Doesn’t Jeffrey Goldberg know you’re supposed to bring out the hit pieces just a couple weeks before the election? Oh, right, see, Democrats are trying to get everyone to send in their ballots through the mail now, rather than after seeing the debates and having more information come out about their crazy, nutty, hair sniffing, gropey, losing his mental faculties candidate. At least Dan Rather and his crew attempted to attach actual names to their fake “blockbuster”. Pay attention to the subhead
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell The Atlantic.
When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly†and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true.
Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.†In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers†for getting killed.
Belleau Wood is a consequential battle in American history, and the ground on which it was fought is venerated by the Marine Corps. America and its allies stopped the German advance toward Paris there in the spring of 1918. But Trump, on that same trip, asked aides, “Who were the good guys in this war?†He also said that he didn’t understand why the United States would intervene on the side of the Allies.
There are zero named sources of the supposed four. None who are willing to back their claim by going on the record. This is today’s media, allowing completely unnamed sources to makes smears, and we’re just supposed to believe them. Is it any wonder Trump has been slamming them as Fake News for years? And, if you continue reading, you’ll understand that this whole thing was written by a Trump hater, and reads more like an unhinged blog post/op ed rather than a news story, which further reinforces that it is a bunch of mule fritters.
Jeffery did drop this quietly in the piece
 (These sources, and others quoted in this article, spoke on condition of anonymity. The White House did not return earlier calls for comment, but Alyssa Farah, a White House spokesperson, emailed me this statement shortly after this story was posted: “This report is false. President Trump holds the military in the highest regard. He’s demonstrated his commitment to them at every turn: delivering on his promise to give our troops a much needed pay raise, increasing military spending, signing critical veterans reforms, and supporting military spouses. This has no basis in fact.â€)
So, his people won’t go on the record, but Farah will. An
The Atlantic story on @realDonaldTrump is total BS. I was actually there and one of the people part of the discussion – this never happened. I have sat in the room when our President called family members after their sons were killed in action and it was heart-wrenching…
— Sarah Huckabee Sanders (@SarahHuckabee) September 4, 2020
Again, this is 100% false. I was next to @POTUS the whole day! The President was greatly disappointed when told we couldn’t fly there. He was incredibly eager to honor our Fallen Heroes.
— Jordan Karem (@JordanKarem1) September 4, 2020
(Fox News) The White House is describing an anonymously sourced article from The Atlantic as “a disgrace,” claiming that it falsely accuses President Trump of insulting dead soldiers and being ignorant of who fought in World War I.
“Not a soul brave enough to put their name on any of these accusations. That’s because they are false,” White House spokesman Judd Deere tweeted on Thursday.
“Just another anonymously sourced story meant to tear down a Commander-in-Chief who loves our military and has delivered on the promises he’s made. What a disgrace!”
Virtually none of the hit pieces on Trump feature sources. Hence, fake news.

This is nothing new. tRump has a history of maligning troops as losers. He famously called Senator McCain a loser and not a hero. Recall he described getting laid and avoiding STDs as his “personal Vietnam”.
tRump supporters understand and accept tRump’s litany of personal shortcomings. They support him because 1) he owns the libs 2) he rants against Blacks and immigrants 3) he nominates conservative judges and 4) he supports the wealthy.
McCain is a loser. He was the single most important diplomat for the Military Industrial Complex.
Trump was not the only one to disparage a POLITICIAN.
According to a 2000 San Francisco Gate report, McCain, who spent 5 and half years in a North Vietnamese prison camp during the Vietnam War, referred to his captors as “g**ks†when speaking with reporters at a press conference.
The left accused him of racism for comparing Iranian President Ahmadinejad to a monkey.
And later the Huffington Post accused him of leading racists and anti-semites.
Huffpo 2008: McCain mentally unfit to he president
Huffpo 2012: McCain a racist and a woman hater
But the liberal media will praise him as their favorite Republican ever this week after his death for two reasons.
1.) He lost to Obama.
2.) He hated President Trump.
Why do you think, Bush, McCain and Romney die hard supporters are all over the leftist press bashing Trump? Half of the MSM consists of ex bushies and McCain people.
On Sunday’s Face the Nation, Obama supporter retired Gen. Wesley Clark, remarkably, went there: “I don’t think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.â€
So did liberal blogger John Aravosis, writing that “[g]etting shot down, tortured, and then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience.â€
On Monday, former Obama adviser Rand Beers argued that McCain’s isolation as a POW limited his insight on national security issues.
Back in April, Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., essentially denounced McCain for being a fighter pilot: “What happened when they [the missiles] get to the ground? He doesn’t know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues.â€
Earlier this month, Gore Vidal questioned McCain’s war record in a New York Times Magazine interview: “Who started this rumor that he was a war hero? Where does that come from, aside from himself?
About his suffering in the prison war camp?†The McCain camp declined to respond, presumably noting the “only a crank argues with a crank†rule.
Nearly three in four Democrats, 74 percent, hold a favorable opinion of McCain, while only 39 percent of Republican have a favorable view of the GOP senator, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll released Wednesday.
The poll was conducted July 27 through Aug. 1, mostly after McCain joined two fellow Republican senators in rejecting a pared-down “skinny” ObamaCare repeal bill last Friday.
I could go on and on and on. Just prior to McCain getting sick with Brain Cancer he was off in Europe selling weapons to nations for the MIC.
Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, said Sunday that the U.S. handling of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine represents a “shameful” chapter of American history.
“I’m ashamed of my country, I’m ashamed of my president and I’m ashamed of myself that I haven’t done more to help these people,” McCain said in an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
John McCain urges US to provide more defensive weapons to Vietnam
Wherever there was a chance the Senior Senator from Arizona was trying to peddle weapons no matter who was the president.
He was the democrats darling at times. He was the MIC’s darling. He was never the GOP’s darling as President Bush destroyed the GOP and what it ever stood for by becoming the greatest war monger in the history of the US with McCain cheering him on everyday. Polling shows that the GOP itself did not particularly like or Trust McCain. Thats primarily why his daughter was hired by the view to Bash Trump who has a pretty keen eye for Politicians.
Since he has been shaken down yearly for 40 years in NYC and elsewhere to get his buildings built, he understands a thing or two about the sleaze that is American Politics.
Go on Elwood. Make up some more fake news for us to laugh at.
After all, Senator McCain chose to be a Republican, hardly a reason to expect him to be perfect. The fact that nuCons dislike McCain indicts the nuCons, not McCain.
McCain would have likely won in 2008 if not for the GOP recession (and his disastrous pick of Gov Palin).
It’s absolutely repulsive that nuCons smear Senator McCain today to defend tRump’s disgusting anti-military behavior.
Regarding the MIC, tRump and the GOP have added many billions to the DOD coffers.
But here’s what drove the nuCons crazy: John McCain supporter Gayle Quinnell told the crowd at a McCain Rally in Minnesota that “Obama is an Arab.†McCain took away the microphone, “No ma’am, [Obama’s] a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues.â€
After all, Senator McCain chose to be a Republican, hardly a reason to expect him to be perfect. The fact that nuCons dislike McCain indicts the nuCons, not McCain.
No, it indicts Songbird. Just as in the Hanoi Hilton, St John of Hanoi went against his own to please the other side. The only reason you like him is that he screwed the Repuiblicans every chance he got.
No hero.
McCain would have likely won in 2008 if not for the GOP recession (and his disastrous pick of Gov Palin).
No, Junior might have won in 2008 if not for the Friend of Angelo/Zippy recession and his torpedoing of his brilliant pick of Gov Palin. He wanted to lose to ingratiate himself even more with his friends across the aisle.
It’s absolutely repulsive that nuCons smear Senator McCain today to defend tRump’s disgusting anti-military behavior.
It’s absolutely repulsive that Democrats lionize St John of Hanoi today to defend his disgusting betrayal of his own party.
But here’s what drove the nuCons crazy: John McCain supporter Gayle Quinnell told the crowd at a McCain Rally in Minnesota that “Obama is an Arab.†McCain took away the microphone, “No ma’am, [Obama’s] a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues.â€
Except for all that stuff about gay baths and lying about who he was.
Junior wanted to lose so badly and Sarah Palin almost took it away from him.
St John of Hanoi was no hero, just like his bud, Lurch. The guys in the Hanoi Hilton called him Songbird after his caving to the North Vietnamese and spilling his guts for better treatment. Songbird was an againster all his life and never really was called to account, except for Trump.
Recall he described getting laid and avoiding STDs as his “personal Vietnamâ€.
Trump supporters understand and accept Trump’s litany of personal shortcomings. They support him because 1) he owns the libs 2) he rants against Lefties 3) he nominates Conservative judges and 4) he supports the people.
guys in the Hanoi Hilton called him Songbird
Now you could have cited the Atlantic, but you’re too lazy.
It was all over the media during the run-up to 2016.
tRump to Howard Stern: “I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,†Trump told Stern of avoiding STDs. “It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.â€
The debunked “Songbird” squealer epithet came not from fellow prisoners but from the same duo who engineered false swiftboater attacks on John Kerry.
Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney was terminated from Fox just one day after insulting the lawmaker (McCain) for opposing the nomination of Gina Haspel to head the Central Intelligence Agency. McInerney told host Charles Payne that Haspel cannot employ torture (or “enhanced interrogationâ€) against prisoners: “The fact is, is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him “Songbird John.†The fact is those methods can work, and they are effective, as former Vice President Cheney said. And if we have to use them to save a million American lives, we will do whatever we have to.â€
There’s no defense for Donald John Trump’s lack of character. We all know what he is and isn’t, but so what? His actions to satisfy his base far outweigh his complete lack of human decency. But we don’t elect saints, we elect Presidents.
Hate to tell you, but RedState was virulently NeverTrump in them thar days. Hardly a denigration of the troops.
The debunked “Songbird†squealer epithet came not from fellow prisoners but from the same duo who engineered false swiftboater attacks on John Kerry.
Sure. Those two worked hand in hand to shut down searches for POWs because Lurch had some deals cooking.
Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney was terminated from Fox just one day after insulting the lawmaker (McCain) for opposing the nomination of Gina Haspel to head the Central Intelligence Agency. McInerney told host Charles Payne that Haspel cannot employ torture (or “enhanced interrogationâ€) against prisoners: “The fact is, is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him “Songbird John.†The fact is those methods can work, and they are effective, as former Vice President Cheney said. And if we have to use them to save a million American lives, we will do whatever we have to.â€
Fact is, Junior spilled his guts. Just because Cavuto dumped him doesn’t make what he said any less true.
There’s no defense for your lack of character. We all know what you ares and aren’t, but so what? Your actions to satisfy your massas at Troll Central far outweigh your complete lack of human decency. But they don’t pay for intellects, they pay for liars.
Their fake news are just bullets in a war against reason and decency.
They mean nothing.
A leftoxenomorph main task is to use guile, lies, continuous repetitions of the same BS, brainwashing, gaslighting, moral blackmail, tantrums, false promises, outright bullshitting with amazing brazenness, threats, false appeals to compassion, abuse of benevolence, exploitation of tolerance, unwarranted appeals to fairness in the name of unfairness, promises of sex, actual sex, identity politics, divisiveness, divide and conquer, turning one group against another, demonization, scapegoating, cataclysmic exacerbation of minutiae, disintegration of any and all normalcy, permanent attacks on everything that speaks of mental health, turning peacetime life into war like apocalypse, instilling of fundamental fear as a “new normalcyâ€, development of modern gargoyles (“climate changeâ€, covid-19 panicdemic, “systemic racismâ€, “war on womenâ€, “orange man badâ€), whatever can be concocted out of BS to destroy harmony, orderliness and peace, using any and all subterfuges to bring people to their knees and hysterical and any other tactic she may come up with to turn more and more humans out of the normality of their lives and into leftoxenomorph slave-army-ants raging against reason and decency and aching for mayhem.
Even with tRump’s personal lack of respect for soldiers he supports massive increases in the military budget, a constant GOP position. This is much ado about nothing. Trump views troops with the same disrespect he views workers.
Actually that’s you, moron.
Then there’s the unresolved matter of Pvt. Rimjob claiming he actually joined the Army during the Vietnam war.
Only a complete liar, moron and hateful person such as Elwood would give this kind of bullshit legs. Either Elwood does not care about the truth (probable), or is so stupid as to believe a Great President of the United States such as President Trump (God bless his name) would ever say something that stupid. Even Hussein who hated the military and did his best to get them killed in his endless wars.
Trump 2020 This is the bullshit we’ll have to endure till Nov. 3.
At least The Atlantic showed their communist hand early. No need to read them any more.
Quite the hit piece, Atlantic! You must be so proud… (sarc)
–Easy to slander and smear a person who is not present and cannot defend himself.
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’…
Kye can’t discern that we’re on tRump’s side on this. So what if he said vile things about our troops – it’s certainly not out of character for him. But he also supports investing billions more in the DOD.
Of course, tRump is present and can defend himself. But those who heard what he said should ‘man up’ and come forward. It’s most likely General James Mattis, 4 Star Marine General John Kelly, General James Dunford or even John Bolton. Chief of Staff John Kelly and General Dunford WERE able to attend the memorial ceremony.
So a US Marine helicopter can’t fly in the rain? Hmmmm…
Accompanied by high winds, it can’t.
Kye can’t discern that we’re on tRump’s side on this. So what if he said vile things about our troops – it’s certainly not out of character for him. But he also supports investing billions more in the DOD.
And you want to put it in socialized medicine. And I’ve yet to hear him say anything vile about the troops. That’s what you do. It’s certainly what’s in character for you.
Of course, tRump is present and can defend himself. But those who heard what he said should ‘man up’ and come forward. It’s most likely General James Mattis, 4 Star Marine General John Kelly, General James Dunford or even John Bolton. Chief of Staff John Kelly and General Dunford WERE able to attend the memorial ceremony.
Most likely? You don’t know? I’ll bet if Marine One couldn’t fly, no chopper could.
How did Generals Kelly and Dunford get there that the US President could not?
Why don’t you tell us?