Am I allowed to use the same graphic on two different posts in one day? Well, I’m going to anyway
‘Our house is burning’: student climate protesters urge their universities to go carbon neutral
As thousands of Generation Z activists head back to college, they’re pressuring universities to declare a climate emergency, cut emissions and divest from fossil fuels
As West coast wildfires color the skies dystopian red and orange and an aggressive hurricane season batters the US Gulf coast, college students are demanding their schools take bold action to address the climate crisis.
Caitlyn Daas is among them. The senior at Appalachian State University and organizer with the Appalachian Climate Action Collaborative (ClimACT) stands on the frontlines of her school’s grassroots push to go “climate neutralâ€, part of a years-long, national movement that has inspired hundreds of institutional commitments to reduce academia’s carbon footprint.
But as young activists like Daas urge their universities to do their part to avert climate disaster, many are frustrated by tepid responses from administrators whom they feel lack their same sense of urgency and drive. Appalachian State, part of the University of North Carolina system, has committed to reaching net-zero emissions decades down the line, but Daas and her fellow activists fear that’s far too late. She’s baffled that an institution devoted to higher learning is seemingly ignoring the science around the climate emergency.
“If our voices don’t matter, can you please stop telling us that they do?†Daas says.
College activists concerned about the climate crisis have largely focused their efforts on two popular movements that go hand-in-hand: reaching carbon neutrality, and divesting university endowments. Broadly, the term “net carbon neutrality†means that a campus zeroes out all of its carbon emissions, says Timothy Carter, president of Second Nature, a nonprofit focused on climate action in higher education. This can be achieved through modifying campus operations, often with the help of alternatives, such as renewable energy certificates and voluntary carbon offsets (activities that atone for other emissions). In Second Nature’s definition, investment holdings don’t factor in a school’s carbon footprint. Carbon neutrality often falls within a wider umbrella of climate neutrality, which also incorporates justice and other concerns.
Protesting and Demanding isn’t “doing something.” What have these kids done in their own lives? Anything? Do they take a fossil fueled trip in their own vehicle or have mom/dad drive them their? Do they take a fossil fueled airplane trip from out of state? Remember this reply from Oxford’s burser to the little climate cultists demanding divestment?
Professor Parker responded with a provocative offer. “I am not able to arrange any divestment at short notice,” he wrote. “But I can arrange for the gas central heating in college to be switched off with immediate effect. Please let me know if you support this proposal.”
It gets quite a bit colder in Boone, NC, during the winter than it does at Oxford. Would they be OK without central heating from December through February, where the average high is in the mid-40’s? And can be quite windy, being in the mountains?
Meanwhile, in Californi
Protesters Demand Newsom Act On Climate Change, Racial Justice
Protesters rallied at the California State Capitol on Sunday demanding Governor Gavin Newsom take action on climate change and racial justice.
Demonstrators in attendance said time is running out and part of their message was left behind as a piece of street art, which read “Release Prisoners Not Fossil Fuels.â€
Gavin should give them what they want. Turn of the central heating and AC in their dorms, release the felons on campus.
“We thought, since we’re in front of the Capitol building in Sacramento today, that it would be a really good opportunity to show [Newsom], not only by showing up together collectively, but also with a visual mural, that he can really step up and be a climate champion and champion of racial justice,†Delia Ridge Creamer, of the Sunrise Movement Bay Area, said.
Give Delia a participation trophy. Life doesn’t work quite this way, child.

“She’s baffled that an institution devoted to higher learning is seemingly ignoring the science around the climate emergency.”
“She, allegedly there to learn, is baffled that an institution devoted to higher learning is seemingly ignoring her adolescent opinion.”
Carbon neutral is a scam. They should go zero carbon if they are serious. Do it for the kids.
Yet another reason I’m glad to not have any kids. The proper approach is to make them practice what they preach and leave the rest of us alone.
Let’s see, GomeznSA. Turn the heat all the way down just enough to keep the pipes from freezing. No vehicles on campus but bicycles, electric scooters and electric cars. No area heaters except one electric per dorm room. All vegan food only. No plastic bottled water or drinks of any kind. I’m sure we can think of more for our kids to not only display their virtue but prove they are about man made glow ball warming.
Trump 2020 It’s time to put a stop to all these leftist charades!
The NeoFascists occasionally reveal the truths of they want. The American NeoFascist movement always wants to punish those with whom they have political disagreements.
So if someone who advocates eating less meat has a burger, the NeoFascists would lock them up? Fine them?
We understand the the right-wing’s desire for absolute control.
You don’t understand anything you commie kunt. We’re not trying to
punish” anybody, that’s your forte. We’re just trying to hold them to the standards they broadcast for everyone else. Like you, Elwood, they bitch and moan and call people names but never, never, never step up and take responsibility for their policies or actions. It’s the leftist way.
“So if someone who advocates eating less meat has a burger, the NeoFascists would lock them up? Fine them?”
First off there are no “NeoFascists” except at BLM/Antifa riots, burnings and murders. Secondly, Where did any one of us propose that ridiculous scenario? Once again you take a simple disagreement and dial it up to eleven.
“We understand the the right-wing’s desire for absolute control.”
Once again you “understand” nothing. We normal constitutionalist, patriotic Americans you call “right-wing” simply because we refuse to follow your communist politics are not right wing, we’re moderate. You’ve moved so fukin far left you cant see “moderate” in the rear view mirror.
There is nothing right wing or desirous of “absolute control” about wanting our God given Freedoms and constitutional rights honored by commie governors and mayors, our property respected and protected and our human rights acknowledged even if we’re white, Christian, Jewish or straight and not a member of some phony victim class you personally have never lifted a finger nor spent a dime to help.
Is there no end to your hypocrisy, lies and hate?
Trump 2020 Keep America for Americans.
When You Have No Integrity, No Credibility, No Morals, And Trump Has All The Hispanics In Florida…. A Good Communist News Organization Should Always Spread The Wealth Of Trump Supporters…
We understand the frustration, anger and hatred of right-wingers as exemplified by Kye.
A rich white conservative man craving the respect he “deserves” for building America.
They are so deliciously close to finally having the America they crave. Wealthy white conservative men in charge, and the rest of Americans reporting to them! Those whiny Blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, gays, media, libs and Dems finally STFU and put in their place serving rich white conservatives.
We understand that the right realizes they may never be this close again and they are afraid that an uprising of everyday Americans could thwart their plans.
Our good friend Mr Dowd wrote:
Lock them up? No. Fine them? No. Point out their hypocrisy — or, as I now call it, Democrisy — absotively, posilutely yes!
If someone wants to advocate vegetarianism or veganism, that’s fine with me; if they want government regulations to force it on the rest of us, not just no, but Hell no!
It’s so like the left to accuse others of doing what they want to do themselves. It isn’t us evil reich-wingers who are advocating more and more government control and interference in our personal lives; that’s what the cockamamie warmunists are doing. We aren’t saying that you guys can’t drive a Chevy Dolt, but you guys are saying we can’t drive a Ford F-150. We aren’t saying that you can’t super-insulate your houses and add solar panels and have all-electric appliances, but you guys are saying that we can’t have gas appliances or mowed lawns — yes, that’s really a thing — or suburban and rural living.
Mr. Kye typed: Turn the heat all the way down just enough to keep the pipes from freezing. No vehicles on campus but bicycles, electric scooters and electric cars. No area heaters except one electric per dorm room. All vegan food only. No plastic bottled water or drinks of any kind.
Does the honorable Mr. Dana see these as mere criticisms of hypocrisy, or the honest, punishing desires of Mr. Kye et al who wish to stop all protest?
Few want to force connies to do anything except to have the option to use less fossil fuel, accomplished with a tax on carbon commensurate with the damages ascribed to fossil fuel pollution. Even Republicans recognize this (although the Cult of Donald (COD) does not). So yes, even rural Kentuckians can drive their Toyota Tundras and Honda Ridgelines, but pay more for the gas (with poor rural Kentuckians getting a rebate). And all-electric, plug-in hybrids and hybrids with 400 hp combos are coming this year.
We understand the the right-wing’s desire for absolute control.
More like the Left wing. They’re even burning down Starbuck’s.
“The NeoFascists occasionally reveal the truths of they want. The American NeoFascist movement always wants to punish those with whom they have political disagreements.”
Yes, they do. That’s why they are threatening (more) violence over Trump’s upcoming SCOTUS pick.
“We understand the the right-wing’s desire for absolute control.”
Then why is it always the Left trying to impose it?
Me, I have two kids, and I’m pretty proud of them. One’s a Staff Sergeant in the Army Reserve, a surveyor and a homeowner, while the other is a veteran — she did her eight years in the Reserves but is now out — and an IT professional. They are responsible adults, who understand about things like paying their bills and keeping the house heated, yes, with natural gas.
It has turned cool in eastern Kentucky, 52º F outside this morning, and I have the gas fireplace going, burning that fossil fuel to keep me warm!
Elwood, up until today I always thought you were heavily brainwashed. I was wrong. You are brain impaired. In my comment of 9:20 I tried (in plain words) to explain why we are not the ones oppressing anyone nor are we “right-wingers”, we’re Constitutionalists. What was your reply? “We understand the frustration, anger and hatred of right-wingers as exemplified by Kye.” You really are blind stupid. The only frustration is when I explain our views , beliefs and reasoning and you completely ignore it. That is ignorance. And I don’t “exemplify” any anger or hatred. I’ve explained here a dozen times I DON”T HATE ANYBODY even those who have harmed me personally.
You’re like the proverbial traveler seeking Truth and one day accidentally trips over it. In stead of realizing he found Truth, he gets up, dusts himself off and continues on his trek.
Your ignorance, closed mindedness and flat out stupidity are overwhelming. You truly are a broken individual unable to see or understand the truth even when smacked in the face with it.
And which “rich white conservative man craving the respect he “deserves†for building America.” are you referring to? Washington, Lincoln, Truman? Who exactly did build this nation if not white men (they all weren’t rich)? Is there some sort of crime committed by recognizing their accomplishment? Is America not the greatest country ever built? Do you think some place is better and if so explain the millions of immigrants who risk their lives to come here. All people deserve the respect they earn and I believe those rich white men earned a shit load from you, me and everyone else who enjoys the Freedom, equality and Justice they enjoy here built by them.
Your deep hatred of white men is deplorable and highly racist. You could have been a better person but you broke somehow. If you commented the same things about any other race you’d be vilified, but hating white men is the new acceptable racism.
I really wish you could love America. Sadly you can’t and you never will not even if all your candidates were to win. Your hate runs deep and none of our logic, rational, explanations, or even pleas will changed the closed mind of yours.
Trump 2020 Let’s make the Elwood’s go crazy four more years. Repeal the 22nd, give Trump 12 more years!
Maoist Cultural Revolution is almost identical to today’s movement in our colleges. Today it is called WOKENESS.
Donald Trump was elected to stop the Political Correctness that was flooding our society leading to wokeness and identitarian politics.
Why our FBI, CIA and Establishment politicians allowed millions of Chinese to flock into America in unfettered masses to then preach, teach and indoctrinate our youth is unknowable at this time.
However it is crystal clear that today’s youth are being backed by China, and as such they should be tried for sedition.
Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
When their speech was peaceful it was acceptable. It is no longer peaceful nor is it with merit. These are communists using the Maoist teachings of their backers to destroy America from within.
A quick take:
Mao’s decision to use China’s youth as his vanguard was, by fortune or foresight, instrumental to the revolution’s initial success. The young may be pure in heart, but they are also high on emotion and short on life experience. Simply put, they are natural philistines. Still in their identity-forming years, China’s young had few barriers to a complete identification with the Red Guards. Conformity and intolerance of dissent followed naturally.
With undeveloped mental immune systems, their soft skulls were fertile ground for Mao’s secular Manichaeism. Manichaeism reduces society, with all the diversity and complexity of human experience, to a blunt dichotomy: light and darkness, good and evil, right and wrong, radical and reactionary. “There is no middle way!†became a popular slogan. Ideologies like these are intellectually and morally vapid, yet their simplicity and certainty are alluring, especially to the young. Thus, Mao’s child revolutionaries could—with youthful exuberance and clarity of purpose—chain a teacher to a radiator and bludgeon him to death with an iron bar, or force a teacher to eat nails and feces, among other tortures.
Eating human flesh became a macabre proof of loyalty. The Party’s own investigations tell of students in Guangxi province cooking and eating their teachers and principals. In some government cafeterias, the bodies of executed traitors were displayed on meat hooks, while their flesh was served and consumed. The blank slate, it seems, can also be a dark abyss.
You should realize your insults and name-calling are ineffectual.
For all their good, our founding fathers also accepted and promoted much inequality; inequality that men such as you wish to continue. You wish to reverse the progress we’ve made as a people and a nation over the past century – you do this by denying there was any need for progress in the first place!
What you call hatred of caucasians is just the truth about our collective history. You deny that white privileges exist – that all the economic, criminal justice, social and healthcare inequalities suffered by non-white, non-male, non-christian Americans is their own doing in combination with the inherent superiority of white men.
There are two groups of white male conservatives – rich and comfortable, who are driven by their greed (trump, munchin, barr, most corp execs etc); poor and anxious, driven by their fear of the “others” and egged on by con elites. While the policies of the rich and comfortable are designed to keep all they can, it typically harms the poor, whether Black or white. We can afford to cut taxes for the wealthy but can’t afford healthcare for all. We can afford spending trillions on unnecessary defense systems, but can’t afford a top-notch education system.
We are at a cross-roads where trumpism is trying to complete what nuconservatism started some 40 years ago. Returning nearly all the fruits of capitalism and productivity to the wealthy and suppressing the poor.
You should realize your insults and name-calling are ineffectual.
Sound advice. you should take it.
For all their good, our founding fathers also accepted and promoted much inequality; inequality that men such as you wish to continue. You wish to reverse the progress we’ve made as a people and a nation over the past century – you do this by denying there was any need for progress in the first place!
Which inequality is that? There is very little in the US Constitution that discriminates against sex or race or previous nationality.
And much of the “progress” of the last century is toward socialism, which is actually a step back toward more primitive millennia.
What you call hatred of caucasians is just the truth about our collective history. You deny that white privileges exist – that all the economic, criminal justice, social and healthcare inequalities suffered by non-white, non-male, non-christian Americans is their own doing in combination with the inherent superiority of white men.
healthcare inequalities suffered by non-white, non-male, non-christian Americans?? Which, pray tell, were they? Cholera, smallpox, plague, or syphilis didn’t discriminate, unless you have some insight into epidemiology modern science lacks.
As for income, any man or woman was free to work hard and, with ingenuity and fortitude, make a fortune. Witness CJ Walker, Quanah Parker, the Vallejos, and Haym Solomon.
Social inequalities didn’t stop the Micks, the Krauts, the Dagos, or the Hunkies from succeeding. And all you had to do wrt criminal justice was obey the law.
There are two groups of white male conservatives – rich and comfortable, who are driven by their greed (trump, munchin, barr, most corp execs etc); poor and anxious, driven by their fear of the “others†and egged on by con elites. While the policies of the rich and comfortable are designed to keep all they can, it typically harms the poor, whether Black or white. We can afford to cut taxes for the wealthy but can’t afford healthcare for all. We can afford spending trillions on unnecessary defense systems, but can’t afford a top-notch education system.
There are two groups of white male Leftists – rich and comfortable, who are driven by their greed (Styer, Bezos, Dorsey, most corp execs etc); poor and anxious, driven by their fear of the “others†and egged on by Lefty overlords. While the policies of the rich and comfortable are designed to keep all they can, it typically harms the poor, whether black or White. We can afford to raise taxes for the wealthy but can’t afford jobs for all. We can afford cutting trillions on necessary defense systems, but can’t afford a top-notch education system.
Raising taxes never helps, just ask the IRS about revenue flow and we’ve seen how well socialized medicine worked during the Oriental Lung Rash.
And the Left has controlled education in this country for 50 years so, if it isn’t a top-notch education system, you have no one but yourself to blame.
We are at a cross-roads where Trumpism is trying to complete what Conservatism started some 40 years ago. Returning nearly all the fruits of capitalism and productivity to the wealthy and suppressing the poor.
No, that’s just propaganda written in the third sub-basement of the Kremlin back in 1932. The people are finally prospering under Trump and you can’t stand it.
For all their good, our founding fathers also accepted and promoted much inequality;
Elwood preaches Critical Race Theory. He is of course wrong and indoctrinated by the wokeness taught by the Maoist’s that have infiltrated this country.
Critical Race Theory opines that CRT was inspired by figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr., W.E.B. Du Bois, Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, and Frantz Fanon.
Critical race theory advanced theoretical understandings of the law, politics, and American sociology that focused on the efforts of white people (Euro-Americans) to maintain their historical advantages over people of colour.
It is an evil ideology that simply is not true. There is nothing to say that the USA over the years has made mistakes most of which have been corrected but to say that the nation itself was founded on racism is a blatant lie.
Once again in order to destroy the constitution it must be perceived by the masses as and evil and insidious document which is what Elwood preaches daily.
Does the honorable Mr. Dana see these as mere criticisms of hypocrisy, or the honest, punishing desires of Mr. Kye et al who wish to stop all protest?
Actually, it unnecessary. Once them chilly winds start a-blowin’ the bloom will be off the roase.
Few want to force connies to do anything except to have the option to use less fossil fuel, accomplished with a tax on carbon commensurate with the damages ascribed to fossil fuel pollution. Even Republicans recognize this (although the Cult of Donald (COD) does not). So yes, even rural Kentuckians can drive their Toyota Tundras and Honda Ridgelines, but pay more for the gas (with poor rural Kentuckians getting a rebate). And all-electric, plug-in hybrids and hybrids with 400 hp combos are coming this year.
I notice the Left isn’t giving up any of its creature comforts. Maybe you should take this to the Os, the Ozarks, the Lurches, the Kennedys, and the Gropin’s.
s/b rose.
We understand the frustration, anger and hatred of right-wingers as exemplified by Kye.
A rich white Conservative man craving the respect he “deserves†for building America.
Well, what did you ever do to improve the country.
He fought for it. You just try to destroy it.
They are so deliciously close to finally having the America they crave. Wealthy white Conservative men in charge, and the rest of Americans reporting to them! Those whiny blacks, Moslems, Mexicans, gays, media, libs and Dems finally STFU and put in their place serving rich white Conservatives.
Hate to tell you, but those whiny blacks and Mexicans are flocking to Trump. If Gropin’ Joe goes down, as is likely, Trump could end up with a majority black vote. You do realize Chlamydia couldn’t poll 1% among blacks.
We understand that the right realizes they may never be this close again and they are afraid that an uprising of everyday Americans could thwart their plans.
What everyday Americans??? A combination of rich white Lefties and urban felons hardly constitute everyday Americans.