There are all sorts of fun climate crisis articles. Warmist wonder how they can market to apathetic consumers (because this about science, you know.) That solving the climate crisis (scam) shouldn’t be so hard (but they refuse to make their own lives carbon neutral). That solar engineering should be part of the solution (what can possibly go wrong?). That the Southwest will be under a severe drought by 2025 (maybe, possibly, they think, and will take no responsibility when they are wrong). And St. Greta is complaining that she and climate change, but mostly her, are not getting enough press. Meanwhile
Five solutions to California’s climate crisis Gov. Newsom should implement
(skipping right to it)
We appreciate Newsom’s recognition that our current climate targets are inadequate. Here is a checklist of five key solutions that can be implemented right now.
Clean energy. This past week, the California Energy Commission released draft plans to get to 100% clean electricity by 2030. We should. To generate 100% of our electricity from renewable sources by 2030, we need more solar panels, paired with batteries with consistently increasing storage capacity, on our schools. We’ll also need more wind farms off our coasts to generate power. And in the interim, as the state builds up its solar, wind, and battery resources, we can all do our part to conserve energy.
Isn’t this why California has blackouts and brownouts?
Clean transportation. We should build 1 million electric vehicle charging stations in California by 2030 to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles that’s already underway. We should also set a timeline for all-electric buses and trucks by 2035 — five to 10 years ahead of current plans. California workers and factories are manufacturing these vehicles already. Since this will take a historic effort — and protect our health, wildlife, and environment — we should build these with the same urgency with which we built tanks and planes in World War II.
And will Government force people to buy EVs and/or take buses
Turn our buildings and homes into clean energy generators. California cannot afford to continue to expand its fossil fuel infrastructure – yet every time a building is hooked into the gas system for heating and cooking — that’s what we’re doing. By adding an electric baseline to the California Energy Commission’s 2022 building code, we can ensure new homes and buildings built from 2023 onward will have appliances that run on clean energy — not fossil fuels like gas. Only appliances that run on clean energy should be sold from 2027 onward. In addition, we can make it easier to put solar panels and batteries on residential and commercial properties by offering more money to owners who sell energy back to the grid.
They’ll force you to have this stuff on your homes. At your cost. Driving up the already skyhigh cost of housing in California.
Stop drilling for oil and gas. When I was very young, my mother told me: “When the bathtub is overflowing, turn off the water.†Our atmosphere is overflowing with greenhouse gases. We should create “public health protection zones†that forbid oil and gas operations from being within 2,500 feet of homes and other sensitive populations like schools. Furthermore, we should stop issuing permits for new drilling.
I suggest California ban the use of fossil fuels in the state by 2022. Let’s see how that goes.
Let nature help. For too long we have fought Mother Nature. But she can still play a leading role in thwarting climate change. Our forests and large bodies of water can be carbon sinks that absorb carbon dioxide from the air. We can plant crops that do the same — even kelp offshore.
Let’s tear down all the buildings in California and destroy all the roads, let nature take over.
Oh, and we can start clearing the underbrush and doing backburns and creating fire breaks in a state that is prone to dry conditions, high winds, and fires.

TEACH (scam) should rename his blog “Flat Earth Cove” or “Bigfoot Gazette”.
Can’t stand to hear the truth?
Why yes, the very scientific “because the earth isn’t flat must mean the global warming scam is real†argument.
Once again my last four comments have not been published. I even got an “error, you already said that” note yet it STILL wasn’t published.
Let’s see how “scientific” you are, Elwood.
You claim there are more than two genders which there is not.
You claim there are more than four races which there is not.
You claim prenatal babies are not human and don’t deserve protection under laws. Yet, they are human just in a different stage of development.
You claim men can become women which they can’t.
But we’re the flat-earthers. Your train of logic has derailed.
Trump 2020 We need men to fight for America not traitors.
Well, the Pyrite State will need them, ’cause many people, perhaps most people, do not have garages or dedicated parking areas in which they can install at-home chargers.
Of course, it can take well over an hour to recharge your vehicle at a commercial charging station, as opposed to five minutes to pump in twenty gallons of gasoline.
HGTV and DIY Network are two of my most commonly viewed television stations, and a near-constant is people wanting gas, rather than electric, ranges. But in the People’s Republic of California, their desires be damned.