…is snow that will either disappear soon or grow bigger from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on meeting the New Afrikan Black Panther Party
Let’s doubleshot so I can clear the folders a bit (below the fold), so, check out Pacific Pundit, with a post on Trump’s brokered deal between Israel and Bahrain

When you’ve lost the Gray Lady, how Gropin’ Joe might already be blowing the 2020 election.
PS Roses in the snow.
Long-time Donald Trump confidant, and convicted felon, Roger Stone said that the president should declare “martial law†to seize power if he loses what Stone characterized as an already corrupt election.
To safeguard Trump’s position, Stone called for federal authorities to seize ballots in Nevada, for FBI agents to physically block certain voters from casting their ballots, and for Trump to use his powers for widespread arrests to solidify his power, Media Matters first reported.
Under martial law and the Insurrection Act, Trump will have “the authority†to arrest Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Apple CEO Tim Cook, “the Clintons†and “anybody else who can be proven to be involved in illegal activity,†Stone said. He also called for the immediate arrest of former defense secretary James Mattis for “sedition,†apparently because he feared Trump was unfit for office, according to Washington Post journalist’s to Bob Woodward’s upcoming book, “Rage.â€
Long-time Donald Trump confidant, and convicted felon, Roger Stone said that the president should declare “martial law†to seize power if he loses what Stone characterized as an already corrupt election.
And that has what to do with Trump?
To safeguard Trump’s position, Stone called for federal authorities to seize ballots in Nevada, for FBI agents to physically block certain voters from casting their ballots, and for Trump to use his powers for widespread arrests to solidify his power, Media Matters first reported.
Media Matters, huh? Isn’t that one of those Lefty dishrags funded by Dr Evil?
I’m sure their word is good.
Under martial law and the Insurrection Act, Trump will have “the authority†to arrest Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Apple CEO Tim Cook, “the Clintons†and “anybody else who can be proven to be involved in illegal activity,†Stone said. He also called for the immediate arrest of former defense secretary James Mattis for “sedition,†apparently because he feared Trump was unfit for office, according to Washington Post journalist’s to Bob Woodward’s upcoming book, “Rage.â€
ICYMI Trump has had the opportunity to do that and hasn’t. And there’s no scare quotes, he would have the authority.
But consider this, O mental midget; Stone might be saying all this so people look at him and say, “Well, he could have, but he hasn’t, so all this scare stuff the Lefties put is just lies”.
Wah wah.
The very worried Mr Dowd wrote:
Well, if they can be proven to be involved in illegal activity, they can be arrested now, without any declaration of martial law.
OK now it’s getting embarrassing.
Trump announces Morocco recognition of Israel.
Can’t wait for the ads.
Oh, and since Jeffery loves to bitch about how much money Trump is spending on the military, a lot of it is coming from the fact Zippy isn’t sending troops all over the Middle East. Trump is bringing them home.
Even The New York Times is lauding the President’s diplomatic achievements, and directly crediting the President’s assessment that Saudi Arabia has been the key all along.
The Times noted that, if Saudi Arabia finally recognizes Israel, it will be as big a deal as the Camp David Peace Accords and the Oslo Agreements. Imagine if that happens before the elections . . . .
Also from the NYT article:
But this latest Arab-Israeli entente is neither a bolt from the blue nor the result of months of delicate shuttle diplomacy by the Trump administration. Israel and the Arab leaders in the Persian Gulf had been quietly cultivating ties for years, united by their common antipathy toward Iran and worries about a vacuum in the region because of American retrenchment.
But it’s not surprising that the tRump Administration wants to take credit. Yet, according to tRump, he takes “no responsibility” for the deaths of 200,000 Americans by Covid.
The Gray Lady isn’t known for its veracity.
And the Murphy Measles is the doing of the Red Chinese aided by Nipsy, Kaiser Wilhelm, Ubersturmbannfuhrer Whitler, and other Democrat lowlights.
The Gray Lady isn’t known for its veracity.
Dana says:
September 13, 2020 at 7:00 am
Even The New York Times is lauding the President’s diplomatic achievements,
Connies cite the NYT when it suits their purpose.
It’s more out of surprise than belief.
And even your citation shows the Gray Lady is trying to dismiss and incredible foreign policy record.
Wah wah.
Porter Good’s Fluffer, Edward, fails to note that the US has MORE troops overseas now than when Cadet Bone Spurs took office.
Eddie also spins another of his infamous non sequiturs claiming that Cadet Bone Spurs is spending so much taxpayer monies on the military is because President Obama had troops all over the Middle East.
Stupidest thing we’ve ever heard. Except…
Cadet Bone Spurs recently blamed the military brass for fomenting wars in cahoots with defense contractors, yet Boney also brags about increasing defense spending!
Porter Good’s Fluffer, Edward, fails to note that the US has MORE troops overseas now than when Cadet Bone Spurs took office.
Eddie also spins another of his infamous non sequiturs claiming that Cadet Bone Spurs is spending so much taxpayer monies on the military is because President Obama had troops all over the Middle East.
Which he did.
Cadet Bone Spurs recently blamed the military brass for fomenting wars in cahoots with defense contractors, yet Boney also brags about increasing defense spending!
Another of Mortuary Bob’s fables?
Boney’s denigration of our military brass wasn’t in Mr. Woodward’s book but is straight from the horse’s ass’s mouth.
According to the right-wing Moonie Times: President Trump said Monday (Sep 7) that some top military brass probably don’t support him “because they want to do nothing but fight wars,†pushing back for a fifth straight day against a report that he disparaged U.S. war dead as “losers.â€
“I’m not saying the military’s in love with me. The soldiers are,†Mr. Trump said at a Labor Day press conference at the White House. “The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars, so all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.â€
The Moonie Times?
And saying some top military brass don’t like him is hardly denigration.
You probably felt the way you say Trump does back when you were calling the brass and the grunts baby killers.
That’s what you really did during the Vietnam War, wasn’t it? All your puffery about the brass is as phony as your claims of global wahoo.
The Washington Times was founded on May 17, 1982, by Unification movement leader Sun Myung Moon and owned until 2010 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate founded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is owned by the Unification movement.
Although opposing the “war”, I never referred to Vietnam grunts or brass as baby killers. The fault was with Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon, and their Def Secretaries, and advisers. I had friends and relatives killed there.
I would like to call your attention to this little tidbit:
Elwood P. Dowd says:
May 9, 2019 at 8:26 am
Kye the A’Hole,
What makes you think you’re the arbiter of who is and is not a degenerate?
Some would find an old man repeatedly boasting about killing men, women and children in a far off land as being degenerate. Killing people in Vietnam was certainly not defending America, so why did you do it? Have you done anything of value?
So how do leftists throw LGBT sexual activities in your face? By supporting gay marriage? By “normalizing†other humans?
Why do you believe that gay men and women are degenerates rather than just another American minority for conservatives to hate? The Bible? The Quran?
The Washington Times was founded on May 17, 1982, by Unification movement leader Sun Myung Moon and owned until 2010 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate founded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is owned by the Unification movement.
Big deal, you still don’t know what you’re talking about. The Times is at least as much NeverTrumper as anything else these days.
Although opposing the “warâ€, I never referred to Vietnam grunts or brass as baby killers. The fault was with Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon, and their Def Secretaries, and advisers.
Of course, you did. Just like Every other Lefty in this country.
And the generals like Maxwell Taylor
I had friends and relatives killed there.
VC or NVA?
Guess that’s why he dishonors their sacrifice by lying about “joining” the Army ya know in 1971 during Vietnam.
Lolgfy Pvt. Rimjob