Hey, remember when the American Pika was Doomed because you ate a burger and drove to work in a fossil fueled vehicle?
The American ‘Fur Ball’ Being Threatened by a Warming Climate
The American pika evolved to thrive in the cold of the mountains of the West, a habitat that is shrinking with alarming speed, a new study finds.American pika vanishing from western US as ‘habitat lost to climate change’
The small mammal – ‘one of the cutest animals in America’ – is struggling to survive as summers get hotter and drierPikas Disappearing from Parts of the West Due to Climate Change
And so many more. But, Doom cancelled
Study Says an Adorable Species May Be Doing Okay in Climate Change – The American Pika!
The American pika (Ochotona princeps) is traditionally thought of as a canary in the coal mine when it comes to America’s rising temperatures.
Making their homes high up in the cooler mountain regions of western North America, these adorable critters can overheat in high temperatures – making them incredibly sensitive to climate change.
Or at least that’s what we thought.
A new literature review by conservationist Andrew T. Smith says otherwise – that the pika is doing remarkably well considering the circumstances.
“These results show that pikas are able to tolerate a broader set of habitat conditions than previously understood,” Smith explains. (snip)
But placing individual studies into a broader context can reveal trends and inconsistencies that could otherwise be missed, and Smith believes that the American Pika is a lot better off than we thought.
“Much of the narrative regarding pikas and climate change has been based on studies from a restricted and marginal part of their geographic range,” he writes in the paper.
“But because responses of pikas to their environment can vary greatly across their broad geographic range, care should be taken when generalizing from one region to another.”
Pikas have survived many previous Holocene warm periods, several which were much warmer than the current one. Do you ever get the feeling that climate cultists just throw out scary prognostications without actual data in an attempt to scare people into complying with Cult of Climastrology dogma?
Here’s more doomsaying
To put this year’s spike into perspective, there were no shark attack deaths in Australia in 2019. The years before that only saw one or two deaths annually. The last time the country had seven shark attack deaths a year was 1934, according to a spokesperson from the Taronga Conservation Society Australia. The highest annual figure on record dates back to 1929, with nine deaths.
And, yeah, they’re blaming it on ‘climate change’, forgetting to mention what caused the killer attacks back in 1929, when CO2 was well below the Cult’s call for 350ppm.

I have a headache…
Climate Change!
“Sorry, officer, I didn’t see the other car.”
Climate Change!
“Sorry, teach, Climate Change! ate my homework…”
Is there ANYTHING Climate Change! can’t do?
If the Pica dies off, they can have some of the mice from my state. They are every bit as “cute” and are much more resistant to climate change… and everything else.
Or at least that’s what we thought.
Famous last words when alarmists are confronted with facts.
This is how science works! Science is a process, not a set of facts.
TEACH types: Do you ever get the feeling that climate cultists just throw out scary prognostications without actual data…
Except the previous papers cited contained actual data! And the argument made in the review wasn’t that the previous data were incorrect, but were instead limited. Scientists have little control over internet or newspaper headlines.
Here’s the conclusion from the TEACH’s third citation: Burgeoning research on species such as O. princeps has collectively demonstrated the heterogeneity and nuance with which climate can act on the distribution of mountain-dwelling mammals.
Here is Dr. Smith’s conclusion from his team’s 2018 paper: The broad distribution and enlarged climate envelope of extant pika sites indicate that despite some localized extirpations, pika populations are persisting across Great Basin mountains, and appear to be able to tolerate a broader set of habitat conditions than previously understood.
Dr. Smith wrote a review article (therefore, no new data) examining the field of pika research and concluded the individual studies did NOT confirm the headlines. Is this the consensus in the field of pika distribution?
TEACH’s response is typical of anti-science extremists: Controversy in a scientific field means that science is BS!! Just plain lazy.
Generally, nuCons take every word from the world’s most egregious liar as Gospel. So now you criticize scientists for committing science?? If QAnon/Trumpist idiots said Dems were wiping out the pika via pagan rituals you’d be carrying Save the Pika! signs.
“Science is a process, not a set of facts.”
Careful – you could get cancelled for heresy like that.
And congratulations for completely and thoroughly missing the point. The post was a rebuke to the “SCIENCE! is settled” crowd, who BELIEVE in SCIENCE! while knowing nothing about it.
“Generally, nuCons take every word from the world’s most egregious liar as Gospel.”
No, we don’t listen to Obama. Thankfully, his 15 minutes have passed.
So according to Rimjob science is not factual.
Actually, President Obama had a full 8 years (4,204,800 minutes!). trump has had less than half that, most spent golfing, tending to his businesses, talking with Putin or twitting.
Unlike mythology or religion, one doesn’t “BELIEVE IN SCIENCE”, one trusts the process and understands science. Unlike mythology or religion scientific hypotheses and theories can be refuted with new evidence or data, making science largely self-correcting.
And science is never 100% settled. Data either supports a hypothesis/theory or refutes it. As supporting evidence accrues the hypothesis or theory becomes more and more accepted, ie, a consensus builds. For example, few scientists question the theory of evolution. Or cell theory. Few climate scientists doubt the validity of the greenhouse gas theory of global warming.
Trump says masks actually increase the transmission of Covid. Scientists say he is relying on incorrectly interpreted data. Do YOU believe Trump or the scientists who conducted the work?
Rejecting the scientific process makes one susceptible to such pseudoscience as homeopathy, ESP, channeling, dowsing and astrology. Other myths include the existence of Bigfoot, fairies, elves, ghosts, a Flat Earth, young Earth, levitation, etc…
Actually, President Obama had a full 8 years (4,204,800 minutes!). Trump has had less than half that, most spent golfing, tending to his businesses, talking with Putin or twitting.
Zippy had a full 8 years of goolfing and sowing racial discord.
Trump has saved the economy twice, brought peace to the Middle East, ended all of Zippy’s wars.
Unlike mythology or religion, one doesn’t “BELIEVE IN SCIENCEâ€, one trusts the process and understands science. Unlike mythology or religion scientific hypotheses and theories can be refuted with new evidence or data, making science largely self-correcting.
Not if somebody insists on going by fake date.
But I thought all Lefties “BELIEVE IN SCIENCEâ€, that’s what you Know-Nothings keep telling us.
And science is never 100% settled. Data either supports a hypothesis/theory or refutes it. As supporting evidence accrues the hypothesis or theory becomes more and more accepted, ie, a consensus builds. For example, few scientists question the theory of evolution. Or cell theory. Few climate scientists doubt the validity of the greenhouse gas theory of global warming.
You know, that’s Lefty heresy, that science isn’t settled. and consensus once said the earth was flat.
And it might be better if more scientists questioned evolution because it has a lot of holes in it.
And a lot of scientists dispute global wahoo.
You just don’t like admitting it.
Trump says masks actually increase the transmission of Covid. Scientists say he is relying on incorrectly interpreted data. Do YOU believe Trump or the scientists who conducted the work?
CDC says 85% of those with the Whitmer Wheeze wear masks all the time.
Which “scientists” do you believe?
Rejecting the scientific process makes one susceptible to such pseudoscience as homeopathy, ESP, channeling, dowsing and astrology. Other myths include the existence of Bigfoot, fairies, elves, ghosts, a Flat Earth, young Earth, levitation, etc…
It’s not the scientific process. It’s the scientific method.
And anybody who thinks science relies on consensus is the one susceptible to such pseudoscience.
formwiz: Is not!
Elwood: Is too.
When It comes to AGW I would 100 percent agree with this idea.
“Science is a process, not a set of facts.â€
Lets Ignore the facts for the process. The process is to destroy Western nations ability to feed and defend themselves so Communist China can take over the world which is,has been and always will be their STATED GOAL.
It’s not a conspiracy. It is in fact the CCP’s stated goal and it is what drives every decision they make.
AGW is a scam perpetrated on the world by CHINA to destroy the only countries capable of fighting back against China’s constant infiltration into every aspect of the world Heirarchy.
This is how science works! Science is a process, not a set of facts.
English translation: Science is what we want it to mean at any given time and, if we need it to change, we have a process to change it.
Except the previous papers cited contained actual data! And the argument made in the review wasn’t that the previous data were incorrect, but were instead limited. Scientists have little control over internet or newspaper headlines.
There’s a difference between actual and accurate. Fake, but actual is not science.
TEACH’s response is typical of anti-science extremists: Controversy in a scientific field means that science is BS!! Just plain lazy.
No, Teach raises a rebuttal because the does his homework. You just type what you’re told to.
Generally, nuCons take every word from the world’s most egregious liar as Gospel. So now you criticize scientists for committing science?? If QAnon/Trumpist idiots said Dems were wiping out the pika via pagan rituals you’d be carrying Save the Pika! signs.
Committing science?
The term is thinking scientifically, but you’re opposed to people thinking.
There’s a difference between actual and accurate. Fake, but actual is not science.
English translation: NuCons reject any data or evidence in conflict with their preconceived notions as FAKE!!. (or simply IS NOT!)
No, Teach raises a rebuttal because the does his homework. You just type what you’re told to.
English translation: TEACH types some stuff he believes.
I do MY homework, TEACH types whatever Gateway or Breitbart tell him.
English translation: NuCons reject any data or evidence in conflict with their preconceived notions as FAKE!!. (or simply IS NOT!)
Well, when there’s evidence the data is faked, it’s counterintuitive to say it isn’t.
I do MY homework, TEACH types whatever Gateway or Breitbart tell him.
Homework does not consist of belching out what ever Troll Central gives to to copy and paste.
And if that’s you homework, you’d better trade up to Ding Dong School.
Rimjob claims science isn’t factual because he does his homework like nobody else.
(He’s on a roll.)
Science not being a collection of facts is not the same as not being factual.
Only a liar or ignoramus would compare the two.
The vast majority of scientists believe that the last time the Earth was thus hit was 56 million years ago
Of course if you believe the Bible the Earth is only 6000 Years old
The vast majority of what kind of scientists believe that? Where did you get that from?
Also, if you believe that religious people believe the earth is 6000 years old then you also must believe scientists believe the earth is flat because both of those nonsense ideas were dropped many years ago. Try and keep up with what people think in the 21st century already.
Trump 2020 We need Victory.
The vast majority that live in the sock puppet’s head.
Vhite eangelical christians believe the Earth is 6,000 to 10,000 years old. These are the same white evangelicals who support Donald J. Trump en masse (77% for Trump).
From Evangelical Times:
The Bible teaches that God created the earth approximately 6,000 years ago.
I believe that it is a mistake to begin with science. Instead, I find a better approach is to talk about God, his nature and glory, his original, perfect creation and how this changed due to our sin. This helps people to see why an ancient earth cannot be reconciled with the Bible’s teaching.
Vhereas you support Joe and Ho, the incompetent and the c0cksucker.
And how do you know White evangelical Christians are wrong?
Have you studied the methodology? Or do you just (ahem) accept it on faith?
You’re making fun of people’s religion? BTW, it’s not only “white” Evangelical Christians but black, brown and yellow ones too. It’s part of their religion, just like killing unborn babies is part of your religion.
Since you’re a heathen it would be prudent for you to not make fun of other people. Especially when “the Bible” teaches no such thing. Give me that chapter and verse so I can see it. I’m a Christian and have met and known many Evangelicals and not one ever told me the earth is 6000 years old.
You’re a very nasty and closed minded old man and the stench of you is repulsive.
Recorded history only goes back about 5000 years. After that, there’s a lot of theory.
More secular people take the millions of years old theory at face value.
Jeffery thinks he’s so cool because he belittles religion. He takes at least as much on faith as any Seventh Day Adventist.
As do we all.
The pus-filled boil on Porter’s most inflamed hemorrhoid, aka Sibley, believes the Earth is only a few thousand years old?
he’s so cool because he belittles religion
Triggered much? It’s a fact that the majority of white Evangelical Christians believe that the Earth is about 6,000 years old and a fact that they support Donald J. Trump. Which fact do you find belittling?
Another idea is that the Earth was just this moment created by a god or gods, with all the memories, instincts, habits etc implanted. This includes fossils, sediment layers, moons, planets, stars, traces of the Big Bang, the expanding universe, the evolutionary trail etc. Prove them wrong, please.
Nobody’s “triggered”. We’re conservative, we don’t get “triggered”. It’s just that you’re wrong. As usual.
This is a triggered person and she’s a leftist commie like you.
“Sharks killed 7 people..climate change could be a factor…â€. Again, that sentence could be re-written as “climate change may not be a factor†and be just as accurate
But, but, but, I thought that we were trying to prevent something that’s supposed to happen in the future, not something threatening the pika today?
One of the problems with the theories about
global warmingclimate change killing off animals is that it assumes that these species cannot tolerate a single year being one or two degrees warmer. If that’s the case, normal weather variations would have killed them off, long ago.Global warmingclimate change assumes a slight spike in the temperature over decades, so the pika might have to ‘suffer’ through ¼º next summer, then ¼º the next. Perhaps when we get to the 3º C that the esteemed Mr Dowd tells us will happen long after I am stone cold graveyard dead, it would make a serious difference, but that still means very small changes each year, changes to which the flora and fauna will adapt. If they can’t adapt, then they were too fragile in the first place.…that monkey thumbcocked that pistol and BLAM! shot Clovis’ dog, June, graveyard dead… the legendary Jerry Clower, the Mouth of the South!!
The scientists found changes in pika distribution/habitat consistent with the effects of global warming. Dr. Smith’s team reanalyzed the earlier data and came to another conclusion. That’s the way the process works.
Mr Dana makes the judgement that a species that can’t adapt is too fragile in the first place, which is a tautology. That’s the way evolution works! If 500 yrs from now all the ice sheets are melted and see level is 200 feet higher and some terrestrial species (plants and animals) does that mean they are too fragile? Were the dinosaurs too fragile in the first place for being wiped out by a asteroid? BTW, dinosaurs dominated the Earth over 150 MILLION YEARS, humans only about 1 million years.
…that monkey thumbcocked that pistol and BLAM! shot Clovis’ dog, June, graveyard dead… the legendary Jerry Clower, the Mouth of the South!!
The only monkey is you.
The scientists found changes in pika distribution/habitat consistent with the effects of global warming. Dr. Smith’s team reanalyzed the earlier data and came to another conclusion. That’s the way the process works.
No, it doesn’t since global wahoo has only existed a short time (relatively speaking).
You really don’t know anything, do you?
That’s the way evolution works! If 500 yrs from now all the ice sheets are melted and see level is 200 feet higher and some terrestrial species (plants and animals) does that mean they are too fragile? Were the dinosaurs too fragile in the first place for being wiped out by a asteroid?
Not really. Evolution is the improvement of species by retaining characteristics which make them stronger. A weaker animal may die, its characteristics may include stronger traits which would allow the species to grow stronger.
I had a physics teacher, even though he didn’t believe in evolution as the uncaused cause, who still got it, who would have chewed you up and spit you out
formwiz: Is not!
Elwood: Is too.
It’s the level of your discourse.
Nobody’s “triggered”. We’re conservative, we don’t get “triggered”. It’s just that you’re wrong. As usual.
This is a triggered person and she’s a leftist commie like you.
Science not being a collection of facts is not the same as not being factual.
Only a liar or ignoramus would compare the two.
Typical Commie doubletalk, see Fake But Accurate.
The pus-filled boil on Porter’s most inflamed hemorrhoid, aka Sibley, believes the Earth is only a few thousand years old?
Maybe I’m smart enough to know old is a relative term. And maybe I know enough to know just how much we all take on faith. Are you absolutely positive you know or do you just want to believe one side because all the cool kids do?
And maybe I have class enough not to throw vulgarity through the air when I’ve been bested yet again.
Triggered much? It’s a fact that the majority of white Evangelical Christians believe that the Earth is about 6,000 years old and a fact that they support Donald J. Trump. Which fact do you find belittling?
I think you need to understand the flow of intellectual discourse a lot better. Simply because you say something’s a fact doesn’t make it so. I see no citation of your contention. So I’ll belittle you by saying, without citation, it’s probably a lie.
And I’ll bet the majority of black Evangelical Christians believe that the Earth is about 6,000 years old, too.
Another idea is that the Earth was just this moment created by a god or gods, with all the memories, instincts, habits etc implanted. This includes fossils, sediment layers, moons, planets, stars, traces of the Big Bang, the expanding universe, the evolutionary trail etc. Prove them wrong, please.
No way of of knowing, but such concepts have been put forth for hundreds of years.
Actually, for whatever reason, I don’t know why you need to put this forward if your belief in the idea is millions of years old is so firm.
So prove that’s correct. Other than saying how many scientists say so. They could all be lying, just like you.
… I have class enough not to throw vulgarity…
You don’t like being IDed as a pus-filled boil? You’re smart enough to know how to make it stop. But for some reason you can’t seem to figure it out. Maybe one of your more savvy comrades can clue you in.
More bad news for Jeffery, which is why he wants to change the subject.
Remember when he said da yoot vote would save Gropin’ Joe?
Well, looks like da yoot vote is going to be only about half of what it was in ’16.
Wah wah.
Sibley making up more shit. Speaking of lack of citations…
Not to mention changing the subject from science to the Trumpy Fiasco.
Wah wah…
No, that, along with other bad news for the bad guys, is coming out of the early voting. Demos are behind where they expected to be way ahead.
Looks like a cold November ahead.
BTW Real smart Gropin’ Joe taking a week off 2 weeks out, isn’t it?
Wah wah.
You poor, poor thing…
Wah wah
In 1950, Elwood P. Dowd said: Years ago my mother used to say to me, she’d say, “In this world, Elwood, you must be you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.” Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.
You should pick one or the other. Or both. But being stupid and nasty is no way to go through life.