Say, I wonder why Democrats wouldn’t want witnesses for mail in ballots? I can’t think of anything, can you?
Federal judge strikes down change to NC absentee ballot witness requirement
A federal judge on Wednesday warned the State Board of Elections that recent changes to requirements for absentee mail-in voting in North Carolina do not have his approval.
Those changes, outlined in a Sept. 22 memo from the state board to county elections directors and confirmed again Monday in an email from the state board’s attorney to county boards, were represented as being responsive to changes required by U.S. District Judge William Osteen’s ruling in a lawsuit brought by Democracy North Carolina.
Osteen pushed back on that representation Wednesday, however, taking sharp exception to the board’s changes on witness requirements for absentee ballots.
A witness must certify that a specific voter completed an absentee ballot. When the witness information is missing from the ballot envelope, local election officials usually try to contact the voter so he or she can cast a new ballot that meets the requirement. If the problem can’t be rectified, the ballot isn’t counted.
But the state board told county officials voters could simply sign an affidavit attesting that they had mailed the ballot, forgoing the witness requirement altogether.
“Nothing about this court’s preliminary injunction order can or should be construed as finding that the failure of a witness to sign the application and certificate as a witness is a deficiency which may be cured with a certification after the ballot has been returned,” Osteen wrote in his order Wednesday.
Seriously, what could go wrong without a witness?

Expect a lot of this. Trump spent too many years in Gotham and Jersey not to learn how the Demos operate.
Get the Federal bench on his side means a level playing field.
Wah wah.
Judge Osteen is a Republican, appointed by Bush II.
It might not matter. Heh?
Trump and first lady test positive for COVID-19. So does Hope Hicks a White House staffer.
If the left is to be believed these two will be dead in a couple of weeks and the left will be dancing in the streets and making a mockery of their funerals.
As for the bench when will Elwood and the left realize that the Left and the RIGHT are all in bed together. Trump promised to take down their 200 year old gravey train and they have all been rebelling since day one.
George Bush goes back to his daddy who went back to his daddy and you remember the old talking point that people’s daddies were getting rich helping the Nazi’s before WW2. Well that is called the swamp.
Elwood would still rather have his swamp creature in charge then Trump who is about as anti-swamp as they come. I am actually Surprised that there have only been 22 attempts to do President Trump in. I find it hard to believe the left has stood in line like in the movie Airplane waiting for their turn to beat on the Mamma.
If Bush appointed someone you can bet he did so with one point in mind. PROTECT THE SWAMP. AKA Roberts on the Supreme court who now literally sides with the Left on every issue as the right at times get carried away and try to upend the swamp in DC.
The likelihood of a 74 year old dying from Covid infection is about 3%. Trump is male and obese, increasing his risk, but he will receive top-notch medical care not available to all Americans.
He’ll receive the same care any politician, Republican, Democrat/Communist or Independant/communist would receive.
“Every American” isn’t that fukin important like it or not. When you start worrying about the treatment of the most innocent Americans then you have the right to virtue signal about “every America” until then stop trying to be a smug elitist. Your hate for us Plebs belies all you claim to be.
Trump 2020 Lets make’em cry again.
“Most of these adherents of Revolutionary Thought cannot stand the underclasses – they routinely deride them as bigoted, stupid, and with poor moral character.”
For whatever reason it’s libDems who are working to make life better for the working classes. Minimum wages, unemployment insurance, Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, worker safety, clean air, clean water, tax fairness, affordable education, etc.
All the nuCons have to offer is race-baiting and hate.
As usual you lob a dozen individual bullshit lies into one paragraph I have no intention of answering over the next hour or so it would require of my time. But I will point out that the nuCons are not the ones supporting the racist/Marxist BLM, it’s the NeoDemocrat/Communists. It’s not the so called nuCons burning down black run cities, black owned businesses and black homes, it’s the NeoDemocrat/Communists of Antifa and BLM. It’s not the nuCons who want to defund or eliminate the police who are desperately needed in black and minority neighborhoods It’s the NeoDemocrat/Communists. It’s not the nuCons who endorse reparations from people who never owned slave to people who never were slave which incidentally are not “reparations” they are retribution and retribution is never ending, it’s the NeoDemocrat/Communists.
The list goes on but you get the point I’m sure. Every single problem that exists in the black community and the black psyche today has been caused by the NeoDemocrat/Communists ove r the last 60 years, from their constant belief in injustice to their despicable ghetto living conditions. It’s all you guys, not you mysterious and seemingly all powerful nuCons.
Your Party has tortured and murdered blacks when they were your slaves and you’re still doing it now with abortion, drugs, crime, poverty, generational welfare, and by constantly telling them they’re too dumb to get a fukin photo ID. It’s all you, your black baby killing party and the incescent invoking of fake virtue and projection you seen wholly unaware of and unwilling to confront and correct. You can stick that where you can stick your nuCon dribble.
Trump 2020 Because the NeoDemocrat/Communists want to do to America what they’ve done to Detroit,LA, Kenosha, Portland, etc. and we Patriots can’t let that happen.
Trump is going to beat this because most cases aren’t that bad. the body count went up after Demo governors (see where the Ubersturmbannfuhrer’s lockdown was struck down).
For whatever reason it’s libDems who are working to make life better for the working classes. Minimum wages, unemployment insurance, Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, worker safety, clean air, clean water, tax fairness, affordable education, etc.
Free public education (and a Hell of a lot better than what kids get today) goes back to the Colonies.
Unemployment insurance was originally private.
Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid are scams to tax the public.
Tax fairness is no income tax.
All the nuCons have to offer is race-baiting and hate.
No, all we have is a better way.
Just like Zippy.
And the likelihood is more like .3%.
Dr. Thomas Frieden, former head of the CDC and an infectious disease expert said about 3% this AM, which is still pretty good odds for the President.
Dr. Frieden is a better source than jimhoft.
Man/ child,
Now how would you know what is a better source? My data shows a much lower mortality than what you quote. The CDC has been shown to be highly partisan and they need heavy screening. Stick to pill counting, that is your expertise.
david duke,
We see the mortality rate in Louisiana dropped the day you retired. Were you the nurse (LPN) prosecuted for euthanizing Black patients?
Dr. Thomas Frieden is an expert, jimhoft is an extremist. Donald J. Trump is an obese 74 year old male with Metabolic Syndrome. He is higher risk.
Your data? That’s a laugh.
Dr. Frieden is a better source than jimhoft.
Not if he’s CDC. Trump’s risk isn’t that high because he’s not in a nursing home where some Democrat governor will dump a pile of sickies on him.And the Hoft organization is usually right.
That’s why you hate them.
President Trump is on his way to Walter Reed Army hospital because of his Covid symptoms.
david duke,
We see the mortality rate in Louisiana dropped the day you retired. Were you the nurse (LPN) prosecuted for euthanizing Black patients?
Dr. Thomas Frieden is an expert, jimhoft is an extremist. Donald J. Trump is an obese 74 year old male with Metabolic Syndrome. He is higher risk.
Your data? That’s a laugh.
We see the mortality rate in Louisiana dropped the day you retired. Were you the nurse (LPN) prosecuted for euthanizing Black patients?
Jeffery never did anything on his own, so he has to belittle those who did.
Activism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole.
Dr. Thomas Frieden is an expert, jimhoft is an extremist. Donald J. Trump is an obese 74 year old male with Metabolic Syndrome. He is higher risk.
If Frieden says Trump is obese, he’s a liar.
Your data? That’s a laugh.
Your data is a laugh. His is real.
BTW Elwood, you convinced me to wear a mask when I go out simply because with emphysema, COPD and now pleurisy and pneumonia I’m pressing my luck. I really don’t go out that much now but I bought a mask. You win and thanks for your concern.
Better safe than sorry. Best wishes.
Not if the “safe” is a lie. Those masks protect against nothing.
Just another Lefty scam.
Those masks protect against nothing.
That’s simply (and dangerously) untrue.
No, it is true.
The only thing that will stop a virus is a hazmat mask. I’ve seen people with bandannas. You’re going to tell people that’s a protection?
And 6 ft social distancing is a joke.
Jeffery keeps repeating himself.
I guess he’s so in love with Gropin’ Joe, he’s even having senior moments.
President Trump is on his way to Walter Reed Army hospital because of his Covid symptoms.
If, in fact, he really has it. He may just decide to milk this thing for a bit and then declare he’s beaten it and order all the lockdowns lifted.
That would drive you nuts, wouldn’t it?
It certainly wouldn’t be surprising to learn that Trump and his gang members are lying for an electoral advantage. After all, he’s a desperate man.
It will be interesting what Regeneron says about the report from the White Supremacy House that Trump was administered Regeneron’s experimental monoclonal cocktail under an FDA “compassionate use” allowance. Of course, not every American could access this experimental drug.
He can order to end all he wants, but the states don’t have to obey him.
It certainly wouldn’t be surprising to learn that Trump and his gang members are lying for an electoral advantage. After all, he’s a desperate man.
Hardly desperate. Gropin’ Joe never won anything outside DE. But, yeah, it’s the kind of thing Demos do all the time.
It will be interesting what Regeneron says about the report from the White Supremacy House that Trump was administered Regeneron’s experimental monoclonal cocktail under an FDA “compassionate use†allowance. Of course, not every American could access this experimental drug.
That’s why it’s experimental. Trump is taking a risk using it, but it was his idea.
You don’t want us to believe Zippy would risk his life, do you?
He can order to end all he wants, but the states don’t have to obey him.</i.
Wanna bet? Federal funding makes a lot of Demo governors very popular.
Be a shame if it went away.
Trump is taking a risk using it, but it was his idea
You have no idea if it was Trump’s idea or not, but the risk is low.
Why, you ask? The Regeneron cocktail is in Phase 3 clinical trials meaning it has been tested in humans in Phase 1 and 2 trials. The risk to Trump is low, approaching zero.
Trump risked his life when he decided to make public health a campaign issue.
You have no idea if it was Trump’s idea or not, but the risk is low.
That’s what Fake News said. And this is a Plague that’s killed over 200,000 people, according to you; most of them seniors.
Unless you’ve been lying to us, the risk would appear to be very real. Of course, he won’t be in a nursing home in a Demo-run state.
Why, you ask? The Regeneron cocktail is in Phase 3 clinical trials meaning it has been tested in humans in Phase 1 and 2 trials. The risk to Trump is low, approaching zero.
Still experimental, or has it been approved by the FDA yet?
Trump risked his life when he decided to make public health a campaign issue.
Hardly. Considering all the people like you out there, he risks his life going out in public.
The risk of taking the Regeneron monoclonal is very low.
The risk he took by not wearing a mask, not having others wear a mask and by not physical distancing is a much greater danger to him (and others).
According to you there is little risk since on 200 or so Americans have died out of some 30 million infected.
The risk of taking the Regeneron monoclonal is very low.
I don’t notice any of the Demos pushing it.
The risk he took by not wearing a mask, not having others wear a mask and by not physical distancing is a much greater danger to him (and others).
A piece or (4) of paper will not stop a virus. Spray from a cough travels 13 ft, not 6.
The risk is trying to lock everybody down.
BTW See where the MI Court has declared the Ubersturmbannfuhrer’s lockdown? Watch for more states to do the same.
According to you there is little risk since on 200 or so Americans have died out of some 30 million infected.
You’re saying 10% of the country? Get real. Even the CDC doesn’t think it’s that bad.
But, just for funsies, 10% of 300 mil (90% false positives) is 30 mil. 1/5 of 1% of 30 mil is 750 out of 3 mil.
Actually, total cases is supposed to be 7.2 mil. 10% is 720,000. 1% is 7200. 1/5 of that is just under 1440.
Non sequitur. Masks do stop droplets. If you read the Lancet instead of the hoffrau, you’d know that 10% is reasonable. No, there is not a 90% false positive rate.
If none of it is true, why was Trump choppered to the hospital?
Will you shut up, man!
Non sequitur. Masks do stop droplets. If you read the Lancet instead of the hoffrau, you’d know that 10% is reasonable. No, there is not a 90% false positive rate.
Yes, there is. And you’re telling us you read Lancet?
If none of it is true, why was Trump choppered to the hospital?
President of the United States?
Will you shut up, man!
Yeah, telling the truth gets in the way of all your lies.
Head of the RNC is positive. Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien is positive and his former manager, Parscale, went nutz. Of his 2016 team, Kellyanne is positive and Manafort in jail.
Positive for what, a cold? According to you, everybody with Winnie The Flu dies from it
Parscale probably had a break because of the propblems with Tulsa..
According to you, everybody with Winnie The Flu dies from it
There have been 34,666,560 confirmed cases worldwide, with 1,029,394 deaths. In the US there are over 7 million confirmed cases and about 210,000 deaths. Clearly, not “everybody with (Covid-19) dies from it”.
The number of cases is vastly underreported. A recent report in The Lancet found about 10% of randomly tested Americans had Covid antibodies. This has two implications: The confirmed cases reported are vastly underestimated and we are not close to achieving natural “herd immunity”.
I know 4 people who tested positive, 2 were hospitalized, all recovered fully.
There have been 34,666,560 confirmed cases worldwide, with 1,029,394 deaths. In the US there are over 7 million confirmed cases and about 210,000 deaths. Clearly, not “everybody with (Covid-19) dies from itâ€.
You were the one who said there were 30 million cases last night. Gropin’ Joe said 120 million had died from it.
The number of cases is vastly underreported. A recent report in The Lancet found about 10% of randomly tested Americans had Covid antibodies. This has two implications: The confirmed cases reported are vastly underestimated and we are not close to achieving natural “herd immunityâ€.
Given 90% of the positive tests arev false, what Lancet says and what is true may well be light years apart.
I know 4 people who tested positive, 2 were hospitalized, all recovered fully.
I’m surprised you don’t know anybody who died. You seem to seek them out.
Given 90% of the positive tests arev (sic) false…
There is not true.
Man/ child,
Prove it.
But the fact is that an unacceptable number of COVID test are false, one way or another. Then there is the fact that hospital administrators have exceptional pressure on doctors to label most illness as associated with the COVID. The combination of a corrupt CDC and WHO have made this disease impossible to adequately track or even treat. Add to that the politicization by the Dems and the whole thing is impossible. In that respect, I never imagined that the Democrats/ liberals/ communist would be so low as to withhold key drugs and destroy the lives and wealth of their citizens with lockdowns and other forms of harassment. Maybe you can answer why the Dems think that promoting riots and using a virus to destroy their communities helps them obtain power.
Boy scientist,
You want me to prove that 90% of the positive Covid-19 test results AREN’T false? Is that what they teach at LSU?
So there’s a 90% chance that President Trump DOESN’T have Covid-19?
What key drugs have been withheld? Hydroxychloroquine? It can still be administered as you well know. Why didn’t President Trump’s doctors give it to him, if it’s so effective?
Like most Americans, we are sorry that Mr. Trump is so lousy at being President. As I said repeatedly, he’d be OK as a caretaker if no crisis evolved, but his incompetence made the pandemic worse. The US handled it worse than nearly any other nation. The rich continue to get richer, the poor are getting much, much poorer – just the way Republicans designed it.
We’re sorry that Trump was challenged with a pandemic. We’re sorry he tried to extort electoral help out of Ukraine. We’re sorry his overtures to North Korea failed. We’re sorry the economy has crashed and it will cost trillions to fix. We’re sorry that Trump and his followers have nearly crushed the spirit of America.
You and Trump’s only concern is that he won’t be re-elected – there’s no concern for the mass of men, women and children that are America – you worry that abortion won’t be banned, that the poor won’t be punished, and that white, Christian men won’t be exalted.
You have proof, I hope.
Given 90% of the positive tests arev (sic) false…
No evidence to support this false claim?
The Lancet study looked at plasma antibodies against Covid, not the Covid virus itself. Most people (not all) infected with Covid-19 generate antibodies against the virus itself. The presence of these antibodies indicate the individual had been infected with Covid-19 (or vaccinated against the virus).
If most people infected with Democrat-Wet-Dream-Flu generate antibodies against the virus itself, why is the death toll so high?
It even causes gunshot wounds and car crashes.
What Lancet says proves nothing about the inefficacy of the tests.
Why is any infectious disease ever deadly?
I may have confused you. The Lancet article addressed the likely underestimation of the total number of Covid infections and that “herd immunity” is not reasonable.
It’s your responsibility to support your argument that 90% of the reported positive virus tests are false.
Man/ child,
You really should know more before commenting.
We have a Democrat governor, and like in most states with Democrat leadership he banned hydroxy. Then, you don’t have a clue as to Trumps treatment. Then you quote a study, one study, out of Lancet. They are not a credited medical journal after their disgusting jump into politics. As to your assessment of Trumps performance, I am still laughing, you really should control your hate.
Elwood , here are the CDC tables. You know, have heard on TV, seen in the news and the internet the difference between dying WITH Red chinese Wuhan Cuomo Flu and dying OF it. You refuse the accept the Science and the evidence. Therefore, further discussion of the Science you deny and the statistics and facts you ignore is of no value. It’s one of those situations where there is not enough proof in the world to make you see that because someone tests positive for The Red Chinese Wuhan Cuomo Flu and dies of a heart attack he’s not a flu statistic.
Just like there is no convincing you scared, panic filled leftists everywhere that a thin paper or clothe mask only stops mucus and airborne blood or other bodily fluids BUT NOT A MICROBE SIZED VIRUS. Doctors know it and have stated it but have been over ruled by the media and their “experts”.
Wehat we have here Elwood, is the same voo-doo science we get with man made global warming. There is peobibly some truth in the numbers but since with the radical left EVERYTHING is politics the last horse out of the gat is always TRUTH.
So frankly, we don’t believe a fuking word that comes out of your collective (pun intended) mouths because all you do is lie. You spent four years lying about Trump and you still won’t stop. So quite honestly, read the charts, look at the CDC information and believe or not, it makes no difference.
Trump 2020 The People’s President, not the oligarchs.
The last time Biden was in office:
If President Trump dies in the next few weeks, will he have died of Covid-19 or with Covid-19? If you contract Covid-19 and die in a few weeks is it of Covid-19 or with Covid-19? Almost everyone has pre-existing co-morbidities. The fact is there are some 200,000 Americans who likely would not have died except for Covid-19.
It’s a fact that masks reduce the spread of the virus. While it’s true that at 100 nm viruses are only about 1/10 the size of a bacterium, yet they are contained in larger droplets of saliva and sputum that is spewed out by breathing, talking, shouting, sneezing and debating. Why do you think the first few rows of unmasked Republicans at the Judge Barrett unveiling were infected? How the unmasked debate preppers were infected?
If you still are open to the concept that masks reduce spread read the following, if not burn your mask and take your chances.
If President Trump dies in the next few weeks, will he have died of Covid-19 or with Covid-19? If you contract Covid-19 and die in a few weeks is it of Covid-19 or with Covid-19? Almost everyone has pre-existing co-morbidities. The fact is there are some 200,000 Americans who likely would not have died except for Covid-19.
Not what the real doctors say.
It’s a fact that masks reduce the spread of the virus. While it’s true that at 100 nm viruses are only about 1/10 the size of a bacterium, yet they are contained in larger droplets of saliva and sputum that is spewed out by breathing, talking, shouting, sneezing and debating. Why do you think the first few rows of unmasked Republicans at the Judge Barrett unveiling were infected? How the unmasked debate preppers were infected?
Actually, they’re about 1/50 the size, so you’re wrong right from the start.
If you still are open to the concept that masks reduce spread read the following, if not burn your mask and take your chances.
I don’t wear masks unless forced and I’m doing just dandy.
Coronaviruses are highly variable and generally have an average diameter of 120 nm. Extreme sizes are known from 50 to 200 nm in diameter. The Covid-19 coronavirus averages about 100 nm.
Bacteria are variable in size. The common E. coli are rod-shaped and measure about 2.0 μm long and 0.2-1.0 μm in diameter. 1.0 μm is commonly used as the average size of a bacterium.
1000 nm/ 100 nm = virus 10 times smaller than bacteria.
Right-wing faux scientists love to use “sciency” terms to back their tales. Using the size of viruses to invalidate the effectiveness of masks is just such a tactic. Studies show that Covid-19 is transmitted in air suspended as liquid droplets and mist which ARE filtered by most masks. Real world experience shows that masks are effective. Wear them, please.
Please stop lying to readers.
Coronaviruses are highly variable and generally have an average diameter of 120 nm. Extreme sizes are known from 50 to 200 nm in diameter. The Covid-19 coronavirus averages about 100 nm.
Bacteria are variable in size. The common E. coli are rod-shaped and measure about 2.0 μm long and 0.2-1.0 μm in diameter. 1.0 μm is commonly used as the average size of a bacterium.
1000 nm/ 100 nm = virus 10 times smaller than bacteria.
More of your consensus science? More of your multiply by 100 percentages?
Let’s see a source.
Right-wing faux scientists love to use “sciency†terms to back their tales. Using the size of viruses to invalidate the effectiveness of masks is just such a tactic. Studies show that Covid-19 is transmitted in air suspended as liquid droplets and mist which ARE filtered by most masks. Real world experience shows that masks are effective. Wear them, please.
Please stop lying to readers.
Accuse them of what we do.
“If Trump dies in the next few weeks, will he have died of covid 19 or with covid 19?” We don’t know. If he died in a car crash, with. If he died of a heart attack, with. If all he had was Red Chinese Cuomo Flu then I guess the flu. You know as well as we do people die of all kinds of shit in hospitals. We also know it’s up to the doctors to declare the cause. If there is a remote benefit that the hospital or doctors will get large monetary govm’nt money for one cause of death over another which do you think they will call 90% of the time?
You seem to enjoy saying Trump is “morbidly obese” when the guy has a gut. Nadler is morbidly obese. Stop dialing it up to eleven on every issue. The point is if Trump dies is it from morbid obesity aggravated by RCC Flu or from just the flu?
We all know because we have all seen, read and been exposed to information stating that medical and governmental agencies have been blaming covid related,covid aggravated or just plain “died with covid” deaths completely on covid for many reasons from laziness to money benefits to politics. That’s a fact, Jack. So now the pool of covid facts and figures is so polluted you can pull a number out of your ass just like we can and find some clown somewhere who over the last 10 months stated that was true.
How many times did Fauci or the CDC or some “expert” declare masks were not really beneficial? I personally read a few articles where an “expert” proclaimed masks were downright deadly because they held in bacteria.
Elwood, I don’t put it all on your side but even you gotta admit it was the left that first started politicizing science with denying the fetus was human followed by man made global warming. So now here we are where people interpret science by which side of the political spectrum they’re on.
If we’re gonna politicize everything then don’t call “Science” when others follow your lead.
Even though you know four people with RCC Flu, I still know none. It’s been 10 months and not one person I know has even gotten one case. I OTOH, spent last Tues. at Abington Hospital being CT’d and X-rayed because I came down with pleurisy and pneumonia. I also checked myself out post haste because I refused to be in the toxic environment with my lung disease.
When arbitrary rules like “You can shop at Walmart but not go to church” start showing up we realize there is an aboriginal in the fuel supply because that ain’t science. When in one state you can’t open your restaurant, in another you can but only at 50% capacity and in a third only with 25% capacity and only with screens between guests, something is wrong with the science.
If Democrats actually had cared they would have rallied around Trump and directed the people to follow the daily CDC suggestions (which BTW changed daily), told everyone to remain calm, quarantine the elderly and keep everything else open. But political greed overwhelmed them and they saw the opportunity to ruin the bustling economy trump had built up just before an election.
That’s why according to your “statistics” there are over 200,000 Americans dead from ONLY Covid-19 and no other scientific reason.
Trump 2020 He’s the only leader running.
**U.S.—The party that wants to take over and manage your healthcare cheered today as their political arch nemesis, President Donald Trump, contracted COVID, hoping and praying to their godless universe that he would die.
Leftists who want to manage your healthcare for your own good also think it is a good thing when their political opponents fall ill, and they’re especially excited when they die. From Trump’s brother Robert to Herman Cain, whenever someone with the wrong beliefs dies, they are ecstatic.
“We hope Trump dies of this disease. Oh, and also, we’d like to take over your healthcare,” said one man outside the White House holding a “DIE, TRUMP, DIE!” sign. “Don’t worry — it will be totally fine. We will be completely unbiased and will not prioritize healthcare for our political allies. You will have nothing to worry about, as long as you believe the correct things.”
** The politics of Science by the Babylon Bee.
“We hope Trump dies of this disease. Oh, and also, we’d like to take over your healthcare,†said one man outside the White House holding a “DIE, TRUMP, DIE!†sign. “Don’t worry — it will be totally fine. We will be completely unbiased and will not prioritize healthcare for our political allies. You will have nothing to worry about, as long as you believe the correct things.â€
Kye, you DO KNOW the Babylon Bee is a satire site, right?
The Babylon Bee is similar in style to The Onion, taking on the tone and format of a traditional news publication. It describes itself as “the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.”
Howsabout these stories: Amy Coney Barrett Holds Press Conference In Handmaid’s Tale Costume Just To Mess With Liberals
Archaeologists Discover Blue Confetti From Mary And Joseph’s Gender Reveal Party
Beto Unveils Plan To Replace All Cars With Skateboards By 2030
Funny? Yes! True? Not.
And puh-leez, spare us your hypocrisy. The ghoulish GOPhers who cheered the deaths of Senator McCain and Justice Ginsburg, want others to be respectful of the plight of the cruel and hateful Mr. and Mrs. Trump and their cadre of fools and science deniers.
Finally, no one is claiming that over 200,000 have died from ONLY Covid-19. On its own, Covid-19 compromises lung function (Trump received supplemental oxygen therapy to increase his arterial O2 saturation), cardiovascular and renal systems. The drop in oxygen saturation and dyspnea are two critical indicators of the severity of disease and likely prompted rushing Trump to Walter Reed.
30,000 Americans, including the President, are currently hospitalized for Covid-19.
Mr. Trump is fortunate to have access to top-notch socialized medicine! If a typical 74 yr old, overweight male with Trump’s history and symptoms had waited for days before going to a hospital he would be on a ventilator today. Just think if ALL Americans had this kind of treatment available!!
Kye, you DO KNOW the Babylon Bee is a satire site, right?
you do know every time something happens to a Conservative, all the Lefty sites have to shut down their comment boards to keep the world from knowing what ghouls their patrons are.
Hell, Dorsey had to censor the Lefties.
Howsabout these stories: Amy Coney Barrett Holds Press Conference In Handmaid’s Tale Costume Just To Mess With Liberals
Archaeologists Discover Blue Confetti From Mary And Joseph’s Gender Reveal Party
Beto Unveils Plan To Replace All Cars With Skateboards By 2030
Funny? Yes! True? Not.
Beside the point, yes. Ducking the issue, yes.
And puh-leez, spare us your hypocrisy. The ghoulish GOPhers who cheered the deaths of Senator McCain and Justice Ginsburg, want others to be respectful of the plight of the cruel and hateful Mr. and Mrs. Trump and their cadre of fools and science deniers.
You can show us the thousands upon thousands of Conservatives that did so.
Finally, no one is claiming that over 200,000 have died from ONLY Covid-19. On its own, Covid-19 compromises lung function (Trump received supplemental oxygen therapy to increase his arterial O2 saturation), cardiovascular and renal systems. The drop in oxygen saturation and dyspnea are two critical indicators of the severity of disease and likely prompted rushing Trump to Walter Reed.
Paramedics always give O2.
30,000 Americans, including the President, are currently hospitalized for Covid-19.
They are? Again, source?
Mr. Trump is fortunate to have access to top-notch socialized medicine! If a typical 74 yr old, overweight male with Trump’s history and symptoms had waited for days before going to a hospital he would be on a ventilator today. Just think if ALL Americans had this kind of treatment available!!
Just think if Trump was in NY. He’d be put in a room with all kinds of sickies and left to die.
That’s your socialized medicine.
You can show us the thousands upon thousands of Conservatives that did so.
Sorry Charly, it’s up to you to prove they didn’t.
Yes Elwood, I do realize the Babylon Bee is satire. I meant it as satire. Did you get it as satire or did you assume because I’m a white Christian man I’m too fukin stupid to know that?
Further, Trump has access to top-notch MEDICINE nothing socialized about it. In fact it’s the pseudo-capitalistic system which pays for it by providing it as a perk for public office. Stop acting childish. You know this shit and are just screaming “squirrel”.
All Americans cannot have access to that kind of treatment, there are simply not that many resources available nor could there be. Do all Red Chinese? Do all Swedes? Cubans? Japanese? These countries are not only socialized but FREE. ALL of any group can’t have access to the best of everything, it’s called scarcity of resources and no matter how hard a leftist lies or cries it can’t happen. You know that so lower the dial back down to reality.
Also, I don’t need a lecture on lung disease which is what Red Chinese Cuomo Flu is. Trust me I know my numbers continuously.
Where do you get the 30,000 number of Americans right now hospitalized with Wuhan? I’d like to see that and I can’t find it even at CDC website.
Trump 2020 He can beat the flu and Biden too!
Of course Trump is taking advantage of socialized medicine. He doesn’t pay for his care, the taxpayers do. The doctors at Walter Reed are government employees and Mr. Trump is their boss!
Not to get too personal, but do you pay for your medical care out of pocket or is much of it picked up by Medicare? With your high-income you probably pay the high-income penalty for Part B, right?
Insurance is by its very nature socialism. Everyone pays in and the premiums (and returns from invested premiums!) are used to pay for those in the pool who experience a catastrophe. Cancer treatments (chemo, immunooncology, radiation, surgeries) are often long term and very expensive, and obviously unaffordable for most Americans without the socializing impact of insurance.
Sorry, I was blabbin so much I forgot the article with the CDC link I was referring to:
You want me to prove that 90% of the positive Covid-19 test results AREN’T false? Is that what they teach at LSU?
You said it’s not true.
Prove it.
So there’s a 90% chance that President Trump DOESN’T have Covid-19?
What key drugs have been withheld? Hydroxychloroquine? It can still be administered as you well know. Why didn’t President Trump’s doctors give it to him, if it’s so effective?
He’s been tasking it all along. It’s been effective for a lot of people, but nothing is bulletproof. Again, this could be a false positive.
Like most Americans, we are sorry that Mr. Trump is so lousy at being President. As I said repeatedly, he’d be OK as a caretaker if no crisis evolved, but his incompetence made the pandemic worse. The US handled it worse than nearly any other nation. The rich continue to get richer, the poor are getting much, much poorer – just the way Republicans designed it.
More like the Demos. They love poverty. That’s why Zippy was such a lousy Preezy and America found a guy so much better at it.
And it was the Democrats, especially the ones in WA, NJ, NY, PA, and MI who made it worse, but you know that.
We’re sorry that Trump was challenged with a pandemic. We’re sorry he tried to extort electoral help out of Ukraine. We’re sorry his overtures to North Korea failed. We’re sorry the economy has crashed and it will cost trillions to fix. We’re sorry that Trump and his followers have nearly crushed the spirit of America.
He failed with the Norks? They haven’t launched any missiles in years.
Crashing the economy was your doing, and Trump was the guy who brought it back.
A second time. And, no, it will not cost trillions to fix. Pelosi Galore wants to throw trillions at it, but Cocaine Mitch won’t let her have her way.
And your side’s been trying to crush the American spirit for 65 years, but kids like Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse prove you failed
You and Trump’s only concern is that he won’t be re-elected – there’s no concern for the mass of men, women and children that are America – you worry that abortion won’t be banned, that the poor won’t be punished, and that white, Christian men won’t be exalted.
You and Trump’s only concern is that he won’t be re-elected – there’s no concern for the mass of men, women and children that are America – you worry that abortion won’t be banned, that the poor won’t be punished, and that white, Christian men won’t be exalted.
Tell it to all the urban blacks your riots have ruined. They’ll all be voting for Trump in a month.
That’s why Zippy was such a lousy Preezy and America found a guy so much better at it.
LOL. President Obama would still be President Obama if the Constitution allowed it. Over 60% of Americans still prefer a Black “Kenyan” to an lyin’ Orange “billionaire” (Stumpy, according to Stormy, who should know) that pays less in taxes than a 7/11 clerk, and that pays sex trade lovers to keep quiet.
What is your plan? Stumpy will go down in flames in Nov, and his Eurotrash stripper wife will go with him. The Senate will be in Dem hands too. What is your plan?
“You and Trump’s only concern is that he won’t be re-elected – there’s no concern for the mass of men, women and children that are America – you worry that abortion won’t be banned, that the poor won’t be punished, and that white, Christian men won’t be exalted.”
Elwood, do you get this crap emailed in in the AM from “” every day or are you just pullin it out of your ass?
Right now as far as politics is concerned why wouldn’t Trump and his supporters main concern ber his reelection? Not “only” concern as you so dial it to eleven as usual. Why is our concern for victory a sin but yours and Biden’s some sort of right?
Why would you say we have “no concern for the mass of men women and children who are America?Are we the ones burning down their businesses, no you are. Are we the ones closing their businesses and throwing them out on the streets? No you are. Are we the ones rioting, burning the cities, tearing down our statuses and beating and killing citizens and cops? No, you are. Are we the ones murdering 300,000 minority babies every single fukin year with no pity or concern? No, you are. Are we the ones who have held blacks down since slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and the ghettoizing of them generationally? No, you are.
The only people who want to see the poor “punished” are the ones who hold them down with hand outs and the soft racism of dependence. We want to give them a hand UP, not OUT but you view that as racist. You are so full of hate for white, Christian men for the reason we created the best society and culture in history it blinds your ability to say any good things about your own people, country, race and only dwell on every error ever made. But only by America.
You hate that America is a white nation but it’s all okay with you that Somalia is a black nation, Saudi Arabia a mooslem nation, China a Mongolian nation or South America Hispanic nations. It’s only the West and specifically you leftists think should be “diverse”. Why is that? Because we’re better than the others and it kills you to admit it.
Trump 2020 Because America is still the Best!
Look, but not for the weak of mind, Elwood.
Why is any infectious disease ever deadly?
I may have confused you. The Lancet article addressed the likely underestimation of the total number of Covid infections and that “herd immunity†is not reasonable.
It’s your responsibility to support your argument that 90% of the reported positive virus tests are false.
Nope. You made the claim I was wrong.
Back it up or shut up.
You and Boy Scientist must have attended the same school. You claimed that 90% of Covid tests are false positives.
This is where you would supply evidence to support your outrageous claim. Otherwise, shut up.
No, you said we were wrong.
Produce your evidence. Even Fake News concedes the usefulness of the tests is abysmal.
Your claim is untrue.
Put up your evidence or shut up.
Anderson Cooper of CNN fame had a guest on the other night that stunned Cooper to silence.
He said the USA is headed for Civil War after the election no matter who wins.
This is a result of Critical Race Theory and Cancel Culture, Woke Walking through life all brought to you proudly by the Communist Chinese Party.
Now when we elect Biden the left who controls and owns the poor WHITE man will allow China to have free Reign in the USA again so that the communist take over is complete. The right will take to the street by the millions. The left will counter. The violence will begin.
If Trump wins, America is a racist nation seen in the eyes of every nation because every country is infiltrated by China in a BIGGLY way. Hell Germany wont stop sucking Chinese Dik because Volkswagen is now basically owned by China and it accounts for something like 10 percent of the GDP of Germany.
The left will take to the streets in violent protests, the right will throw down what they are holding and go out to meet them and its on.
Anderson Cooper was like do you really believe that?
This renown LEFTIST Journalist for the NYT’s was like, its already here. Stock up people. Trucks will no longer be bringing you food and medicine after around Dec. 1st when the extent of the (Insert Democrat or Republican at this point) attempt to steal this election is fully discovered
Sorry Charly, it’s up to you to prove they didn’t.
you made the charge.
And it’s Charley.