Apparently, the climate cultists held a 3 day “climate festival” at the end of September, where they yammered on about this and that and the other, while refusing to make their own lives carbon neutral, or, should we say, net zero, as that is the new thing among the Warmists, which allows them to pay for offsets and such without modifying their own lives
Net Zero Festival: How do we change the story we tell about climate change?
Meeting the challenge of climate change must become part of a new human story, of striving for a better life on the only planet that can sustain us.
Up until now the story we’ve been telling ourselves is that we’re doing the best we can, but climate science is telling us our best is nowhere near enough. This is not terribly inspiring.
To get the level of action required from us as citizens, business leaders and governments, we have to pledge and deliver real and consequential action that changes the story from one of doom to one of stubborn optimism – economically, environmentally and in human terms.
At BusinessGreen’s recent Net Zero Festival, Global Optimism Tom Rivett-Carnac spoke to Amazon’s vice president for worldwide sustainability Kara Hurst about what’s happening in the real economy to change the story that committing to net zero is bringing forward, and the exciting changes that are possible. The conversation can be watched in full above.
You will comply, Comrade. It is interesting that they still need stories, and are now talking about changing to a different story. They’ve been spreading awareness since 1988, with little to show for it. Meanwhile, few Warmists practice what they preach. What of Net Zero?
Japan promises to be carbon-neutral by 2050
Suga yoshihide, Japan’s new prime minister, came to office in September promising continuity with his predecessor, Abe Shinzo. But in one way he has already distinguished himself: during his first speech to the Diet as prime minister, on October 26th, he promised to reduce Japan’s net emissions of greenhouse gases to zero by 2050, breaking with Mr Abe’s foot-dragging on climate change. That brings Japan, the world’s third-biggest economy and fifth-biggest emitter, with a relatively poor record on emissions cuts (see chart), in line with Britain and the European Union and slightly ahead of China, which last month promised zero emissions by 2060.
Of course, there are no real plans to do this, just a pledge
There are reasons to be optimistic. By the time of Mr Suga’s speech, more than 160 local governments, representing 62% of the population, had already pledged zero emissions by 2050, up from just four a year ago.
Climavirtue signaling.
‘This is about being smart’: Mayor unveils draft plan to address climate change in Lincoln
Lincoln should consider transitioning all homes to electric heat and cooking appliances, offering citywide compost collection, running an electric downtown shuttle system and enticing new buildings to use renewable energy as measures to mitigate the local impact on the climate, according to the mayor’s draft 2020 Climate Action Plan. (snip)
While building the city’s resiliency to these conditions, the plan proposes dozens of short-, medium- and long-term recommendations to reduce by 80% the city’s carbon emissions by 2050.
Why are all these pledges for 2050 and 2060? If we’re in a climate crisis, and they’re telling us that it is here right now, then why 30-40 years from now? I say that all these climate cult cities and nations implement their agenda right now. Let’s see it in action. We need experimental groups to show us how bad things can get, right?

The warmunists said:
Where, in this, do we see a pledge from the warmunists to take individual actions themselves, to reduce their carbon footprints (feetprint?) They need to tell us what sacrifices they are making, now, voluntarily, before they try to force things on other people.
Did you know that we have only one television? Shocking, I know, but while we can afford more than one, we don’t need more than one, and that means our electricity consumption is a bit lower than that of most of the warmunists. I’ve told you before about our solar-and-wind powered clothes dryer, and if I put it up because my wife believes it makes the laundry smell fresher rather than any concern about
global warmingclimate change, it still slightly reduces our electric consumption.Can you picture the warmunist weenies actually hanging the laundry on the line?
The inimitable Mr Dana typed: *They need to tell us what sacrifices they are making, now, voluntarily, before they try to force things on other people.*
Well that’s just bullshit and he knows it. He’s not going to change his behavior based on what others do. Neither he nor TEACH have any idea what others (slurred as warmunists) are doing. This is the typical “move the goalpost” debate tactic. “So you live in a tiny, efficient home, drive an electric vehicle and are vegan, but how do the vegetables get to market? How are they harvested? The roads you drive on are made by diesel powered vehicles!” and on and on. No one can live the perfect life, can they?
How will the “warmunists” avoid the policies and social shifts needed to transition from fossil fuels to non-CO2 producing sources?
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
You never can tell, Mr Dowd. After all, I might take the warmunists more seriously if they acted like they took their own statements seriously. What I see from them is a lot of posturing on what they want to force other people to do, but not a lot of independent action, on their own, to do as they say others would do.
I mentioned two things I have done which reduce our carbon footprint. Of course, I didn’t do them for environmentalist reasons, but simply personal choice, but that’s still more than so many of the warmunists have done.
Why don’t they show us how all of this can be done by making changes themselves, before changes are forced on everybody? Leading from the rear doesn’t inspire people, doesn’t give them a positive example for others to follow.
Don’t worry, be happy!
The commies want us to be scared of the virus (scam) and global warming (scam), all to force free men to comply with commie doctrine. Patriots, please ignore these scare tactics! The real threats are commie riots, commie electric cars, commie renewable energy, commie Blacks coming to our suburbs, commie welfare including commie healthcare, commie election cheating, commie social media, commie MSM, commie this and that!
The commies want us to be scared of the virus (scam) and global warming (scam), all to force free men to comply with commie doctrine. Patriots, please ignore these scare tactics!
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
The real threats are commie riots, commie electric cars, commie renewable energy, commie Blacks coming to our suburbs, commie welfare including commie healthcare, commie election cheating, commie social media, commie MSM, commie this and that!
Lenin told us what he was going to do. As did Hitler.
They followed through.
“Climate science is telling us our best is nowhere near enough,…â€. It is? Where? The alarmists maybe telling us it’s not good enough but the science isn’t.
“Gaia†seems to be striking back at Our Dear Leader
Attacking his supporters at rallies with first cold then heat with now dozens needing medical attention
A lot of his supporters are elderly and have lifestyle health problems
Is he talking about weather?