Do we really need an election? If every climate cultist gives up their own use of fossil fuels and goes carbon neutral, the world will be fine, right? I’ve missed seeing Excitable Seth Borenstein articles for quite some time now
US Vote to Shape How World Warms as Climate Pact Exit Looms
What happens on election day will to some degree determine how much more hot and nasty the world’s climate will likely get, experts say.
The day after the presidential election, the United States formally leaves the 2015 Paris agreement to fight climate change. A year ago, President Donald Trump’s administration notified the United Nations that America is exiting the climate agreement. And because of technicalities in the international pact, Nov. 4 is the earliest a country can withdraw.
The U.S., the world’s second biggest carbon polluter, will be the first country to quit the 189-nation agreement, which has countries make voluntary, ever-tighter goals to curb emissions of heat-trapping gases. The only mandatory parts of the agreement cover tracking and reporting of carbon pollution, say U.S. officials who were part of the Paris negotiations.
Former Vice President Joe Biden has pledged to put the country immediately back in the Paris agreement, which doesn’t require congressional approval. Experts say three months — from November to the January inauguration — with the U.S. out of the climate pact will not change the world, but four years will.
If Paris is so great, then why have so few countries actually honored their pledges? Even ones which are already hyper-Warmist have either not bothered drafting a compliant plan or stuck to it? Heck, Paris has seen lots and lots of protests, heck, revolts against the more stringent regulations.
If America pulls back from Paris and stronger carbon cutting efforts, some nations are less likely to cut back too, so the withdrawal’s impact will be magnified, said scientists and climate negotiators.
If so many people believe in anthropogenic climate change, why are they not cutting back their own carbon cutting efforts? Why is Government force necessary?
“Other countries around the world are obsessed with the Paris Climate Accord, which shackles economies and has done nothing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,†White House spokesman Judd Deere said in an email. “President Trump understands economic growth and environmental protection do not need to conflict.”
“We’ve also done our fair share†to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday in the Maldives, a climate-vulnerable country. “We stand amongst industrialized nations as a beacon, and we did it not through state-driven, forced rulesets, but rather through creativity and innovation and good governance.â€
Trump is open to all energy, including nuclear. Most climate cultists are dead set against nuclear energy.
In the last debate and on his website, Biden pledged to set a goal of zero net carbon emissions from the U.S. by 2050, meaning the country would not put more greenhouse gases into the air than it takes out through trees and other natural and technological sources. Dozens of nations, including top polluting China, have already made similar pledges.
If we’re so doomed, why pledge 30 years from now?
Eleven years ago, the world was on pace to add about another 5 degrees of warming. But with emission cut pledges from Paris and afterward, the world is facing only about another 2.2 degrees of warming if countries do what they promise, said Wageningen University’s Hohne.
This is the insanity of a cult: the world’s temperature has only gone up a couple hundredths of a degree, and we were in a Big Pause 11 years ago. How, exactly, does make a pledge which you aren’t actually doing changes this from 5 degrees to 2.2 degrees? If I pledge to cut out cookies so I can lose some weight but still eat cookies, I’ve succeeded because I pledged, right?

It looks like you have a formatting error: the fifth paragraph down in your beginning quote looks like something you wrote rather than a direct quote.