Yeah, yeah, we all watched or read about the townhalls last night, where Trump ended up mostly debating Samantha Guthrie instead of answering audience questions and not getting softballs like Biden did previously, and Biden mostly got softballs and adoration again on another station. But, hey, let’s hear from James Carville at The Bulwark, which is supposed to be conservatives conserving conservatism
A Crusade for Something Noble
Americans are coming together to save our Republic, right now. And it means something.
In 1948, General Dwight D. Eisenhower released an expansive memoir that transcribed his personal account as Supreme Allied commander in Europe during World War II, the single most important American military official in the war. He chronicled the travail of the war in its bitter totality: men sunk beneath waves of bullets and unbroken battle; the immeasurable sorrow levied as hundreds-of-thousands perished for their country; the fateful decisions he took in which he accepted complete responsibility—most importantly the decision for the D-Day invasion. At the same time, Eisenhower also wrote of what was indomitable about Americans, how the country overcame and rang freedom’s bell for a world enveloped by the forces of darkness.
See, Americans who do not actually like America and want to change and/or destroy everything about the nation are coming together with unhinged Never-Trumpers, the latter which only focus on Trump’s personality rather all the conservative things he’s done (judges, anyone?), to stop the forces of darkness. Yet, not one can actually say what freedoms Trump has taken away
I know it’s difficult for so many of us to feel hope in this moment, which seems so incomprehensibly dark. We are a nation deeply wounded from a liberated virus. We’re struggling with systemic racism. And we’ve endured lashing mental abuse, time and again, from the president of the United States. But it is not a darker moment than what Ike saw when he looked across the English Channel on June 6, 1944 at the continent of Europe, dominated by the Nazis.
See, you’re supposed to remember to call Trump voters Nazis
So I see a light ahead. Just days away, a unified and electrified coalition of Americans, coming together like our country did in World War II, standing united to send a message that will be heard around the world to all those who look with expectant hope to the America that led the crusade more than half a century ago: That America has not succumbed to a demagogue and would-be autocrat. That we have overcome. And that Donald J. Trump is not who we are.
In just a short time, America will go from its darkest hour to its finest hour. (snip)
We find ourselves again at such a turning point. Donald Trump’s authoritarian presence behind the Resolute Desk is amongst the gravest threats America has ever faced from within. And Americans have risen to meet this threat.
Again, what freedoms has Trump taken away? Is he ruling with his pen and phone? How about passing massive legislation and implementing massive regulations that have huge government control impacts on the lives of citizens? Using Executive office agencies to spy on and/or harass private citizens and groups? Is he wanting everyone locked down, shutting down churches, and threatening Jews?
My participation on this site, which is operated by many of my former Republican rivals, is evidence of this unity in and of itself.
This article, posted right here, is evidence that this is a moment that carries extraordinary consequences much more profound than victory or defeat for a candidate.
Like the majority of people that read this news site, I am white and affluent and—you know what else?—I love my country. Collectively, what I know to be true among so many like us, is that we understand we have existed on an advantaged and privileged perch in our slice of America.
I had to include the white and rich privilege stuff for a hoot, but, look, there are some days I think that it would be great to give these Never Trumper Republican nuts like the Bulwark what they want, just to see them complain when they’re getting hit with tax and cost of living increases weekly, seeing Single Payer, what Dems call Medicare For All, passed, climate change scam legislation passed, implementing Net Neutrality, which will make the Internet a public utility with government controlling it, a Fairness Doctrine, which is really meant to kill off talk radio, which is dominated by Conservatives, along with outlets like Fox News, OANN, Newsmax TV, and so much more. Will these same Never Trumper Republicans be fine with the massive gun control passed? Will they be shocked if Dems attempt to go for an Australian solution? Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, killing off jobs and businesses, making it harder for those left to work more than 30 hours a week? Make energy and fuel so expensive the average citizen can’t afford it? And so much more, the hit lost continues. And don’t forget, the Lefties will jettison Never Trumper’s and NT groups the minute Joe wins, because they will no longer be Useful Idiots.
And, don’t forget, these NT idiots are making it so that the Dems can keep and even expand the House, as well as win the Senate. How does that help them? OK, great, you hate Trump personally, ignore all the conservative things he’s done while covering their ears singing la la la la I can’t hear you, and want him gone, but, you’re helping Dems at all levels to win. How does that help? These morons should be the first ones to feel the pain, and, if Biden and the Dems win, I’ll be more than happy to let the ones I know in Real Life and on the Internet (including previously long term web-friends who no longer converse with me) “you got what you agitated for, which are you whining? Suck it up, buttercup.”
I have no time for these idiot NTs, who enable electing what they supposedly stand against.

“Even though the commission canceled the in-person debate that could have happened tonight, one occurred anyway, and President Trump soundly defeated NBC’s Savannah Guthrie in her role as debate opponent and Joe Biden surrogate.
My Response to NBC’s Town Hall in which it was supposed to be biased voters asking Trump hard questions. Instead it was NBC’s moderator debating Trump with the democratic agenda.
Vladimir Lenin The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.
Congratulations NBC you continue to not disappoint in your communist take over of the minds of the masses.
President Trump backed out of the town-hall style debate. Will he back out of the next scheduled one?
He mistakenly thought he could bluster through last night, but was obviously mistaken. Trump comes away favoring QAnon conspiracies about Obama/Biden murdering Seal Team 6 and freeing Osama bin-laden. He’s against pedophilia. But Trump wasn’t ready to condemn Roe v Wade. He claimed that Biden would quadruple taxes. Trump confessed he DOES owe $400 million but lied about to whom he owes it, e.g., Deutsche Bank.
Trump lied about the “V-shaped” recovery. Mr. Biden was right, the already comfortable are still comfortable, but the working classes are still getting beaten down. Trump is now actively ignoring the working classes. Coronavirus cases are surging, hospitalizations increasing, more deaths to follow.
President Trump backed out of the town-hall style debate. Will he back out of the next scheduled one?
No, he refused to be scammed with a bait-and-switch.
He mistakenly thought he could bluster through last night, but was obviously mistaken. Trump comes away favoring QAnon conspiracies about Obama/Biden murdering Seal Team 6 and freeing Osama bin-laden. He’s against pedophilia. But Trump wasn’t ready to condemn Roe v Wade. He claimed that Biden would quadruple taxes. Trump confessed he DOES owe $400 million but lied about to whom he owes it, e.g., Deutsche Bank.
He’d already done it, but this is an old Lefty trick going back to the 50s. Keep hitting somebody with the same question even though they’d already answered it.
Trump lied about the “V-shaped†recovery. Mr. Biden was right, the already comfortable are still comfortable, but the working classes are still getting beaten down. Trump is now actively ignoring the working classes. Coronavirus cases are surging, hospitalizations increasing, more deaths to follow.
It’s over. All of it.
The fake epidemic and the crash you engineered. And the more you try that “working classes”, the more you sound like the Commie you are.
It is worth noting, that conservatism has failed and failed bigly. Trump’s popularity is because he isn’t conservative. He breaks out of traditional stereotypes of democrat vs republican. He is exactly the “best man for the job” that generations of voters have pretended they were always going to support while instead always voting party line. Most voters simply don’t care about winning arguments about Mises versus Marx while the ship is sinking around them. And most voters can easily see with their own eyes that only one party is drilling holes in the lifeboats and starting fires in the engine room. This is a much more important issue than 30 year old abortion arguments and a little corruption by office holders (Clinton/BIDEN/Obama).
Prof, you’re confusing what the Whigs call Conservatism with the real thing.
Trump is a true Conservative. He fights back for his ideals and his country and its people.
None of those attributes is unique to conservative ideology.
TEACH extols the “conservative” virtues of President Trump, saying they outweigh any negatives, and certainly make Trump superior to any alternative.
All he could point to was the McConnell ploy of confirming over 100 far-right federal judges.
Record debt, raging pandemic, collapsed economy, ignoring global warming, loss of international prestige, general assholery and division, grifting, lack of faith in American institutions, cooperation/collusion with enemy nations…
TEACH extols the “conservative†virtues of President Trump, saying they outweigh any negatives, and certainly make Trump superior to any alternative.
You can’t beat the truth.
All he could point to was the McConnell ploy of confirming over 100 far-right federal judges.
As opposed to the Lefty ploy of confirming over 100 far-Left federal judges?
Record debt, raging pandemic, collapsed economy, ignoring global warming, loss of international prestige, general assholery and division, grifting, lack of faith in American institutions, cooperation/collusion with enemy nations…
Sounds like the Democrats to me.
“Confirming over 100 far-right judgesâ€. I see, as opposed to the 329 far-left judges appointed by Obama? There must a point in there somewhere, but I just can’t seem to find it…
“All he could point to was the McConnell ploy of confirming over 100 far-right federal judges.”
Anyone to the right of BJ Harris is “far right” to you. These judges are mostly moderate.
1.Record debt, what have Democommies done to reduce debt since it is not the President who holds the purse strings but the Congress?
2.raging pandemic, which began in Wuhan Red China and was brought here by them, and while Trump and the EXPERTS from CDC, WHO et al were working feverishly to get a handle on it the Democommies were celebrating Red Chinese New Year in NYC and Cali without masks and deliberately spreading DEATH among Americans to win an election.
3.collapsed economy, collapsed almost exclusively by Democommie Governors and mayors who literally CLOSED DOWN PEOPLE”S BUSINESSES and THREW 10’s OF MILLIONS OUT OF WORK deliberately to hurt the people of America and win an election.
4.ignoring global warming, which they should do because it’s a fukin scam. Are you carbon neutral? Why not? Are you 100% electric? Why not? Have you forsaken gas, oil, plastic?
Why not? Your a liar and a hypocrite.
5.loss of international prestige, bullshit, we have more respect from our friends and adversaries than we have since Reagan. Trump made peace all over the globe and you’re such a pussy you won’t admit it.
6.general assholery and division, you mean like backing a communist entity like BLM, burning our cities, killing citizens and cops because that’s REAL assholery.
6. grifting, you mean making deals like Biden and his son made in Ukraine, stealing taxpayers money, running an extortion ring and corruption thru generations even greater than the Clintons? That’s your guy, not Trump.
6.lack of faith in American institutions, cooperation/collusion with enemy nations… all of that silly shit perfectly describes the entire Democommie party, Corrupt Joe “baby sniffer” Biden, his VP Blow Job Harris , his corrupt rapist son Hunter and guys like you who support animals like them.
You are lost in a sea of deceit, corruption and slime and you can’t bullshit your way out so you lie and project. It must be painful to be you knowing how deep into sin and hate you are. What a loser.
Trump 2020 We Keep America Great!
If Republican-allied anarchist groups around the country were causing billions of dollars in property damage, assassinating police officers and political opponents, threatening suburban homeowners, and setting forest fires across the Pacific Northwest, every newspaper and news show in the United States would be highlighting the civil insurrection threatening the country. Because all of this damage has been organized and committed by left-leaning groups, the news is actively censored both by traditional news corporations and the Silicon Valley tech lords regulating free speech today.
Democrats have become radicalized. They have become violent. And Facebook and Google and Twitter and CNN believe that it is in the best interest of the country to hide this truth from the American people.
As reported by local news, one individual received multiple ballot request forms for her deceased husband:
“Kristen Link received four ballot request forms in the mail addressed to her husband, who passed away in 2015. Kristen thought the forms were sent by a government agency, but they came from a third-party group called the Center for Voter Information. The ballot applications are already filled out and addressed to the Bexar County Elections Administrator.â€
The Center for Voter Information, which also lists itself as Women’s Voice Women Vote Action Fund, counts two staunch Democrats as its leadership.
Founder and Board Chair Page Gardner has worked for “numerous Democratic and left-wing issue campaigns,†including those of Bill Clinton in 1992 and Hillary Clinton in 2008.
Gardner has repeatedly attacked President Trump on Twitter, and has donated over $200,000 to Democratic candidates, Political Action Committees (PAC), and Democrat campaign finance committees.
If America falls to Socialism, it will be because the NTs and the smelling-salt sniffers can’t stand a scrapper, and would rather see America ruled by a suave and sophistcated tyrant rather than a fighter.
President Trump has accomplished some useful things, but he has disrupted the “Uniparty” gravy train that pays the “Conservatives: for their performances. That disruption is the reason that the President must be defeated. Back to “Business as Usual”. The Conservatives have conserved nothing which is the objective of this exercise. They are just running out the clock while they collect the grift for retirement.
Performance Art in expensive suits.