…is a low carbon sailboat for when the seas rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the English language now being raaaaacist.

…is a low carbon sailboat for when the seas rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the English language now being raaaaacist.
That’s funny. Most of them don’t really speak English anyway so WTF are they bitchin’ about?
Trump 2020 Or Swahili may be our new language.
Na Kye (KKK na nyeupe supremacist) anasema yeye sio mbaguzi. Ni ubaguzi wa rangi bora! Lakini baada ya yote, haki yote ina chuki.
Ukatili na wajinga Donald J. Parapanda ni kuharibu Amerika. Cheka kwa sauti!
Biden 2020: Je, si kuruhusu Donald J. Parapanda kuharibu Amerika.
gf Cheka kwa sauti
How many hours did it take to look that up?
< 0.05 hours
You may not be aware of it since the Gateway Pundit never mentions it, but the interweb has multiple translation programs, mjinga.
We all knew that Elwood. I think you should do all your comments is Swahili since they make as much sense as in English. You really do hate whites with a seething red hot passion.
Trump 2020 Or Elwood will talk in Farsi.
It takes a proud black American to explain Elwood’s hate.
Wonder what the word “Rimjob” is in Swahili?

It’s Rodney…
Does Puffington or Facebarf?
Not the same as actually knowing the language.
Jeffery is running around, flailing his arms like Gomer Pyle yelling, “Citizen’s array-est, citizen’s array-est”, because something important happened.
Unemployment is 8.4%. Trump gained back half the losses incurred when the Lefties crashed the markets. Gains included 10.5% each for blacks and Hispanics.
What some phony hit piece in The Atlantic says pales in comparison.
Of course the odious tRump said these things about American patriots. It’s been confirmed by other news organizations, including FOX News.
We all, including tRump supporters, understand what a fetid-souled non-human primate tRump is. Hardly anyone is shocked by these revelations. We knew he was a snake when we welcomed him!
It has?
Really? How, since the sources are unnamed
We all, including Gropin’Joe supporters, understand what a fetid-souled non-human primate Zippy is.
Actually, it’s been refuted by John Bolton, whom Jeffery used as an example of the people who supposedly showed up Trump, said if he heard it, he would have used it in his book.
So I guess you’re the fetid-souled non-human primate.
Mgomo mwingine nje na ahaba wa Porter, Sibley. Kucheka kwa sauti katika Sibley!
“I didn’t hear that,” Bolton told The New York Times. “I’m not saying he didn’t say them later in the day or another time, but I was there for that discussion.”
Bolton points out the obvious.
No, he just calls you a liar.
What sailboat?
Nice decoration, BTW.
If I wasn’t a MGTOW MONK I would still be looking for one.
With “one breather, one vote” and “winner does with the rest of the country what she fancies” and “everybody votes and demonrats vote often” it is only a matter of time until the reach critical mass and own it all.
I am surprised Trump won.
I am surprised he’s going to win again.
And afterwards?
To add:
185,000 dead Americans from Covid-19
Job growth slows for 3rd straight month
Unemployment 8.4%
tRump approval up to 43%
tRump demeans US troops
He does? Now you know a hit piece based on unnamed sources is a joke.
And even CDC can’t get its lies straight.
185,000 dead Americans from Covid-19
Does that include the TN woman who died in February, but tested positive for the Cuomo Curse in June?
Of course, Jeffery welcomes the gulags set up in OH for asymptomatic people who don’t want to self-quarantine.
BTW Job growth has not slowed. Clearly it’s picking up, but you can’t allow that.
Job Growth Slackens, Signaling Vulnerability of Recovery
Unemployment fell to 8.4% in August, but the gain of 1.4 million jobs was the weakest in months. The end of federal aid programs is casting a shadow.
It will take another couple trillion in relief for small business and workers to prop up the economy. Does using government deficit spending to keep the economy limping along square with conservative dogma?
Will we see that 20% growth that tRump, Navarro and Munching promised 3rd Q?
Incoming solar irradiation.
How does that work?
Is there any way to block it?
Bwaha! Lolgfy
It will take another couple trillion in relief for small business and workers to prop up the economy. Does using government deficit spending to keep the economy limping along square with conservative dogma?
No you Alarry. The right is demanding the economy open back up. Any and all stimulus money should go the lives of those who YOU DESTROYED by telling them they had to go out of business because of the flu.
China locked down their country until the rest of the world followed suit and did the same thing. Once we did they opened back up and laughed their asses off at the rest of the world. They effectively leveled the playing field with one new FLU.
We want people to work, not get stimulus checks. YOU want people to get stimulus checks and not work. You want to crush America under the toe of your version of communism.
Careful what you wish for Alarry. Communism just might come home to roost in your city and you will not like what you see. You will not like it at all, because those demanding it the most are radical thugs that do not listen. They only want to burn our cities to the ground.
Follow the money. I would be willing to bet you find Mitt Romney, Neil Cavuto and a whole lot of Never Trumpers doling out money to the rioters. Neil Cavuto was interviewing the guy trying to follow the money trail and Cavuto was in a panic almost telling the senator to be careful what you wish for. A veiled threat in which he is not sure he wants to find out who is giving money.
Are you?
It’s Rodney…
No, it’s you.
the gain of 1.4 million jobs was the weakest in months.
spin. It’s still a gain and that’s what you can’t stand, Bwana Working Classes.
Does using government deficit spending to keep the economy limping along square with Conservative dogma?
The Fed is not part of the government. See where Powell finally admitted Trump was right?
Will we see that 20% growth that Trump, Navarro and Mnunchin promised 3rd Q?
Will we see a Republican sweep 4th quarter? Your SA is moving against the ‘burbs.
The Fed is not part of the government.
The Fed didn’t give cash to businesses and workers, the gov’t did. The Fe propped up the markets. And it’s the federal gov’t that will have to act again soon, or we’ll have a double dip recession. Makes one wonder about “businessman” tRump’s “great” economy.
Trump’s a loser and his followers are suckers.
What did Trump do that makes him or us losers?
Oh that’s right he made leftist head’s explode all over the nation. People are frothing at the mouth because he outwardly tells lies just like YOU do and Joy Behar does and Nancy Pelosi does and Chuck Murmur does and Bill Maghreb does and Michael Moore does.
The only difference is that Trump Trolls you and you stupidly fall for it and now your only defense is unnamed sources who told an unnamed source that he heard trump say about our soldiers. Hell even the biggest I hate Trumper in the world, John Bolton who tried desperately to get us to invade Iran said he never heard Trump say anything like that.
That would be because?
Because there are no unnamed sources. It is a lie to pivot away from the rioting and looting which the democrats are FUNDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am all for two countries. I will not live under democratic rule. You have 50k people protesting. How about 100 million after the DNC steals the election. You leftist Alarry’s deserve your version of America. I just propose we close the borders to ours when your standing in lines for toilet paper and just across the border we are living the American dream. With our Black Friends who saw the light and fled in time before the steel curtain went up between us.
Alarry’s everyone of you.
Why did trump call US troops losers and suckers? Because that’s what he believes. He’s made that clear on many occasions.
trump is promoting disorder to help his election by distracting from his lethal performance on Covid and depressing performance on the economy. He views it as his only hope.
The Daily Gator said:
“Black Linguistic Justice,” huh?
Well, they can probably get the pointy-headed liberals at American universities to go along with that, but once they get their degrees and have to go out into the Real World and get a job, presenting themselves in interviews speaking some cockamamie form of pidgin English will simply guarantee that someone else will get the position.
Only a complete moron like you Elwood would believe “unnamed sources” that Trump said any such thing. But that’s because the Truth left your being and that of your Democommie handlers years ago. The first fatality of was is Truth and you just proved it (again).
You know Elwood there are so many things you can go after Trump for it makes you and your party of America haters look very, very desperate to make up dumb shit like this. You are lying and you know it which just compounds your evil. Then again all you have is hate soe we’ve come to expect this low end shit from you. Maybe you can see how repeating a stupid and obvious lie makes everything you say suspect?
Trump 2020 Just because the left has now stooped to outright dumbass lies.
there are so many things you can go after Trump for
Indeed. And Trump supporters still defend him for those “so many things”.
Why won’t the Generals implicated deny that Trump said these things? You know why.
Trump-hater John Bolton said he didn’t hear it. Why won’t the others? You know why.
Stop playing dumb. Trump even denied he called Senator McCain a loser for being shot down.
But again. So what if trump did say these things? You would still support him and vote for him. This is just another of those “so many things”.
Does he need to shoot someone on 5th Avenue?
“Indeed. And Trump supporters still defend him for those “so many thingsâ€.” Of course we do. Don’t you support the child molester and racist Biden even though he too has “so many things”, has said so many dumbass things and sat there on TV demanding the Russians fire a prosecutor to save his son?
You do realize Biden as his type have run the Democrat Party for five decades and how’s that working out in our blue cities and states? They’re all on fukin fire BY DEMOCRATS.
“Why won’t the Generals implicated deny that Trump said these things? You know why.”
No, ass hole, I don’t know why. You’re the fukin mind reader tell us!
“Stop playing dumb. Trump even denied he called Senator McCain a loser for being shot down.” I happen to share that opinion of McCain. Just because he was a Republican traitor you love him. Did you vote for McCaine? Of course not so STFU about Trump or McCain’s personal scuffles since you don’t know shit about how someone else feels.
You know, you seem to think all Democrats are perfect and we can’t tie our own shoes. Your personal hate for That Great President has made you a rotten, mean, abusive, bigoted and deeply hateful old man. Watch what we do in November.
“Does he need to shoot someone on 5th Avenue?” Even you can’t possably equate making a snide comment with murder. Or can you. You are exactly the type of “useful idiot” that would shut people in gas chambers because you don’t like their opinions. Dope!!!
Trump 2020 Twelve more years, twelve more years!!!!
You are all fukin liars who are actively murdering Americans with disease and lnockdowns and riots to beat Trump. That’s how scared you are!
Indeed. And Trump supporters still defend him for those “so many thingsâ€.
All of which unsubstantiated.
Why won’t the Generals implicated deny that Trump said these things? You know why.
Tell us.
Trump-hater John Bolton said he didn’t hear it. Why won’t the others? You know why.
Tell us.
Stop playing dumb. Trump even denied he called Senator McCain a loser for being shot down.
The only one playing dumb is you.
But I suspect you’re not playing.
Does he need to shoot someone on 5th Avenue?
We’re waiting for one of your BLM homies to do that.
NY is in play, you know.
All states are in play with Cadet Bone Spurs running the election.
Latest polls show Boney has pulled down by -30% to -26% in NY this summer. What the liberal media misses are all the covert tRump voters who will show up in November.
The one I saw said 5.
Wanna bet the hijinks in Gotham and Rochester do Trump a lot of good?
Let’s hear it for all those “peaceful” protesters.
PS you asked why won’t the Generals implicated deny that Trump said these things and
Trump-hater John Bolton said he didn’t hear it. Why won’t the others?
I asked you to tell us and you haven’t.
If not, why not?
Why did Trump call US troops losers and suckers? Because that’s what he believes. He’s made that clear on many occasions.
He has? When?
Sounds a lot more like Lurch and the rest of the Demos.
Trump is promoting disorder to help his election by distracting from his lethal performance on Covid and depressing performance on the economy. He views it as his only hope.
That’s why he’s surging in the polls, right?
He’s cut unemployment in half, Powell says he was right, home building is way up, and it’s not him that’s being investigated by Justice for sending Newsom Nausea patients into nursing homes.
Then, of course, there’s Joe and the Ho. Notice the Ho is keeping her mouth shut.
First time, I’ll bet.
Hear how Gropin’ Joe grabbed the breast of a Secret Service agent’s girlfriend and the agent almost flattened him? Hear how Gropin’ Joe loved to expose himself in front of the female Secret Service agents?
How’s ’bout Tara Reade?
And then, there’s the word salad that comes out of him every time he has a “rally”.
Of course Senator Kerry served in the military as opposed to Cadet Bone Spurs who characterized those who fought in Vietnam as suckers.
Cadet Bone Spurs called not catching AIDs from banging girls in the 60s and 70s his own “personal Vietnam”.
If you believe Bone Spurs’ Labor Dept the current unemployment is 8.4% which almost double what it was when he took office. Not half. 40 million American workers are collecting (and importantly, spending) unemployment benefits, keeping the crippled economy limping along. The Fed is keeping interest rates near 0% to bolster housing and auto sales and to boost businesses. Thank the gods for the massive Federal gov’t.
Boney took credit for the continued expansion and has cast blame for the collapse. But don’t get your dauber down Bunky, GOPhers may be able to block any constructive actions by President Biden!
CDC Updated: Sep 5 2020 12:16PM
CDC Updated: Jan 20 2017 11:41AM
“It turns out that on 9/11, 94% of the 2977 victims had co-morbidities so the terrorists murdered less than 180 Americans.” That’s how Covid Deniers (e.g., formwaz and the Gateway Pudendum) sound.
Another estimate from the U of Washington model says 400,000 dead by end of year. Yikes.
Senator Harris was on the TV just this AM. And wasn’t the current Third Lady “exposed” for removing her clothes for money? ClASSy lady, that.
An example of Biden’s word salad:
Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, okay, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, okay, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right — who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.
Keep f*cking that dead cow like it was your grandson.
There’s a reason why you’re called Rimjob.
Citation? Better yet, link?
Of course Senator Kerry served in the military as opposed to Cadet Bone Spurs who characterized those who fought in Vietnam as suckers.
You’ve got it reversed. Lurch several times joked about the military. He also weaseled out on a couple of Purple Owies.
Cadet Bone Spurs called not catching AIDs from banging girls in the 60s and 70s his own “personal Vietnamâ€.
Personal. Now you lied about going there, so what does that make you?
If you believe Bone Spurs’ Labor Dept the current unemployment is 8.4% which almost double what it was when he took office. Not half. 40 million American workers are collecting (and importantly, spending) unemployment benefits, keeping the crippled economy limping along.
Zippy didn’t count anybody who was out of work for more than 6 months, so it was a lot higher.
If the “crippled” economy is “limping along”, why are so many sectors booming?
The Fed is keeping interest rates near 0% to bolster housing and auto sales and to boost businesses. Thank God for the massive Federal gov’t.
Just the way it did under Zippy.
And the massive Federal government, better known as Deep State, is what helped cause the crash.
Boney took credit for the continued expansion and has cast blame for the collapse. But don’t get your dauber down Bunky, GOPhers may be able to block any constructive actions by President Biden!
We’re calling him Boney now? Still isn’t as good as Joe Hiden.
The Left crashed the markets and pushed the lockdown.
“It turns out that on 9/11, 94% of the 2977 victims had co-morbidities so the terrorists murdered less than 180 Americans.†That’s how Covid Deniers (e.g., formwaz and the Gateway Pudendum) sound.
Only in your mind, where you live with cartoon characters and sock puppets.
Another estimate from the U of Washington model says 400,000 dead by end of year. Yikes.
When you make up the numbers as you go along, you can do anything. And since 90% of Pritzker Palsy tests come backs as false positives, it stands to reason 94% of the attributed deaths are false, too.
Senator Harris was on the TV just this AM. And wasn’t the current First Lady “exposed†for removing her clothes for money? ClASSy lady, that.
Venus de Milo was classy, too. So were Helene Fourment and Paulina Bonaparte.
None of them sucked their way to the top, but I guess you like that sort of person.