How many in 2016 checked the box for Trump/Pence, more as a vote against Hillary Clinton than for Trump? Things have changed
2016’s Reluctant Trumpers Are 2020’s Avid Trumpers
Four years ago, the media enjoyed covering the phenomenon of so-called Never Trumpers; Republicans who wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump.
There was speculation that these voters, many well connected to the Washington establishment, would put the icing on the electoral cake for Hillary Clinton. Of course, this notion proved fanciful. The Never Trumpers are back in 2020. They’re no greater in number, but the media has gobbled it up again.
I love all those conserving conservatism unhinged Never Trumpers who are intent on voting for Biden and far, far left Democrats. It’s not so much Biden I worry about, it’s losing the Senate and Biden getting the W. Sure, Biden would do bad things if the GOP still retained the Senate, like Obama did, especially with unhinged Modern Socialist Kamala as VP, and, I just don’t think he has the mental awareness and strength to fight off the super crazy of his political Party. With a Dem Senate, though, we get tons of the Crazy in legislation, a lot harder to get rid of. The Never Trumpers are pushing for this. They don’t even have the integrity to vote 3rd party
But there’s another group of Republicans: those who enthusiastically supported GOP candidates other than Donald Trump before he was nominated. They remained cautious about Trump even after the Republican National Convention. Ultimately, though, they pulled the lever for Trump over Hillary. Call them “Reluctant Trumpers.â€
They’re still around, too. But’s there’s a difference: they are now enthusiastic Trumpers. I know. I’m one of them. (snip)
When I met up with Joe this year, however, I was interested to find that, like me, he’s “all in†for Donald Trump. No longer reluctant in his support, Joe Schmuckler is suggestive of two things: the significant number of Republicans whose support for Trump has moved from tepid to enthusiastic and a growing wave of intensity in overall support for Trump.
“I missed it,†Schmuckler told me, referring to 2016. “It wasn’t until after he was president that I fully understood the power of Donald Trump’s message.†He could have said WE missed it.
Schmuckler is far from alone. His simple explanation – that watching Trump truly put America First convinced him that Trump was action more than talk – is something I’ve heard repeatedly from former Reluctant Trumpers.
Look, I did not trust Trump in 2016. The way he was running his campaign was strange, and many of the bloggers in the circle wondered if he was intentionally attempting to lose. So much of his past discussion on policy seemed to paint him as a NY Liberal. Border wall? Seemed patronizing. He’s still too slimy personally (he’s just overt about it, as most politicians are slimy), but, he get things done that Conservatives/Republicans should be happy about.
In those days, he was a moderate Republican. When 2016 rolled around, Trump was No. 17 of the 17 major Republican presidential candidates on Warren’s dance card. Not this year. “I’m 1,000% in support of Donald Trump,†Warren told me recently. “Even when I was running myself, I didn’t feel as strongly as I feel about this election.â€
Warren believes that Trump will be regarded as a great president, not merely a good one. He also sees Joe Biden’s aggressive move leftward as genuinely frightening. “I fear as I’ve rarely feared anything what a Biden win would do to America.â€
This is what I tell the “well, I could vote Trump, but, I don’t like him folks”: yeah, Trump is Trump, but, being bellicose and stuff is just who New Yorkers are, but, look at his actual record, then think about what Biden would bring. Hold your nose and vote AGAINST Biden, if it soothes your conscience.
For Goodman, Trump’s willingness to challenge China is a huge factor in his support for the president. “He’s the first president to really call China on the carpet,†said Goodman. Likewise on immigration. “We’re now having a real conversation about citizenship. Trump has highlighted the fact that we either have real borders or we don’t.â€
That’s just one reason. Biden would be a disaster for foreign policy. Alone, he could rejoin Paris Climate Agreement, reinstitute the Clean Power Plan, perhaps in a way that the courts do not stop, put back the massive Big Government Waters of the USA rule, restrict drilling and mining operations for oil and natural gas, start working with Iran again, and so much more. And that’s without a Dem Senate. It’s no wonder the media tried to keep this a campaign about personality rather than policy.

A minority controls the majority with voter suppression.
In MD, a right-winger leaving threatening letters on the doors of Dems…
In Philly, a parade of trumpists in trucks spent hours surrounding lines of voters, yelling, threatening, honking…
In St. Petersburg FL, trump campaign hired armed men to “patrol” the polling place…
Republicans do not want Americans to vote and they realize that FL and PA are critical states.
In MD, a right-winger leaving threatening letters on the doors of Dems…
After a lot of Lefties did the same to people with Trump signs in their yards.
In Philly, a parade of Trumpists in trucks spent hours surrounding lines of voters, yelling, threatening, honking…
New Black Panthers ring any bells?
In St. Petersburg FL, trump campaign hired armed men to “patrol†the polling place…
Apparently, it was legal.
The armed “guards” claimed they were working for a licensed private security company
Love the scare quotes.
Republicans do not want Americans to vote and they realize that FL and PA are critical states.
We want Americans to vote. We just don’t want Commies to vote.
I hope that’s clear enough for you. Just because you say something does not make it true.
making sure YOU can’t commit VOTER FRAUD which you do every single election is not “suppression” it’s called enforcing the law to make sure OUR VOTES COUNT. Liars, you repeat the same old lies over and over. Who are you trying to convince you or me?
Even the Australians know you , Biden and the Whore are all liars!!!
Just because you say something does not make it true.
Don’t get us wrong, Kye. The Republicans have been politically masterful in their rigging of voting. You should be proud of your use of raw power.
From gerrymandering, to reducing polling places (especially in poor and minority neighborhoods), to opposing early voting, voting by mail, to their false claims of massive voter fraud, to cutting polling hours… you name it, every Republican effort to suppress turnout. It’s OK. You’ve won the political struggle, but now will have to put up with the consequences of oppressing a majority. Good luck!
The American people have had several decades of conservative rule (no Clinton nor Obama were able to reverse the insidious effects of Reaganomics) and may be reaching their limit. Rich people not paying taxes, working folks falling further and further behind, rotting physical and social infrastructure, and leaders who don’t represent the people. Republicans know this, and know this is their last chance to continue their dominance. You know this. You feel this. This explains the silly “communist”, “socialist” rhetoric that permeates the right.
The right actually may be able to stave off “the people” this time and will keep working to consolidate their minority domination, by force if necessary. And 40% of Americans would support your authoritarian regime.
“Just because you say something does not make it true.”
The irony is WAY too thick.
Don’t get us wrong, Kye. The Republicans have been politically masterful in their rigging of voting. You should be proud of your use of raw power.
From gerrymandering, to reducing polling places (especially in poor and minority neighborhoods), to opposing early voting, voting by mail, to their false claims of massive voter fraud, to cutting polling hours… you name it, every Republican effort to suppress turnout. It’s OK. You’ve won the political struggle, but now will have to put up with the consequences of oppressing a majority. Good luck!
The original reluctant Trump voters are now avid supporters and they have lots of company. You don’t register R to vote D.
The American people have had several decades of conservative rule (no Clinton nor Obama were able to reverse the insidious effects of Reaganomics) and may be reaching their limit. Rich people not paying taxes, working folks falling further and further behind, rotting physical and social infrastructure, and leaders who don’t represent the people. Republicans know this, and know this is their last chance to continue their dominance. You know this. You feel this. This explains the silly “communistâ€, “socialist†rhetoric that permeates the right.
Only because it’s true.
The right actually may be able to stave off “the people†this time and will keep working to consolidate their minority domination, by force if necessary. And 40% of Americans would support your authoritarian regime.
60% at the very least. You keep forgetting fraudulent votes don’t count.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
How odd it is that the heavily minority neighborhoods which have combitched about reduced polling places are primarily in cities run by Democrats. Local officials, not state and not national, are the ones who set up polling sites.
Early voting? NBC in Dallas/Fort Worth just reported voters denied because someone else had already voted in their names.
How is it, if President Trump and the Republicans are such fascists, such authoritarians, that there is even going to be an election, one the President could lose?
You imply that your army of lawyers and 100,000 poll watchers and state legislatures in blue states and swing states are not capable of fighting voter suppression by the high stepping GOP.
We must be really good at voter suppression to lose the national vote, lose the house of Reps and have almost never had full power in this country for the last 80 years.
We must be really good at it Mr. Elwood to let the supreme court be liberal for 80 years. We must be really good at suppressing the vote and losing election after election.
You give us way too much credit.
TEACH typed: …he (VP Biden) could rejoin Paris Climate Agreement, reinstitute the Clean Power Plan, perhaps in a way that the courts do not stop, put back the massive Big Government Waters of the USA rule, restrict drilling and mining operations for oil and natural gas, start working with Iran again, …
Well, yes. Don’t forget fixing healthcare. Cleaning up trump’s failures on the Covid pandemic. Trump is leaving the nation and the world in horrid shape.
Americans know exactly the choices. Let them vote and accept the results.
Well, yes. Don’t forget fixing healthcare. Cleaning up trump’s failures on the Covid pandemic. Trump is leaving the nation and the world in horrid shape.
Fixing it? The way Zippy tried to? The American people have already said, “No”.
And the failure is on your side as far as the Wolf Woozy is concerned. Democrat gauleiters sent sickies into the nursing homes. The body count is high, I hear.
And I think you confuse horrid with good.
Americans know exactly the choices. Let them vote and accept the results.
I take it you mean you know Super Predator Joe is going to lose.
TEACH typed: It’s no wonder the media tried to keep this a campaign about personality rather than policy.
LOL. After nearly 4 years of trumpists insisting trump’s appeal was that he “owned the libs”, “fought back” against criticism, “told it like it is”, “kicked the Dems in the teeth”, they suddenly want to focus on policy less than 2 weeks before the election.
Many Americans view trump as a belligerent, vain ass AND disagree with his policies.
Anyone who cannot recognize that Donald J. Trump is wrong for America can’t be helped.
LOL. After nearly 4 years of Trumpists insisting Trump’s appeal was that he “owned the libsâ€, “fought back†against criticism, “told it like it isâ€, “kicked the Dems in the teethâ€, they suddenly want to focus on policy less than 2 weeks before the election.
No, they just want to focus on how Chlamydia will screw the country. She’s good at screwing.
And the Rule of LOL is still in place. Every time you LOL, you admit you know we have you.
Many Americans view trump as a belligerent, vain ass AND disagree with his policies.
Not enough to vote him out, apparently.
Anyone who cannot recognize that Donald J. Trump is wrong for America can’t be helped.
It would seem they don’t want it. Your kind of help is what loused up (literally) Venezuela.
Not enough to vote him out, apparently.
We’ll see.
We certainly shall. And, with ACB on SCUS, none of this swing vote nonsense.
We shall certainly see.
So rightists think the Supreme Court should appoint the President, based on justices such as ABC picked by Trump, assuming BMK, SAA, CT, and NMG join her in trampling the Constitution?
“Back to the banana republic…”
Would it be OK if the next Dem Senate and Prez increased the number of justices so that a liberal majority could appoint future presidents?
Are rightists so upset with America that they wish to change the core of democracy?
Mr Dana argues for the Constitutional right to infect others with the Covid virus.
Mr Dana identified 2 voters in Dallas where someone apparently voted in their stead. No evidence of fraud, but likely a glitch. He should read the article rather than take the word of whatever RW blog he took it from.
Counties in red states (e.g., NC, FL, GA, AZ, TX) are reducing the number of voting sites. Some cities have shut down low turnout polling sites for economic reasons.
Mr Dana argues for the Constitutional right to infect others with the Covid virus.
No, he just cites the facts. You lie.
More to the point, his observation that black people are seeing polling places close in Democrat-only cities shoots a hole in your whine about suppression by Rs.
Mr Dana identified 2 voters in Dallas where someone apparently voted in their stead. No evidence of fraud, but likely a glitch. He should read the article rather than take the word of whatever RW blog he took it from.
No, that’s fraud. And nowhere does it say there is no evidence of fraud.
You lie again.
Counties in red states (e.g., NC, FL, GA, AZ, TX) are reducing the number of voting sites. Some cities have shut down low turnout polling sites for economic reasons.
Citation, or just more lies?
I can come up with 250+ reports like this of Democommie voter fraud. But that would never convince a liar that he believes in lies. Why should it? The truth hurts liars like Elwood like a cross to a vampire. Hearing good always hurts those who are evil.
Life is tough. It’s even tougher if you’re stupid. John Wayne to Elwood!
Oh brother, Philadelphia is more corrupt than we could have imagined. Today the United States Department of Justice announced criminal charges against an election official for stuffing a ballot box with fraudulent votes to help Democratic judicial candidates.
United States Attorney William M. McSwain announced today that Domenick J. DeMuro of Philadelphia, a former Judge of Elections, an elected official responsible for elections, has been charged and has entered a guilty plea. What did DeMuro do? He literally stood at the voting machine and cranked in vote after vote after vote for particular Democrat judicial candidates. He was allegedly paid by various unnamed political consultants for the behavior.
U.S. Attorney McSwain:
DeMuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear. This is utterly reprehensible conduct. The charges announced today do not erase what he did, but they do ensure that he is held to account for those actions.
The Trump administration’s prosecution of election fraud stands in stark contrast to the total failure of the Obama Justice Department to enforce these laws. Right now, other federal prosecutors are aware of cases of double voting in federal elections as well as noncitizen voting.
Attorney General William Barr should prompt those other offices to do their duty and prosecute known election crimes. Those who are considering election crimes should take note of U.S. Attorney McSwain’s work. Now, they have something to fear before they violate federal election laws.
Looks like ME is doable.
Trump is adding a stop there in his New England swing.
Another poll of Senior citizens show that they support Trump more than BIDEN.
YET the left has you believing that Trump is losing the Senior citizen vote. Senior citizens are not losing health care, he just lowered drug prices and insurance companies are providing affordable Supplemental insurance.
Another crack in the lie that is the DEM 15 point Biden lead.
Seniors favor trump over Biden.
57 percent do not blame Trump for the Virus.
40 plus percent of both blacks and Hispanics now have a positive view of trump.
The suburbs will destroy trump. The same suburbs the left is burning down. Yeah color me skeptical.
Everyone agrees if Trump gets 5 more percent of the black vote and hispanic vote this election is over.
Trump WILL get about 8-10 percent more black vote, the turn out for Biden will be lower among blacks than it was for HRC and Trump will do better with Hispanics than 27 percent. He will get at least 32 percent.
This election is all over but the shouting or the stealing of the election by the Democrats.
Another thing important to watch out for is that the Democrats hold leads in early voting(as is always the case) but with the walk away movement, BLEXIT and Hispanics/Latinos for Trump they are sure that anywhere from 10-15 percent of those early votes from (D)’s are for Trump.
Now the wild card which could see Joe Biden Landslide. GOP depends on heavy election day voter turn out. With COVID-19 spiking, they could stay away. If the turnout by the GOP is adversely affected by this virus and the lockdowns then all bets are off.
Another thing to consider which has the right furious. In 2016 the churches all across the land united to vote for Trump. In 2020 the blue states, swing states and even some red states have kept churches closed down so this cannot happen again. Social media has said they will not let anyone advertise the last week of the election which is when undecideds decided for Trump in 2016.
The virus, and voter suppression by Unelected nerds from Pakistan and India and Khazakstan will decide this election IMO. Another reason why GOOGLE, FB and TWITTER need to be broken up or at the very least turned into a publisher meaning they can be sued 100,000 times a day.
The lefts lawyers will love them some lawsuits.
Why do you care what the Dems think or say? You claim to have the data and polls telling the truth.
Buck up lads! Why are you so worried? Trump has 46% approval from Blacks, 40%+ of Hispanics, 57% Seniors, 90% evangelicals, 90%+ Republicans, 80%+ non-college whites etc. Other commenters see a 40 state sweep meaning a 383-155 EC wipeout for Mr. Trump. Even if NY, IL and CA give Biden a popular vote win. People don’t count, acres do!
Relax. Covid is a scam that ends Nov 4 (according to Mr. Trump). The only distant threat to continued Republican hegemony is election day bad weather in a dozen key states!
Why do you care what the Dems think or say? You claim to have the data and polls telling the truth.
Say anything you want. I can smell the sour grapes from here.
Buck up lads! Why are you so worried? Trump has 46% approval from Blacks, 40%+ of Hispanics, 57% Seniors, 90% evangelicals, 90%+ Republicans, 80%+ non-college whites etc. Other commenters see a 40 state sweep meaning a 383-155 EC wipeout for Mr. Trump. Even if NY, IL and CA give Biden a popular vote win. People don’t count, acres do!
Ah, but they do. One state at a time. Those are the rules. You didn’t object when they put the Mocha Messiah in with ‘the most extensive voter fraud organization in history’.
And I wouldn’t count on NY, IL and CA give Gropin’ Joe the popular vote. Only CA tried to last time and, this time, NY hates the Demos because you killed Grandma, IL hates you because you because Chiraq is the murder capital of the country, and CA is mad because, made war on God.
Obviously, you’re the one who wishes to change the core of democracy.
Relax. Covid is a scam that ends Nov 4 (according to Mr. Trump)
Even my doctor says the Sisolak Sneeze ends 11/4.
The only distant threat to continued Republican hegemony is election day bad weather in a dozen key states!
Not even that. We’re killing you in the early voting.
I love the smell of schaudenfreude in the afternoon.
And more bad news.
Super Predator Joe calls a lid 10 days out and Yuge Jewish car parade for Trump in Gotham.
Might wanna rethink that whole popular vote thing, fella.
So rightists think the Supreme Court should appoint the President, based on justices such as ABC picked by Trump, assuming BMK, SAA, CT, and NMG join her in trampling the Constitution?
No, the issue is your vote fraud scheme aren’t going to fly any more.
“Back to the banana republic…â€
Would it be OK if the next Dem Senate and Prez increased the number of justices so that a liberal majority could appoint future presidents?
How’s ’bout Trump adding Cruz, Cottom, Camerona, and Lagoa right now?
You start this war and you may get more war than you can handle.
Are rightists so upset with America that they wish to change the core of democracy?
It’s not democracy.
It’s a republic.
OMG, yes! Trump should nominate a handful of conservative nominees today!! Please, please, please!!
It’s not democracy. It’s a republic.
That’s the siren song of the American GOPher idiot. So there’s no democracy in our democratic republic? Then why bother to work so hard at suppressing the vote?
“Such as ACB picked by join her in trampling the Constitution..â€. Exactly where is the Constitution being trampled? I thought so. “Would it be ok if the next Dem senate and president increase the number of justices so that a liberal majority could elect future president?†Spoken as If Republicans are doing something of the same now-please fill us in on that in so far as a sitting president has the right to nominate a justice for a vacancy on the Supreme Court. And what court when and where helped elect a president? This should be good…