We’re at 100+ days of riots in the People’s Republik Of Portland, so, perhaps CNN, NBC News, CBS News, NY Times, and Washington Post can be excused for not bothering to offer any coverage of this, right? Though CBS does have a story on serial rapist Jacob Blake saying it’s hard to breathe.
Portland ‘riot’ declared after Molotov cocktails tossed
At least three Molotov cocktails were tossed in the direction of Portland, Ore., police late Saturday, prompting yet another night of unrest in the city to be declared a riot, according to reports.
Video posted on social media showed people scattering after a fiery object hurtled through the air and crashed on the ground, resulting in a huge fireball and smoke.
In another video, a rioter is seen scrambling for help after his feet catch fire while trying to escape flames.
Late Saturday local time, police posted on Twitter that the crowd near Ventura Park – about 10 miles east of downtown — was “engaging in tumultuous and violent conduct thereby intentionally or recklessly creating a grave risk of causing public alarm.
“This is a riot,†the message declared.
ANTIFA lights themselves on fire—
5 minutes into the March, officers attempted to put him out. pic.twitter.com/FVBoEeQJVH
— Tayler Hansen (@TaylerUSA) September 6, 2020
Portland mayor Ted Wheeler has no comment. Literally not comment. There’s nothing in the Portland news sites nor on his Twitter feed about these violent protests. Eh, he’s probably moving house, since the violent protesters showed up at his house the other day. No word on arrests Saturday into Sunday, but there were 27 Friday into Saturday. For which the District Attorney will let most, if not all, go. An with the Portland Police engaged with these idiots, crime has spiked elsewhere throughout the city. There have been 488 shootings in this super progressive, gun grabbing/hating city this year, compared to 299 all of 2019.
Meanwhile, anti-Trump nutters are proving this is really all about left wing politics, not about black lives mattering
An anti-Trump group called for nationwide protests on Saturday — seeking to fuel the left-wing protests that have roiled the country throughout the summer.
The left-wing group “Refuse Fascismâ€Â was organizing nationwide events, in places like New York City, Cleveland, Philadelphia and the Hatfield Courthouse in Portland — where protests and riots have hit the federal property for more than 100 days.
So, a bunch of Democrat voters in Democrat run cities are having a Democrat cryfest with other Democrats? Good luck. Just wondering, can anyone of these moonbats calling Trump a Fascist name any policy of Trump’s that limits their freedom, liberty, and choice? San Francisco’s mayor London Breed, who isn’t particularly concerned with people pooping in her streets, and who would have you arrested if caught opening your hair salon, wouldn’t condemn Pelosi but did call Trump a dictator. How so? Dems never say.

TEACH typed: serial rapist Jacob Blake
Just like Donald J. Trump, Mr. Blake has been accused of rape.
Posts the accused serial pedophile.
They don’t call him Rimjob for nothing.
Accused by whom?
Lil Rodney, the accused animal “abuser”, accused of fellating dogs.
Anonymous sources Mr. Keene.
Is that where you wish to go, “Mr.” Fuller?
And is that why you were drowning puppies?
Still here Rimjob, er… Pvt. Keene.
What did you do during the wars Mr. Fuller?
Nailing your wife.
The smart one is mine.
You can prove this?
When you get desperate, you always try to turn it back and it never works.
Prove that drowningpuppies fellated dogs? No, but I read it here once so it must be true.
Can gitarcarver prove I’m a rapist, although he claims it repeatedly.
Can you or puppies prove I’m a pedophile, although you boyz claim it repeatedly.
When you boyz get desperate you always try to turn it back and it never works.
Can gitarcarver prove I’m a rapist, although he claims it repeatedly.
You admitted it.
That’s the proof. (Or were you lying in your statements?)
And frankly, that’s the difference.
You accuse others falsely without any shred of evidence. I noted you were a rapist based on your own words and statements.
Once caught, you decided to attack others (including me) without any evidence.
That’s what hate will do to you. It makes you lie about your own admissions, project criminal activities onto others, and make up false allegations.
Yet again, hate is all the left has.
Just like Donald J. Trump, Mr. Blake has been accused of rape.
Jacob Blake, the Wisconsin man who was shot by police in a videotaped confrontation that has sparked national protests, pleaded not guilty Friday to several charges against him, including one for sexual assault.
This is what hatred gets you – a denial of the facts and lies to impugn others.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
Donald J. Trump has been accused of raping three women.
Just like Gropin’ Joe.
In 2016 shortly and I mean like a day after the election the term was coined.
In monitoring the situation and watching what has happened the left gave Antifa a platform and a real reason to come out of the woodwork.
The left from sea to shining sea is supporting and donating to Antifa to keep the riots going. The accusation of Trump hating the troops was a lie. It was done because Trump was making huge inroads on the law and order issue. They needed to change the story. A lie was born brought to you by Biden, the DNC and their Marxist press.
This is why men smarter than me, and I am pretty smart, are all saying the election is going to be stolen.
The only thing the thieves have to do is focus on PA. WI, MI and MN and they can forget the rest of the country. The rest of the blue states will vote blue, the rest of the red states will vote red. They simply have to concentrate on the blue wall.
Without breaking into the blue wall Trump cannot win the election. The numbers do not add up. He can win Fl. Oh, IA and NC, AZ and all the other red states and he is still short in the electoral college.
The Biden Strategy is to pull October surprises for two months in MN, WI, MI, and PA day after day. Bashing trump and flooding the airwaves with anti-trump lies.
As big boys we all understand politics is lies being told with a straight face but when you repeat the same message often enough and long enough the truth becomes the lie.
The first link is to NBC News, not CBS.
If you throw a rock, it can be an impulsive act, having picked up a rock from the ground. If you throw a Molotov cocktail, it is by definition premeditated; no one walks around with bottled full of gasoline without planning to do so.
Why do other advanced nations not have riots over police killings of citizens?
The police of other advanced nations do not shoot their citizens.
You don’t hear much about it here, either . . . unless the criminals killed are black.
It is becoming increasingly obvious: black Americans believe that it is better for black criminals to get away with their crimes than it to have them apprehended, tried and imprisoned. Given that black Americans live in largely segregated communities, and the victims of black criminals are also primarily black, perhaps we should give them what they want: let the black criminals go, and let them keep terrorizing other black people, and just ignore them entirely.
Just imagine how much better it would have been had the police in Minneapolis simply let Saint George of Floyd go. Yeah, he was passing counterfeit money, but hey, he was spending his counterfeit money at primarily black-owned businesses, so no skin off our noses! He was unemployed, but still finding the cash to buy marijuana, fentanyl and methamphetamine, so he was, in all probability, robbing people, but hey, they were probably other black people, so no big deal, right?
Just imagine how much better it would have been if the Louisville Metropolitan Police Department had not bothered with a black drug dealer; his ex-squeeze Breonna Taylor would probably be alive today, and, in all likelihood, the purchasers of the poison would just have been other black citizens.
Of course, the black community in the United States would remain heavily poor, living in squalid neighborhoods, but heck, if we stopped trying to arrest black criminals, that would be what the community wants, so their poverty and victimhood would still be their free choice.
The inimitable Mr. Dana claims: black Americans believe that it is better for black criminals to get away with their crimes than it to have them apprehended, tried and imprisoned
Of course, that’s untrue. All decent Americans do not believe that police officers should be judge, jury and executioners, regardless of whom they kill. The rate of police killings in the US is by far the highest of all advanced nations. By far. Obviously, part of that is that Americans have easier access to firearms, but part is our acceptance of a police state to control “savages”. Just as a lynching sends a signal to uppity citizens, so does a police killing. An oppressed minority has few options to combat this without help from the majority.
Breonna Taylor was executed by police officers. What crime had she committed? Was she convicted of the crime Mr. Dana imagined? Mr. Dana believes Ms. Taylor deserved to die for having known a drug dealer. Mr. Dana believes Mr. Floyd deserved to die for maybe passing a counterfeit 20, and then imagining that he was robbing people. Like any white supremacist, Mr. Dana creates excuses for killing Black Americans.
Martin Luther King, Jr.: “A riot is the language of the unheard.”
“But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.â€
The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered by a white supremacist.
But then, all a white supremacist has is hate. But we need to recognize their hate derives from their fears and insecurities.
What actual evidence is there that it is untrue that “black Americans believe that it is better for black criminals to get away with their crimes than it to have them apprehended, tried and imprisoned”? The police have long complained about the “no snitchin'” culture in black communities which makes apprehending criminals and gathering evidence much more difficult.
The Black Lives Matter movement is based on outrage that actual criminals who happened to be black died at the hands of police while they were resisting arrest. If there wasn’t a significant part of the black community that “believe that it is better for black criminals to get away with their crimes than it to have them apprehended, tried and imprisoned,” the BLM movement would not exist.
Uhhh, have you forgotten the part in which the lovely Miss Taylor’s boyfriend opened fire on the police first?
Miss Taylor wasn’t “executed by police officers,” but caught in the return fire of the police after they came under fire!
Note that Mr Dowd conflates supporting law enforcement with being a white supremacist.
The officers used excessive force against Saint George of Floyd, not intending to kill him, but he was still a criminal and he did not comply with his arrest. As Robert Stacy McCain would put it, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Do I “imagine” that he had been robbing people? St George had lost his low-wage job due to COVID-19 restrictions, yet he somehow, some way, he had the excess funds to buy pot, meth and fentanyl. He had a prior felony conviction for armed robbery, so he was ‘familiar’ with the unlawful appropriation of other people’s property. I do not know that St George of Floyd had robbed anybody to have purchased his cocktail of recreational pharmaceuticals, but the probability of such is pretty high.
Our system today encourages the hiring of black people, and all that black Americans have to do is finish school — and the state provides free, public schools — and behave decently. The problems of black Americans in the aggregate are the result of the culture which permeates the urban black community, a culture which glamorizes violence and minimizes fear of prison. Apparently “prison cred” is even better than “street cred.”
Not only does this drive down aggregate wages for blacks, but it creates suspicion against them. American businesses want black employees, because that looks good to the EEOC and is a good defense against discrimination complaints, but the urban black culture has created reasonable wariness about hiring black employees.
And now we have college professors combitching that requiring ‘standard’ rather than pidgin English is racially discriminatory and should be abolished, but when an applicant comes in for a job interview speaking ‘ebonics,’ he has just put his application on the bottom of the pile.
Integration was meant to create a single, homogenized culture, one in which black and white really didn’t matter. But American blacks do not subscribe to the same culture as the majority, and that hurts them. They have a perfect right to immerse themselves in a separate culture, but the consequences of doing so remain.
What actual evidence is there that it is untrue that “black Americans believe that it is better for black criminals to get away with their crimes than it to have them apprehended, tried and imprisoned�
or… What actual evidence is there that “black Americans believe that it is better for black criminals to get away with their crimes than it to have them apprehended, tried and imprisonedâ€?
After all, you made the claim.
The evidence is out there: the Black Lives Matter protests against legitimate arrests, the black communities’ refusal to help the police arrest and convict the bad guys.
Oh, no one is going to find a direct quote to that effect, but anyone with an IQ above room temperature can look at the evidence and realize that’s what’s happening.
You do have an IQ above room temperature, don’t you?
Are the BLM supporters really protesting legitimate arrests? It appears they are protesting illegitimate arrests and the use of excessive force including the killing of Black Americans by police.
The reluctance of Black Americans to cooperate with police is based on their experiences with police, and the view that police are “occupying forces” in Black neighborhoods. Do Black Americans have reasons to be less trusting of police than do white Americans?
Finally, you resort to the “everybody knows” proof.
The inimitable Mr. Dana claims: black Americans believe that it is better for black criminals to get away with their crimes than it to have them apprehended, tried and imprisoned
Of course, that’s untrue.
No, it’s not. Surely you’ve heard the line don’t drop a dime on a brotjher.
All decent Americans do not believe that police officers should be judge, jury and executioners, regardless of whom they kill. The rate of police killings in the US is by far the highest of all advanced nations. By far. Obviously, part of that is that Americans have easier access to firearms, but part is our acceptance of a police state to control “savagesâ€. Just as a lynching sends a signal to uppity citizens, so does a police killing.
Those so-called “advanced nations” permit mass rape of women and boys. And we demand, not accept, police control of crime. Every one of your black martyrs was arrested for a crime and did something to precipitate police action.
An oppressed minority has few options to combat this without help from the majority.
They can obey the law.
Breonna Taylor was executed by police officers. What crime had she committed? Was she convicted of the crime Mr. Dana imagined? Mr. Dana believes Ms. Taylor deserved to die for having known a drug dealer. Mr. Dana believes Mr. Floyd deserved to die for maybe passing a counterfeit 20, and then imagining that he was robbing people. Like any white supremacist, Mr. Dana creates excuses for killing Black Americans.
Breonna Taylor was shot in the crossfire after her boyfriend opened fire. So say the cops’ lawyers, 3 of whom are black.
Floyd died of Fentanyl in his bloodstream, which he’d shoved up his ass.
Martin Luther King, Jr.: “A riot is the language of the unheard.â€
“But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.â€
Lie. King decried the riots every time he could.
The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered by a white supremacist.
Actually, Ray was a gun for hire. But that makes all whites who kill a black supremacists? Try again.
But then, all a white supremacist has is hate. But we need to recognize their hate derives from their fears and insecurities.
Accuse them of what we do.
Why do other advanced nations not have riots over police killings of citizens?
Perhaps they are afraid of the Moslems, who are protected, much like the hooligans here, by elements of the government.
The police of other advanced nations do not shoot their citizens.
Then they aren’t very “advanced”, are they?
So police in England, Germany and Japan don’t shoot their citizens because they’re afraid of Muslims who are protected by the government in those nations like hooligans are here.
formwiz’s word salad makes sense if you don’t think about it.
So here are form’s “advanced nations” that shoot their citizens: Brazil, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Central African Republic, Iraq, Nigeria, Kenya, Iran, USA, in fact, most African and SA nations.
The US is WORSE than Mexico, India, Sudan, Egypt, Swaziland, Pakistan; and ten times worse than France, Germany, Japan, Denmark, Australia, Norway, Switzerland, England, Netherlands, Nepal, Taiwan, Hong Kong (may be worse with Chinese violence), Belgium…
Perhaps, just perhaps, the US DOES have a police problem.
So police in England, Germany and Japan don’t shoot their citizens because they’re afraid of Muslims who are protected by the government in those nations like hooligans are here.
By George, I think he’s got it.
formwiz’s word salad makes sense if you don’t think about it.
Makes sense, if you do, too.
So here are form’s “advanced nations†that shoot their citizens: Brazil, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Central African Republic, Iraq, Nigeria, Kenya, Iran, USA, in fact, most African and SA nations.
No, they don’t shoot their citizens. They shoot criminals.
Bit of a difference.
The US is WORSE than Mexico, India, Sudan, Egypt, Swaziland, Pakistan; and ten times worse than France, Germany, Japan, Denmark, Australia, Norway, Switzerland, England, Netherlands, Nepal, Taiwan, Hong Kong (may be worse with Chinese violence), Belgium…
No, we know the difference between defending the people and remaining supine in the face of criminals on which some political parties are dependent for their power.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the US DOES have a police problem.
More likely, the US has a Leftist problem.
Maybe the citizens of other advanced nations don’t stupidly resist arrest…
Carrying an AR-15 to assist the police is like taking a scalpel to the hospital to assist the surgeon.
More like assault prevention.
We are at war.
We are at war at home.
We are at war in the streets of America, in our neighborhoods, right there, outside our doors.
Who is “we�
Decent, normal Americans.
Who is attacking us?
The left.
The barbarians, the mau-mau hooting chimpanzees, the leftoxenomorph mob, the army-ants of anti-Americanism.
The leftoxenomorphs are on the march against us.
The cannibal leftoxenomorph 5th column that for decades has been growing unimpeded and with almost absolute impunity.
They got strong.
They got brazen.
They challenged us.
They found us lacking.
And they think their time has come for them to take over and finally enslave the weak and the genuflect, kill the rest and build their ant-hill with the one-leftoxenomorph-hive-mind under a wokeraty nomenklatura.
It is not any more complicated than that.
This is their version of an American October Revolution, this is their American 1917.
They are out on the march to turn America into cuba from one ocean to the other.
This is civil war.
But only one side is marching and looting and burning and shooting and murdering.
With about zero opposition.
This is the way we lose.
This is the way America dies.
Most of the government is leftoxenomorph, the leftoxenomorph Deep State Swamp.
Most of the institutions are leftoxenomorph.
They ARE part of the 5th leftoxenomorph column.
They’ll do their worst to help the leftoxenomorphs win.
That is the situation.
Bleat all you want.
It will change nothing.
This is war.
You may think you are not interested in war.
Got bad news for ya: war is interested in you.
Human affairs often turn on a dime.
Pusillanimousness won’t do it.
They will knock on your door.
Consider yourself warned.
“The Coming Coup – The American Mind.htmâ€
Accusing your enemy of what you, yourself, are planning is an old ruse of war.
When germany wanted to attack Poland they accused Poland of attacking germany.
That is how WW2 started.
Leftoxenomorphs are preparing their coup by accusing Trump of the very same thing they are planning, before it happens.
When they launch their coup they’ll all they do is to try to stop Trump from doing exactly the same.
“Why the Nonsense About Trump Refusing to Leave Office Power Line.htmâ€
“The Dems Plan to Steal the Presidency – American Thinker.htmlâ€
“Something Wicked This Way Comes The Pipeline.htmâ€
“Transition Integrity Project Is this Soros Linked Group Plotting a ‘Color Revolution’ Against President Trump – Revolver.htmâ€
“Attempts to Drive a Wedge Between Trump and the Military Should Rattle All Americans.htmâ€
When they spring THEIR coup they’ll go: “See?!! . . . See?!! . . . We warned you there would be a coup!! . . . Our coup is just a counter coup to HIS coup!!!â€
George Banner is most likely a foreign agent trying to stir up civil strife and civil war. His approach is to rile one up. I suggest civil war is coming and to be prepared. I personally do not use anger or faux outrage.
His verbage is over the top, too sophisticated for an ordinary man. One of my jobs is to analyze speech patterns and recognize certain words, phrases and concepts written by people on the internet. Yes there are people paid to do that.
to take over and finally enslave the weak and the genuflect, kill the rest and build their ant-hill with the one-leftoxenomorph-hive-mind under a wokeraty nomenklatura
Virtually all members of the nomenklatura were members of a communist party. Critics of Stalin, such as Milovan Äilas, critically defined them as a ” new class “. The arch-critic of Stalin, Trotsky, used the term caste rather than class, because he saw the Soviet Union as a degenerated workers’ state
The only people that would even be familiar with this term are highly educated professors or trolls from the Former USSR. I will be forwarding this to the appropriate people. Russian interference is beginning.
Your typical patriot does not speak Russian and is familiar with obscure terms of the former USSR.
This is exactly what we saw happening in 2016 and it started in 2007 with Obama Operatives.
Я говорю и читаю по-руÑÑки. Я глухой, поÑтому понимание разговорной речи по-руÑÑки Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð»ÐµÐ¼Ð°.
Not having a Cyrillic keyboard, I cheated, and used Google translate to get the characters.
Trotskii didn’t like Stalin, but had Trotskii attained dictatorial power, he would have been just as bad, just as vile, and just as bloodthirsty. His brutality as head of the Red Army in the civil war against the “whites” is well known. He might have murdered different people had he come to real power, but murder people he would have.
Trotskii was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, and though he was not at all religious, Stalin was very anti-Semitic, and thus Stalin hated Trotskii.
Товарищ Trotskii was able to theorize because he wasn’t in power, but, like Vladimir Ilich Lenin, all of his theories would have been ‘adapted’ to meet the realities of governing the huge Soviet state had he gained power. Stalin mouthed a few Communist platitudes, but didn’t really care about Communist theory at all, save as a basis for power.
“George Banner is most likely a foreign agent trying to stir up civil strife and civil war.” Not being as sophisticated as Dana I just say bull shit. Because your approach is not to get people “riled up” means he’s an enemy of the state? You don’t like his “wokeraty nomenklatura” (whatever the hell that’s supposed to be) So you “will be forwarding this to the appropriate people” . Now who sounds like a commie rat, Est1950?
When one starts talking about turning over commenters on a conservative site to “the appropriate people” I assume you mean our corrupt, leftist infused deep state government where the FBI can’t be trusted, the NSA works against America and the IRS is used to crush conservative speech.
Exactly whose side are you on?
Unfortunately Est1950 you state “I suggest civil war is coming and to be prepared. I personally do not use anger or faux outrage.”. The civil war is NOT coming, it’s HERE or have you missed the enemy burning and looting our cities for the last 6 months?
George_Banner is not “using phony outrage” because he like I am outraged and there is nothing phony about it. We are outraged that our nation has known and watched over the years as our schools we infiltrated and taken over by Marxist/communist anti American thugs. That we allowed the media to become a propaganda arm of these thugs and when it finally come to them burning and pillaging our cities like barbarians gives them cover of “mostly peaceful” bullshit. We are outraged that BOTH parties have installed and allowed to remain a plague of communists and racists in our bureaucracy and these pigs are LITERALLY writing our rules and regulations. But mostly we’re outraged because we were here too and we are part of allowing it to happen and as Patriots we now see the folly of “go along to get along”. There is no compromise between good and evil where evil does not win and good does not lose.
Therefore, we may sound like radicals because we are. Being radical Patriots and radical God fearing Christians should make Elwood our enemy, not you Est1950.
Trump 2020 Because radicalism in defense of America is not a sin.
Your right Kye, forget I said anything.
Is that where you wish to go, “Mr.†Fuller?
And is that why you were drowning puppies?
A nomme de Net does not make one what the name says.
Are the BLM supporters really protesting legitimate arrests? It appears they are protesting illegitimate arrests and the use of excessive force including the killing of black Americans by police.
And what, pray tell, was illegitimate about their arrests and excessive in the force that reasulted in their deaths?
The reluctance of black Americans to cooperate with police is based on their experiences with police, and the view that police are “occupying forces†in black neighborhoods. Do black Americans have reasons to be less trusting of police than do white Americans?
Whose view is it they are “occupying forcesâ€? Sounds like Commie propaganda to me. And most black Americans seem to want the cops back in those cities where they’ve been withdrawn.
Like the VC in Tet, your stormtroopers aren’t as welcome as you thought.
Finally, you resort to the “everybody knows†proof.
Actually, he doesn’t. He points out that, while no direct quote has surfaced, behavior, such as the fact the people fled the VC and sought protection from US troops, is proof in itself.
I know, this distresses Commies like you.
or… What actual evidence is there that “black Americans believe that it is better for black criminals to get away with their crimes than it to have them apprehended, tried and imprisoned�
I believe it’s called don’t drop a dime on a brother.
It’s the reason many black mothers work hard to afford a home in a white neighborhood so their kids do not grow up with this kind of attitude.