Hey, here’s Joe pushing vote in person, even as he hides in his basement
In-person early voting should be easy and convenient for all. The Flint, MI City Clerk's office will be open the last three weekends before Election Day for folks to cast their ballots. It's an example that cities and states across the country should follow.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 24, 2020
Two points: first, why do Democrats have such trouble voting in areas that are run fully by Democrats? All sorts of problems, including long lines and incompetent counts. Second, Joe is pushing vote in person!
Democrats spent the early months of the coronavirus pandemic urging their base to vote absentee. But as threats of U.S. Postal Service delays, Team Trump litigation and higher ballot rejection rates become clearer, many are pivoting to promote more in-person voting as well.
Why it matters: Democrats are exponentially more likely to vote by mail than Republicans this year — and if enough mail-in ballots are lost, rejected on a technicality or undercounted, it could change the outcome of the presidential election or other key races.
Driving the news: In Colorado, former Gov. John Hickenlooper, who’s running against Sen. Cory Gardner, told Axios that he’s encouraging voters to physically take their mail-in ballots to a dropbox and to do so “early, really early.”
Black PAC has moved from exclusively educating voters on voting by mail to informing about all available options: in-person, absentee, early voting and voting on Election Day.
The Collective PAC — the largest Black-led political action committee targeting Black voters and candidates — is pivoting, too. “We’re shifting away from making plans to vote by mail to voting early in person,” Quentin James, the group’s founder, told Axios.
Dems are starting to realize that there is lots of fraud, and their own ballots may get “lost” because the Democrats who run the voting in certain areas are incompetent. And that Dem voters may fail to put their ballots in their post box, or put them in too late, disqualifying them.
Last week, Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, voted in person one day before Delaware’s primary.
If they can do it, so can everyone else. And Democrats are concerned that people will wait till the last moment to mail in those ballots, meaning that lots of squishy Dems will see Low Energy Joe hiding in his basement and the gaffes and mental issues. What if that happens during a debate? How might that effect the vote, versus getting people to vote early?
On the first day of early in-person voting in Virginia, long lines formed quickly with voters waiting two hours or more to cast a ballot.
It’s September: why are we voting now?
(The Hill) A handful of ballots cast by members of the military for President Trump were found discarded in Pennsylvania, the Justice Department announced on Thursday.
Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis asked the DOJ and FBI to open an investigation into the discarded ballots on Monday following reports of “potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections,” the Department of Justice (DOJ)Â said in a release.
Democrats also might be realizing that cheating could come back to haunt them in the days and weeks after the election.

Trump is so dumb, but he always outfoxes the Lefties.
Funny how that works out.
Now poor Jeffery will have to do a 180.
Or 360, as he would put it.
Well they don’t call him Rimjob for nothing.
Bwaha! Lolgf
They don’t call you DogSucker for nothing.
Poor little Jeffery.
He really can’t deal with all that impotence on the Left.
Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that a Pennsylvania judge declared voting by mail would continue for an extra three days after voting day?
Congratulations Democrats. You are now officially the party of people who are too stupid to read a calendar and vote on time, even though there are still 40 days to plan ahead for it.
What’s next? A democratic party judge declaring Christmas shopping will continue until 28 December to give everyone a change to finish before Christmas Day?
Whatever happened to the legislatures setting the rules for voting and judges reading the law? Is is really that hard for Democrats to think just a few days ahead and put their ballots back into the mail on time, even if they had to do it a week early? Using the mail system isn’t that complicated. Junk mail gets to my house almost every day right on time.
They can’t commit vote fraud if they follow intelligent, realistic rules. Plus, as we know Democommies think their black stooges are too fukin stupid to do anything from obtain an ID to vote on time.
But it is fun to watch them twist themselves into ideological pretzels just to cheat.
And, speaking of impotence, the Rs will take the mail-in voting in PA issue to the Supreme Court.
They coulda had class, they coulda been contenduhs, but all they got was Weekend at Ruthie’s.
The increasingly desperate TEACH asks: … why do Democrats have such trouble voting in areas that are run fully by Democrats? All sorts of problems, including long lines and incompetent counts …
Do Democrats determine the number of polling places, voting hours etc? Or do the state legislatures? Funny how in GOPher controlled states the number of polling places, especially in minority communities, has been slashed. States such as Georgia, Florida and Texas have been working overtime to make it harder for typically Democrats to vote.
And don’t forget, the NC GOPhers cheating in 2018 primary. Prosecutors said Dowless’ alleged activities benefitted Republican nominee Mark Harris, who beat his Democratic opponent Dan McCready in the November midterm election by more than 900 votes. State election officials tossed the results last month and ordered a new election in the face of evidence that the vote was tainted by alleged ballot-tampering.
GOPhers and trumpists prefer that fewer Americans vote and work hard to make voting more difficult. Why is that?
The increasingly desperate TEACH asks: … why do Democrats have such trouble voting in areas that are run fully by Democrats? All sorts of problems, including long lines and incompetent counts …
The only one desperate here is Jeffery. The Demos had a scheme all set up to steal the election
and hand the Presidency over to Pelosi Galore (they thought). They forgot about Trump hiring lawyers with all that money he’s been raising and they figured there would be no Weekend at Ruthie’s until ’21.
Wah wah.
Do Democrats determine the number of polling places, voting hours etc? Or do the state legislatures? Funny how in GOPher controlled states the number of polling places, especially in minority communities, has been slashed. States such as Georgia, Florida and Texas have been working overtime to make it harder for typically Democrats to vote.
Perhaps the gave a reason, such as people moving away.
And don’t forget, the NC GOPhers cheating in 2018 primary.
Don’t forget Demos taking the primaries out of voters’ hands and appointing a nominee.
GOPhers and Trumpists prefer that fewer Americans vote and work hard to make voting more difficult. Why is that?
They do? Where does it say that?
Another reason Jeffery is desperate is that his massas are getting scared.
You see Sleepy Joe has declared 1 of every 3 days this month as off days.
While Trump campaigns, Sleepy Joe snoozes.
Guess who’s winning.
Another reason Jeffery is desperate is that his massas are getting scared.
You see Sleepy Joe has declared 1 of every 3 days this month as off days.
While Trump campaigns, Sleepy Joe snoozes.
Guess who’s winning.
(link went bad)
tRump’s “campaigning” doesn’t appear to be helping him. Neither does his nightmare work on Covid-19 (nearly 207,000 dead as of today, and the rate is increasing!). It’s likely another 30,000 will die by the election.
VP Biden’s poll numbers are still strong, and Desperate Don is peripatetically flying from state to state for his klan rallies that make him feel better but don’t help electorally. The Dem plan is to get every Dem to vote, whether by mail-in or in person.
Duffer Don plays a lot of golf too.
It’s very simple. This is a turnout election. If all the Dem voters vote, trump is toast, and so is the GOPher Senate majority.
It’s a long shot, but how will the far right respond if trump loses?
Trump’s “campaigning†doesn’t appear to be helping him. Neither does his nightmare work on Covid-19 (nearly 207,000 dead as of today, and the rate is increasing!). It’s likely another 30,000 will die by the election.
I notice your flailing your arms like Gomer Pyle yelling, “Citizen’s array-est!!! Citizen’s array-est!!!”, but clearly, it is working as the Demos are getting worried. And nobody is keeping count but stupid old you. A lot of people have heard about the CDC saying only 6% of attributed deaths are from Flu Manchu, and probably as many know the real number is about 400, so nobody cares.
VP Biden’s poll numbers are still strong,
So were the Hildabeast’s, too.
Desperate Don is peripatetically flying from state to state for his klan rallies that make him feel better but don’t help electorally.
You have evidence of this, where?
The Dem plan is to get every Dem to vote, whether by mail-in or in person.
No, the Democrat plan was to keep everybody stuck on hold until 1/20/21, but Trump’s got that all covered. Your side has screwed itself yet again.
It’s very simple. This is a turnout election. If all the Dem voters vote, trump is toast, and so is the GOPher Senate majority.</i
Duh, every election turns on turnout, moron, but this is an enthusiasm election and your side ain’t got none.
It’s a long shot, but how will the far right respond if Trump loses?
You might better ask how long will Trump take to invoke the Insurrection Act after he wins.
A comment so stupid that Porter Good’s handmaiden, Sibley, had to post it twice.
You MAY be correct on the places you mentioned but I’d need proof to believe you since your propensity for lying is only outdone by your propensity to cherry pick (even) fake news to substantiate your erroneous claims.
However, even if your specious claims were true it does not explain the lack of polling places in blue states and blue cities. Sorry, you loose, again.
Trump 2020 Just because the Dems use vote fraud doesn’t mean they win.
A personal letter to Elwood, BLM/Antifa, blue state and city tyrannical governors: and mayors and the Democommie Party.
-I never cared if you were “gay” until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of my children.
-I never cared what color you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems.
-I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine.
-l never cared where you were born until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems.
-I never cared if you were well-off or poor, until you said you were discriminated against, when I was promoted because I worked harder.
-I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine, until my beliefs were wrong.
-I never cared that T.V. programmes are just a distraction for mind control.
-I never cared about left and right until right became wrong and left smashed up the town peacefully.
-I never cared about what car you drove till you tried to make me drive one.
-I never cared about labels until you labelled me bad because I don’t agree with your opinion.
-I never cared what you ate until you try make me eat it.
-I never cared that you harvested my data until you used it against me and made yourself wealthy.
-I never cared when you screamed conspiracy theory until it turned out to be true.
-I never cared
My patience and tolerance are gone.
I’m not alone in feeling this way, there are millions of us who do…and we have had enough! -Anonymous
Good comment. Unfortunate Jeff is too stupid to understand.
Pro Tip: One should run from david duke’s endorsement.
SO NOW YOU CARE! Your patience and tolerance are gone!
You may not realize it but over 50% of Americans have lost their patience and tolerance for trump, trumpists and your plans for America.
Because Black Americans refuse to abide by your bigotry. Gay Americans demand equality. So what are you going to do about it? Start shooting?
What will you do when tRump is voted out?
And Rimjob immediately validates David’s response.

Lil dogsucker immediately fluffs Ol’ Smelly david duke.
First of all there is little bigotry toward blacks other than by the Demoslavers who control them (for now). Blacks are asking the question that liars like YOU need to answer: If the Democrats have been “for” us for 50 years why are we still in ghettoes, still have 75% fatherless homes, get lousy healthcare and even worse education, still on the welfare “dole” for generations and still have and commit more crime than every other race in America combined?
That’s what you racist slave holding Democrats have done to blacks.
As far as gay Americans are concerned they don’t have a right to demand anything because they have a psycho-sexual mental illness. But they should be afforded the opportunity to get help and change. I suppose you also think sticking your dick up a mans ass then sucking his is normal? Maybe in your family or among your friends but where I come from we like women. And what you practice is a perversion as it has been among all civilized people for millennia.
And your real question should be: What will you do when Trump is voted his second term? You spent the last 4 years in a state of frustration, panic and hate so I suppose nothing will change except perhaps the Democommies will try and burn down more cities and murder more cops and Trump supporters giving us the right to shoot back.
The only way Trump can lose after how your people crashed our economy, spread panic and fear over a flu then perpetrated a lie about how many died from that flu then went from DEMOCRAT city to DEMOCRAT city burning people out of their businesses and life saving and killing jobs is through VOTER FRAUD which your operatives are scheming now.
Oh, and when you lose shut the fuk up already.
Trump 2020 We don’t need BLM running America.
The real reason behind the desire to now vote in person.
With the 6 supreme court justices on Trumps side, or at the very least 5, however with Kavanaugh which is turning out to be another Justice Roberts, It could very well be a 5-4 in favor of letting them vote till hell freezes over.
I am actually quite disappointed in Kavanaugh who had the entire right defend him and now he is repeatedly sticking it to the Right while siding with the left over and over again just like Bush’s appointment of Roberts. Even with the RBG pick this court is still not conservative. It is 3 libs, 4 cons and two swing voters now and those two swing voters are more likely to side with the left then they are the right.
But I digress. The leftists believe that Trump will take all this voting to the supreme court and have the votes after election day tossed, which will give Trump the landslide.
RBJ dying nixed their plans to steal the election and now they are just hoping to salvage house and senate seats.
One thing I know for sure is that if this country votes for Biden then I will have lost all faith in the American People. The democrats are funding riots, supporting riots and encouraging riots. They have locked Americans down until they are in bankruptcy over the flu.
The Democrats have forced people to lose their jobs because they said the wrong thing, they have Extorted corporations forcing them to capitulate or face the wrath of the Mob.
If Americans favor that over peace and prosperity then two things are at play. The Press has finally worn the American people down and they think that by voting Biden into office it will all end. It will not, it will only grow worse.
And secondly China has infiltrated this country far more sinisterly than I ever imagined. Do not be surprised if AOC is made the next speaker of the house if Americans in their weariness just say fuk it and throw up their hands and vote the democrats into office because they believe doing so will restore order.
I got news for them. Biden is not a moderate and he will be so whackadoodle left when he takes office that they will be like WTF mate and regret their vote for the rest of their lives, however long that should be.
Poor little Jeffery is clinging to the same pathetic hope he had 4 years ago.
How long will he stay away after Trump takes 50 states?
Perhap’s Porter Good’s diaper dandy, Lil Eddie, is interested in wagering that tRump takes 50 states, LOL. He forgets that it’s electoral votes, not number of states, that determine the president. People vote, not land.
A candidate can win the election winning only 11 states.
Anyway, there are more Dems than GOPhers, certainly more Dems than trumpists. The key for the Dems is to get out and vote. tRump and his minions at the state level are making mail-in voting more and more difficult. tRump has already indicated he will interfere with mail-in voting by any and all means. His minions in the states are making in-person voting more difficult. GOPhers hate democracy. trumpists hate democracy.