So, yeah, Trump came “home” to the White House yesterday, and took his mask off, resulting in apoplexy from those who have zero idea about the mask mandates
Trump, still infectious, back at White House — without mask
President Donald Trump staged a dramatic return to the White House after leaving the military hospital where he was receiving an unprecedented level of care for COVID-19. He immediately ignited a new controversy by declaring that despite his illness the nation should not fear the virus that has killed more than 210,000 Americans — and then he entered the White House without a protective mask.
Trump’s message alarmed infectious disease experts and suggested the president’s own illness had not caused him to rethink his often-cavalier attitude toward the disease, which has also infected the first lady and several White House aides, including new cases revealed Monday.
Landing Monday night at the White House on Marine One, Trump gingerly climbed the South Portico steps, removed his mask and declared, “I feel good.†He gave a double thumbs-up to the departing helicopter from the portico terrace, where aides had arranged American flags for the sunset occasion. He entered the White House, where aides were visible milling about the Blue Room, without wearing a face covering.
This is another occasion where the media proves why they are untrusted and considered utterly biased. This is an AP article that reads more like opinion. Regardless, here’s Sleepy Joe Biden
Joe Biden slams ‘macho’ refusal to wear masks as Donald Trump rips his off
Former Vice President Joe Biden called out President Donald Trump’s family for opting to take off their masks at last week’s presidential debate in Cleveland – while blasting a ‘macho’ attitude that avoids mask wearing.
Biden spoke Monday night just minutes after Trump left Walter Reed medical facility to reenter the White House – taking off his own mask to be photographed and then reentering the White House.(snip)
Biden said he himself ‘would communicate the right lesson to the American people’ and said emphatically that ‘masks matter.’ (snip)
Asked about Trump’s dramatic arrival, Biden said: ‘I would hope that the president having gone through what he went through, and I’m glad he seems to be coming along pretty well, would communicate the right lesson to the American people,’ the former vice president said.
‘Masks matter. These masks, they matter. It matters. It saves lives. It prevents the spread of the disease.’
It’s a good thing Joe was wearing a mask while on stage with Lester Holt at the NBC informercial, right?
@JoeBiden should get his people to use that new fangled world wide web, he'd learn that 33 states, DC, and Puerto Rico have mask mandates, most are all the same. (Joe's not wearing a mask)
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) October 6, 2020
No masks. Huh. Joe further said “Biden said he would encourage governors and mayors to establish mask mandates. Health officials largely agree that wearing any kind of face mask, coupled with social distancing and frequent hand-washing, is more protective than going unmasked.” Again, 33 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico have them. And they’ve been in place for months. Late May at a minimum. Let’s look at D.C.’s, which is relevant (but, doesn’t necessarily apply to federal buildings)
Except as specified in Section IV of this Order:
1. Persons leaving their residences shall wear a mask when they are likely to come into contact with another person, such as being within six feet of another person for more than a fleeting time; and
2. Persons who are operating or a passenger in a taxi or a vehicle that is part of a Transportation Network Company, or who are a passenger on or operator of any form of public transit in the District, including a bus, subway, streetcar, shuttle bus or van, or school bus, must wear a mask at all such times.
1. Wearing a mask is not required when:
2. The enforcement provisions of this Order shall not be applied to persons in the judicial or legislative branches of the District government while those persons are on duty; and shall not apply to any employees of the federal government while they are on duty.
So, really, Trump doesn’t need to wear one, unless D.C. considers the White House to be a business (but, still doesn’t apply to the federal government). And he came out on the balcony, and is not within 6 feet of anyone. Has anyone explained to Sleepy Joe these rules, which have been in effect for months?

Trump Takes Off Mask At Home, Biden And Media Freak Out
Most “homes” don’t have 100s of assistants, associates and staffers who leave for their own homes every day with the potential to spread the virus further. Their families may not have access to medivac choppers, dozens of specialists and every experimental drug available. Most “homes” don’t have a “boss” shedding the Covid-19 virus with every breath, with every cough, with every utterance.
The ashen and dyspneic Trump made a show of removing his mask before entering our White House.
Since Covid-19 is nothing to worry about, that is, a hoax with only a few hundred deaths in the US, and with at least 90% of the reported “cases” fake, it’s likely that the Orange Messiah had a common cold which cost taxpayers as much as the entire Mueller investigation.
You party’s last attempt at coup has failed like all the rest. The attempted assassination of President Donald J. Trump, his wife and family and the top tier of White House and Republican staff has failed and now Elwood’s thrashes about in rage. Donald didn’t die and Elwood’s pissed!
You guys got the old Chinese Commie Flu into the White House, past all those “100s of assistants, associates and staffers” who are checked at least 6 times per day and as they are leaving also you bloated fool and yet The Donald emerged victorious, as usual. You guys are all fuk-ups that’s why you’re losing and scared shitless.
When President Trump valiantly and ferociously ripped that stupid cloth mask from his face on the White House steps he was figuratively Freeing Americans from the Boot of Oppression jammed on our necks by commie propagandists and their Nazi enforcers in the Democommie Party. If Harris wins get used to the hot uniforms by Hugo Black and the “official” salutes.
While Stupid Joe “the rapist” hid under the lid in his basement masturbating to young Haitian girls dancing The Leader of the Free World was actually LEADING. Don’t be afraid and scared to death like your leaders Elwood. Cast off that phony-baloney mask and walk free. You are after all a child of the universe and your socialist healthcare paid for by taxpayers will bestow upon you all the wonders of modern medicine.
Trump 2020 Because REAL leaders lead from the front whatever the risk.
From Allentown, Pennsylvania:
Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin on Monday announced charges against an election judge in Allentown’s third ward who was accused of tampering with ballots during the Democratic primary race for state representative between Enid Santiago and Peter Schweyer.
Everett “Erika†Bickford was charged with two election code violations, insertion and alteration of entries in documents and prying into ballots, both misdemeanors.
Mail in votes are fraud votes. Period.
I forget which Democrat tyrant came up with the idea, but I take it you want also anybody who’s asymptomatic put in a concentration camp.
The ashen and dyspneic Trump made a show of removing his mask before entering our White House.
Hardly ashen, but it’s the White House, not ours. No People’s anything in this country.
Since Covid-19 is nothing to worry about, that is, a hoax with only a few hundred deaths in the US, and with at least 90% of the reported “cases†fake, it’s likely that the Orange Messiah had a common cold which cost taxpayers as much as the entire Mueller investigation.
Well, at least The Donald’s treatment achieved a good end, where Mule Ears’ witch hunt was all a lie.
Rimjob keeps on shitting the bed, don’t he?
It’s quite fun to watch however.
Bwaha! Lolgf
We shouldn’t forget that the Capitol has many acolytes in the Districts: the Corona hoax could not have gone on this long without the generous assistance of the Karens & Cucks. You know, the superficial Elwood’s who fall for every lie, hoax and story spun by the left on behalf of Red China. It’s nice in a way how the mask marks a certain type. You used to have to figure it out, now they advertise.
Judging by what I see around me the majority of the people are quite happily obedient to the petty tyrants in charge. No one has had to hire mask enforcement officers, or social distancing commissars. The people get their marching orders from the TV and smartphones. They bleat right along, and enforce the tyranny on one another.
And I do recall some crazy NeoCommiecrat wanting what formwiz mentioned. Hell, they’d kill us if they could too.
Trump The Triumphant!!!! He doesn’t hide in his cellar!!!
Now that he’s had it, Trump can say what he really thinks about the Red Plague.
I have a feeling Deep State Dwarf better have a retirement home picked out.
Trump is not through with the Trump Plague. He can still go into severe pulmonary distress. And he is still infectious.
Did he even have Covid, since 90% of the positive results are fake? Are we convinced he survived Covid (so far) or was it just a mild cold?
The “Trump plague” was created by Joe Biden’s Communist Chinese friends and sponsers, spread by Democrats delaying the banning of flights from CHina because of “feelz racizt,” and spread by Democratic mayors of LA and NYC telling people to go hang out in Chinatown.
You bought it, you let it in, you spread it. You own it.
It is beyond clear that Trump and other Republicans were intentionally infected with the COVID. This was done by Dem operatives. Incubation time would suggest that the act occurred at the debate. I do hope that this attempt at taking Trumps life should be formally investigated. This concept would be considered preposterous except for the fact that the Dems have made several attempts at a coup, the first in the US I know of in our histor
LOL. Yes, get the FBI on it right away. Bill Barr should hold a press conference. The Senate should launch hearings!
Of course, it means the Secret Service is in on the conspiracy too, so they need to be investigated.
Right wing extremists MIGHT consider that the lax attention of Trump and his acolytes could have contributed to the GOP outbreak, even more than the likelihood of the DemChiComs contaminating the microphone. Wouldn’t a better assassination plot used something more deadly than Covid? Just a thought. Putin uses novichok to assassinate his opponents. The Chinese have certainly developed a more lethal form of Covid, don’t you think?
You boyz is sooo funny!
The fact that you say this, especially the, “you’re just being paranoid”, bit tells me there’s more to this than I would guess.
Yes, it’s amusing to play with the idea the Demos are doing their Ernst Stavro Blofeld bit because nothing, but ordinarily that would be all it is.
Right wing extremists MIGHT consider that the lax attention of Trump and his acolytes could have contributed to the GOP outbreak, even more than the likelihood of the DemChiComs contaminating the microphone.
Well, since there’s been no proof paper (or cloth) masks stop the Fauci Faux Phlegm, we must come back to the idea that something was set up.
Of course, the real reason Jeffery is running around doing his Gomer Pyle impression is that Gropin’ Joe’s senior moments (“I Learned How to Fight – They Called Me ‘Shoe Leather’ – They Could Beat Me Up But I Hurt Them in the Process”, “I want to see these beautiful young ladies, I want to see them dancing when they are four years older”) are coming a lot more frequently.
Creepy, huh?
Of course, the real reason Porter Good’s Deep Throat, Lil Silbey, is running around doing his Gomer Pyle impression is that the drug-addled, Pussy Grabbin’ pervert, Donnie the T is shooting craps and will become a private citizen at noon Jan 20. Donnie Crisco doesn’t look the same without his Orangutan Orange make-up. But who would put make-up on an old man belching viruses that have killed over 200,000 Americans? LOL.
Masks reduce the transmission of Covid-19, period.
But right-wing extremist dumbos, rather than accepting the obvious, imagine a grand conspiracy!!
But who would put make-up on an old man belching viruses that have killed over 200,000 Americans? LOL.
That LOL will be so far up your ass 11/4, they’ll never get it out. And it’s only 250 – 1/8 of 1%.
Masks reduce the transmission of Covid-19, period.
Prove it.
But right-wing extremist dumbos, rather than accepting the obvious, imagine a grand conspiracy!!
Funny how every time the Lefties tell us there’s no conspiracy, it turns out there is one.
Continue shitting the bed Dr. Rimjob.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Sean Conley, D.O., has misled Americans throughout. What symptoms could Mr. Trump have that could be Covid-19 symptoms: fever (but he is on fever reducers), dyspnea (subjective), cough, headache. Then why was he in the hospital receiving supplemental O2 and potent anti-Covid drugs?
If it’s true that Trump has Covid (who can trust anything they say?) he is still infectious.
Keep ignoring the obvious, Handjob.
So Dr. Rimjob can diagnose a person he has never met?
From which medical school did Dr. Rimjob earn his degree?
Keep shitting the bed.
Tell us again where you went to med school because, from your recent discourses on science and mathematics, I always thought it was Ding Dong School.
If it’s true that Trump has Covid (who can trust anything they say?) he is still infectious.
So you do want all the asymptomatic people rounded up into gulags.
How 1930s of you.
Looks like Teach no longer wants yo talk about hurricanes
Man/ child,
I see your response is the typical childish drivel that we constantly hear from you. You said similar things when we discussed Obama’s attempted coup. Now the news confirms Obama’s role in trying to harm Trump. Infecting him with a deadly virus is such a small step.