This is what I keep saying, in a few posts, and especially in comments at other sites, on Twitter, and definitely when I talk to the Trump haters in person. There are even people I know who say “I’m a Republican, but I can’t stand Trump.” Well, that’s great an all, what policies of his do you not like? They can’t even talk policy
Focus on public policy!
This is what I have done, and advised others to do, since Donald J. Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.
Some people, including otherwise intelligent and thoughtful free-market and cultural conservatives, cannot tolerate Trump’s larger-than-life persona, his often grandiose statements, his Twitter blasts, and the sneaking suspicion that he might be the reincarnation of P.T. Barnum. Some Americans find the president’s quirks and conduct amusing. Others are appalled.
President Trump’s antics make me grin more than they make me grimace, Regardless, I focus on public policy: What legislation has he signed? What has he vetoed? Do his actions as president make Americans freer, safer, and more prosperous? Do America’s enemies advance or retreat in his presence?
As voters pick the Oval Office’s next occupant, they should imagine it’s Christmas morning. A large, mysterious box sits beneath a shimmering tree. Is it covered in soothing, lovely wrapping paper or in months-old newsprint? Who cares? The box’s contents matter.
I’m stealing that one, Deroy. It’s a hell of an analogy.
Former vice president Joe Biden generally exudes a vaguely calming tone. His empathetic demeanor, perhaps forced by multiple family tragedies, also amplifies his appeal. For some people, that’s plenty. They, especially Republicans in their midst, should meditate long and hard on what Biden actually would do as president.
Deroy points out that Joe is against school choice, while Trump is for it
President Trump has created 8,700 Opportunity Zones, largely in low-income minority neighborhoods. Incentives have attracted some $75 billion in private investment to these communities.
If Biden kills the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, as he has pledged, wave goodbye to Opportunity Zones.
Joe can talk all he wants about killing that act, and how he would only increase taxes on those making $400k or more: it would harm a lot of different things, and, really, small business owners. Plus, we know how this works: all his Comrades in the entertainment industry, sports, lawyers, media, etc, will be give exemptions so they pay not a dime more.
Deroy goes through a few more things in the article, let’s note a few more: Harris-Biden would attempt to reinstate the Paris Climate agreement, the Clean Power Plan, Waters of the USA (one of the most onerous rules ever passed), they’d push for single payer (Medicare for all), massive gun restrictions (their nutty base wants the Australian solution, which is banning most private ownership), and so much more.
Trump keeps passing legislation and pushing rules/regs that are good for citizens, including blacks, Latinos, and LGBT. Heck, read through this thread, it’s a great one. If you’re a right leaning Never Trumper, think about what voting against Trump, whether for Biden, a 3rd party, or just not voting, brings if Biden wins. Is that what you want? Can you hold your nose and check the box for Trump/Pence as a vote against Biden/Harris? I’ve said before that my vote in 2016 was more about being against Hillary than for Trump. Give it a try.

If you favor unemployment, death, debt, inequality, division and hate, trump policy is your choice.
That trump is a corrupt asshole is just the icing.
If you favor unemployment, death, debt, inequality, division and hate, trump policy is your choice.
That Gropin’ Joe is a corrupt asshole is just the icing.
The sore loser is strong with this one.
Another admission by Newsweek shows a very disturbing trend by voters for the Democrats.
Mr. Elwood espouses a position that most democrats have taken, however in this article which is about a journalist who traveled the battle ground states extensively and for a long time to get a feel for the people.
What he found was telling.
The voters DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE HEADLINES and do not trust the media. 57 percent of the people he talked to, split evenly among left right and center, DO NOT BLAME TRUMP FOR COVID-19.
The left has put all their eggs in the COVID-19 basket and there is serious anecdotal evidence it does not make a difference. These people say they are NOT watching the news, and do not care what the news has to say because NONE of them trust the news at all. Period.
The sensational headlines are falling on deaf ears and because a majority of voters do not blame Trump for COVID-19 it is by default certain that they do not blame him for the economy.
Elwood’s of the country have but one bullet in their gun and it is basically a blank according to NEWSWEEK which is in the tank for the LEFT.
“If you favor unemployment..â€. Caused by a virus affecting the whole world, and the unemployment part often exacerbated by Democratic governors. “Inequality, division and hateâ€. All three again asserted without one shred of evidence. It’s almost like we’re talking about “climate changeâ€..
“voters in 2020 should think long and hard about policy, not personality”
Good luck with getting liberals to focus on anything other than the superficial.
Jeffty’s comment showcases it perfectly.
Stormy “thinks” unemployment, pandemic death, record deficits and debt, inequality, etc are superficial concerns.
That Donald J. Trump is the worst human being to be president in our lifetimes is just an added reason to oppose him.
Looks like Rimjob’s picking up where he left off yesterday.
Thanks for the early morning chuckle moron.
Stormy “thinks†unemployment, pandemic death, record deficits and debt, inequality, etc are superficial concerns.
Any talking points dreamed up by the Left are.
That Donald J. Trump is the worst human being to be president in our lifetimes is just an added reason to oppose him.
Are we going to be seeing this drivel all day or do you actually have something to contribute?
Rimjob prefers drivel because he has no facts.
“Stormy “thinks†unemployment, pandemic death, record deficits and debt, inequality, etc are superficial concerns.”
No, dear child, I simply observe that your judgement and analysis are superficial, where not actually wrong.
“That Donald J. Trump is the worst human being to be president in our lifetimes is just an added reason to oppose him.”
You were apparently asleep from 2009-2017. We had our first affirmative-action president, the perfect poster child for the “participation trophy” generation.
Unshakeable ego, with zero accomplishments. You can argue that Trump has an ego, but he’s actually DONE things, unlike you or Obama.
You gave yourself away. Thanks for participating.
Trump ran and is running as the white supremacy president. He’s got your vote.
In your dreams.
The Lefties aren’t even using that stuff any more, but you still think somebody’s listening.
And accusing people of something they never even came remotely close to saying is so Dan Blather.
Au contraire. Calling President Obama an affirmative action anything, much less an affirmative action President is the clue. You good ol’ boyz just cain’t hep yerselves.
Only white males can be Prez, anyone else and they’re undeserving.
Dave Rubin is an extremely popular YouTube pundit. He is gay. He left the Left because they went stark raving mad.
A couple days ago he and some gay friends were driving by Hollywood and saw a Trump rally. They had to stop and see what was going on since he had never seen one or been to one.
People recognized him. Cheered him and gave him and his friends a warm welcome.
In the Trump rally were GAYS and straight people.
In the Trump rally were Blacks and Hispanics.
In the Trump rally were White people, Old people and Young people and every one was laughing, having a good time and welcoming a GAY man to their Rally.
Be very afraid Elwoods of the world. The right has finally become the big tent they used to talk about. All it took was kicking the Globalist/Wall Street who didn’t care about anything but money out of the party.
The GOP is a big tent and the left is nothing but a communist drive to destroy America.
Elwood, either you’re nuts or have virtually zero self awareness. But your ability to ignore facts ALREADY EXPLAINED TO YOU indicates a psychotic break and passive aggressive projection. You’re too old to be this unstable.
“If you favor unemployment, death, debt, inequality, division and hate, trump policy is your choice.”
Our current unemployment is due to panicked Democommies in Blue States and cities LOCKING DOWN businesses and unemploying workers because of a virus with a 99.5% recovery rate!!! Out economy was BOOMING until you commies illegally closed down “non-essential” businesses and YOU KNOW THIS. So stop repeating the LIE.
As far as death is concerned Trump has as much ability to stop people from getting ill as Bide/Blow Job have: ZERO. Trump did everything a caring and responsible leader would have done knowing what he knew when he knew it. From rushing ventilators, a hospital ship and tent hospitals in Central Park, to restricting travel (for which idiots like you called him xenophobic) and holding Daily Covid Reports with the “experts” of CDC & WHO (which your commies in the press made into an anti Trump election campaign). So stop your lying again!
Not to mention when it comes to Death nobody beats the Democommies penchant for a million abortions per year. The only other commie who killed more was Mao. You are the Party of Death.
3.When it comes to debt he inherited most of it from Hussein but regardless you do realize the president does not spend the money, Congress does. Are you aware of that? Are you? Yet on top of that striking ignorance of out system you still lay the debt at Trump’s feet then have the unmitigated balls to demand “Covid Relief” in the trillions to compensate for the LOCKDOWN your commie friends did, not Trump. Idiot.
4.Hate is all you have and your persistent and continuous inability to look in the mirror is now revolting. Where is all this hate you’re always complaining about? Would that be Antifa guy punching out the teeth of a Trump supporter? Was he one of us? How about burning down23 cities, killing 13 people in riots and burning down the businesses and HOMES of working class people? Is that the hate? That too was done by Democommies.
All you have is hat so don’t try and project your anti Americanism, anti white racism and hate for Christians on us. You are the problem with America today, not us.
Hey Elwood, when Trump wins are your commie/Nazi supporters gonna go on a raping and pillaging rampage? Because screaming at the sky is so 2016 I figure you people will continue to burn down shit and tear down our heritage and blame it all on Trump. All you do is lie and all you have is hate.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the lying haters win!
And this kind of categorization-obsession is characteristic of today’s entire Democratic Party.
In an interview which has received surprisingly little attention, Joe Biden talked about the Democratic Party’s political strategy:
Well, look what’s happened. Look what started to seep in, beginning and probably even with candidates during our administration. We stopped showing up at the Polish American club. We stopped showing up, and we all went to you, the really smart people. We had a new kind of coalition we were putting together. College-educated women and college men and boom, boom, boom and so on.
One could conclude from this that Biden doesn’t see people of Polish descent as being among the ‘really smart people’. I guess he probably never heard of Frederick Chopin, Marie Curie, Nicolaus Copernicus, Stanislaus Ulam, or the Polish cryptologists who made the first breakthroughs in deciphering the Enigma code. And Biden’s remark is another example at the way he jumps at the categorization of people…furthermore, he wants to ensure that people stay within expected roles of the categories into which he assigns them. (“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black.”) And this kind of categorization-obsession is characteristic of today’s entire Democratic Party.
Like Biden, Rimjob doesn’t know what he’s talking about and he’s just as evil.
Trump is still the President, right? trump signs the spending bills.
If the President is not responsible, why do you blame President Obama for debt? Mr Obama had a great recession not of his making that he had to deal with, with an unhelpful Congress.
Trump took credit for the 10 yr expanding economy but suddenly it’s everyone else’s fault that the economy crashed.
225,000 Americans have already died from Covid and the pandemic is raging once again as predicted.
Trump keeps spreading the lie that masks don’t work and even INCREASE the spread. He is killing Americans.
How’s your sister doing? Is she getting better?
If the President is not responsible, why do you blame President Obama for debt? Mr Obama had a great recession not of his making that he had to deal with, with an unhelpful Congress.
Super majority in both Houses first 2 years, where he passed a health bill so crooked we had to wait for them to pass it so even they could see all the pork in it.
And the Second Depression was very much of his making. He was the Friend of Angelo’s butt boy in the Seante and helped create the conditions that led to the crash.
Trump took credit for the 10 yr expanding economy but suddenly it’s everyone else’s fault that the economy crashed.
He fixed the stagnant economy he inherited from Zippy. And it was the Demos who crashed the markets. He’s brought it back with a 35.2% GDP in the 3rd quarter, according to the Fed.
225,000 Americans have already died from Covid and the pandemic is raging once again as predicted.
According to WHO, it’s 281. And it’s really interesting that this sudden upswing comnes right before the election.
Trump keeps spreading the lie that masks don’t work and even INCREASE the spread. He is killing Americans.
Sorry, that’s the CDC.
Mexico will pay for the wall
The SEALs lies about killing Bin Laden
The. Covid will disappear magicallyIn April when the weather gets warmer
And you believed him??
Mexico will pay for the wall
The SEALs lies about killing Bin Laden
The. Covid will disappear magicallyIn April when the weather gets warmer
They are.
The Army has th4e Quiet Professionals.
It did.
And you believed him??
I usually don’t address sock puppets, but he was right on the first and the last. We’ll see about the middle.
It’s over.
Gropin Joe took a lid yesterday and it will continue for 4 days until Thursday night. My guess is he’s collapsed.
We’ll see, but we’re 2 weeks out and, with no Chlamydia on the campaign trail, the ticket will be MIA.
Yep, trump has it all wrapped up.
Glad you finally see the light.
Our esteemed host noted:
The distinguished Mr Biden exercised school choice for his children, sending them to exclusive, tony Archmere Academy, current tuition $28,800 per academic year. Mr Biden does not oppose school choice for those who can afford it; he only opposes school choice for those stuck in the public schools.
The Bidens live in New Castle County, Delaware, where the opposition to public school integration, an opposition Mr Biden supported, destroyed the public schools. At least at one point, Delaware had the nation’s highest rate of private school attendance, because everybody who could in any way afford it sent their children to private schools, because the public schools were so bad.
In the two years we lived there, our daughters attended Corpus Christi School in Elsmere, though we were parochial school patrons before we moved there. Corpus Christi was packed, and there was a waiting list to get in. Had we used the public schools, our then third grade daughter would have been bused to an inner city elementary school in the downtown Wilmington combat zone.
Our older daughter was accepted to Padua Academy — current tuition $15,700; it was about $7,000 when we lived there — where she would have attended high school had we not moved to Pennsylvania; it was a good thing she was accepted, because Padua had a waiting list as well.
The 2010 census put NCCo’s population at 538,479. With that, the county supported four diocesan high schools and four non diocesan parochial schools, along with a country day school, a Montessori school, and several other private schools, both Protestant and secular. If you had money, you most certainly did have school choice!
But if you were poor, black and Democrat you had no choice. Just shut up and pull that Democrat lever nigga. Remember, if you don’t vote Democrat “you ain’t black”. But those of us that belong to the party that freed the slaves, want school choice and who adopt or foster black kids are white supremacists.
Elwood compassion only goes as far as it benefits him and his communist party.
The obvious problem with the Republicans is that the majority of Americans DO NOT support their policies.
The American people want universal healthcare. They want Social Security. They want clean air, clean water and worker protections. They want good jobs. They want fair pay. They are pro-choice. They are tired of inequality. They support immigration. They support the US involvement in world affairs.
The American people want universal healthcare. They want Social Security. They want clean air, clean water and worker protections. They want good jobs. They want fair pay. They are pro-choice. They are tired of inequality. They support immigration. They support the US involvement in world affairs.
Actually, they don’t. Just because you say it doesn’t make it so.
If they did, they would have elected the Hildabeast (fraudulent votes still don’t count) and they would be supporting Joe and the Ho now.
Actually, as you know Hillary Clinton received more votes than Trump, who at lied about bringing back manufacturing, instituting (On Day One!) a cheaper and better plan than the ACA, bringing back coal, save Social Security and Medicare, balance the budget and on and on…
I listed 11 things that most Americans want. You said, “they don’t”. They almost elected trump because of his promises, yet all he’s done is to degrade the nation. Don the Con may be able to steal another election, but the American people want universal healthcare. They want Social Security. They want clean air, clean water and worker protections. They want good jobs. They want fair pay. They are pro-choice. They are tired of inequality. They support immigration. They support the US involvement in world affairs.
Actually, as you know Hillary Clinton received more votes than Trump, who at lied about bringing back manufacturing, instituting (On Day One!) a cheaper and better plan than the ACA, bringing back coal, save Social Security and Medicare, balance the budget and on and on…
He didn’t lie, she never got more votes (fraudulent ones don’t count).
Try a little vote fraud yourself and see what happens.
I listed 11 things that most Americans want. You said, “they don’tâ€. They almost elected Trump because of his promises, yet all he’s done is to degrade the nation. Don the Con may be able to steal another election, but the American people want universal healthcare. They want Social Security. They want clean air, clean water and worker protections. They want good jobs. They want fair pay. They are pro-choice. They are tired of inequality. They support immigration. They support the US involvement in world affairs.
No, you listed a lot of Commie stuff you want Americans to want so you can be a gauleiter (in your dreams) somewhere in St Lou.
If people had wanted that, the Beast would have won, Joe and the Ho really would have a double digit lead.
People have been shown capitalism works better than communism. Your day is done.
” but the American people want universal healthcare. They want Social Security. They want clean air, clean water and worker protections. They want good jobs. They want fair pay. They are pro-choice. They are tired of inequality. They support immigration. They support the US involvement in world affairs.
The American people want DECENT health care not “universal”. They don’t want the crap you and Hussein were peddling. WE have clean water, clean air and worker protections, you’re living in the 1950’s if you think we don’t. They HAD good jobs until your commie governors and mayors “locked down” the economy in their fiefdoms. And if they work for an agreed upon wage that is a fair wage! They maybe pro choice with school vouchers but Democommies won’t let them have it. If you mean they are pro abortion they are not. Real Americans don’t tingle like you do at the thought of murdering millions of children. If they are tired of “inequality” then they should be treated equal: no work=no pay, no food, no house, no nothing. That’s equality. Or do you mean they want stuff they didn’t earn and have no claim to? All Americans are and should be equal under the law and that’s as far as equality can morally go. They support CONTROLED, LIMITED immigration by people we deem qualify to come here. Those who want to be Americans not those who want to destroy America like you want. They support a strong national defense but like Washington warned NOT INVOLVEMENT IN WORLD AFFAIRS unless they DIRECTLY effects our national security. You and your party are war mongers. You are the Party of Death from abortion to constant war.
You also sound like a dime store commie propaganda novel when you start spouting off the things you actually believe “people” want. That shit is what you want.
Trump 2020 The people want Trump. The Dems are in the midst of the greatest attempt to STEAL an election since Mao won 99.9% of the vote. He was a fukin vote fraudster too. And a damn commie.
A U.S. postal worker in Kentucky has been fired and could face charges after attempting to dump more than 100 absentee ballots, according to local news outlets.
The United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General said the unidentified postal worker is “no longer employed†after the ballots were found amid a pile of discarded mail in a dumpster on Thursday, according to WKYT.
“The case has been accepted for federal prosecution by the U.S. Attorney’s Office,†Special Agent Scott Balfour wrote in a statement. “They will determine what charges are appropriate after a review of all the facts in the case.â€
WKYT reported Thursday that a person found a pile of discarded mail that included 112 absentee ballots and two political advertisements. The ballots were supposed
to be sent to the Jeffersontown, Ky., area.
Democommie vote fraud has been found in my own area too. Same shit, postal workers dumping ballots.
BTW Elwood, June and I got our “absentee” ballots Saturday. WE filed for them because of the Wuhan Red Commie flu and the uncertainty of our neofascist/commie governor Tom Wolf. We figured he may spaz out in fear and panic like you lefties are so prone to do and shut down voting like he di peoples livelihood’s and jobs.
But we have also received 11 “mail-in” ballots (so far) so now we have 13 votes plus the two we’ll do in person. Now what would a good Democommie do? I can see little difference between the “absentee” and the “mail-in”. Looks like the Democommies are setting up a pigeon drop for election day. They’ll get “3,000,000,000” more votes as usual but this time ship them to the states they need instead of having them all in Cali and NY.