…is a world killing canine, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Powerline, with a post on the local press running interference on voter fraud in Minnesota.
That’s Sarah Fowler from Season 29 of the Amazing Race.

…is a world killing canine, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Powerline, with a post on the local press running interference on voter fraud in Minnesota.
That’s Sarah Fowler from Season 29 of the Amazing Race.
The states with the most rapid increases in Covid-19 cases are N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Wisconsin and Utah.
All red except blue Wisconsin. And again, all Republican governors except WI.
No doubt the Dakotas are peaking because of Sturgis.
If you got out of your basement Elwood and stopped terrifying your voters you would see that yes the virus is serious for SOME. For 99.6 percent or 99.4 percent it is NOT.
It varies from nothing to the sniffles to a bad case of the 24 hour virus that extends for a couple weeks. Notice all the OLD MEN who are politician who have gotten it and I mean around the world and not just in America are all back to work.
Notice how tons of athletes have gotten it and are back on the field playing their RIGOROUS sport. NOT a single one has suffered from it to the point they can’t play. Notice how the Democrats have a single message. Trump’s virus. Terrifying the public into hiding in their basement.
YOU have destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. NYC just held a no vote of confidence against your progressive Mayor on his handling of the school districts. NYC is a ghost town.
The debate last night it became painfully obvious that JOE BIDEN’S strategy is to not have a position on anything and that Chris Wallace should be working for CBS or ABC and not Fox news. His first question came off as TRUMP YOUR A BUFFOON and it is your fault Americans are dying. How do you respond. Trump would not even let him finish the first question before he was in full Trump mode.
Did anyone’s mind change last night. Yes and No. People saw Joe Biden pumped full of drugs. Today we will see Trump on the Campaign trail and Biden will take two days off to recover. People saw Trump being Trump. Not able to finish a sentence before interrupting himself. I think if you have ever watched Einstein speak, he was the same way a mind racing to fast for his mouth to keep up.
Everyone has made up their minds. A couple polling kings were discussing this on twitter the other night. There are no undecideds and the polls are not accurate. But Trump won in 2016 by narrowing his focus to one thing and pounding it over and over again. That is what Biden is doing. Singularly the COVID-19 without laying out any strategy of his own. He refuses to answer a question on what he would do because as he said then it becomes about what he said and we both know Ole Joe cannot remember what he said from day to day let alone policy positions.
Trump’ team needs to find that singular strategy and hammer him non stop like he did HRC and then perhaps a few minds will change. Other than that I agree with the MEDIA. Call off the other two debates for fear Biden Might Drop dead before the next one.
The frustrated Mr Dowd wrote:
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
All of the states the esteemed Mr Dowd mentioned other than Wisconsin are relatively lower population states, states in which just a few additional cases translate to bigger rates of increase. These states had low infection rates with which to begin, so just a few new cases translate to higher rates of increase.
Jeffery, and his current incarnation as Elwood P Dowd, have told us that “they” pay more in taxes than most people make, so I assume that he is wealthy. Economic shutdowns don’t bother him, because he’s already made his money, so advocating economy-restricting measures won’t throw him out of his house, making it oh-so-easy to advocate restrictions on other people.
LOL! St George of Floyd was ‘excused’ by the left for passing counterfeit money because he had lost his menial job due to COVID-19 restrictions, so they ought to realize what the economic restrictions are doing. They won’t admit, of course, that somehow, some way, St George had enough money to but fentanyl and methamphetamines, but maybe the problem was that he couldn’t buy drugs and food at the same time.
Another one of Porter’s pups, aka dana, has joined the mob of trumpists sounding increasingly despondent over their Messiah’s meltdowns. It’s likely that Mr. Trump will lose the election and possibly the Senate. Look on the bright side. President Biden will not slash your Social Security and Medicare, “socialist” programs that conservatives like.
He further admits, even boasts, about not understanding proportions and percentages. We’re used to that from conservatives, who have limited arithmetic skills.
Sparsely populated states should have LOWER infection rates (infections/100,000 residents) but now have the highest rates in the nation.
Not sure how any of this relates to the killing of Mr. Floyd.
Another one of Porter’s pups, aka dana, has joined the mob of Trumpists sounding increasingly despondent over their Messiah’s meltdowns. It’s likely that Mr. Trump will lose the election and possibly the Senate. Look on the bright side. President Biden will not slash your Social Security and Medicare, “socialist†programs that conservatives like.
Meltdowns? Wasn’t Trump whining, “Will you shut up, man?â€. And the Trump side isn’t urging their guy not to have more debates. Yours is.
As for cutting anything, there’s so much fraud in socialism, if you’re that worried about the debt, you should want them cut.
He further admits, even boasts, about not understanding proportions and percentages. We’re used to that from conservatives, who have limited arithmetic skills.
He doesn’t, but then, I’ve never seen him multiply a decimal by 100 to get a percentage the way you do.
Sparsely populated states should have LOWER infection rates (infections/100,000 residents) but now have the highest rates in the nation.You might want to wait for tests that are accurate.
You might want to wait for tests that are accurate before shooting off your mouth.
Not sure how any of this relates to the killing of Mr. Floyd.
Since the riots in his name are wreaking economic disaster on urban blacks, I’d say everything relates to it.
Since most tests for Wu Ping Cough are 90% false positive, it’s all a lie, anyway.
blue Wisconsin? I do recall the Hildabeast never went there and it went for Trump.
Joe Biden was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize today.
Yep. Pretty sure he’ll win ya’ know the “thing”.
Well, of course he was!
He hasn’t actually done anything yet, but the left think he would deserve it for simply not being Donald Trump, just like they gave it to Barack Hussein Obama for not being George Bush.
We get it: most Europeans, most foreigners don’t like President Trump, but, fortunately for the United States and the world at large, foreigners don’t get to vote in our elections; only Americans do.
On the same criteria as Zippy.
Trump’s been nominated for 3 different achievements.
And it’s early yet.