Democrats thought that creating lockdown was a great way to hurt President Trump, and it might. All the little peasants, supporting their liberal masters and reciting by rote all the lockdown talking point, didn’t quite think things through
‘I’m drowning’: Californians of color most affected by growing backlog of jobless aid
At her lowest point during the pandemic, Rachel Gomez-Wafer estimated that she was calling California’s unemployment office about 150 times a day.
When California shut down in March, the boutiques where Gomez-Wafer sells her organic skincare line, Dorothy Mae and Dominga, closed. The craft fairs and festivals where she makes most of her profits were canceled. She applied on 4 April for the pandemic unemployment assistance that was available to her as a small business owner but, like hundreds of thousands of other Californians who have filed for unemployment benefits, she soon found herself tangled in a months-long bureaucratic nightmare.
Nearly one-third of all Californian workers have filed for unemployment benefits since the start of the crisis in mid-March – 6.23 million workers, according to the California Policy Lab. A recent report from a strike team found that the Employment Development Department (EDD), the office in charge of issuing unemployment benefits, had a backlog of claims so large that the department had to stop accepting new claims for two weeks in order to get a handle on it. The department believes its employees won’t be able to eliminate the backlog of 1.6m before January 2021. The backlog grows by 10,000 cases a day.
Same Democratic Party run state can’t keep the lights on in a consistent manner or clean the streets.
In waiting for her claims, Gomez-Wafer burned through her savings. She soon had no food in her refrigerator. Repossession agents were calling her about her missing car payments, and her landlord had given her a three-day eviction notice – illegal during the pandemic – on her studio loft in Fresno. “I borrowed money from my dad, I borrowed money from my daughter, I borrowed money from my best friend,†said Gomez-Wafer, 44. “I pawned a pair of diamond earrings. I pawned a TV I owned. I pawned some gold jewelry.â€
Not too be mean, but, I bet she votes Democrat and will do so again in November, not realizing that Dem policies make this all worse, and that Democrats had the harshest responses to Coronavirus.
The report, Chiu said, told legislators a lot of what they already knew: EDD needed a massive overhaul of its technology systems and was chronically understaffed. There were confusing processes, long waits, repeated forms, unanswered phone calls that, when answered, often can’t be resolved.
Who runs this system, and was supposed to fix the issues that were known about 10 years ago (hint: not Republicans).
“In a state as diverse as California, it’s yet another example of how we’re seeing racial inequities play out,†Chiu said. “Those individuals who may lack computer or Internet access or have limited English proficiency tend to be people of color, and that means they’re being severely hamstrung by this broken bureaucracy.â€
Wait, so Dems think “minorities” are too dumb to use technology? Isn’t that kind of racist/bigoted?
Further exacerbating matters is that in California, the pandemic recession has not hit everyone equally. Unemployment rates remain higher for Californians of color than for white Californians, according to a study by the California Budget and Policy Center. At its peak, unemployment reached 20% or more for Asian, Black, Latinx and other Californians of color, while hitting 17% for white Californians. Women bore the brunt of unemployment, with 1 in 4 out of work at the worst point of the recession, as compared to 1 in 5 men.
So, California is racist? Huh. But, this is the normal way they treat “people of color.” But, those POC will still vote against their self interests and choose “D”.

Rachel Gomez-Wafer estimated that she was calling California’s unemployment office about 150 times a day.
Sure she did. She exaggerates almost as much as Rimjob.
Take away 8 hours for sleeping, eating, calls of nature leaves 16 hours in a day.
16 x 60 = 960 minutes
960 minutes / 150 calls = 1 call every 6.4 minutes. If you work your way through the automated system (press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish, press 3 for Chinese, press 4 for Tagalog, press 5 for …) but then only wait on hold for 2-3 minutes before hanging up and trying again, its doable.
I pronounce this story as “Journalism!”.
The chillun of the cornrows were too distracted with fake stories of saints being gunned down willy-nilly by evil cops to care about the economy..not that they knew anything about it in the first place.
Maybe they can give her the $1500 the IRS confiscated from tRump in 2016 and 2017.
TEACH typed: Democrats thought that creating lockdown was a great way to hurt President Trump…
How did the Democrats bring down the global economy?
Maybe they can give her the $1500 the IRS confiscated from Trump in 2016 and 2017.
How’s ’bout the 5.2 mil he actually paid, although the IRS confiscates money from everybody.
How did the Democrats bring down the global economy?
Crashing the markets. You remember when that happened, although you want to forget when Trump brought them back.
“How did the Democrats bring down the global economy?”
If they bring down the American economy they bring down the global economy. Or do you thing the largest economy in the world has nothing to do with the others?
Trump didn’t close anything. Not one little coffee shop or nail salon. That was ALL done by Democommie governors and mayors regardless how you try and blame Trump. And their continued lock down and the fear, panic and hysteria that goes with it not to mention the ruined lives, permanently closed businesses and unemployed workers are a testimonial to the hate and cruelty of our Democommie overlords, their allies in the lying media and their financiers in big business in Silicon Valley and Wall Street.
Trump 2020 Kill the commies.
And you think Trump is a dictator?
Mr. Trump WANTS to be a dictator. He is desperate to stay in office, and desperate men are dangerous men.
Most US states are run by Republicans. So, nice try. Congress and The Fed pumped TRILLIONS of taxpayer debt into the economy barely keeping it afloat. Mr. Trump failed America regarding the coronavirus, but he’s in good company around the world.
America, with 5% of the world’s population, has 20% of the deaths attributed to the pandemic. America needs a leader but we have a game show host.
Since the Republicans control most states, the White House, the Senate and the federal courts including our Supreme Court, it’s all the Democrats’ fault!
“Mr. Trump WANTS to be a dictator. He is desperate to stay in office, and desperate men are dangerous men.”
Do you really need to apply such a childish view to everything? In YOUR OPINION Trump wants to be a dictator, now show me the PROOF. For a sitting president to want to “stay in office” for his second term does not speak to desperation to be a dictator or almost EVERY president wanted to be a dictator. The desperation is on your side not ours. You’re so crazy about losing 2016 the thought of losing again makes you apoplectic. You lefties are all running around hysterical and pulling out your hair. It’s really fun to watch.
“Most US states are run by Republicans. So, nice try.”
There you go again, changing what I said into what YOU want to hear. “Most US states” have nothing to do with ruining our economy, only the Blue states closed everything down and IN DICTATORIAL FASHION stripped their citizens of their rights ruining their businesses and throwing them out of work and on the streets. It’s not red states who lock down healthy people and put the sick into homes to DIE IN MASS. It’s also a Blue State Exclusive to let the Democommies burn their cities down. Tell me Mr. Statistics, how many of the rioters, arsonists, killers and rapists were Conservative Christian Republicans? NONE!!!!!!
“Since the Republicans control most states, the White House, the Senate and the federal courts including our Supreme Court, it’s all the Democrats’ fault!”
And since the Democommunists control education, business, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, sports, Hollywood, and most importantly the Fake News/Propaganda Media and ALL THE WEB PLATFORMS with all the information and opinions therein and even the advertising industry. So STFU about some Republicans “controlling” states and political bodies when you know as well as the rest of us a thin margin USUALLY HELD BY LIBERAL REPUBLICANS does not a power center create. Even you can’t be that stupid.
Trump 2020 Because America will not survive communist in the White House again. (Yes, I’m referring to the Half Breed)
Here are two reasons why Elwood and his commie comrades hate this woman:
Trump did EXACTLY what a good leader would do in a time of crisis: he acted calm so as not to start a panic like you fools on the left would have done, he followed the continuing changes set out by the CDC as well as could be expected when they were changing daily, and he held daily briefings to inform the public. All of his efforts were undermined by FAKE CDC numbers (which you still insist on quoting even though we all know they cooked the books) and their obedient lying handmaidens in the fake news. As of today the ACTUAL numbers of Americans who died FROM the Red Chinese Wuhan Cuomo flue stand around 12,000, not the ridiculous 208,000 you keep regurgitating as gospel. You are living proof that a lie goes around the earth before the TRUTH gets its pants on. You will keep repeating that lie because it makes YOU feel superior and helps portray Trump badly. So go ahead and lie. The American people ain’t buying it.
By the way, how many people died in China from their own virus? You don’t know because THEY LIE just like all you commies do. But my step daughter living in Seoul gets the news from “up North” and she says over 26 million Chinese were infected and over ^.5 million died. How’s that stack up to your commie propaganda. She says they were plowing bodies into pits with backhoes.
Since liberal Dems control all of America, i.e., business, media, Silicon Valley, education, Deep State, Wall Street, TV, sports, Hollywood, big religion, advertising, medicine, scientific research and social media platforms, why do the Republicans have all the power in Washington and most of the statehouses?
As of yesterday the official CDC death toll was 204,000, not 12,000.
Kye typed: Trump 2020 Because America will not survive communist in the White House again. (Yes, I’m referring to the Half Breed)
Who or what is a “half-breed”?
We get that you’re frustrated and angry, realizing there’s a very good chance that President Trump will lose in November and the revolution will end.
Mr. Trump WANTS to be a dictator. He is desperate to stay in office, and desperate men are dangerous men.
None more desperate than you. And you have yet to show us in what ways Trump has shown himself to be a dictator. Sounds more like a lot of those Demo governors he let have all the authority.
Accuse them of what we do.
Most US states are run by Republicans. So, nice try. Congress and The Fed pumped TRILLIONS of taxpayer debt into the economy barely keeping it afloat. Mr. Trump failed America regarding the coronavirus, but he’s in good company around the world.
Blah, blah.
It’s Pelosi Galore who keeps proposing these multi-trillion dollar stimulus packages, but it’s all Trump’s doing.
America, with 5% of the world’s population, has 20% of the deaths attributed to the pandemic. America needs a leader but we have a game show host.
Lucky for us, he’s the smartest game show host since Monty Hall.
Actually, CDC has admitted mortality is somewhere between 1/1000 and 3.4%, so that gives us a range of 205 and 6970.
Since the Republicans control most states, the White House, the Senate and the federal courts including our Supreme Court, it’s all the Democrats’ fault!
Democrats run the states with the highest death counts.
I see you’re finally spelling Trump prioperly.
Bowing to his majesty or getting lazy with the cut and paste?
A couple of clarifying questions, please.
How did US Democratic mayors and governors cause “lockdowns” in South Korea, the UK, Australia, Norway, Israel, Japan, Denmark, New Zealand, Switzerland etc?
Is it possible that President Trump’s lax approach to the Covid-19 pandemic was related to his now obvious financial difficulties?
Who is to blame for the US having 20.7% of the total deaths by Covid-19? Note that the US has only 4.2% of the global population.
How did US Democratic mayors and governors cause “lockdowns†in South Korea, the UK, Australia, Norway, Israel, Japan, Denmark, New Zealand, Switzerland etc?
As always, Jeffery desperately tries to change the subject. What happens elsewhere in the world is of no moment to us. The tyrannical nature of Democrat politicians came out (for some, literally) in full flower.
Is it possible that President Trump’s lax approach to the Covid-19 pandemic was related to his now obvious financial difficulties?
Again, apples and 4 year old tangerines.
Gropin’ Joe must be in bad shape for tonight.
Who is to blame for the US having 20.7% of the total deaths by Covid-19? Note that the US has only 4.2% of the global population.
Start with Inslee, go on to Nipsy and Kaiser Bill, and proceed to Murphy, Wolf, and the Ubersturmbannfuhrer.
The DemComMedia were finally snared in Mr. Trump’s trap.
He can now release single signed pages of his 2016 and 2017 tax returns showing taxes he actually paid! This will humiliate and finally expose the Media for the traitors they are and end the NY Times!
When do you think he’ll do it?
He doesn’t have to. The Gray Lady did it in their grand expose, as I showed you yesterday.
Since liberal Dems control all of America, i.e., business, media, Silicon Valley, education, Deep State, Wall Street, TV, sports, Hollywood, big religion, advertising, medicine, scientific research and social media platforms, why do the Republicans have all the power in Washington and most of the statehouses?
Only because they don’t. Demos hold the House (soon to be rectified) and many of the most populous states.
As of yesterday the official CDC death toll was 204,000, not 12,000.
Not according to the CDC.
Who or what is a “half-breed�
Zippy. Also know when speaking of Negroes as a mulatto.
We get that you’re frustrated and angry, realizing there’s a very good chance that President Trump will lose in November and the revolution will end.
There is? Boy, you wouldn’t know it to see all the Lefty dishrags worried about Gropin’ Joe spending 1 day out of 3 doing nothing.
As of yesterday the official CDC death toll of people who died WITH Red Chinese Wuhan Cuomo Flu was about 205,000. The official death toll (AS YOU KNOW BUT STILL LIE) of people who died FROM the Red Chinese Wuhan Cuomo flu is about 6% of the total so about 12,000. That would be about 2,188,000 fewer than the CDC estimated at the onset of the outbreak. Sounds to us like Trump is a life saving god.
A half breed is a person who is half American. Or half white. Or half mooslem. or half commie. You don’t know basic slang?
You “get” nothing because it is not we who are frustrated and angry it is you and yours. We aren’t threatening America with lockdowns. We aren’t threatening America that “we’ll burn it all down” if our candidate loses. We aren’t running around with our hair on fire calling a fine woman, mother, jurist and Christian all kinds of names because she “Loves America and Loves the Constitution”.
You hate America and hate any American who is not a commie like you. You have never stated any kind of love for or loyalty to America and our citizens. In fact you support a “fundamental change” in the entirety of America which means you think it’s so bad you want it all gone.
When Trump wins what are you going to do? Move. Burn down your neighborhood (like the rest of your comrades will undoubtedly try to do)? Move to a country with all the socialist shit you so dearly want like Cuba? Or just run around screaming like a child as you’ve done for the last 4 years?
Even with all your cheating and mail in fraud Trump will still win and you know it and it’s killing you. Make them take drug tests and make Biden show his taxes-including the money from Ukraine. Fraud, corruption cruelty and hate are all the left has.
Trump 2020 Keep the revolution going-kill all the commies.
You keep advocating the murder of all you call commies, including me. In your opinion, who is the most dangerous commie in the US – the one you’d like to murder first? (You do realize how unhinged desiring to murder millions of Americans is, right?)
That sounds like a hateful act on your part. We DO get it – men like you are increasingly afraid of losing your gains under Mr. Trump. If Trump wins I will work against his every move and try to help the naive and inept Democrats get back on track.
What will you do if Trump loses?
Supporting fundamental change isn’t the same as wanting it “all gone”. For example, Americans who actually have to work for a living pay their taxes up front while people like tRump tell the gov’t how much they should pay. Would it be an improvement if working stiffs paid less and the wealthy paid more? Is that communism? One third of what Americans pay for healthcare is unnecessary spending and not all Americans have access. A healthy workforce not having to fret constantly about their families healthcare is a plus for the economy. Is universal healthcare communism? Are clean air and water communism? You’re not arguing that America is perfect, are you?
What were the problems you expected Mr. Trump to solve? More manufacturing jobs, higher wages, lower taxes for the working class? Were there other expectations?
We disagree but global warming is a problem that we can’t ignore. In addition, income/wealth inequality is also a major problem. Addressing this does NOT mean everyone deserves the same pay! But policies on tax, patent, trade, labor, fiscal, bankruptcy, criminal justice all benefit the wealthy, corporations and the near wealthy.
How does a billionaire pay a lower tax rate than a 3rd grade teacher?
Was America communist under President Eisenhower?
Frankly, I think we should “crack” down on the urban rioters whether they’re antifa, proud boys, 3%ers or BLM. I also think Black Americans suffer systemic racism in the US, and they are treated differently by the police than are whites.
You keep advocating the murder of all you call commies, including me. In your opinion, who is the most dangerous commie in the US – the one you’d like to murder first? (You do realize how unhinged desiring to murder millions of Americans is, right?)
no. This is war and the object of war is kill the enemy.
Kind of like what you’ve said on any number of occasions (talk about unhinged).
That sounds like a hateful act on your part. We DO get it – men like you are increasingly afraid of losing your gains under Mr. Trump. If Trump wins I will work against his every move and try to help the naive and inept Democrats get back on track.
Well, you hate all white people and you hate America. But I notice you’re not so sure Trump will lose.
Very wise of you. He will win, but I notice your little threat (I will work against his every move and try to help the naive and inept Democrats get back on track) hasn’t done much to stop him up until now, so I just classify it as more hot air on your part.
What will you do if Trump loses?
Same thing we did when Zippy stole his election. Keep on keepin’ on and wait until the public gets fed up. Which isn’t long, usually.
Supporting fundamental change isn’t the same as wanting it “all goneâ€. For example, Americans who actually have to work for a living pay their taxes up front while people like Trump tell the gov’t how much they should pay.
Back to your asinine way of spelling Trump. I take it Troll Central has somebody filling in, or maybe they’re juast tired of your ineptitude.
Would it be an improvement if working stiffs paid less and the wealthy paid more? Is that communism? One third of what Americans pay for healthcare is unnecessary spending and not all Americans have access. A healthy workforce not having to fret constantly about their families healthcare is a plus for the economy. Is universal healthcare communism? Are clean air and water communism? You’re not arguing that America is perfect, are you?
In order, yes, yes, yes, and yes.
What were the problems you expected Mr. Trump to solve? More manufacturing jobs, higher wages, lower taxes for the working class? Were there other expectations?
He exceeded our expectations, which is what really galls you. He’s turned back the Overton Window and showed people how to win against your lies.
We disagree but global warming is a problem that we can’t ignore. In addition, income/wealth inequality is also a major problem. Addressing this does NOT mean everyone deserves the same pay! But policies on tax, patent, trade, labor, fiscal, bankruptcy, criminal justice all benefit the wealthy, corporations and the near wealthy.
How does a billionaire pay a lower tax rate than a 3rd grade teacher?
He doesn’t. And I notice a lot of Lefty billionaires are fleeing Gotham, rather than pay more. Those are the people who pay you $15/hr to come here and lie.
Nice little collision with reality, isn’t it?
Was America communist under President Eisenhower?
I know there’s some pathetic little attempt at ideological judo, so I’ll say yes.
Frankly, I think we should “crack†down on the urban rioters whether they’re antifa, proud boys, 3%ers or BLM. I also think Black Americans suffer systemic racism in the US, and they are treated differently by the police than are whites.
So you’re just lying all the way around.
Again you put words in my mouth. I never said “murder commies” I said kill them. When an enemy is trying to take your country you kill them. It’s not murder. But you once again must dial it up to eleven.
Now as much as I’d love to continue, I’m not well today so adieu.