Think Joe Biden will want to keep this around if he wins, or will he want people to forget that his Party is the biggest supporter of illegal aliens, and wants them to be given free, easy citizenship?
Trump declares 1 November to be ‘national day of remembrance for those killed by illegal aliens’
Donald Trump has declared that 1 November will be marked nationwide as a “National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliensâ€.
With three days left until the election, the presidential proclamation was designed to hammer home his message of law and order, and position himself as the candidate best placed to protect the United States.
“On this National Day of Remembrance, we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,†the document, released by the White House late on Friday, read.
“As sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, and as American citizens, these precious lives are an irreplaceable piece of our national community. We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel Families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.
“Today, we recommit to ensuring that those responsible for these tragedies face justice, while taking every action to prevent these horrific acts from occurring in our Nation.â€
Of course, you won’t find this around most of the Credentialed Media. At best it will be a tiny back page blurb.
According to statistics from Immigration and Customs Enforcement  published in ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations Report, in the Fiscal Year 2019 there were 1,923 total offenses for homicide, resulting in 374 criminal charges and 1,549 criminal convictions.
In the same year there were 16,425 murders in the United States, according to FBI data.
That’s 1,923 who should be alive if illegals were stopped. Trump should have named it for those who have been harmed by illegal aliens, because then you add in the rape, assault, attempted murder, and other crimes from people who should not be here. Just ask Kamala
Kamala Harris Gave Plea Deal to Illegal Alien Months Before He Killed Drew Rosenberg
On November 16, 2010, second-year law student Drew Rosenberg was killed in San Francisco by Roberto Galo, an illegal alien from Honduras who had been granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to stay in the United States.
Galo hit Drew, who was riding his bike, and ran him over twice before attempting to flee the scene of the crash. Galo stopped his car on Drew’s abdomen, prompting a group of bystanders to help lift the car off of him.
A year before Drew’s death, then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (D) implemented a policy that allowed unlicensed drivers about 20 minutes to find a licensed driver to drive their car so that it would not be impounded by the city.
The policy ensured illegal aliens, driving without licenses, could be pulled over, cited, and fined without having to deal with having their car impounded. As District Attorney, Harris seemed to follow the Newsom policy, Rosenberg said.
Months before Drew was killed, in June 2010, Galo was pulled over by San Francisco police officers for driving the wrong way down a one-way street. Galo was arrested and charged with driving without a license and driving without insurance.
Harris’s office offered Galo a plea deal that would allow him to escape the more serious charges of driving without a license and driving without insurance by pleading guilty to driving the wrong way. Rosenberg said Galo had taken a driver’s test on three occasions and failed each time.
And they new the person was unlawfully in the United States, a federal crime, for which the first offense was deportation. Illegal immigration may not have been an issue during this campaign season (heck, policy overall has barely been part of this campaign season), but, give Democrats the White House and Senate and you will get amnesty for all illegals, which they won’t have to earn. And this will entice even more to come illegally, and law enforcement, particularly ICE, will be told to stand down.

More Americans have died (700) from 18 Trump Klan Rallies than from undocumented aliens over the same time period.
How about a day honoring Americans killed by SARS-CoV-2, ya know, that pandemic trump ignored? That’s likely to be some 400,000 Americans before (if) the pandemic ends.
Elwood you do your party no service by spreading hate and disinformation. You pretend Trump is evil and yet by dehumanizing the right you give your side license to attack without remorse.
I have no doubt there will be a memorial for those killed by CHINA At the United Nations after we develop a vaccine and distribute it to the world with Operation Light SPEED which Trump accomplished by CUTTING ALL RED TAPE TO GET THIS DONE NOW.
However to more exciting news.
66 percent of new voters are WHITE NON COLLEGE MEN in Wisconsin
61 percent of NEW voters are WHITE NON COLLEGE MEN in Arizon.
Trump is within 2 points in Nevada because of the Hispanic turn out and 49 percent WHITE NON COLLEGE MEN showing up as new voters.
My final prediction is that the GOP loses 1 seat in the senate.
My final prediction is that the GOP picks up 10 seats in the house but fall short with only 208 house seats.(However is this is a wave election as a part of me thinks it will be the GOP could win back the house, but I am not betting on it.)
The betting odds have Trump up now. These are a heavy predictor of who wins most elections. The pollsters like Nate Silver and others are now throwing caveats to their predictions. The Biden campaign is panicking. Michael Moore Says Trump is going to win again by being an evil genius. Progressives are already staking their claim before the election in a Biden Administration proving to people JOE is NOT in charge and will be a radical lefty if he wants to get anything done.
Trump wins What he did in 2016 plus Nevada, Minnesota(Where NOW SEVEN IRON RANGE MAYORS have endorsed Trump causing VICE to go do a story on the IRON RANGE which was an eye opener for the left)
News out of Michigan is great for Trump, however Michigan is notorious for being suspect and unreliable so if he loses Michigan it would not be a surprise. But even if he doesn’t pick up MN and Nevada he still wins BIGLY.
Trump is now campaigning in Counties in WISCONSIN that HRC won in 2016 by small margins on the western edge of the state bordering MINNESOTA.
Trumps daughter has broken Obama’s single day campaign fund raising in AUSTIN TEXAS which is a bastion of Liberals. She has raised 36 million dollars for Trump the last days of the election.
Progressive should be incensed that their party has taken Billions from WALL STREET and BILLIONAIRES and dark money that who knows what foreign country it has come from. Yet the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The right needs no reason to attack liberals and Democrats, after all the right has two tenets, hatred and lust for power.
Is trump evil? What he is is a narcissistic sociopath without remorse or conscience. That is only as evil as his acts, right?
You may be correct regarding the election. We’ll find out next week. The NuGOP has become the party of non-college white men, evangelical christians and white anxiety.
Are you advocating tightening political donation rules? That’s good. We agree on that.
The right needs no reason to attack liberals and Democrats, after all the right has two tenets, hatred and lust for power.
Just like Gropin’ Joe and his we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.
Is Trump evil? What he is is a narcissistic sociopath without remorse or conscience. That is only as evil as his acts, right?
It’s projection day.
Sounds a lot more like Zippy and Whitewater Willie.
You may be correct regarding the election. We’ll find out next week. The NuGOP has become the party of non-college white men, evangelical Christians and white anxiety.
You know what Van Jones said. If the Rs ever get 10% of the black vote, the Demos have had it.
And it also looks like you’re admitting to a lot of non-white anxiety, too. Now why would non-white people vote for a racist like Donald Trump?
Just let Jeffery run off at the mouth and you find out what he really thinks.
Are you advocating tightening political donation rules? That’s good. We agree on that.
No, you don’t. The Demos get their money from big donors. Regulate them and it’s over, but, then, Zippy made history when he refused to go by the rules back in ’08, so why should the current crop of would-be crime families be any different?
One might think trump could stoop no lower…
One would be wrong.
One would think Rimjob could be less stupid.
One would be wrong.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
That’s the Democrats. Who do they run next time?
The national party has shown it hasn’t got anybody under 65, now all the Democrat governors are objects of hate.
Are you claiming Trump is a Klan member? Prove it. And prove 700 people died from 18 Trump Klan rallies. Show us proof of your lies.
The Red Chinese Democrat Flu has killed about 12,000 Americans so far. That’s a fact Jack. Any other deaths were “related” meaning they die from something else like neglect and being thrown into death camps called Homes by Cuomo or other Nazi operatives for the death cult called Democommies.
You are so low you want to blame Trump when he did everything human to combat the Wuhan virus. One thing you won’t do is put the blame where it belongs, on Red China for creating the plague, releasing the plague, keeping it’s release a secret until they could no longer get away with it and lying to the world about the whole affair. Just like you are filthy commie. How much do the Reds pay you to write this shit day after day?
Trump 2020 Then we can get rid of the commies like these:
Also, the pre-print of the Stanford study is embedded in the article.
The reference to the “Klan rallies” is to insult trump and his legions and their rabid superspreader events, surely you understand that. “Lock ’em all up!” the racist, sexist trump screams. “When I think of Somalia, I think of Omar,†Trump said. “She likes telling us what we should do, how we should run our country.â€
It’s her country, too.
True, in the US Covid has killed 12,000 Americans, plus another 220,000 more. trump’s death toll is likely to reach 400,000, even 500,000 Americans. Thanks Donald for hiding in your bunker while Americans die. We guess he just couldn’t be bothered to govern.
Perhaps trump did all he could but it’s a fact, Jack, that the US has a dismal record on Covid infections, including 20% of both the global deaths and total cases. The US is only 4% of the world’s population.
Am I one of the commies you plan to execute? How will you kill me? Through the trump “legal” system, buy urging right-wing death squads to hunt down all libs or would you do it yourself?
You do realize you can find a study that will vindicate any viewpoint.
The reference to the “Klan rallies†is to insult Trump and his legions and their rabid superspreader events, surely you understand that. “Lock ’em all up!†the racist, sexist Trump screams. “When I think of Somalia, I think of Omar,†Trump said. “She likes telling us what we should do, how we should run our country.â€
It’s her country, too.
Is it? She wants to turn it into another Somalia. If so, you’d be the first to go to the wall.
True, in the US Covid has killed 12,000 Americans, plus another 220,000 more. Trump’s death toll is likely to reach 400,000, even 500,000 Americans. Thanks Donald for hiding in your bunker while Americans die. We guess he just couldn’t be bothered to govern.
More like 890. Nobody’s been hidin’ but Basement Biden.
As always, you can’t even lie well.
Perhaps Trump did all he could but it’s a fact, Jack, that the US has a dismal record on Covid infections, including 20% of both the global deaths and total cases. The US is only 4% of the world’s population.
Thank all those Democrat governors who warehoused the sickies in nursing homes.
Am I one of the commies you plan to execute? How will you kill me? Through the Trump “legal†system, buy urging right-wing death squads to hunt down all libs or would you do it yourself?
He never said that, and the word is by.
Interesting slip, though. I wondered how the Antifa crowd was financed. Did you chip in your 5 bucks?
“Am I one of the commies you plan to execute?”
So you admit then, you are a commie, right? That would make you a Domestic enemy and when I took the oath to defend this great country from domestic enemies there was no expiration date or exceptions for you.
“How will you kill me? Through the trump “legal†system, buy urging right-wing death squads to hunt down all libs or would you do it yourself?”
Trump does not have a “legal system”, America does and if you were a real American you’d know that. Once again you dial up to eleven and invent “right wing death squads” when it seems only the radical left is killing people. But it is telling that you once again project your ideas for America as “death squads” or doing it myself. You really are an unhinged danger to America as is you whole commie party.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the commies exterminate the Patriots
It is, after all, El Dia de los Muertos. . I’m just sayin’…
No. Its Dia de los Santos Inocentes, a MEXICAN holiday meant for innocent dead children. Trump desecrated our culturally important, spiritual celebration set aside for kids. How many have died unfairly in his ICE concentration camps that he failed to put an end to? Answer me that.
How many have died unfairly in his ICE concentration camps that he failed to put an end to? Answer me that.
Since 2018, the number is none.
ICE is required to report all deaths while in custody. Since 2018, 33 people have died in custody, the most common cause of death being suicide. The most of the rest had life threatening medical conditions when they were taken into custody for legal reasons. Upon being taken into custody, the person is given a full medical examination and interview where medication orders are given as well as follow up plans to maintain the health of the person.
In other words, none of the people died “unfairly,” as they were given better medical care than they would have received in their own country.
Sorry that the facts belie your accusations.
There are (probably) far fewer Americans killed by illegal immigrants than there are Americans killed by other Americans, which isn’t politically incorrect to say, when the left are talking about gun control, but is very politically incorrect to say when one points out that it is primarily black Americans killing other black Americans.
Foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia is on track for 496 homicides in 2020, which would be good for second place all time, behind 1990s 505 murders, and The Philadelphia Inquirer, purportedly one of America’s great newspapers, published since June 1, 1829, doesn’t even mention homicides anymore . . . unless the victim is somebody who was somebody, or a cute little white girl. A knife-wielding black guy like Walter Wallace gets killed by the police, and the media are all over it, but for one black guy getting gunned down by another black guy, ho hum, there’s no news there.
If it bleeds, it leads is no longer the case in Philly.
Of the 3 million or so Americans who die each year, a mere 18,000 or so die from homicide. More than that commit suicide. In contrast, in the past 3/4ths of a year, 230,000 Americans have died from the raging pandemic which is worse today with non-trump experts saying the worst is coming in the next couple of months. Ironically, if Mr Biden takes office in January the pandemic may be waning and vaccines available. Oh well.
Nearly half of the 3 million die from cardiovascular disease and cancer. Over 150,000 die from accidents (autos, falls, fires, drowning, poisons/toxins); over 150,000 from COPD; over 100,000 from Alzheimer’s.
Mr Dana falls back to the Black on Black murder meme, yet nothing about white on white murders. Whites kill whites and Blacks kill Blacks. Young men commit most murders. There is no doubt that Americans are murdered more often by Americans than by undocumented immigrants.
Although a person killed by police is just as dead as a person killed by neighbor, “friend” or associate, reasonable societies are sensitized to “the state” killing citizens without due process. It’s surprising that conservatives aren’t more concerned about it, but then again conservatives prefer a police state intent on protecting white conservative favoritism.
Of the 3 million or so Americans who die each year, a mere 18,000 or so die from homicide. More than that commit suicide. In contrast, in the past 3/4ths of a year, 230,000 Americans have died from the raging pandemic which is worse today with non-Trump experts saying the worst is coming in the next couple of months. Ironically, if Mr Biden takes office in January the pandemic may be waning and vaccines available. Oh well.
So many lies, so much time.
First, it’s about 275 dead from the Murphy Measles and the phony phlegm is dropping off rapidly. the only increase is among Demos who need to manufacture a reason to vote for Badakathcare.
No irony about it. It end 11/4. Count on it.
Mr Dana falls back to the Black on Black murder meme, yet nothing about white on white murders. Whites kill whites and Blacks kill Blacks. Young men commit most murders. There is no doubt that Americans are murdered more often by Americans than by undocumented immigrants.
But we can do something about the illegals and the fact Jeffery cares nothing about the fact that the leading cause of death among young black males is young black males shows what a race traitor he really is.
Although a person killed by police is just as dead as a person killed by neighbor, “friend†or associate, reasonable societies are sensitized to “the state†killing citizens without due process. It’s surprising that conservatives aren’t more concerned about it, but then again Conservatives prefer a police state intent on protecting white Conservative favoritism.
Given Jeffery’s own rap sheet, it’s understandable why he sides with career felons against the cops.
The somewhat agitated Mr Dowd wrote:
Well, it’s certainly true that most blacks who are murdered are murdered by other blacks, and most whites who are murdered are murdered by other whites.
But, of course, while black Americans accounted for 52.4% of murderers in 2018, non-Hispanic blacks account for just 12.3% of our population.
I went ahead and did the math — and yes, I know: math is raaaaacist! — and in the City of Brotherly Love, the homicide rate for everybody who isn’t black, the murder rate in foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia is 7.88 per 100,000, a far too high rate. But if you are a black female, your homicide rate is 17.31 per 100,00, and if you are a black male, the homicide rate for your group is 109.63 per 100,000.
So, yeah, I do think that the black-on-black murder rate is the real story here.
“the black on black murder meme.., yet nothing on white on white murders.â€. That’s because, at 13% of the population, blacks commit about 54% of all homicides. That’s a figure that needs to be reported. “Young men commit most murders;†That’s true, so if one looks at the black homicide rate it can be broken down further. Black men would then be about 6-7% of the total population. Young black men, say 17 to 25 yrs old who probably do most of the killing, would then be at the most 3% of the population. So we have 3% of the population committing over half of all homicides. That’s why the white on white thing falls to the wayside. “Undocumented immigrantsâ€. That’s funny, because even if they were “documented†they’d still be illegal. Good try, though
Why did Scott Atlas (trump medical non-expert) have an interview on the Kremlin-controlled Russia Today trashing masks, restrictions and the other actual infectious disease experts? And it also appeared he did the interview from the White House.
Here’s a couple of non-expert Atlas’s medical articles:
Female Sexual Arousal: A Behavioral Analysis.
Polan ML, Desmond JE, Banner LL, Pryor MR, McCallum SW, *Atlas SW*, Glover GH, Arnow BA.
Fertil Steril. 2003. 80:1480-7.
They showed porn to college girls and measured their vaginal blood flow.
Brain Activation and Sexual Arousal in Healthy, Heterosexual Males.
Arnow BA, Desmond JE, Banner LL, Glover GH, Solomon A, Polan ML, Lue TF, *Atlas SW*.
Brain. 2002. 125:1014-23.
The showed porn to college boys and measured penile turgidity and did brain MRI.
Now he’s trump’s chief pandemic advisor.
Why did Scott Atlas (trump medical non-expert) have an interview on the Kremlin-controlled Russia Today trashing masks, restrictions and the other actual infectious disease experts? And it also appeared he did the interview from the White House.
Why, indeed, since Russia Today has nothing to do with American politics. How many American pols did interviews with Vladimir Posner over the years?
Now he’s Trump’s chief pandemic advisor.
Probably because he’s been right more often than Deep State Dwarf.
Some bio Jeffery left out Dr. Atlas is also the editor of the leading textbook in the field, Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, now in its fifth edition and previously translated from English into Mandarin, Spanish, and Portuguese. He has been an editor, an associate editor, and a member of the editorial and scientific boards of many journals as well as national and international scientific societies during the past three decades and has written more than 120 scientific publications in leading journals. As professor and Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center from 1998 until 2012 and during his prior academic positions, Dr. Atlas trained more than one hundred neuroradiology fellows, many of whom are now leaders in the field throughout the world.
PS Another Atlas article: How to Reduce Prescription Drug Prices: First, Do No Harm
Sibley, aka Porter’s favorite mouthpiece, aka IS NOT!, missed that Scott Atlas just issued a twitter apology for being taken advantage of by Russian propagandists. Yikes, didn’t the White House know he was colluding with the Russians? Geez. When you have apparatchiks in charge of National Intelligence these things can happen.
Good for Atlas. Nonetheless he performed sexual arousal experiments in young people. Nothing in Atlas’s background even hints of expertise in infectious diseases, although he knows his way around an MRI.
Atlas has not been right. He tells trump what he wants to hear.
Why go to a Russian propaganda outlet to criticize American politicians? From the White House, no less.
“Why go to a Russian propaganda outlet to criticize American politicians? From the White House, no less.”
Maybe because he’s on Team Biden? Or maybe for the same reason The Bidens and half the Democommie Congress takes money from Red Chinese to propagandize in America.
Tell ya this asshole, when it comes to treason nobody does it like a Democrat!!!
Trump 2020 Don’t let the traitors win.
It’s the Harris/Biden ticket, all right. In Fort Worth yesterday, Rebecca Acuña, Texas state director for the Joe Biden campaign, introduced Kamala Harris as the “next president of the United States.â€
Given the context, this had to be a Freudian slip. Trump has recently warned that Biden would step down almost immediately to let Kamala Harris rule. Even if Biden stays in office as a figurehead, it is unlikely that he will be calling any shots, given his weakness and cognitive decline.
Leftists believe some silly things, but no one could believe that Joe Biden is up to the presidency. If the packaging is as unappealing as the nasty corruptocrat Biden, imagine how awful the product they are trying to hide must be.
According to nonpartisan GovTrack, Harris is the furthest-left member of the Senate, which considering the radicalization of the Democrat Party is quite an accomplishment.
Not even Democrat voters find her appealing. Her presidential candidacy collapsed before primary voting started. So the powers behind her run Biden as a dummy candidate.
From Dave Blount @ Moonbattery