I won’t bore you with the history of Sir Walter Raleigh, you can look that up on your own. Most old world explores and such have things that were bad in their past, it was just the way of the world (though some, like Fransisco Pizarro are really, really bad). But, hey, cancel culture doesn’t forget the slightest slight
Columnist says Sir Walter Raleigh image doesn’t belong with bluegrass festival
A column on the “Bluegrass Today” website calls Sir Walter Raleigh a divisive figure and recommends that his image be removed from the World of Bluegrass festival.
Abby Lee Hood, of Nashville, Tenn., who is a former employee of the International Bluegrass Music Association, which has hosted the event in Raleigh for several years, said the city’s namesake “was no angel.”
Raleigh was the chief sponsor of the Lost Colony on Roanoke Island, the first English settlement in America that mysteriously disappeared in 1590.
But Hood said that Raleigh, like Christopher Columbus and other figures in American history, was a colonizer who subjugated and killed Indigenous people.
“It seemed to me there was a lack of conversation about colonizers and bluegrass,” she said Monday.
Because of his checkered history, she said, the IBMA should drop his likeness from its marketing.
Piss off. Especially since Ms. Hood lives in Nashville, Tenn. What’s next, calling to take down his statues, removing his name from The Lost Colony and Outer Banks stuff, renaming the capital city of North Carolina? Hood ends her article
As the rest of the United States hotly debates which statues and idols to leave behind, the IBMA is in a particular place to choose who it moves forward with. Moving on without Sir Walter Raleigh is an easy, quiet way to decolonize bluegrass just a little.

As a white woman living in the south chances are very good that some ancestor of hers owned slaves and/or also took part in colonizing this country by displacing or killing indigenous people. Maybe it is her that should also be canceled.
Soooo…colonization is bad unless it’s mooslems doing it to America? Or Hispanics? Or East Indian? Then it’s okay.
Raleigh was one of this continents first diversity experts. He helped diversify the racial makeup of the Indian tribes. Or is diversity like colonization, only good if some group is diversifying whites to extinction?
Sir Walt sponsored the Roanoke Colony, which was probably wiped out by the locals, but he’s the bad guy?
And Chris didn’t do nothin’ to nobody.
Sounds like the “former employee” is trying to get even with somebody.
Mr wiz wrote:
But of course, ’cause he sent people to Steal Land from the Noble
SavagesIndigenous People, and thus he, and they, should be most heartily condemned. If it was the mostly peaceful Indigenous People of Color who killed off all of the Roanoke Colonists, well, they certainly deserved it for trying to steal the land in the first place.Have you noticed that people are really good at denouncing the colonizers and the slaveholders and the and the and the, but no one is renouncing the fruits of those evil men/women? I’ll take them seriously when I see them renounce their heritage, give away their ill gotten gains, and begin again in the land of their forefathers. Until then it’s form without substance.
Note, I had slave holding ancestors living in Sumner, County, just north of Nashville so I may have more skin (pun intended) in the game than the columnist. Of course it was one slave, Jack, who was freed in 1859, which complicates the narrative as do the 62 ancestors of that generation who didn’t own slaves. (We mustn’t complicate the narrative.) Forget that with out complications history is only pap fed to wide mouthed children.
STW wrote:
Absotively, posilutely right!
Everyone living in the South is the beneficiary of Andrew Jackson’s removal of the Indians. It is to the great benefit of the United States and the entire world that white settlers in North America conquered and displaced the Indians.
Let’s tell the truth here: the Indians were the weaker people, and all of human history is the defeat of the weaker by the stronger. Our British forebears were conquerors before they even expanded into the New World, the Angles and Saxons defeating and displacing the Roman Britons and the Picts, and then the Normans defeating and subjugating the Anglo-Saxons. Every nation in Europe was formed by wars of migration and conquest, and even before that, the Cro-Magnons defeated and displaced the Neanderthals.
STW admitted his ancestral guilt:
Doesn’t matter: if you had even one slave-owning ancestor, you are guilty, guilty, guilty! and should be fired from your job, denied all of your constitutional rights, and had all of your property and possessions seized and redistributed to Americans of African descent, in the name of Social Justice.
We cleanse the country of leftoxenomorphs or they cleanse the country of us.