…is an ocean that’s risen dozens of feet since the photo was taken, and don’t try to give them your denier facts, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Ice Age Now, with a post on voting for Biden is voting for a bankrupt nation.
It’s old school beauty week.

Joe Biden and his campaign still have not disputed the authenticity of the bombshell emails which detail the extensive corruption of the Biden family.
A vote for Biden is a vote for China.
Lowering a live dog into boiling water.
And they laugh.
Sick f#cks.
Unsurprisingly, the NYT article about trump owing $400 million in debt due over the next 4 years was wrong.
According to Forbes:
No aspect of Donald Trump’s business has been the subject of more speculation than his debt load. Lots of people believe the president owes $400 million, especially after Trump seemed to agree with that figure on national television Thursday night. In reality, however, he owes more than $1 billion.
How much debt does Bill Gates have? How about George Soros or any of your other leftist billionaire liars? BTW, who fukin cares? You should worry about how much debt you have and mind your own business. You’re really like a woman spreading rumors and speculation about shit you don’t/can’t know about. You really are a Karen. Idiot.
Kye seems unusually upset
Is it the upcoming election?
Or maybe those severe lifestyle caused health problems?
Neither Bill Gates nor George Soros are President of the United States. A US President indebted to foreign banks could compromise US security and influence US foreign policy.
As conservatives, we stay out of debt.
Our host will be happy: the Giants beat the Redskins. And I am happy: the Eagles lost to the Ravens.
If you can overlook all 47 years of Biden and Democrat corruption and still vote for them you are a special kind of stupid.
Rimjob stupid.