Hey, remember when they told us the Internet would die without Obama’s Net Neutrality (which was really more about a government soft-takeover of the Internet by making it a public utility)?
FCC chairman stands by net neutrality repeal after appeals court ruling
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai said on Monday he stands by the agency’s repeal of landmark net neutrality rules and circulated a proposal to address three issues raised by a U.S. appeals court.
A federal appeals court in October 2019 largely upheld the FCC’s December 2017 net neutrality repeal, but directed the agency to reconsider the order’s impact on public safety, regulations on attachments to utility poles and the agency’s ability to provide subsidies for broadband service.
An FCC spokesman confirmed that Pai’s order is not proposing any policy changes to address the issues raised by the appeals court.
The FCC under President Donald Trump voted 3-2 to toss out Obama-era rules prohibiting internet service providers from blocking or throttling traffic, or offering paid fast lanes.
Pai said Monday that the “internet has remained free and open. And it’s stronger than ever.” (snip)
The net neutrality repeal was applauded by internet service providers (ISPs), as it gave them sweeping powers to recast how Americans use the internet, as long as they disclose changes. The new rules took effect in June 2018, but ISPs have not changed how users access the internet.
Everything seems to be fine, eh?

It leaves the internet in the hands of the FTC… Removes the crazy claim that the FCC has governing interest in the internet… and that’s good. The less government, the better.