All these young, dumb, Progressive (nice Fascism) voters (who never really show up like expected) are super enthused to settle for Biden
Young and progressive voters aren’t just ‘settling for Biden’ anymore. They’re going all in.
At first glance, it looks like a typical Joe Biden campaign sign.
But written in lettering that mimics Biden’s actual campaign logo is a phrase that has become a movement: Settle for Biden.
The former vice president, who ran in the Democratic primary on a centrist platform, was not the first, or even second, choice for many young and progressive voters. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who garnered a large following after his 2016 presidential run, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren carried that mantle.
But after Warren and Sanders left the campaign in March, it became clear to 19-year-old Samuel Weinberg he needed to do something to drum up support for a candidate he wasn’t initially thrilled to back.
“We’re saying that you don’t have to be head over heels in love with a candidate in order to vote for them,†said Weinberg, the founder and executive director of the Settle for Biden organization. “You really just have to right now choose the better of the two options, and we think that Joe Biden is a very good option given the circumstances.â€
Weinberg was struck when he first heard a hint of that message from an unlikely source: Dr. Jill Biden.
In a message to skeptical primary voters in August 2019 in New Hampshire, the former second lady said “maybe you have to swallow a little bit†to vote for her husband, but he is the candidate who can be Trump. The comments resulted in some headlines stating Jill Biden was asking voters to “settle” for her husband.
See, these are supporters for another old guy, Bernie Sanders, and these youngsters are flirting with Modern Socialism, because young kids have to be rebellious and do what all the other kids are doing as taught by their teachers and an old dude who made lots of money from the system. Interestingly, the article fails to mention Comrade Bernie’s policies, or whether these kids are giving up their money and freedom to The Government, following Comrade Bernie’s plans
Over the past several months, young and progressive voters have used social media to campaign amid the coronavirus pandemic and convince skeptical voters to support Biden. And Settle for Biden has gone from just an organization to a movement for many members of those key voting blocs.
Well, mostly they all just wanted to shoot TikTok videos and get likes for them, rather than really caring. It’s easy to say you’re part of a movement, a lot more difficult to actually practice what the movement requires, the policies Comrade Bernie laid out.
But, hey, this is politics, sometimes you do have to settle. Young, mushy headed, “we’re totally counterculture” as they follow a long-term political insider will have to settle for Biden, who will only tax them some, instead of a lot, and will kill off business, raise their cost of living, kill off jobs, make Americans less safe, and not put America first for foreign policy. Good for them. They can have fun when the police are defunded
In the same manner, Independents, squishy Republicans, and even squishy Democrats should settle for Trump, who works to put more money in their pockets, puts America and Americans first, keeps taxes low, keeps the cost of energy low, and wants them to have as much freedom from Government as possible. Sure, you may not like him personally, but, then, it’s about what gets done. And Trump has done a heck of a lot of good Conservatively.

Trump completely crashed the economy
Unemployment went to 16% the highest in 40 years
Now down yo 8% about twice what it was when Obama left
Covid ?? Trump told us this was no worse than the flu and that it would magically disappear when the weather warmed in April
Covid is now spreading rapidly through the red states
And NO! Mexico did not pay for the wall
Pegging about eleventy on the Retard-O-Meter there, son.
Monday is rice pudding day at the nervous hospital.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
No Blue states completely crashed the Economy. Polls show people do not blame Trump for the Virus.
Yes unemployment went to 16 percent when SCIENCE told Trump to shut down for what turned out to be over 30 days. Are you suggesting we should not listen to science because of the economy?
It dropped 8 percent in 3 months. It took Obama years to get his down from just 12 percent and most of that was by putting people on SSDI, VA Disability and then by taking over student loans to give everyone free money to spend 250,000 dollars to go to college to get off the rolls.
COVID? Many doctors were saying the virus would disappear because of the weather because in March/April we were still pretty much clueless about the virus.
Covid is spreading through THE ENTIRE WORLD ONCE AGAIN, because we keep locking down and hiding from it rather than confronting the boogy man.
Mexico has paid for the wall. There is only 380 miles of wall and no one sneaking across the border.
WHY is that Hairy? Why that would be because Trump forced Mexico to deploy 1000’s of their troops on the north and south border preventing them from coming into Mexico to get to America and then once they get to the border the troops there stop them and take them in.
So basically you are IGNORANT of every attempt at facts that comes from your mouth.
Glad to see they came up with a replacement yard sign. I had to take down my “Vote for Biden, He’s not as corrupt as Hillary” sign.
From the linked Article: “We’re saying that you don’t have to be head over heels in love with a candidate in order to vote for them,â€
Since 2016, if you vote for a candidate, the left has taught us that it means that you wholeheartedly support everything this candidate has said, or done in the past, even when they were a private citizen outside of the government.
So we all know the list of things Trump voters, or even those who didn’t vote at all or point out actual facts like the “Fine people” hoaxes are supposed to support because if your candidate isn’t perfect, you need to switch to the gun grabbing, job killing, freedom losing, AGW wacko party.
So, in no order, Biden voters, here’s what you support so far:
1- Kiddie fondling, nude pics with14 year old relatives
2- Raising taxes massively on the middle class by rolling back Trump’s tax cut, and high carbon taxes
3- Removing “semi-automatic” weapons from all households. When I pointed out to a Biden supporter that 98% of all weapons in the USA are “semi-automatic”, (1 trigger pull, one bullet fired), and that the only weapons allowed would be Shotguns and revolvers, she answered, “Oh well. Then we’ll go after them next. You don’t need a semi-automatic to hunt deer.” –They know what they’re saying when they say “semi-automatic”.
4- Job killing regulations
5- Green New Deal nonsense which will cripple the US economy, lower our standard of living and lead to power shortages and higher prices for electricity
6- Ban the use of Oil in favor of renewables. One question: From where will we get all of the plastic that we needed for a 21st century lifestyle?
7- Defund/disband the police — I agree that the police have gotten too aggressive with their buzz cuts, steroids, military tools and their “Us vs those civilians” attitude, (police ARE civilians). But to defund them and open the jails is mindless jingoism.
Too many others to list.
1- Kiddie fondling, nude pics with14 year old relatives. Conservatives talk a lot about pedophiles and kiddie fondling. Hmmmm….
2- Raising taxes massively on the middle class by rolling back Trump’s tax cut, and high carbon taxes. Even rolling back trump’s cut wouldn’t be massive, since it wasn’t a massive cut except for the wealthy
3- Removing “semi-automatic†weapons from all households. When I pointed out to a Biden supporter that 98% of all weapons in the USA are “semi-automaticâ€, (1 trigger pull, one bullet fired), and that the only weapons allowed would be Shotguns and revolvers, she answered, “Oh well. Then we’ll go after them next. You don’t need a semi-automatic to hunt deer.†–They know what they’re saying when they say “semi-automaticâ€. Biden does not support removing semi-autos. And your definition of semi-auto is incorrect anyway. Bolt action, lever action, single shot, all are 1 bullet per trigger pull, semi-autos auto re-chamber.
4- Job killing regulations Con talking point
5- Green New Deal nonsense which will cripple the US economy, lower our standard of living and lead to power shortages and higher prices for electricity Biden did not support Green New Deal
6- Ban the use of Oil in favor of renewables. One question: From where will we get all of the plastic that we needed for a 21st century lifestyle? Biden does not support the ban of oil
7- Defund/disband the police — I agree that the police have gotten too aggressive with their buzz cuts, steroids, military tools and their “Us vs those civilians†attitude, (police ARE civilians). But to defund them and open the jails is mindless jingoism. Biden does not support defunding/disbanding police. He does support reforming/retraining police.
Stuff the Demos want is stuff the country doesn’t.
And has said so in many elections.
It’s why you’re losing.
Biden did not support Green New Deal
He does now.
Conservatives talk a lot about pedophiles and kiddie fondling. Hmmmm….
Too bad there’s so much evidence.
Biden does not support removing semi-autos. And your definition of semi-auto is incorrect anyway. Bolt action, lever action, single shot, all are 1 bullet per trigger pull, semi-autos auto re-chamber.
Of course he does. Go along to get along.
Con talking point
Even rolling back Trump’s cut wouldn’t be massive, since it wasn’t a massive cut except for the wealthy
You know that’s a lie.
Biden does not support the ban of oil
Just the use of it.
Biden does not support defunding/disbanding police. He does support reforming/retraining police.
Since when?
Ruh roh.
7 states allow resubmission of absentee ballots.
Bad news. 6 are blue.
It does not matter what BIDEN is in favor of.
What matters is what his party is in favor of because the moment he is elected, he will herd the Blacks back on the plantation, Invite Sharpton to oversee this process of silencing the brothers.
It does not matter what Biden believes. It is what AOC, PELOSI, SHURMUR and the blue state power brokers believe. It is what leftist billionaires who have funneled several billion dollars to the Democrats to defeat Trump and the GOP.
It does not matter what Biden believes. He will be gone in a year and laughing K. Harris will sign that order in a heartbeat to be your next communist president of the USA.
IF you DON’T believe Biden is nothing more than a front man for the leftist Mafia then you have been under a rock for 47 years.
A VOTE FOR ANY DEMOCRAT is a vote for COMMUNISM. There is no such thing as a MODERATE DEMOCRAT!!!!
Family describes horror as violent maskless rioters throw rocks, attack ‘Jews for Trump’ convoy
The show of support descended into chaos as scuffles broke out between protesters and Trump supporters
You think the violence will stop IF Biden is elected? NO it will not. They want this country to be violently overthrown and the constitution abolished and to take away your home and your energy and your job.
Study life in the former USSR. Study life in CHINA….there.
That is communism, not some utopia promised by a communist professor paid by CHINA to brainwash you kids.
A ridiculous conspiracy tale.
Keep telling yourself that you fukin moron. You’re old enough to have seen Communist country after communist country imprison and impoverish their citizens, destroy their economies, and murder 100’s of millions yet you still stupidly murmur “A ridiculous conspiracy tale”. What the fuk does it take to get your retarded brain to function?
You are the quintessential Useful Idiot.
We’ve commented before on your descent in vile hatred and misery. You seem terrified.
Do you really believe that VP Biden is a commie Manchurian candidate under the influence of a secretive international cabal that wants to enslave “brave patriots” such as you and the Trump family?
Don’t you realize how irrational you sound? We don’t kid ourselves that your conspiracy ideation (and of est150) represents even the majority of trumpists. You seem to think that a national police force (e.g., SAVAK,
Do you consider the mass of Western European nations to exemplify the communism you so fervently fear? Is Sweden a communist nation? Is Israel? Germany? France?
Not sure that’s really bad news at all.
Ask yourself why someone would want to change their absentee ballot?
Would it be because they saw how worthless Biden was in the last debate?
Well I did with my 14 mail in votes and two absentees exactly what Elwood would do if he got them. And Tuesday we’ll go to the Polls.
Good for you! Winning by cheating is not winning at all, is it? You’ll sleep better knowing you did the right thing.
Tuesday we go to the polls as well! trump will no doubt take MO, but down ticket races here are important since the brain dead GOPhers are ruining it.
Someone said yesterday that VP Biden had stopped campaigning (based on Gateway tip), yet today he’s in PA.
Trump, who’s full time job is President, is holding klan rally after klan rally.