Will other politicians in the U.K. join in on refusing to be part of brainwashing? How about politicians in other countries? Nice to see one with some cajones
A leading Tory MP announced he will refuse to partake in the Black Lives Matter inspired ‘unconscious bias training’ in the House of Commons.
Former vice-chairman of the Conservative Party and MP for Mansfield, Nottinghamshire said that the move to introduce the training was a signal of how groupthink has infected the metropolitan elite in London, including “the BBC, the British Library, or even government departmentsâ€.
“This particular idea, that we all need to be re-educated and taught to suppress our innate urge to be awful to each other all the time, is costing the taxpayer a bomb as it rolls through our various government agencies and quangos. Next, it’s the turn of MPs to be told that all of our thoughts are offensive and should be corrected,†Bradley wrote in Conservative Home.
“Let me be clear right from the off; I will not be taking it,†Bradley pronounced.
The Tory MP said that he felt the idea of elected politicians being “educated†on the propper opinions to hold is undemocratic, questioning: “Who gets to decide which issues or views are appropriate for me to raise on behalf of my constituents?â€
The hardcore Modern Socialists get to decide it, Mr. Bradley. Wrongthink is not allowed. All must be Comrades.
“The biggest issue filling my inbox is illegal immigration, something thousands of my constituents feel very strongly about, but it’s a bit controversial, isn’t it, so should I leave it alone? The thought police will be the death of open debate and stymie our democracy,†he warned. (big snip)
The Conservative MP concluded by calling for his party to stand up to the woke thought police and to be “unabashed in our cultural conservatism, sticking up for free speech and the right to ‘make my own bloody mind up, thank you very much’â€.
For all the talk from the Left about democracy and free speech, they do not actually want that. They want on one political Party system where only certain speech and thoughts are allowed. Anything else is considered Hate Speech.

Our esteemed host wrote:
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
In a way, Karl Marx predicted this: the dictatorship of the proletariat always carried with it the assumption that the proletariat would all think alike. Herr Marx never told us how this groupthink would occur, but simply assumed that the entirety of the proles would all face the same conditions and respond to them identically.
That’s not too far from today’s left, who believe that their way of thinking is the only possible one, and if somehow you don’t think as they do, you must be stupid, or ignorant, or blinded by God and guns.