But, only some of them
Petition aims to abolish 24 Greek organizations on Duke’s campus
A group of Duke University students have called for the removal of 24 Greek letter organizations from campus.
They argued the fraternities and sororities perpetuate systemic racism.
More than 2,000 students currently participate in Duke’s Greek community. But there’s a growing debate about whether more than half of the Greek organizations should exist on campus.
“I think that IFC [Interfraternity Council] fraternities, and the presence of them, as well as Panhellenic sororities have effectively created de facto segregation on Duke’s campus, and they’ve done that for years,” said Shreyas Gupta, with Abolish Duke IFC.
A little over 400 have signed the petition
Greek life is a fundamentally broken system, made for white people and designed to propagate white Supremacy. While reforms have been enacted to improve inclusivity and tolerance, Greek life was never meant to be equitable for all groups. Whiteness, cisgenderism, heteropatriarchy, and classism are at the system’s very core. Today, this has created a de-facto segregation in Duke social life and culture. Interfraternity Council fraternities and Panhellenic sororities must be abolished.
To be sure, our goal is not to abolish historically Black National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) nor multicultural fraternities and sororities at Duke. We recognize these groups were founded to create a space for BIPOC when they were barred from joining white Greek organizations, and today they are a source of pride and empowerment for many individuals with marginalized identities.
See? Only certain Greek orgs. Even though the black ones are for ….. blacks. Which is fine. Freedom of association. But, see, this is mob rule, where your interests can be cancelled because some people have a stick up their you know what. And are utterly intolerant.
And, no, it’s not worth knocking down the idiocy of their unhinged argument: they wouldn’t listen, and there’s little point in arguing with idiots. It drags you down to their level and they beat you with experience.

You want free speech? Freedom of expression. Be free to join a sorotiy or fraternity.
Forget it. Cancel Culture is the work around for free speech.
one only has to look at the resident communist Elwood to see how that works. Only his version of the truth is acceptable. All other versions should be abolished and outlawed.
Free Speech no longer exists in America. Congratsulations leftist. One Amendment down 20 or so to go.
Did you know California wants to Abolish Civil Rights?
California Proposition 16, the Repeal Proposition 209 Affirmative Action Amendment, is on the ballot in California as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on November 3, 2020.
A “yes” vote supports this constitutional amendment to repeal Proposition 209 (1996), which stated that the government and public institutions cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.
IN a communist/Cuba Style Socialist country there is no such thing as civil rights. Those will be the first thing to go under AOC, JOE BIDEN and SpreadEagle Harris.
“I think that IFC [Interfraternity Council] fraternities, and the presence of them, as well as Panhellenic sororities have effectively created de facto segregation on Duke’s campus, and they’ve done that for years,†said Shreyas Gupta, with Abolish Duke IFC.”
Anybody want to guess what this twerp would say if black students agitated for their own housing, grad ceremonies, etc?
And the proof of “systemic racism†is…what?
Besides Affirmative Action, of course, which is institutional racism..
AA is institutional racism just as quotas and set-asides are. All designed by the most racist people on earth: Democrats.
Trump 2020 Clean out the Democrat racists and free the slaves.
White lives matter!
One short list:
Overwhelmingly white school districts received $23 billion more than predominantly non-white school districts in state and local funding in 2016, despite serving roughly the same number of children.
Federal disaster aid is allocated based on a cost-benefit calculation meant to minimize taxpayer risk. That means money is not necessarily doled out to those who need it most but rather to those whose property is worth more — and to those who own property in the first place.
Black job applicants are about half as likely as white applicants to get an interview callback.
58 percent of prisoners are black or Hispanic, despite making up one quarter of the U.S. population.
Black people are 12 times more likely to be wrongly convicted of drug-related crimes than white people.
74 percent of black students and 80 percent of Latino students attend schools that are more than half-minority populations.
13 percent of all black men are denied the right to vote.
Asian American homebuyers are shown 20 percent fewer homes than white homebuyers.
In 2013, the unemployment rate for black college grads was almost twice as high as the rate for grads overall.
White families hold 90 percent of the national wealth. Black and Latino families combined hold less than five percent.
Elwood your stats just prove WHY BLACKS AND LATINOS’ should vote for TRUMP.
This is such proof. Do you think all of those poor living in DEMOCRAT RUN CITIES for the last 80 years are responsible or do you think it is Republicans?
See Democrats look after blacks and Hispanics and they are in abject poverty and face daunting Hopelessness for their plight.
Republicans look after their own and they are doing well. Yet for most of the 20th century Democrats were in charge. When Reagan was in Charge the democrats held the chambers. When Bush was in charge, Democrats held the chambers. Bush never veto’d a bill until late in his presidency and yet Blacks and hispanics remain in abject poverty.
OBAMA was president for 8 years. Blacks are still in poverty herded onto the plantation.
Cite all the stats you want. Democrats keep blacks on the poverty plantation to harvest votes. They do not care one bit about them.
Meanwhile the GOP is finally becoming that big tent they always talked about which is why you have so many NEVER TRUMPERS running around. You know like the DixieCrats when Civil Rights was passed.
Good riddance to you Never Trumpers and welcome to the tent, LGBTQ and Blacks and Hispanics and White people because we only have one goal for all of you.
A JOB, 401k, vacation, sick leave, and HOPE. HOPE AND CHANGE.
I notice all the websites are Lefty dishrags.
Overwhelmingly white school districts received $23 billion more than predominantly non-white school districts in state and local funding in 2016, despite serving roughly the same number of children.
With the Demos in control? With Zippy in control? How can this be?
Unless the Demos are racist.
Federal disaster aid is allocated based on a cost-benefit calculation meant to minimize taxpayer risk. That means money is not necessarily doled out to those who need it most but rather to those whose property is worth more — and to those who own property in the first place.
Which means nothing. Lot of poor whites out there.
Black job applicants are about half as likely as white applicants to get an interview callback.
Those poor life choices do come back to bite you. Need to stop listening to the Demos.
58 percent of prisoners are black or Hispanic, despite making up one quarter of the U.S. population.
Last I looked, lotta crime in the barrio and da hood. In the immortal words of Chris Rock, obey the law.
Republicans look after their own and they are doing well. Yet for most of the 20th century Democrats were in charge. When Reagan was in Charge the democrats held the chambers. When Bush was in charge, Democrats held the chambers. Bush never veto’d a bill until late in his presidency and yet blacks and Hispanics remain in abject poverty.
Which means the Demos talked a lot in terms of helping blacks, but did zip. And Reagan owned the Senate and what was called a “philosophical majority” in the House.
My God, get it right
And nobody in this country lives in abject poverty. In fact, as VDH noted, poor Americans live in the most comfortable poverty in history.
Unless abject means having free food, free housing, a cell phone, and a big screen TV.
Black people are 12 times more likely to be wrongly convicted of drug-related crimes than white people.
Thank Joe and the Ho.
74 percent of black students and 80 percent of Latino students attend schools that are more than half-minority populations.
I thought people liked living with their own. Or is it white people won’t tolerate drugs and gangs?
13 percent of all black men are denied the right to vote.
Wrong. In Philadelphia, 140% are allowed to vote.
Aside from prison, where does your stat happen?
Asian American homebuyers are shown 20 percent fewer homes than white homebuyers.
Accordion to whom? Since most Orientals work their asses off to get an education and start a business, they’d probably get shown the best places, unless they want to live in Little Saigon.
In 2013, the unemployment rate for black college grads was almost twice as high as the rate for grads overall.
Zippy’s doing. I thought he’d killed unemployment.
White families hold 90 percent of the national wealth. Black and Latino families combined hold less than five percent.
Maybe they should start acting white.
Jeffery’s little rant proves nothing except that doing it the Demos’ way has brought blacks nothing but misery, but the Lefties are proud of having railroaded Bill Cosby whose real offense was to talk to black people about taking responsibility for their lives, their families, their neighborhoods and their decisions.
Cos had the gall to tell black people they should quit acting like Democrats and start acting white (that’s how Zippy got where he is). He told them to forget the don’t drop a dime on a brother nonsense and stand up for law and order in their communities. He told them to start pushing ideas like staying in school, working hard, delaying sex, and staying out of trouble.
Y’know. Racist stuff like that.
As an example, my neurologist wanted to be a doctor so badly, he went to the Caribbean and got a British MD (MBBS, it’s called), established himself, and came back to the US of A and got his MD as well as a Ph D in psychology. One of the smartest guys I’ve ever met.
Which means the Demos talked a lot in terms of helping blacks, but did zip. And Reagan owned the Senate and what was called a “philosophical majority†in the House.
My God, get it right
And nobody in this country lives in abject poverty. In fact, as VDH noted, poor Americans live in the most comfortable poverty in history.
1989 – Bush R 101st D – 55 D – 260 S&L
1987 R 100th D – 55 D – 258 Iran-Contra
1985 – Reagan R 99th R – 53 D – 253 Iran-Contra; S&L
1983 R 98th R – 54 D – 269 Iran-Contra
1981 – Reagan R 97th R – 53 D – 242
Its Amazing formwiz. You’re such a dick that even people that agree with you want to argue with you.
The democrats held the house for Reagan’s entire 2 terms. The GOP held the senate for the first 4 years of his presidency.
Philosophical is opinion. Abject poverty is an opinion. Yours is an opinion. For God’s sake get it right.
It appears that Shreyas Gupta was not invited back after rush week.
Dowd convinced me. He is racist. His racist parade of statistics is designed to show that black people in America are incapable of achieving like white people and are more likely to be criminals. And it proves Asians are capable of picking a house to live in much faster than white people who just can’t find the “perfect” house. It’s pretty darned racist to put people into categories like that. Last I looked, most Asians are indistinguishable from “other white people” in North America. How are “mixed race” people counted? Are they counted as black if they are failures in life and White if they have great jobs? Statistics that assume people are either White or black are racist and people who collect those statistics are racist.
A couple of columns by the Eminent Mr Surber, Black votes matter and Trump supporters stop Portland riots.
If Jeffery wants to know why his side is losing – BIGLY – he should read them.