…is cornfield that is obviously in distress from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on the gutting of America by the Chinese.

…is cornfield that is obviously in distress from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on the gutting of America by the Chinese.
Would you object to calling Judge Barrett, Judge B.J. Barrett?
She seemed to rely a lot on older male judges for her rise. Hmmmm.
Can a white girl deferential to men ever be a whore to Con Men?
It seems that Elwood thinks the only way that women can get ahead or be successful is to perform sexual favors for any man they meet.
Hey, Elwood, doesn’t you wife work for your company? How did she get that job?
Oh, never mind.
We’ll take your word that she is some sort of prostitute.
Once again, we see the left actually hates women.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Oddly enough, the Democrats don’t seem to have found any evidence that Judge Barrett had done that. If they had such evidence, you can be certain it would have been exposed. She does seem to not be a virgin, given that she has had five children, but, shockingly enough, they all seem to be Jesse Barrett’s children.
The esteemed Mr Dowd does not appear to have any qualms about attacks on women having flatbacked their way to success . . . as long as the women in question are conservative women. If they happen to be liberal women, like Kamala Harris Emhoff — who doesn’t respect her husband enough to have taken his name — then such attacks are wholly repugnant.
I am waiting for the attacks to come that, unlike Mrs Emhoff, Amy Coney was so subservient to an evil man that she, gasp! took her husband’s last name.
COVID-19 is a sham!
The Hong Kong flu killed 100,000 people in 6 months and we stayed open. You and I are being scammed into bankruptcy by leftists who want to run the world with an Iron fist.
This is CNBC…a leftist organization releasing this YouTube Video.
A new YouTube Feature for videos they don’t like and dont’ want shared.
In the above Video click on the text that say The current Covid-19 virus is not the same one w…
in order to see the actual video I would like you to watch. Its only 5 minutes long and quite eye opening given it was released by C(N B C)