a lot of things. The difference is that you are an admitted rapist. So were you lying then, or lying now?
Porter’s Puppet, gitarcarver, a pro-birther, would force all women, from 12 year old incest victims to 48 year old rape victims to carry to term. Once born, mothers and babies are of no concern to pro-birther connies.
We’ve been down this road with you before. Even if people were to say that abortion in cases of rape and incest should be allowed, you would still be for abortion in all other cases.
In other words, the incest / rape meme is meaningless when you bring it up.
Secondly, who are you or anyone to decide that an innocent life, conceived under any circumstances, is worthless and void of meaning?
No wonder you support the looters and violence – you want more blood on your hands.
It is nothing but projection with the left. They project their hatred, lack of honesty and morality onto others.
That’s what hate will do to you.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Of course, Porter’s Puppet, the gitarcarver, is lying about rape. He made that up earlier and returns to it. He often adds 2 +2 = 3.
But he does show evidence of learning.
Of course, Porter’s Puppet, the gitarcarver, is lying about rape.
1) You claimed that anyone who is a Christian is mentally incompetent.
2) You claimed your wife was a Christian.
3) By your own definition and claim that your wife it incompetent, the law says she is incapable of granting consent for intercourse.
QED – you raped her.
The hatred in the left is so prevalent and all consuming that it seeks to justify attacking women and killing their children.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
I likely typed that anyone who believes in gods, angels, demons and miracles with no evidence are deluded.
Do you really believe that this deluded thinking, which is based more on ignorance than anything, cancels one’s ability to consent?
You make the assumption that anyone claiming to be a Christian believes those things.
People are deluded regarding many things. Some believe vaccines cause autism. Some believe hydroxychloroquine cures Covid-19. Some believe that the Earth isn’t warming. Some believe the Earth is flat. Some believe the Earth is 6000 years old. Some deny that atoms in your body were created some 14.6 BILLION years ago.
QED: You’re full of it, and you’re memory is fading rapidly or it’s biased by your fear and hatred.
After all, all you have is hatred and lies.
Of course, Porter’s Puppet, the gitarcarver, is lying about rape. He made that up earlier and returns to it.
You certainly waited long enough to even object.
And you talk about learning capability as if you had any. You peddle the same old lies and we shoot them all down.
We learned a long time ago. you have yet to start.
Sounds as if Porter is pro-racism. Why is that?
How does it sounds that way? Specify.
Poor Jeffery is foaming at the mouth reviling the commentariat here as the bad news for him just piles up.
The Eminent Mr Surber gives a compendium.
First, from Lefty (and conspiracy freak) Andrew Sullivan
The Trap The Democrats Walked Right Into. If law and order are what this election is about, they will lose it.
Here’s one thing I have absolutely no conflict about. Rioting and lawlessness are evil. And any civil authority that permits, condones or dismisses violence, looting and mayhem in the streets disqualifies itself from any legitimacy. This comes first. If one party supports everything I believe in but doesn’t believe in maintaining law and order all the time and everywhere, I’ll back a party that does. In that sense, I’m a one-issue voter, because without order, there is no room for any other issue. Disorder always and everywhere begets more disorder; the minute the authorities appear to permit such violence, it is destined to grow. And if liberals do not defend order, fascists will.
And from that Lefty website, Bloomie
A new online study finds that Republicans and independents are twice as likely as Democrats to say they would not give their true opinion in a telephone poll question about their preference for president in the 2020 election. That raises the possibility that polls understate support for President Donald Trump.
Some 11.7% of Republicans and 10.5% independents said they would not give their true opinion, vs. 5.4% of Democrats, according to the study by CloudResearch LLC, a Queens, N.Y.-based company that conducts online market research and data collection for clients.
Duh dunt. Duh dunt. Dunt dunt dunt dunt. Sounds like the sharks are gathering.
Think they like dark meat?
The Enema Mr. Surber, sure causes Porter’s Fluffer, Sibley, to shit himself.
I see no rebuttal. And the Eminent Mr Surber is just quoting Lefties.
Bear suit really is on tight, isn’t it?
I likely typed that anyone who believes in gods, angels, demons and miracles with no evidence are deluded.
You likely typed? No, you either did or didn’t. And you did.
BTW Lots of evidence for God, angels, demons and miracles. You still believe in Karl Marx. The world has yet to see any evidence his ideas work.
Do you really believe that this deluded thinking, which is based more on ignorance than anything, cancels one’s ability to consent?
You made the statement, he quoted the law.
You make the assumption that anyone claiming to be a Christian believes those things.
If they don’t, they aren’t Christians. Y’know like Gropin’ Joe and Pelosi Galore are just cafeteria Catholics.
People are deluded regarding many things. Some believe vaccines cause autism. Some believe hydroxychloroquine cures Covid-19. Some believe that the Earth isn’t warming. Some believe the Earth is flat. Some believe the Earth is 6000 years old. Some deny that atoms in your body were created some 14.6 BILLION years ago.
Some think Zippy is an intelligent human. Some believe Communism works.
QED: You’re full of it, and you’re memory is fading rapidly or it’s biased by your fear and hatred.
Not the way it goes. A proof is concluded with the final statement that vindicates the proposition.
QED quod erat demonstrandum (that which was to be demonstrated) is then stated to indicate the proof is concluded.
This is how science works. Since you believe science is based on consensus, you never would have seen this.
After all, all you have is hatred and lies.
Scientific theories are not proven. QED is not a scientific term but a philosophical one, and is based on the writer’s own conclusion.
No, I didn’t claim Christians are mentally incompetent. I did say my wife was a Christian. QED: gitarcarver full of it. This is the sort of sophistry for which he has become famous.
You may not like to hear that there is no evidence supporting the existence of gods, demons, angels, miracles, heaven and hell. But it’s just a fact. But I could be wrong.
Scientific theories are not proven. QED is not a scientific term but a philosophical one, and is based on the writer’s own conclusion.
Philosophical? Glad you think so.
No, I didn’t claim Christians are mentally incompetent. I did say my wife was a Christian. QED: gitarcarver full of it. This is the sort of sophistry for which he has become famous.
Oh, yes, you have. On many occasions.
What a weasel.
You may not like to hear that there is no evidence supporting the existence of gods, demons, angels, miracles, heaven and hell. But it’s just a fact. But I could be wrong.
Of course, you are. Calling your vain belief a fact doesn’t make it so.
The mere fact that we exist says there is some uncaused cause which created the universe and is the source of all life since matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
If you wish to prove a negative, be my ghost.