Looks like they took a page from their European partner nutters in Extinction Rebellion. One has to wonder how effective this kind of display is, especially when all people want to do is get to their house/hotel room, and may be rather cranky from all the traffic
Demonstrators greet Cape Cod travelers with climate change warning
As traffic backed up at the base of the Bourne Bridge on Friday morning , thousands of people in their cars were met by eight people dressed in red robes with painted white faces walking along the bridge’s narrow sidewalk.
The costumed demonstrators were there to bring attention to climate change.
″(It) is the most important threat facing humanity and it affects all sides,†said Eric Kosse, of Truro. “We need to take immediate action.â€
The event, titled “Cape Cod Climate Emergency Spectacular,†was presented by the environmentalist group Extinction Rebellion, an international organization that began in England and spread to the United States, with chapters in Boston and on Cape Cod.
The group was joined by eight members of the Red Rebel Brigade, an international performance troupe dedicated to calling attention to the global environment. Made up of slow-motion mimes dressed in red with painted faces, the members became a live visual display of various emotions triggered by the threat of extinction.
The police were having to waste resources to make sure these nuts didn’t walk in the road, which also slowed down traffic on a busy holiday weekend.
The event started just after 10 a.m. and ran until midafternoon, missing the pro-Trump demonstration held every Friday morning at the Bourne Rotary.
As cars slowly passed protesters holding signs declaring a climate emergency and members of the Red Rebel Brigade, there was a mix of reactions. Many people looked confused, others honked in support or waved, and a few lifted a middle finger, gave a thumbs down, or even yelled President Donald Trump’s name.
Most probably had zero idea what was happening, and were honking and waving at the people putting on a silly show.
Kosse, who drove to the protest from Provincetown during one of the busiest traffic days of the year, said change needs to happen now to stem climate change, otherwise it’s going to be devastating.
“It should be the No. 1 story every day because it is the No. 1 story,†Kosse said.
So, wait, he took a fossil fueled trip? Huh.
Many travelers throw trash out their window without thinking, Stucke said. “It’s a good reminder right as they come onto the Cape and it puts it in their mind.â€
Yes, but that is an environmental issue, not one of “climate change.’

Oh to see a video of some good ol’ boy rollin’ coal on these fanatics.
Throwing trash out your car window is indeed an environmental issue, but first and foremost it’s an asshole issue. Not to nitpick, just thinking out loud. Thumbs up.