NYC is a big time Democratic Party city, right, one which embraces all the restrictions, right, one which wears masks and even had a snitch line, right?
COVID-19 cases in NYC continue to rise as city nears threshold
Fueled by coronavirus hot spot zones in Brooklyn and Queens, the daily number of new COVID-19 cases in the Big Apple is steadily rising and inching closer to the city’s threshold.
“There is no herd immunity in any of the neighborhoods where we are most concerned or any other neighborhood in New York City,†city Health Commissioner Dr. David Chokshi said during Mayor Bill de Blasio’s City Hall press briefing Thursday.
“This is so important to ensure that people understand that unfortunately the coronavirus continues to be very infectious, continues to spread and so we have to take the precautions that we are embarking upon,†Chokshi said.
According to the latest city data, the Big Apple’s seven-day rolling average of new virus cases is at 526 — just 24 away from the city’s threshold of 550 cases, after which further restrictions could be considered citywide.
That number has been incrementally rising in recent weeks, the data shows. On Sept. 15, that figure was just below 300.
But, if everyone is wearing a mask, and, certainly, being a hardcore Democratic Party stronghold, everyone is wearing masks, right? Because masks work, right?
Restrictions begin in COVID cluster zones in New York City, other parts of New York state
The warnings are over and now Friday the enforcement begins. (snip)
If you cross Queens Boulevard, you’re in the red zone.
You can find your zone at
That means that any business not deemed essential is ordered to close.
Violators could face a summons.
Restaurants are take out only and houses of worship are limited to 10 people.
Mass gatherings are banned.
Face coverings are mandatory.
Now, after a couple nights of protest in Borough Park, police are being directed to issue summonses and even make arrests if people don’t disperse.
There are other places in the state of NY that are facing similar things. It’s probably Trump’s fault for these Democratic Party areas seeing spikes, wouldn’t you say? Weren’t we told that Democratic Party areas were so much better than Republican ones? Enjoy your coming lockdowns, Dems. Maybe they can blame the bars and pubs?
Bars and pubs are closing as Europe battles coronavirus surge. Experts question if it will work
With Europe now reporting more coronavirus cases than the United States, Brazil and India, according to World Health Organization figures, many governments are closing down pubs and bars or limiting their opening hours in the hope of avoiding wider lockdowns.
It’s bad news for drinkers, from Brussels to Paris to Edinburgh, and will bring more pain for the embattled hospitality sector. But will the strategy work?
Four more cities — Lille, Lyon, Grenoble and Saint-Etienne — were told to shut their bars, gyms and sports centers from Saturday as France reported a record 18,746 new infections on Thursday. Infection levels in Toulouse and Montpellier are “worrying” and they could be the next cities to come under new restrictions, Health Minister Olivier Veran said.
Bars in Marseille, on France’s Mediterranean coast, had already been ordered to close last month as case rates soared there.
Tougher anti-coronavirus restrictions also came into force in the Spanish capital, Madrid, and surrounding cities last Friday. The new restrictions require people to stay at home except to go to work, to classes, to do exams, to meet legal obligations or in extreme circumstances.
Shops, bars and restaurants must reduce their capacity by 50%, offer table service only and close earlier. Bars and restaurants must shut at 11 p.m., with last entry one hour before closing time.
Even Iceland, which came close to eliminating the virus over the summer, is now seeing infections rise. On Monday, it ordered the countrywide closure of bars for two weeks, as well as nightclubs, fitness centers and gaming establishments, and limited gatherings to 20 people.
So these countries and cities with previous hardcore lockdowns are seeing COVID rise again, even more than the United States? Why are these uber-leftist areas having such problems? They do know that all you have to do is wear a mask, right?
I will say, one thing I don’t like about the mask mandates is that people feel emboldened to stand closer to you now, and even touch you. Maybe just on the clothes, but, seriously, give me my space. I have yet to get a cold or the flu (knock on wood) with a the no shaking hands, no high fives, not fist bumps, no getting close to people, not doing test drives with people. We don’t even get in cars with people to set them up during delivery. Keep your space, people.

The Trump Plague continues to get worse.
The number of Midwest COVID-19 patients hospitalized also hit a record high on Thursday for the fourth day in a row and now tops 8,000. Nationally, nearly 34,000 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, the highest since Sept. 4. (Graphic:
Half the states in the Midwest have seen record numbers of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospitals so far this month: Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Michigan’s hospitalizations reached 918 on Thursday, up from 687 the previous day.
Wisconsin is opening a field hospital outside of Milwaukee to handle the number of COVID-19 patients hospitalized tripling in the past month and hitting a new record on Thursday.
Most Midwest states are among the 30 out of 50 states that have seen cases rise over the past two weeks, according to a Reuters analysis. And nationally new cases are averaging 47,000 a day compared with 35,000 in mid-September. Deaths nationally continue to decline, but health experts warn they are a lagging indicator that usually rise weeks after a surge in cases.
Hypocrite Dowd. The controlavirus is a ruse. Don’t just repeat your Masters’ lies. Come on over to the Right; do your own research to find the truth; be your own master.
I see a lot of claims, but no citations, except for a graphic from one of the Leftiest news services around. Sounds like a lot more false positives.
Everything you wrote there is a lie. You are all on an insane dash to ruin the Republic, destroy the democracy and kill the country in some crazy idea that it’s better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. Our country will never be the same which is just what you wanted.
Once Trump is reelected we need to begin eliminating and exterminating our domestic enemies. This shit can’t stand with billionaire Democommies running all industries set to eliminate the Constitution completely.
Trump 2020 We Need a REAL American not a commie for president!
South Dakota Has Handled COVID-19 the Right Way
Whereas states governed by authoritarian Democrats have suffered miserably under futile lockdowns, South Dakota remained American and free, thanks to its sensible governance. This approach has turned out well, despite shrieks of hysteria from the liberal establishment media.
Tony Heller calls South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem the Future of the Republican Party. Let’s hope so:
The death rate from the ChiCom virus is 28 per 100,000 people in South Dakota per Statista. Atop the list are liberal-ruled New Jersey with 182 and New York with 171 — both over six times the rate in South Dakota.
Like Sweden, South Dakota proves that lockdowns are pointless — except to the extent that repression is an end in itself.
Carry on as normal and no problem.
On the other hand, promote hysteria, lock people in their homes and incentivize health systems to report any and all deaths as Covid-19 by offering massive $ incentives($40,000 per case), and you have a deadly shamdemic.
The whole damn thing is a hoax and crime against humanity.
The organizers and collaborators must be hunted down, arrested, tried and executed.
Once Trump is reelected we need to begin eliminating and exterminating our domestic enemies.
The organizers and collaborators must be hunted down, arrested, tried and executed.
And Kye thinks the Democrats are the problem.
That’s why we have to eliminate you.
Molon labe, moron. Maybe you can get my address and come this way.
We’ll leave it to the McCloskeys.
And a good little Lefty like you wouldn’t have a pea shooter.
“And Kye thinks the Democrats are the problem.”
Once again you lie, you project and you gaslight. Key never said “the Democrats are the problem”. What Key said, if you can read English is the communists are a problem. It’s not Key’s fault you let communists take over your party.
And this statement was made by Tony Heller, not Key. “The organizers and collaborators must be hunted down, arrested, tried and executed.” was made by Tony Heller, not Key.
Also, you shouldn’t get your thong in a bunch about what anyone “says” until you stop your commie assault troops from shooting congressmen, murdering cops, burning down black peoples homes and businesses and rioting in those Blue, disease ridden cities you Democommies are so fukin proud of.
Trump 2020 Keep the killers and commies in the blue states.
Kye hides behind the increasingly bizarre Tony Heller (aka Steve Goddard) who has expanded from calling global warming a hoax to calling the Covid pandemic a hoax. Right-wing grifters can only succeed if they constantly turn the hate and threats up.
Man up Kye and take responsibility for what you type. YOU typed: Once Trump is reelected we need to begin eliminating and exterminating our domestic enemies. The organizers and collaborators must be hunted down, arrested, tried and executed.
Are you now claiming that Tony Heller hacked your system and threatened killing Americans??
Violent NaziGOPs such as you, trump and The Wiz keep advocating violence against fellow Americans because you’re afraid.
Actually, they’re not “fellow Americans”, they’re Commies.
I visited the graphic you cited. The 4 lines add up to about 76/100K, which yields an AVERAGE of about 19/100k, which means the average is a whopping 0.019% of the population.
Forgive me if I don’t pass out. Even if your numbers are accurate, that’s not exactly the black death. On top of that, hospitalizations aren’t a factor unless they overwhelm the resources available.
They’re not.
Give it up. You are hyperventilating over nothing – IOW, acting like a liberal.
Sorry; that was supposed to be a reply to Jeffty.
In case you haven’t noticed Rimjob, aka Jeffery, has trouble with percentages.
Porter Good’s Fluffer, aka Rodney, knows even less than Stormy.
He’s right, you know; you’re math is worse than your science.
Porter Good’s Whore, Stormy, dismisses hundreds of thousands dead America.
Just using WHO’s data.
There has been no significant rise in deaths in America this year. We are on par with the last 5 years for overall deaths so where are all these dead Red Chinese Democrat Cuomo Biden Flu dead? Where Elwood, where?
Once The American Public Began To Realize Our Media Was Lying To Us, And We Began To Distrust Them, They Came Up With The Idea Of Fact Checkers, A Way To Give Their Leftist Propaganda New Life.
Now That We Distrust Fact Checkers, They Have A New Tool: Censorship.
Trump 2020 Stop the Democrat LIES!!!!!
I don’t get it. NYC and the EU are poster children for following all of the government mandated distancing, shutdown, and masking requirements. It’s as if none of that is effective. After 6 months of this, we could have all already contracted it, got over it, and conferred herd immunity to the elders, fat people and people with suppressed immune systems.
If this virus were at all anywhere near the virility it was claimed to have, we all would have gotten it by now no matter what we did to prevent it.
Recent studies support that approximately 10% of the US population has been infected with SARS-C0V-2. The notion that no efforts should have been made to stop the spread to induce “herd immunity” carries the responsibility for 1.5 – 2 million dead Americans, assuming 70% of population would become immune. Nearly every American has had influenza yet we have no herd immunity against it. Every American has had a cold, but no herd immunity there either.
For herd immunity for most viral diseases we rely on immunizations, e.g., for measles, smallpox, chickenpox, shingles, HPV, Hep B, polio, Hep A, mumps, rabies, rotavirus… Why not just let everyone get polio as a kid so we wouldn’t have to worry about it again? Like Covid, most infected with polio virus have no symptoms, and only 0.5% develop neurological symptoms, and only a few percent of the 0.5% die. Was hardly worth the effort in the 60s, was it?
Recent studies support that approximately 10% of the US population has been infected with SARS-C0V-2. The notion that no efforts should have been made to stop the spread to induce “herd immunity†carries the responsibility for 1.5 – 2 million dead Americans, assuming 70% of population would become immune. Nearly every American has had influenza yet we have no herd immunity against it. Every American has had a cold, but no herd immunity there either.
Which recent studies are these and where are they?
You wouldn’t be making things up again, would you?
And the reason nearly every American has had influenza yet we have no herd immunity against it is because each time, it’s a different strain. Your science is really a joke.
Also, current estimates put the number of cases at about 1/5 of what you say.
You need to go back to 2nd grade.
For herd immunity for most viral diseases we rely on immunizations, e.g., for measles, smallpox, chickenpox, shingles, HPV, Hep B, polio, Hep A, mumps, rabies, rotavirus… Why not just let everyone get polio as a kid so we wouldn’t have to worry about it again? Like Covid, most infected with polio virus have no symptoms, and only 0.5% develop neurological symptoms, and only a few percent of the 0.5% die. Was hardly worth the effort in the 60s, was it?
50s, nitwit. I remember those shots.
And I seem to recall all us Baby Boomers got measles, chickypox, mumps, and German measles and just had to tough it out.
Being 8 years old was no fun.
If you’re wondering why Jeffery is still beating the drum for the WHO Flu, consider these developments.
The second Presidential debate is now cancelled first because the change to a virtual format was made without informing the Trump campaign. Second, the moderator, a former intern for Gropin’ Joe, was disqualified after a particularly nasty anti-Trump tweet.
Finally, Trump has pulled all his ads in OH and IA because internal polling shows Trump is pulling away in both states.
Porter Good’s Stool, aka Edward, keeps whistling past the graveyard.
LOL. Why would Trump worry about Iowa, which he won by 10 points, or Ohio which he won by 8 points over Clinton?
The guy whistling past the graveyard is our little Jeffery.
If Trump can pull his ads out of OH and IA, he can put them in places that are on the edge right now.
Although I can’t imagine any that would go for Joe and the Ho after the last couple of weeks.
Porter Good’s Hemorrhoid, aka Lil Sibley, must not have watched Trumpling’s meltdown at the debate.
The only meltdown was Gropin’ Joe’s although, truth be told, he was never that coagulated to begin with.
Without IA and OH Biden only gets 279 electoral votes.
If he could pull about a quarter of Trump’s support.
Which he can’t. Trump is not hemorrhaging support; the Demos are. 30 states are 30 states and it doesn’t matter how many fraudulent votes the Hildabeast got. Trump won where it counted and he’ll pick up more states this time.
The Left spent 4 years calling the Deplorables racists and white supremacists when they knew they needed their votes to win this year.
That Jeffery would say something as stupid as he did shows the Left never really thinks anything through.
Lil Sibley, aka The Boil on Porter Good’s butt, never learns. Does The Boil still think trump will win 60 states? LOL.
All the ones the Mocha Messiah visited.
I’ve noticed any time some Lefty starts in with the LOL, it’s usually an indication he knows the deck is sliding out from under him.
A few more points to ponder. The “militia” guy who wanted to kidnap the Ubersturmbannfuhrer was a BLM supporter.
A BLM mob marching through Olympia WA was told to GTFO.
And Joe and the Ho are only getting 3% of Trump’s online viewership on top of the attendance at their “rallies” being in the single digits.
279 electoral votes for Joe and the Ho?
They’ll be lucky if they get 2.
Jeffery’s getting nasty with all the name-calling.
That means Trump really is surging and a big sweep really is likely, even to the Lefties.
He’ll be screaming like little Miss Can-This-Year-Get-Any-Fu(king-Wo-o-o-o-rse on 11/4.
Porter’s Butt Boil, aka H&R Blockhead, aka Lil Eddie, still doesn’t get it, does he?
And just what kind of natural barrier is Queens Boulevard? Well, it’s a six-lane divided thoroughfare, but geography doesn’t transmit the virus, people do, and there’s nothing which stops people who live in Queens from going to neighboring Brooklyn or taking the Queensboro Bridge into midtown Manhattan.
People living in Queens work all over New York City, as well as down Long Island.
Of course, a whole lot of Joooos live in Queens, and the Democrats just love them some anti-Semitism, with Governor Andrew Cuomo ordering synagogues empties and Mayor Bill de Blasio sending the NYPD to break up Jewish holiday parties. One would have thought they’d realize just how bad stuff like that looks, but the woke, in their demolition of history, have no hindsight.
And yet, American Jews are the Democrats’ second most loyal voting demographic.