…are birds which will be wiped out by the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on reparations moving forward in the People’s Republik Of California.

…are birds which will be wiped out by the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on reparations moving forward in the People’s Republik Of California.
MANCHESTER, NH — Declaring that the event wasn’t really what they were hoping for, hardcore Donald Trump fans who attended a rally Friday to hear his classic border wall rants told reporters they were frustrated by the boring new Covid-19 stuff. “I appreciate that the president wants to try out some new coronavirus material, but I’m really here for the anti-immigrant hits,†said longtime Trump supporter Jerry DiLullio, echoing concerns of hundreds across the crowd that although the president’s lengthy diatribes against the World Health Organization and China had their moments, they didn’t capture the magic of his beloved tirades against the invasion of migrant gangs from Mexico and deep state plots to undermine his presidency. “I figured he’d get the new stuff out of the way up top and then switch to his older ‘shithole countries’-era material, but we’re an hour in and he’s still just kind of noodling around with that recent Dr. Fauci stuff. Honestly, it’s getting kind of repetitive, and his crowd work isn’t quite as entertaining as it was—man, remember that rally where he made fun of that disabled reporter? That was amazing. And there’s just nothing as catchy to chant as ‘Lock Her Up’—hopefully he’s saving that for the finale.†The Trump fans suggested that maybe his lackluster material was the result of so many advisors leaving the administration over creative differences.
Perhaps Rimjob finds this inspiring.
Lil Shitstain thinks others read his virus-infected attachments. LOL. How cute!
The bear suit is out because Gropin’ Joe proved once again he’s unfit for anything but a nursing home.
Curious as to the source of Jeffery’s quote, it didn’t take long to find that he is quoting from the Onion – the well known satire site.
Jeffery always demands sources and yet hypocritically won’t provide sources for his own lies.
Now we know why.
The hate has eroded any any cognitive thinking and morals on the left to goo.
Then again, hate is all the left has.
Sounds like some ROLCON.
Lying again.
Type into your browser antifa.com and read the Biden endorsement that pops up.
Nothing “lackluster” about Biden drooling all over himself, it was expected. Watching Elwood sink deeper and deeper into anti Trump insanity is quite fun. He can’t make any comment that does not attack The Greatest President The United States ever had. He can’t help it he has literally gone insane with hate. I love it. Can’t wait till Nov. 3rd when all the vote fraud can’t save Joey and the Whore.
Trump 2020 Watch Elwood explode!!!
Elwood’s people!!!!!
The Greatest President The United States ever had
That’s funny! Oh, you’re serious? Greater than Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, Reagan combined? Right? LOL.
Biden2020: Watch Kye explode!! (Only if he lives that long, since he will give himself Covid soon, like all brave tRumpists!!)
He’s certainly better than anything the Demos put up in the last century.
Or this one.
type “KKK tRump” into your browser if you want to see David Duke’s endorsement of The Don.
Type Joe And The Ho into your browser and see all the T-shirts on sale.
PS You talk about David Duke as if everybody cares what the SPLC thinks.
Type Elwood P. Dowd into your browser and it brings up the NAMBLA child porno site.
You modern white supremacists consider the KKK crude and old fashioned.
Shows how much you know.
My wife was having all kinds of trouble with her ex and a couple of Klansmen showed up and offered her brother to remove said ex gratis. Her cousins live in Pulaski TN.
Those guys are the Down Home Mafia.
We didn’t realize your wife’s ex was a Black man.
No, we consider them exactly what they are: Democrat racists, like you.
And your point??? Richard Spencer, the Neo-Nazi responsible for the Charlottesville riots, has endorsed Biden.
And the Biden campaign immediately and forcefully declined Spencer’s stunt.
When Joe Biden says we are in a battle for the soul of our nation against vile forces of hate who have come crawling out from under rocks, you are the epitome of what he means. What you stand for is absolutely repugnant. Your support is 10,000% percent unwelcome here.
Has tRump ever declined endorsements from any of these vile forces of hate? David Duke, Dick Spencer, QAnons, Duterte, Bolsanaro, Putin, Nick Fuentes, Invictus, Andrew Anglin, Pat Casey, Rick Wiles, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Falwell Jr., The Proud Boys, Ted Nugent, Brandi Love, Rosanne…
OK, Brandi Love is a porn star and author of “Getting Wild Sex from Your Conservative Woman’, so only a normal conservative hater.
Ignoring the non sequitur at the bottom, we proceed to Jeffery’s latest racist rant.
Gropin’ Joe has to prove to the Demos he’s not just another Demo, but is now hardcore Radical.
Trump has nothing to prove to blacks. They know he’s got their back.
Porter’s Puffer, Sibley, declines to address that neo-Nazis, KKK, Proud Boys, white nationalists, dictators and white supremacists all support tRump.
trump’s line-up looks like Hedley Lamar’s gang auditions in ‘Blazing Saddles’!
Kye will never explode. I already lived through 8 years of media lies under the half breed communist and his Wookie wife so The senile dipshit and his whore mean nothing to me. Besides, successful illegal voter fraud aside, Trump will win.
It’s nice to see you wishing Red Chinese Commie Flu on me. It figures since you’re nothing but a hate filled commie without compassion, love or kindness. It’s the way all leftists are that’s why they make such good mass murderers.
But I see I triggered you being the pussy you are so I’m happy with my work here today. BTW, you mentioned Trump in both comments. HE OWNS YOUR PUTRID BRAIN!!!!! Hahaha
Trump 2020 Then we wipe out the anti American commies.
One of the black savages the Democrats have spent years perfecting. His statement was “White lives don’t matter” And I bet Elwood never saw this because the fake news media refused to follow the story. Keep the dopey Democrats in the dark until they wake up a minority.
Every trumpist should give themselves Covid-19 to show America how benign it is. We thought Kye would bravely expose himself in support of trump.
My apologies if you’re not committed to trump. But imagine the powerful statement to America if every trump supporter intentionally got infected and got tested to prove it.
trump could win the election if he got himself infected and recovered! His comorbidities of age, obesity, sleep deprivation, his admitted mini-strokes and incipient dementia put him at high risk of dying, but no risk, no reward.
What “black savage” said “white lives don’t matter”?
Fortunately, we won’t have four more years of Golden Shower and his Stripper wife.
Every trumpist should give themselves Covid-19 to show America how benign it is. We thought Kye would bravely expose himself in support of Trump.
You first.
My apologies if you’re not committed to Trump. But imagine the powerful statement to America if every Trump supporter intentionally got infected and got tested to prove it.
You have gotten the memo 90% of the positives in this country are false.
Trump could win the election if he got himself infected and recovered! His comorbidities of age, obesity, sleep deprivation, his admitted mini-strokes and incipient dementia put him at high risk of dying, but no risk, no reward.
I was thinking the same of you. With all your VD strains and all, you’d be perfect to be one of Fauci’s guinea pigs.
What “black savage†said “white lives don’t matter�
Yours, for openers.
Fortunately, we won’t have four more years of Golden Shower and his Stripper wife.
No, Zippy’s long gone.
But you will have 12 more of Donald Trump.
I had the antibody test done and it showed that I have already contracted COVID. And, just like more than 95% of the population, was asymptomatic and had no clue I even had it. This cold virus isn’t living up to the hype, fear and panic you and your ilk pushed on the world.
If what you say is true, good for you!
Approaching 200,000 dead Americans in just 7 months, though.
According to the CDC, only about 10,000. Not even an average flu season.
You’re gonna stick with that outdated number no matter what? Because just 9000 dead American doesn’t make you feel “happy” inside. I’m surprised you aren’t insisting the original estimate of 2 million is the real number.
Elwood, about 240k Americans die a month from all causes. This year that stat has not changed yet we supposedly lost 200k just to the Democrat/Commie Wuhan plague? It’s been a Democrat hoax, just like Trump said.
Trump 2020 Stop the murdering Dems from killing our citizens
Kye and formwiz keep pressing the falsehood that the CDC says under 10,000 Americans have died from Covid-19.
Here’s the CDC official count as of today, 2 Sep 2020:
6,047,692 TOTAL CASES
CDC | Updated: Sep 2 2020 12:16PM
CDC | Updated: Sep 2 2020 12:16PM
If you have better data, please provide it.
By all means show again your graphical representation from Table 2. Notice that peak deaths occurred the week ending Apr 18 and add up to around 17,000 dead Americans. So, you and Dr. Gateway Pundit’s OWN data don’t support YOUR OWN argument.
Americans understand what the right and tRumpists are trying to do. One – The Covid pandemic is a hoax. Two – Black “savages” and white commies are coming for the comfy white suburbs to kill white people. Three – Unless he wins, the election is fraudulent. Four – White people, strap on and kill protesters/rioters.
tRump is encouraging riots because he thinks it helps him. He hopes chaos and panic and election interference will keep him out of prison.
What is it with “journolists” and other types that just stand there after they see something like that?
They’re dick less, ball less leftists. What would you expect?
Sorry Teach.
They already got paid this year. The playoffs are always free. They have nothing to lose.
Thats why you dont see the NFL going ape-shit yet. They will, once the roster bonuses kick in, all the add ons on their paychecks get paid for opening the season and playing a few games you will see the NFL do the same thing.
I have quit watching most professional sports and spend my time with badmitton and curling. I’m just waiting for the horse jumpers to begin boycotting their events for social justice as they wander back to their 250 million dollar ranches and eat caviar while the lawn boys set up the crouquet rings.
Porter’s Puffer, Sibley, declines to address that neo-Nazis, KKK, Proud Boys, white nationalists, dictators and white supremacists all support Trump.
Why bother? They’re all former Demos anyway. Your people are no more than a bunch of Lefty parasites who wet their pants trying to show how tough they are.
Trump’s line-up looks like Hedley Lamar’s gang auditions in ‘Blazing Saddles’!
No, you obviously didn’t watch the convention. It looked like successful people from every race, religion, area, and income group in the country.
We didn’t realize your wife’s ex was a black man.
Just shows how ignorant you are.
In the old days there was a joke that went KKK stood for Kikes, Katholics, and Kolored.
They’ll also take out enemies of relatives of friends, regardless of color.
Whatever you say. Her secret is safe.
I think what you meant re Ku Klux Klan was that they KILL Jews, Catholics and Blacks.
You’re the only one who heard of the joke from the old days but you’re a clever and relentless liar! Kudos.
Ku Klux Klan
1867, American English, originally Kuklux Klan, a made-up name, supposedly from Greek kuklos, kyklos “circle” + English clan. So Kuklos Clan gives us Ku Klux Klan.
How much time on Wiki did it take you to find that.
Whatever you say. Her secret is safe.
No secret. Her ex was white. You sound like interracial marriage is distasteful to you. What would the Mocha Messiah say?
I think what you meant re Ku Klux Klan was that they KILL Jews, Catholics and Blacks.
You figured that out all by yourself? My mother heard that when she was about 8 (born Nov ’09) and knew what it meant.
You’re the only one who heard of the joke from the old days but you’re a clever and relentless liar! Kudos.
Sorry, the Irish knew it long before you did.
Kye and formwiz keep pressing the falsehood that the CDC says under 10,000 Americans have died from Covid-19.
Here’s the CDC official count as of today, 2 Sep 2020:
6,047,692 TOTAL CASES
CDC | Updated: Sep 2 2020 12:16PM
CDC | Updated: Sep 2 2020 12:16PM
If you have better data, please provide it.
Latest off CDC. New one posted tomorrow.
Looks like they can make up their minds.
Nonetheless, they still say 6%
And it shows 164,280 deaths
CDC said
By all means show again your graphical representation from Table 2. Notice that peak deaths occurred the week ending Apr 18 and add up to around 17,000 dead Americans. So, you and Dr. Gateway Pundit’s OWN data don’t support YOUR OWN argument.
Nope. Try this on for size.
The CDC site says one thing and the covid.CDC site says something else. I guess the covid site is for fools like you.
Americans understand what the Right and Trumpists are trying to do. One – The Pooh Flu scam is a hoax. Two – black “savages†and white commies are coming for the comfy white suburbs to kill white people. Three – Unless he wins, the election is fraudulent. Four – White people, strap on and kill protesters/rioters.
Sounds more like your side, but keep babbling.
black “savages†are coming for the comfy white suburbs to kill white people.
Your racism is showing again.
Accuse them of what we do.
Trump is encouraging riots because he thinks it helps him. He hopes chaos and panic and election interference will keep him out of prison.
The only ones going to prison are your guys.