Would this be the same science which said to lock down for 15 days and now we’re almost in November? The one that says wear a mask, but, infections and hospitalizations are spiking? That masks are great, but, that most do not really do much of anything, that they “give wearers a false sense of protection”? We all enjoyed our Progressive (nice Fascism) test drive of a climate change policy world, right?
Follow Science: That’s How To Fight Climate Change — And How We Should Be Fighting The Pandemic
I sometimes joke that there are three things people ought to know about climate change:
Number one, it’s real. (very few argue that the climate hasn’t changed)
Number two, man-made emissions caused it. (they can’t prove it, and they refuse to modify their own lives, so, must not be serious)
And number three, that’s why women need to run the world.
That last line always gets a laugh, but the truth is that the challenge before us is deadly serious.
Our country is trapped in a raging pandemic. Millions of Americans are out of work, without enough money to put food on the table. And our nation finally seems willing to confront our legacy of systemic racism.
So, let’s shut down big, racist, carbon pollution Democratic Party run cities
I don’t think so. We don’t have to accept a life that looks more and more like a horror movie.
I haven’t lost hope and neither should you.
Well, it’s easy for the writer, Gina McCarthy, to not lose hope. She’s a big 10%er, who serves in a cushy position in the NRDC and was head of the EPA under Comrade Obama. Rich people do not worry about things like lockdown.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been unbearably difficult. And lord knows, I don’t want to be trapped in my dining room for the rest of my days.
But these difficult months have also delivered a powerful wake-up call: the world can change on a dime.
The way we fight climate change, is the same way we fight the pandemic.
So, being locked down in our homes, losing our jobs/working lower hours making less money, not being able to go anywhere or do anything, with businesses dying all over the place, being told what we can and can’t purchase, and all the rest, is what they want.
We follow the science. We listen to the experts. We embrace systemic and fundamental changes that help people live and thrive in a new way. We grab hold of the growing momentum around clean energy and climate action — and refuse to let go.
See? We embrace Government dictating our lives. It’s easy. Right?

Teach feels as though if tgeir is not 100% compliance on ones political ideology that criticism is a valid reason for shaming them
However, sir, you may pontificate that abortion is murder, but aside from preaching Are you willing to alter your own life to end it ?
And of course you never chose to enlist in the war against terror when you could as that too would have made it necessary to alter your own lifestyle
Hairy wrote:
Our esteemed host mocks them about not engaging in 100% compliance, but that’s simply hyperbole on his part. Such people are mockworthy not because they don’t have 100% compliance, but because they have 0% compliance.
My favorite was the World Economic Forum of 2020, where the hoitiest and the toitiest met in a Swiss ski resort to discuss fighting
global warmingclimate change, after taking over a thousand private jets to do so. The patricians want the plebeians to do the sacrificing, but have no plans to sacrifice themselves.Teach feels as though if tgeir is not 100% compliance on ones political ideology that criticism is a valid reason for shaming them
We wonder why you are willing to accept hypocrisy?
However, sir, you may pontificate that abortion is murder, but aside from preaching Are you willing to alter your own life to end it ?
Not sure what Hairy means here, but that is typical of him. Bottom line is that I have never caused a pregnancy where the child was murdered. Not once. Not ever. Secondly, as someone who has spent time helping women with “unwanted” pregnancies in the form of material support, financial support and support of local pro-life agencies, I can say that I am living up to the ideals which I espouse.
As for the war on terror, I am too old to serve, but I do support those who do serve at our local military base in many ways that Hairy would have no idea even exist.
In short, this is another attempt by Hairy to blame others for what he will not do. He hates people that live up to their ideals which makes sense as all the left has is hate.
Our esteemed host wrote:
And that’s just it: the people who ordered the lockdowns didn’t have to worry about their jobs, so costing other people their jobs was no big deal. They say, well people can work from home, and some people can, but that’s not really a working class option, is it?
And even with all of that, we had
ugly lesbiansgood people like Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D-Chicago) getting her hair done, because “I’m the public face of this city. I’m on national media and I’m out in the public eye,” even though, with her natural ugliness, nothing could make her look good.You see, she can’t be held to the same restrictions as the Common People, because she’s just too important.